241 research outputs found

    Benzoksazinoidi - zaštitni sekundarni metaboliti žitarica - uloga i primena

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    Benzoxazinoids (BXs) are secondary plant metabolites that provide innate defence against a plethora of pests and pathogens. They are identified both in monocots, namely grasses, and in several families of dicots. Among crops, BXs are best characterised in wheat, maize, and rye. These natural pesticides have inhibitory effects on weeds, insects, plant pathogenic fungi, bacteria, and nematodes. Besides, BXs demonstrated the ability to suppress production of mycotoxins, mitigate negative effects of microelement deficiency and toxicity and attract plant beneficial bacteria in the rhizosphere. Here, we summarise benefits and possible applications of these allelochemicals in pest control, which may be of special interest for production systems based on reduction or elimination of pesticides, such as integrated pest management or organic farming. In the light of it, we discuss possible limitations and risks of BX application that are worth considering. Finally, we refer to available germplasm with high BX level that can be exploited as a source of resistance in cereal breeding programmes.Benzoksazinoidi su sekundarni metaboliti biljaka koji obezbeđuju zaštitu od brojnih štetočina i patogena. Utvrđeni su kod monokotila, poput trava, i nekoliko porodica dikotila. Među usevima, benzoksazinoidi su najbolje opisani kod pšenice, kukuruza i raži. Ovi prirodni pesticidi imaju inhibitorno dejstvo na korove, insekte, fitopatogene gljive, bakterije i nematode. Pored toga, benzoksazinoidi pokazuju sposobnost da potisnu stvaranje mikotoksina, ublaže negativno dejstvo nedostatka mikroelemenata i toksičnosti i privuku korisne bakterije u rizosferi useva. U ovom radu, sažete su prednosti i mogućnosti primene ovih alelojedinjenja u zaštiti žitarica, ukazujući na njihov značaj u proizvodnji sa integralnim merama zaštite u kojoj je smanjena upotreba pesticida, ili u organskoj proizvodnji u kojoj se pesticidi ne koriste. S tim u vezi, razmatraju se moguća ograničenja i rizici primene benzoksazinoida. Konačno, ukazuje se na dostupnu germplazmu sa velikim sadržajem benzoksazinoida koja može poslužiti kao izvor otpornosti u oplemenjivačkim programima žitarica

    Benzoksazinoidi - zaštitni sekundarni metaboliti žitarica - biohemija i genetička kontrola

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    Benzoxazinoids (1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one derivatives, BXs) are plant secondary metabolites that play a crucial role in plant resistance to insects, fungi, bacteria and nematodes, and in weed suppression during early plant life. These biochemicals are constitutive compounds found in some members of the family Poaceae and have been studied in detail in maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.). The most effective allelopathic benzoxazinoids are 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one (DIMBOA) and 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one (DIBOA), classified as hydroxamic acids. Aiming to draw attention to the importance of BXs in plant defence and their potential application in cereal protection, this review summarises the recent findings in genetic control, biochemical pathways, and the mode of action of these secondary metabolites and addresses unresolved questions related to BXs.Benzoksazinoidi (1,4­benzoksazin­3(4H)­on derivati) su sekundarni metaboliti biljaka koji, u njihovim ranim fazama rasta, igraju važnu ulogu u otpornosti prema štetnim insektima, gljivama, bakterijama i nematodama, i u suzbijanju korova (alelopatiji). Ova biohemijska jedinjenja prisutna su kod nekih članova porodice Poaceae i detaljnije su proučena kod kukuruza (Zea mays L.), pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) i raži (Secale cereale L.). Najdelotvorniji alelopatski benzoksaziniodi su 2,4-dihidroksi-7-metoksi-2H-1,4-benzoksazin-3(4H)-on (DIMBOA) i 2,4-dihidroksi-1,4-benzoksazin-3-on (DIBOA), koji se klasifikuju kao hidroksamske kiseline. Sa ciljem da ukaže na značaj benzoksazinoida u odbrambenim mehanizmima biljaka i njihovu moguću primenu u zaštiti žitarica, ovaj pregledni rad sažima dosadašnja otrića o genetičkog kontroli, biohemijskim putevima, i načinu delovanja ovih sekundarnih metabolita i ukazuje na nerazjašnjena pitanja koja se odnose na benzoksazinoide

