18 research outputs found

    Semi-span model testing in the National Transonic Facility

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    A semi-span testing technique has been proposed for the NASA Langley Research Center's National Transonic Facility (NTF). Semi-span testing has several advantages including (1) larger model size, giving increased Reynolds number capability; (2) improved model fidelity, allowing ease of flap and slat positioning which ultimately improves data quality; and (3) reduced construction costs compared with a full-span model. In addition, the increased model size inherently allows for increased model strength, reducing aeroelastic effects at the high dynamic pressure levels necessary to simulate flight Reynolds numbers. The Energy Efficient Transport (EET) full-span model has been modified to become the EET semi-span model. The full-span EET model was tested extensively at both NASA LRC and NASA Ames Research Center. The available full-span data will be useful in validating the semi-span test strategy in the NTF. In spite of the advantages discussed above, the use of a semi-span model does introduce additional challenges which must be addressed in the testing procedure. To minimize the influence of the sidewall boundary layer on the flow over the semi-span model, the model must be off-set from the sidewall. The objective is to remove the semi-span model from the sidewall boundary layer by use of a stand-off geometry. When this is done however, the symmetry along the centerline of the full-span model is lost when the semi-span model is mounted on the wind tunnel sidewall. In addition, the large semi-span model will impose a significant pressure loading on the sidewall boundary layer, which may cause separation. Even under flow conditions where the sidewall boundary layer remains attached, the sidewall boundary layer may adversely effect the flow over the semi-span model. Also, the increased model size and sidewall mounting requires a modified wall correction strategy. With these issues in mind, the semi-span model has been well instrumented with surface pressure taps to obtain data on the expected complex flow field in the near wall region. This status report summarizes the progress to date on developing the semi-span geometry definition suitable for generating structured grids for the computational research. In addition, the progress on evaluating three state-of-the-art Navier-Stokes codes is presented

    Computational analysis of semi-span model test techniques

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    A computational investigation was conducted to support the development of a semi-span model test capability in the NASA LaRC's National Transonic Facility. This capability is required for the testing of high-lift systems at flight Reynolds numbers. A three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver was used to compute the low-speed flow over both a full-span configuration and a semi-span configuration. The computational results were found to be in good agreement with the experimental data. The computational results indicate that the stand-off height has a strong influence on the flow over a semi-span model. The semi-span model adequately replicates the aerodynamic characteristics of the full-span configuration when a small stand-off height, approximately twice the tunnel empty sidewall boundary layer displacement thickness, is used. Several active sidewall boundary layer control techniques were examined including: upstream blowing, local jet blowing, and sidewall suction. Both upstream tangential blowing, and sidewall suction were found to minimize the separation of the sidewall boundary layer ahead of the semi-span model. The required mass flow rates are found to be practicable for testing in the NTF. For the configuration examined, the active sidewall boundary layer control techniques were found to be necessary only near the maximum lift conditions

    Semi-span model testing in the National Transonic Facility

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    The objectives of the present research are: (1) to develop a computational approach to support semi-span model test techniques in the NTF; and (2) to integrate this approach with the conduct of an experimental test program. To meet these objectives, the following approach is taken. A state-of-the-art three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver is employed to compute the flow over both a full-span configuration and a semi-span configuration mounted on the sidewall of the tunnel. The computations are validated by making direct comparisons to experimental data for both configurations. Then, the semi-span computational results are compared to the full-span results to document how the flow over the semi-span configuration differs from that over the full-span configuration. The results of this comparative study will be used to provide a conceptual framework within which a semi-spa model test technique may be implemented in the NTF

    Development of the Dual Aerodynamic Nozzle Model for the NTF Semi-Span Model Support System

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    The recent addition of a dual flow air delivery system to the NASA Langley National Transonic Facility was experimentally validated with a Dual Aerodynamic Nozzle semi-span model. This model utilized two Stratford calibration nozzles to characterize the weight flow system of the air delivery system. The weight flow boundaries for the air delivery system were identified at mildly cryogenic conditions to be 0.1 to 23 lbm/sec for the high flow leg and 0.1 to 9 lbm/sec for the low flow leg. Results from this test verified system performance and identified problems with the weight-flow metering system that required the vortex flow meters to be replaced at the end of the test

    Development of Semi-Span Model Test Techniques

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    A computational investigation was performed to support the development of a semispan model test capability in the NASA Langley Research Center's National Transonic Facility. This capability is desirable for the testing of advanced subsonic transport aircraft at full-scale Reynolds numbers. A state-of-the-art three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solver was used to examine methods to improve the flow over a semi-span configuration. First, a parametric study is conducted to examine the influence of the stand-off height on the flow over the semispan model. It is found that decreasing the stand-off height, below the maximum fuselage radius, improves the aerodynamic characteristics of the semi-span model. Next, active sidewall boundary layer control techniques are examined. Juncture region blowing jets, upstream tangential blowing, and sidewall suction are found to improve the flow over the aft portion of the semispan model. Both upstream blowing and suction are found to reduce the sidewall boundary layer separation. The resulting near surface streamline patterns are improved, and found to be quite similar to the full-span results. Both techniques however adversely affect the pitching moment coefficient

