16 research outputs found

    Home Heating Control with Hybrid Communication

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem systému domovního vytápění s hybridní komunikací pro řízení vytápění především rodinných domů. Celek je připraven především pro práci s akumulační nádobou a více zdroji tepla.In this thesis, heating system with hybrid control of the heating intended for houses is proposed. The system is primarily prepared for storage tank and multiple heat sources.

    Tourist origin and spiritual motives

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    Spirituality is becoming an important motive for travel. More and more people see tourist travel as an effective means to find their true self. As a result, demand for the satisfaction of spiritual and mental renewal tourism services increased. Nowadays, everybody that travels has a need to improve his or her health and identity. It simplified, the natural environment, where modern tourists find themselves through interaction with others, enhances their personal growth, deepens their experience and accelerates their spiritual healing. This paper, using quantitative analysis of tourist attitude, attempts to show how domestic and foreign tourists who visited Portorož on the Slovene Adriatic coast experience spirituality of the tourist destination. Our research shows that the experience of spirituality is closely related to the experiences with the destination and with the quality of tourism services on the destination

    Impact of a Mediating Role of Repurchase Intentions on Customer Retention

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    Research in the area of packaged tour services, provided by the national and foreign tour operators has concentrated on mutual relationships among tourist-perceived service quality, satisfaction and repurchase intentions. However, little research in this domain has been done to explain the impact of repurchase intentions of experienced tourists on the relation between perceived quality of service and their satisfaction. This model was tested using substantial data set of experienced tourists with time span of three years. While previous literature has suggested that quality perceptions impose direct effect on tourist satisfaction, this study shows that such effect is more powerful when mediated by repurchase intentions of experienced tourists. The quality of packaged tour services mediated by repurchase intentions of the experienced tourist is expected to be paramount for the retention of the tourist in the long term. KEY WORDS: repurchase intentions, quality, packaged service, services chain, tour operator, retention, tourist satisfaction

    Application of semantic technology for calculation of welding time in the development of new products

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    Određivanju vremena izvršenja je vrlo važno u ranim fazama svakog projekta (npr. ponude, dizajn faza, itd.), a posebno u fazi planiranja. Ovaj rad predstavlja naš pristup procjeni vremena zavarivanja u svrhu planiranja proizvodnog procesa. Pristup se temelji na znanju stručnjaka za zavarivanje iz društva Nieros metala d.o.o. i na standardu za zavarivanje (međunarodni i unutarnji). Ekspertni sustav je razvijen na temelju semantičkih tehnologija za izračunavanje vremena zavarivanja u fazi projektiranja proizvoda. Sistem je snažno integriran sa glavnim ERP sustavom društva Nieros metala d.o.o. Rezultati eksperimenta su prikazani na kraju ovog članka.Determining the time of execution is very important in the early stages of each project (e.g. making offers, design phase etc.), especially in the stage of planning. This paper presents our approach to estimating the welding time for the purposes of planning the manufacturing processes. The approach is based on the knowledge of welding experts from the Nieros metal d.o.o. company and standards of welding (international and internal). An expert system was developed based on semantic web technologies for calculating the welding time in the product design phase and it is strongly integrated with the main ERP system of the Nieros metal d.o.o. company. Test results are presented at the end of this article

    Tourist friendly tourism information system

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    The globalisation of world economy accelerated the processes of regional cooperation in the field of tourism. Slovenia is a small tourist destination with many not yet exploited tourism potentials. For many years there has been extensive cooperation with neighbouring countries and regions in the field of tourism. Because of many differences between regional players in the field of tourism, not substantial progress has been made. Recent initiatives from the tourist players from the Danube region countries promise new developments. Summits and meetings among regional players show that there are creative but scattered initiatives to build an effective and integral tourist information system. In this paper we propose a prototype of a holistic tourist information system that bridges regional differences and establishes a solid base for the tourist information sharing, for the exchange of tourists and for the building of the comprehensive tourism value constellation on the national and regional level

    Organizacijska učinkovitost in zadovoljstvo kupca

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    This paper presents a test of the relationship between organizational culture as a crucial indicator of organizational effectiveness and customer satisfaction using service-unit data from two health resorts. Ensuring survival of the service organisation in the long run requires adaptations which are oriented towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction. This study intended to unveil the effect organisational factors have on customer service orientation from the customer and employee point of view within a two health resort service setting. The finding suggests that when trying to predict the comparative degree which organisational effectiveness factors have in satisfying customers\u27 needs, performance, adaptability and mission can be of the highest importance. Some effects like performance were uniform for employees and customers, while others varied depending on the organisation and the customer or employee group. Furthermore, findings suggest that service performance and organisation mission of the service organisation predict customer satisfaction based on established and proven health services. In this context there is no room for innovation, despite the fact that employees and customers do not share similar views about the impact of organisational effectiveness. Developing an effective service organisation can provide a competitive advantage to the organisation. Critical for the success of the service organisation is that organisational agents have a clear view of the existing organisation effectiveness and a clear view of the customer expectations in this area.V tem članku predstavljamo pomen součinkovanja med organizacijsko kulturo, ki predstavlja osrednji kazalec organizacijske učinkovitosti in zadovoljstvom kupca v dveh zdraviliščih v Sloveniji. Pri tem izhajamo iz podmene, da storitveni organizaciji dolgoročno uspešnost zagotavlja zlasti zadovoljstvo njenih kupcev. Namen naše študije je bil razkriti stališča zaposlenih in kupcev glede pomembnosti faktorjev organizacijske učinkovitosti pri posredovanju storitev v organizacijskem okolju dveh slovenskih zdravilišč. Izidi študije kažejo, da na organizacijsko učinkovitost storitev v procesu zadovoljevanja potreb kupca v obeh zdraviliščih, najbolj vplivajo zmogljivost zaposlenih, prilagodljivost in poslanstvo zdravilišča. Zaposleni v zdraviliščih in kupci storitev v zdraviliščih so si enotni glede učinka zmogljivosti zaposlenih pri posredovanju storitve, kar pa ne velja za druge faktorje, kjer se stališča obeh skupin v študiji razlikujejo med seboj. Izidi študije tudi kažejo, da kupci in zaposleni zadovoljstvo s storitvijo povezujejo z zmogljivostjo zaposlenih zadovoljevanju potreb kupca in s poslanstvom zdravilišča, ki se izraža v dolgoročnem odnosu do kupca. Kupci v obeh zdraviliščih so najbolj zadovoljni s standardnimi in preskušenimi storitvami, saj izidi študije kažejo, da inovacijski potencial, kot dimenzija organizacijske kulture zdravilišča, nima značilnega vpliva na zadovoljstvo kupca. Pri tem se stališča kupcev in zaposlenih razlikujejo glede na zdravilišče. Pomen naše študije je zlasti v ugotovitvi, da je učinkovita organizacija pomemben faktor zadovoljstva kupca še zlasti takrat, ko se zaposleni tega zavedajo in znajo in zmorejo zadovoljiti pričakovanja kupca

    Universal Car-Board Unit with Pre-Ignition Control

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem univerzální palubní jednotky pro starší dvoutaktní automobily s řízením předstihu zapalování motoru. Jako doplňková funkce je zobrazování údajů spojených s provozem vozidla. Při návrhu byly zohledněny také požadavky majitelů vozidel, pro která je jednotka určena.This semestral thesis deal with designe of universal car-board unit for old two stroke engine, with pre-ignition control. Next function is displaying information conected with using vehicle. When the proposal to take into account also the requirements of owners of vehicles for which the unit is intended to.

    Trajnostni turizem je izziv rabi energije

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