    Celebrating the golden jubilee of Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo and the diamond jubilee of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops

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    The newly founded International Legume Society early this year is making its first steps towards the first Legume Society Conference, an event which aim is to connect legume researchers worldwide and establish well-linked legume community. Its host this year, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (IFVCNS) is on its well-trodden path and celebrating its diamond jubilee, 75th years since its foundation in 1938. Another less known, but worth remembering anniversary is the golden jubilee of a journal Ratarstvo i povrtarstvo (Field and Vegetable Crops) published by the IFVCNS. Starting as Zbornik radova (Review of Research Work) in 1963, in the course of 50 years, the journal published 1651 papers in total, 402 of which are devoted to legume crops. The frequency of the research papers on legumes has steadily increased from 11.7% in the first decade, up to 27.3% till today. The most numerous papers were devoted to lucerne (10.4%), soybean (9%), vetches (7.5%), clovers (6.1%) and pea (5.8%). In total 144 legume species have been investigated in the journal. Out of 55 papers with at least one author out of Serbia and other ex-Yugoslavian countries, 45 papers were published in the last decade. The editorial board comprises 56 editors, a half of them are from Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iraq, Ireland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, UK and USA

    Kohlearna implantacija (u Srbiji i svetu) - istorijski razvoj

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    Introduction: There is more than 219000 cochlear implant users worldwide. Full social integration and mainstreaming of deaf people has become reality. Cochlear implant is a solution for severely and profoundly deaf persons who could not benefit from hearing aids sufficiently. Cochlear implant could be successful if selection criteria and candidacy are strictly followed. Objectives of the study: To review historic development of the idea on electrical stimulation of cochlea, achievements in cochlear implantation worldwide and development of cochlear implantation program in Serbia from 2002. to 2011. Material and methods: Review of literature dealing with historic development of cochlear implantation in Serbia and worldwide. Conclusion: Experts in the field of cochlear implantation have traveled a long way from the first attempt to stimulate human cochlea using single channel electrode and providing some hearing sensation (Djourno and Eyries, 1957) to the state of art implants with coding strategies which enable full speech discrimination. Cochlear implant consists of internal, implantable parts (implant, electrode, magnet) and external parts (Speech processor with microphone, receiver and battery pack). There are five cochlear implant centers in Serbia (3 in Belgrade, 1 in Novi Sad and 1 in Nis). Pre- and postoperative rehabilitation is conducted by trained teachers for deaf and speech therapists all over Serbia under constant monitoring by multidisciplinary teams in referent centers in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis. 'Cochlear implant is not a miracle per se but it enables miracles' (1994).Više od 219 000 gluvih osoba su korisnici kohlearnog implanta (KI) u svetu. Kohlearni implant je uređaj koji se sastoji od unutrašnjih, tj. implantabilnih (elektroda, magnet, predajnik) i spoljašnjih delova uređaja (govorni procesor, mikrofon, prijemnik, baterijsko punjenje). Ideja o eklektro-stimulaciji kohlee stara je nekoliko vekova, a razvoj tehnologije i uređaja koji se danas koriste počinje pre 50-tak godina (Niparka, 2000). KI ili elektronsko uvo je poslednja generacija pomagala za sluh. Namenjen je potpuno ili praktično gluvim osobama koje nemaju koristi od individualnih slušnih aparata. Sa primenom EHDI (Early Hearing Detetction and Intervention, Granodori, 1998) i prilikom za primenu KI u prvih dve godine života, kod kongenitalnih oštećenja sluha, mogućnosti za integraciju gluvih u čujuću okolinu i redovne edukativne tokove danas je realnost. Da bi kohlearna implantacija dala očekivane ili željene efekte, postoje selekcioni kriterijumi kandidata koje treba slediti. Cilj rada je da predstavimo istorijski razvoj ideje o elektro-stimulaciji kohlee, dostignuća u oblasti KI u poslednjih 50 godina u svetu i razvoj KI u Srbiji od 2002. do 2011.godine. Materijal i metod: Za izradu ovog rada poslužila nam je dostupna literatura koja se bavi istorijskim razvojem kohlearne implantacije u svetu. Osim toga, u radu će biti predstavljeni rezultati nekih istraživanja koje su autori rada obavili u periodu od 2005. do 2011.god. Zaključak: Od pokušaja elektro-stimulacije kohlee jednokanalnom elektrodom gde su kod pacijenata beležene 'neke slušne senzacije' (Dojurno i Eyries, 1957) do mogućnosti razumevanja spontanog govora (Howard, 2003) i potpune sposobnosti gluvih osoba za snalaženje u zvučnom svetu, naučnici i stručnjaci prešli su ogroman put. Centri za KI u Srbiji nalaze se u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu, a za re/habilitaciju posle KI u ustanovama koje zapošljavaju obučene surdologe u mnogim gradovima na celoj teritoriji Srbije. Referentene ustanove su u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu. 'Kohlerani implant nije čudo, ali omogućava da se čudo desi'(1994)