    Transonic Drag Reduction Through Trailing-Edge Blowing on the FAST-MAC Circulation Control Model

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    A third wind tunnel test of the FAST-MAC circulation control semi-span model was completed in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center where the model was configured for transonic testing of the cruise configuration with 0deg flap detection to determine the potential for transonic drag reduction with the circulation control blowing. The model allowed independent control of four circulation control plenums producing a high momentum jet from a blowing slot near the wing trailing edge that was directed over a 15% chord simple-hinged ap. Recent upgrades to transonic semi-span flow control testing at the NTF have demonstrated an improvement to overall data repeatability, particularly for the drag measurement, that allows for increased confidence in the data results. The static thrust generated by the blowing slot was removed from the wind-on data using force and moment balance data from wind-o thrust tares. This paper discusses the impact of the trailing-edge blowing to the transonic aerodynamics of the FAST-MAC model in the cruise configuration, where at flight Reynolds numbers, the thrust-removed corrected data showed that an overall drag reduction and increased aerodynamic efficiency was realized as a consequence of the blowing

    Thrust Removal Scheme for the FAST-MAC Circulation Control Model Tested in the National Transonic Facility

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    A second wind tunnel test of the FAST-MAC circulation control semi-span model was recently completed in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center. The model allowed independent control of four circulation control plenums producing a high momentum jet from a blowing slot near the wing trailing edge that was directed over a 15% chord simple-hinged flap. The model was configured for transonic testing of the cruise configuration with 0deg flap deflection to determine the potential for drag reduction with the circulation control blowing. Encouraging results from analysis of wing surface pressures suggested that the circulation control blowing was effective in reducing the transonic drag on the configuration, however this could not be quantified until the thrust generated by the blowing slot was correctly removed from the force and moment balance data. This paper will present the thrust removal methodology used for the FAST-MAC circulation control model and describe the experimental measurements and techniques used to develop the methodology. A discussion on the impact to the force and moment data as a result of removing the thrust from the blowing slot will also be presented for the cruise configuration, where at some Mach and Reynolds number conditions, the thrust-removed corrected data showed that a drag reduction was realized as a consequence of the blowing

    High-Reynolds Number Circulation Control Testing in the National Transonic Facility

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    A new capability to test active flow control concepts and propulsion simulations at high Reynolds numbers in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center is being developed. The first active flow control experiment was completed using the new FAST-MAC semi-span model to study Reynolds number scaling effects for several circulation control concepts. Testing was conducted over a wide range of Mach numbers, up to chord Reynolds numbers of 30 million. The model was equipped with four onboard flow control valves allowing independent control of the circulation control plenums, which were directed over a 15% chord simple-hinged flap. Preliminary analysis of the uncorrected lift data showed that the circulation control increased the low-speed maximum lift coefficient by 33%. At transonic speeds, the circulation control was capable of positively altering the shockwave pattern on the upper wing surface and reducing flow separation. Furthermore, application of the technique to only the outboard portion of the wing demonstrated the feasibility of a pneumatic based roll control capability

    A Sweeping Jet Application on a High Reynolds Number Semispan Supercritical Wing Configuration

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    The FAST-MAC circulation control model was modified to test an array of unsteady sweeping-jet actuators at realistic flight Reynolds numbers in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center. Two types of sweeping jet actuators were fabricated using rapid prototype techniques, and directed over a 15% chord simple-hinged flap. The model was configured for low-speed high-lift testing with flap deflections of 30 deg and 60 deg, and a transonic cruise configuration having a 0 deg flap deflection. For the 30 deg flap high-lift configuration, the sweeping jets achieved comparable lift performance in the separation control regime, while reducing the mass flow by 54% as compared to steady blowing. The sweeping jets however were not effective for the 60 deg flap. For the transonic cruise configuration, the sweeping jets reduced the drag by 3.3% at an off-design condition. The drag reduction for the design lift coefficient for the sweeping jets offer is only half the drag reduction shown for the steady blowing case (6.5%), but accomplished this with a 74% reduction in mass flow

    A Discrete and Distributed Steady Blowing Application on a High Reynolds Number Semispan Supercritical Wing Configuration

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    The FAST-MAC circulation control model was modified to test an array of steady and unsteady actuators at realistic flight Reynolds numbers in the National Transonic Facility at the NASA Langley Research Center. Previous experiments in the FAST-MAC test series used a fullspan tapered slot, and that configuration is used as a baseline for performance and weight flow requirements. The goal of the latest experiment was to reduce the weight flow required to achieve comparable performance established by the baseline FAST-MAC data. Thirty-nine interchangeable actuator cartridges of various designs were mounted into the FAST-MAC model where the exiting jet was directed over a 15% chord simple hinged-flap. These two types of actuators were fabricated using rapid prototype techniques and their design performance was optimized for a transonic cruise configuration having a 0 flap deflection. The steady actuators were found to provide an off-design drag reduction of 5.5%, nearly equaling the drag reduction of the fullspan tapered slot configuration, but with a 69% weight flow reduction. This weight flow savings is similar to the sweeping jet actuators, but with better drag performance