
Cost of construction and specialist works for office-residential buildings


U radu je prikazano kretanje cijena građevinsko-obrtničkih radova stambeno-poslovnih građevina. Analizom su obuhvaćeni troškovnici građevinsko-obrtničkih radova pri izgradnji stambeno-poslovnih građevina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ustanovljeno je da većinu troškova izgradnje takvih građevina čini petnaestak stavaka, te je daljnja obrada usmjerena na te stavke. Dobiveni podaci su statistički obrađeni i uspoređeni s podacima iz biltena Standardna kalkulacija radova u visokogradnji.Price variations of construction and specialist/finishing works for office-residential buildings is presented in the paper. The analysis is based on cost estimates for construction and finishing of office-residential buildings in the Republic of Croatia. It was established that most costs relating to construction of such buildings are covered by some fifteen items, which is why subsequent analysis was focused on these specific items. Data obtained during the analysis were statistically analyzed and compared with data contained in the Standard Calculation of Building Construction Works

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