    Hemijska svojstva i poboljšanje kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza

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    Fresh, dried or preserved, forage legumes are highly suitable for use as roughage in the animal diet because of their richness in protein, vitamins, and mineral matter. Previous work on forage legumes breeding for improved quality has mostly focused on increasing the crude protein content of these crops. Another major parameter of forage legume quality, especially from the point of view of ruminant nutrition, is the in vitro digestibility of dry matter. Values of both these parameters decrease with age in all forage legumes due to a reduced leat to stem ratio and lignification. The decrease in digestibility after budding comes as a result of an increased lignin content and a rise in the proportion of starch polysaccharides. In the context of forage quality, especially important from the point of view of ruminant nutrition is the relation between structural and nonstructural carbohydrates. Structural carbohydrates include neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF), while non-structural ones are mostly starch. The latest efforts in forage legume breeding should encompass certain specific traits in order to completely fulfill the needs for safe feed in animal husbandry.Krmne leguminoze kao kabasta stočna hrana u svežem stanju, osušene ili konzervisane su izvanrednog kvaliteta za ishranu stoke jer su bogate proteinima, vitaminima i mineralnim materijama. Dosadašnji pravci u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na bolji kvalitet su prevashodno bili usmereni na veći sadržaj proteina. Drugi važan parametar kvaliteta krmnih leguminoza, naročito s aspekta ishrane preživara je in vitro svarljivost suve materije. Vrednost oba ova parametra kvaliteta opada sa starenjem kod svih krmnih leguminoza kao rezultat smanjenja udela lista u odnosu na stabljiku i procesa lignifikacije. Opadanje svarljivosti nakon faze butonizacije se javlja kao posledica povećanog sadržaja lignina i povećanog udela strukturnih polisaharida. Posebno mesto u ovom domenu kvaliteta krme, s aspekta ishrane preživara zauzima odnos strukturnih i nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata. U strukturne spadaju neutralna deterdžentska vlakna (NDF - neutral detergent fiber) i kisela deterdžentska vlakna (ADF - acid detergent fiber), dok nestrukturne pretežno čini skrob. Novije pravce u oplemenjivanju krmnih leguminoza na kvalitet trebalo bi usmeriti i na neka specifična svojstva kako bi se u potpunosti za potrebe stočarstva obezbedila zdravstveno-bezbedna hrana

    Molecular and phenotypic characterisation of NS maize inbred lines.

