9 research outputs found

    Cost of construction and specialist works for office-residential buildings

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    U radu je prikazano kretanje cijena građevinsko-obrtničkih radova stambeno-poslovnih građevina. Analizom su obuhvaćeni troškovnici građevinsko-obrtničkih radova pri izgradnji stambeno-poslovnih građevina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ustanovljeno je da većinu troškova izgradnje takvih građevina čini petnaestak stavaka, te je daljnja obrada usmjerena na te stavke. Dobiveni podaci su statistički obrađeni i uspoređeni s podacima iz biltena Standardna kalkulacija radova u visokogradnji.Price variations of construction and specialist/finishing works for office-residential buildings is presented in the paper. The analysis is based on cost estimates for construction and finishing of office-residential buildings in the Republic of Croatia. It was established that most costs relating to construction of such buildings are covered by some fifteen items, which is why subsequent analysis was focused on these specific items. Data obtained during the analysis were statistically analyzed and compared with data contained in the Standard Calculation of Building Construction Works

    Correlations between agronomical and technological root traits in sugar beet under different environments

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    Šećerna repa je najvažniji usev za proizvodnju šećera u umerenim klimatskim regionima sveta. Oplemenjivanje i selekcija su veoma složeni jer je neophodno ostvariti ravnotežu između brojnih osobina korena. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se analiziraju korelacije između osobina korena šećerne repe gajenih u različitim uslovima sredine. Tokom dve uzastopne godine (2014. i 2015.) odnosi između osobina (prinos korena, sadržaj šećera, štetni kalijum, štetni natrijum, alfa amino azot, iskorišćenje šećera i prinos kristalnog šećera) su ispitivani u različitim tretmanima mineralne ishrane. Biljni materijal se sastojao iz osam hibrida šećerne repe dok su sredine predstavljene rastućim dozama mineralnih đubriva (N, P, K).Sugar beet is the most important sugar crop in the temperate regions of the world. Breeding and selection are very complex since it is necessary to achieve the balance between the numerous sugar beet root characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyse correlations between root traits of sugar beet in different environmental conditions. The relations between traits (root yield, sugar content, potassium, sodium, amino nitrogen, recoverable sugar and white sugar yield) were examined during the two consecutive years (2014 and 2015) in different mineral nutrition treatments. Plant material consisted of eight sugar beet hybrids, while environments were represented as treatments with growing levels of mineral fertilizers (N, P, K)

    Tattoo - history and development

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    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Tatu - zgodovina in razvoj je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela, namen raziskave je predstaviti razvoj tatuja skozi zgodovino, vse do danes. V prvem delu sem opisal zgodovinske in geografske značilnosti tradicionalnih permanentnih poslikav telesa po vsem svetu. Primerjal sem besedo stigma z besedo tatu in ugotovil da je med njimi velika povezava. Analiziral sem razvoj tehnik, načinov in tehnologijo tetovaž. V današnjem, sodobnem času so ljudje še vedno stigmatizirani zaradi tetovaž, prav zato sem posebno poglavje namenil stigmi tetoviranja in razložil, zakaj se ljudje tetoviramo ter kakšna je simbolika tetoviranih motivov. V drugem delu pa sem likovno analiziral svoja avtorska dela. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je predstaviti zgodovino in razvoj tetoviranja, značilnosti posameznih narodov in razvoj tehnike in tehnologije. Likovno teoretska analiza lastnih del pa je prispevala k temu, da bolje razumem svoje ustvarjanje oziroma svoj osebni izraz.Thesis entitled Tattoo - History and Development consists of theoretical and practical work. The purpose of the research is to present the development of tattoos through history, to the present day. In the first part, I described the historical and geographical characteristics of traditional permanent body paintings around the world. I compared the word stigma with the word tattoo and I found out that there is a great connection between them. I analyzed the development of tattoo techniques, methods and technology. In today\u27s, modern times, people are still stigmatized because of tattoos, which is why I dedicated a special chapter to the stigma of tattooing and explained why people get tattooed and what is the symbolism of tattooed motifs. In the second part, I artistically analyzed my own works. The main purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the history and development of tattooing, the characteristics of individual nations and the development of technique and technology. Art-theoretical analysis of my own works, however, contributed to a better understanding of my creation and my personal expression

    Tattoo - history and development

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    Thesis entitled Tattoo - History and Development consists of theoretical and practical work. The purpose of the research is to present the development of tattoos through history, to the present day. In the first part, I described the historical and geographical characteristics of traditional permanent body paintings around the world. I compared the word stigma with the word tattoo and I found out that there is a great connection between them. I analyzed the development of tattoo techniques, methods and technology. In today's, modern times, people are still stigmatized because of tattoos, which is why I dedicated a special chapter to the stigma of tattooing and explained why people get tattooed and what is the symbolism of tattooed motifs. In the second part, I artistically analyzed my own works. The main purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the history and development of tattooing, the characteristics of individual nations and the development of technique and technology. Art-theoretical analysis of my own works, however, contributed to a better understanding of my creation and my personal expression

    The investigation of sugar beet responses to drought at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad

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    Drought is the prime abiotic factor that limits sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) production in Serbia and other regions where the crop is not usually irrigated. As increased irrigation is not an economically viable solution, the most effective one is development of varieties adapted for successful growth in drought-prone environments. Within the framework of ongoing projects, in Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad (IFVCNS) research was performed with the aim to select drought tolerant sugar beet genotypes, improve production under water deficit conditions, and clarify the physiological processes of drought tolerance in sugar beet. Genotypic diversity for drought-related tolerance indices were assessed in the field trials and the strength of association between them and crop performance was measured. As the drought tolerance is a complex trait, very difficult to evaluate in the field, the study was also conducted through the greenhouse experiments and in vitro screening. The plant material was studied for morphological and physiological parameters of water regime and the expression of genes that are known to respond to osmotic stress

    1 + 1 2021: razstava likovnih del profesorjev in študentov Oddelka za likovno pedagogiko Pedagoške fakultete v Ljubljani

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    Razstavo z naslovom 1+1, 2021 določajo likovna dela profesorjev in študentov Oddelka za likovno pedagogiko Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Gre za novejša dela in posledično za vizualni prikaz študijskega utripa na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko. Soočenja likovnih del študentov z deli mentorjev, pri katerih so študentska dela nastala, lahko predstavljajo za javnost poglobljen vpogled v likovne povezave različnih študijskih likovnih področij. Izbor avtorjev študentskih del, ki so ga naredili posamezni mentorji, sodi v sklop predmetov, ki se redno poučujejo na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko, kot del likovnega izobraževanja za pedagoški poklic

    1 + 1 2021: razstava likovnih del profesorjev in študentov Oddelka za likovno pedagogiko Pedagoške fakultete v Ljubljani

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    Razstavo z naslovom 1+1, 2021 določajo likovna dela profesorjev in študentov Oddelka za likovno pedagogiko Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Gre za novejša dela in posledično za vizualni prikaz študijskega utripa na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko. Soočenja likovnih del študentov z deli mentorjev, pri katerih so študentska dela nastala, lahko predstavljajo za javnost poglobljen vpogled v likovne povezave različnih študijskih likovnih področij. Izbor avtorjev študentskih del, ki so ga naredili posamezni mentorji, sodi v sklop predmetov, ki se redno poučujejo na Oddelku za likovno pedagogiko, kot del likovnega izobraževanja za pedagoški poklic