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    Кукуруз је биљна врста која испољава велику фенотипску и генетичку варијабилност. У овом раду извршена је фенотипска и молекуларна карактеризација дивергентних инбред линија кукуруза које се користе у оплемењивачким програмима и које представљају могући извор алела са позитивним утицајем на агромонски важне особине. Такође, идентификовани су алели карактеристични за одређене хетеротичне групе и утврђене су потенцијално значајне везе између маркера и агрономски важних својстава применом асоцијативне анализе, са циљем даље примене у маркер асистираној селекцији. Анализирани материјал састојао се од 96 инбред линија из четири хетеротичне групе. Тридесет шест микросателитских маркера коришћено је за израчунавање параметара диверзитета генских локуса. Примењене су три кластер анализе на подацима добијеним молекуларном анализом. Пољски огледи су постављени у току две године, по потпуно случајном блок систему са три понављања. Дескриптивна статистика, анализа варијансе, линеарне корелације и анализа главних компоненти израчунате су за 13 особина. Везе између маркера и особина утврђене су применом општег и мешовитог линеарног модела. Просечан број алела износио је 8,3, просечна полиморфност појединачних локуса износила је 0,64, а проценат ретких алела 8,5% по локусу. Уочен је већи генетички диверзитет код BSSS него код Lancaster линија. Више од трећине алела било је карактеристично за само једну групу. Резултати кластер анализа су у великој мери били у међусобној сагласности. Анализа варијансе указала је на постојање статистички значајних разлика особина међу инбред линијама, годинама и локалитетима. Резултати кластер анализе фенотипских података били су у мањој мери сагласни са педигреима линија, него резулати анализе молекуларних података. Анализа главних компоненти издвојила је линије према хетеротичним групама и истакла њихове опште карактеристике. Велики број утврђених алела маркера са стабилним позитивним ефектима на принос указује на могући значај ових маркера у оплемењивању кукуруза.Maize has great phenotypic and genotypic variability. In this study a diverse set of maize inbred lines used in breeding programmes as a potential source of alleles with positive effects on important agronomic traits, was characterised at phenotypic and molecular level. Furthermore, alleles specific to heterotic groups were identified and potentially significant associations between markers and important agronomic traits which could be employed in marker assisted selection were determined. Ninety eight inbred lines from four heterotic groups were analysed. Thirty six microsatellite markers were used to obtain parameters for genetic diversity and three claster analyses were employed based on molecular data. The field trials were set in randomised block design with three replications during two years to acquire phenotypic data. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, linear correlations and principal component analysis were performed for 13 traits. The associations between markers and traits were identified by the application of general and mixed linear model. The average number of alleles was 8,3, the average value of polymorphism information content was 0,64, whereas the percentage of rare alleles was 8,5%. Greater genetic diversity of BSSS inbred lines compared to the lines from Lancaster group were observed. More than one third of alleles were specific to only one of these two groups. The results of cluster analyses were to a large extent in agreement with each other. Analysis of variance indicated statistically significant differences in traits among inbred lines, years and locations. Cluster analysis based on phenotypic data was in less consistent with pedigrees of the inbred lines than the cluster analysis based on molecular data. Principal component analysis grouped inbreds into heterotic groups and indicated their general characteristics. A large number of identified marker alleles with stable positive effects on grain yield suggested the potential importance of these markers in maiz

    Some aspects of amaizing annual legumes

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    Intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) with annual legumes is distributed throughout the world, mostly in subtopic and tropic regions of Africa, Asia and South America, including warm season legumes cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth), common bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Numerous studies of maize/legumes intercropping underline its role in soil erosion control, weed and pests management, water use efficiency, light distribution and use, nutrient availability and uptake, and more efficient use of land (LER>1). Exudates from maize stimulate nodulation biomass production of legumes, whereas maize uptake N stimulates nitrogen fixation in conditions of competition for N. In temperate regions, cool season legumes can be intercropped with maize, where different sowing dates and growth dynamic allow different temporal and spatial use of environmental resources. Such intercrops are grown on smaller areas in developing countries, while in China it is practiced on larger scale, especially with pea (Pisum sativum L.). In Serbia and other Balkan countries, intercropping maize with annual legumes is present in many regions, especially on small fields and in gardens

    Early intervention in surdology

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    Uvod: Rana surdološka intervencija ima teorijske osnove u ranoj re/habilitaciji sluha i govora (Slavnić, S., 1995.) Uvođenjem neonatalnog auditornog skrininga u kliničku audiološku praksu (Granodori, F., 2006.) rana surdološka intervencija se primenjuje na uzrastu od nekoliko dana do nekoliko meseci života. Gluvoća ili nagluvost, na prvi pogled, najviše utiče na razvoj govora i jezika. Bolje poznavanje problema ukazuje na poremećaje i specifičnosti ličnosti gluvog ili nagluvog (Stojnić, D., 1998.). Rana surdološka intervencija ima za cilj da izbegne multifaktorski uticaj gluvoće i nagluvosti. Rezultati pokazuju da kod kongenitalnih gluvoća i nagluvosti, audiološka i surdološka intervencija uz adekvatnu amplifikaciju, u prvih šest meseci života, omogućavaju dostizanje komunikacijskih sposobnosti čujućih vršnjaka do četvrte godine života (Robbins, AM., Koch, DB., Osberger, MJ., Yoshinaga-Itano, C., 2003.). Cilj rada je da predstavimo koncept i elemente rane surdološke intervencije u kliničkoj praksi i efekte koji su postignuti zahvaljujući njenoj primeni u radu sa kongenitalno gluvom i nagluvom decom. Sem toga da ispitamo da li i u kojoj meri metode rane dijagnostike funkcije sluha utiču na ranu intervenciju u surdologiji. Uzorak je sastavljen od kongenitalno gluve i nagluve dece, od rođenja do 15te godine starosti, prosečnih intelektualnih sposobnosti, koja su dijagnostikovana na Institutu za ORL i MFH KC Srbije u periodu 2005. do 2010.god. Metod i materijal: Analiza prevalence kongenitalnih gluvoća i nagluvosti u odnosu na ukupan broj dijagnostikovanih; komparacija sa brojem ranih intervencija (uključenje u habilitacioni tretman na uzrastu 6 do 12 meseci) u periodu 2005. – 2009. godina na odeljenju za dijagnostiku i rehabilitaciju sluha i govora Instituta za ORL i MFH KC Beograd. Analiza stepena auditivne disfunkcije i vremena pojavljivanja u navedenom periodu.The theoretical basis of early surdologic intervention is early speech and hearing re/habilitation (Slavnic S, 1995). Neonatal hearing screening had improved early detection of hearing loss (Grandori F, 2006) thus enabling early surdologic intervention in babies aged several days or several months. It is obvious that deafness or hearing impairment mostly affects speech and language development. Deeper insight has revealed that hearing impairment affects personality of a deaf person as well (Stojnic D, 1998). Early surdologic intervention tends to minimize multifactor consequences of deafness and hearing impairment. Studies have shown that congenitally deaf children who underwent early intervention ad adequate amplification before six months of age can achieve communication potential equal to their hearing peers at the age of 4 years (Robbins AM, Koch DB, Osberger MJ, Yoshinaga-Itano C, 2003). Objective of the study was to introduce the concept of early surdologic intervention in clinical practice and to analyze the effects of its implementation in congenitally deaf or hearing impaired children. The study encompassed congenitally deaf or hearing impaired children diagnosed in Institute of otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery of Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade between 2005. and 2010. Te sample was divided in two groups . Experimental (E) –children enrolled in early habilitation program between 6 and 12 months of age in congenital deafness or within 6 months in acquired hearing loss. Control group (K) consisted of congenitally deaf or hard of hearing children who did not received early surdologic intervention . A Pediatric test battery for children younger than 7 years (Vestina govorenja, S. Vasic) has been applied in both groups and results regarding speech and language development as well as overall communication potential were compared and evaluated for experimental and control group Results were statistically analyzed and displayed through tables and graphs

    Early intervention in surdology

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    Uvod: Rana surdološka intervencija ima teorijske osnove u ranoj re/habilitaciji sluha i govora (Slavnić, S., 1995.) Uvođenjem neonatalnog auditornog skrininga u kliničku audiološku praksu (Granodori, F., 2006.) rana surdološka intervencija se primenjuje na uzrastu od nekoliko dana do nekoliko meseci života. Gluvoća ili nagluvost, na prvi pogled, najviše utiče na razvoj govora i jezika. Bolje poznavanje problema ukazuje na poremećaje i specifičnosti ličnosti gluvog ili nagluvog (Stojnić, D., 1998.). Rana surdološka intervencija ima za cilj da izbegne multifaktorski uticaj gluvoće i nagluvosti. Rezultati pokazuju da kod kongenitalnih gluvoća i nagluvosti, audiološka i surdološka intervencija uz adekvatnu amplifikaciju, u prvih šest meseci života, omogućavaju dostizanje komunikacijskih sposobnosti čujućih vršnjaka do četvrte godine života (Robbins, AM., Koch, DB., Osberger, MJ., Yoshinaga-Itano, C., 2003.). Cilj rada je da predstavimo koncept i elemente rane surdološke intervencije u kliničkoj praksi i efekte koji su postignuti zahvaljujući njenoj primeni u radu sa kongenitalno gluvom i nagluvom decom. Sem toga da ispitamo da li i u kojoj meri metode rane dijagnostike funkcije sluha utiču na ranu intervenciju u surdologiji. Uzorak je sastavljen od kongenitalno gluve i nagluve dece, od rođenja do 15te godine starosti, prosečnih intelektualnih sposobnosti, koja su dijagnostikovana na Institutu za ORL i MFH KC Srbije u periodu 2005. do 2010.god. Metod i materijal: Analiza prevalence kongenitalnih gluvoća i nagluvosti u odnosu na ukupan broj dijagnostikovanih; komparacija sa brojem ranih intervencija (uključenje u habilitacioni tretman na uzrastu 6 do 12 meseci) u periodu 2005. – 2009. godina na odeljenju za dijagnostiku i rehabilitaciju sluha i govora Instituta za ORL i MFH KC Beograd. Analiza stepena auditivne disfunkcije i vremena pojavljivanja u navedenom periodu.The theoretical basis of early surdologic intervention is early speech and hearing re/habilitation (Slavnic S, 1995). Neonatal hearing screening had improved early detection of hearing loss (Grandori F, 2006) thus enabling early surdologic intervention in babies aged several days or several months. It is obvious that deafness or hearing impairment mostly affects speech and language development. Deeper insight has revealed that hearing impairment affects personality of a deaf person as well (Stojnic D, 1998). Early surdologic intervention tends to minimize multifactor consequences of deafness and hearing impairment. Studies have shown that congenitally deaf children who underwent early intervention ad adequate amplification before six months of age can achieve communication potential equal to their hearing peers at the age of 4 years (Robbins AM, Koch DB, Osberger MJ, Yoshinaga-Itano C, 2003). Objective of the study was to introduce the concept of early surdologic intervention in clinical practice and to analyze the effects of its implementation in congenitally deaf or hearing impaired children. The study encompassed congenitally deaf or hearing impaired children diagnosed in Institute of otorhinolaryngology and maxillofacial surgery of Clinical Center of Serbia in Belgrade between 2005. and 2010. Te sample was divided in two groups . Experimental (E) –children enrolled in early habilitation program between 6 and 12 months of age in congenital deafness or within 6 months in acquired hearing loss. Control group (K) consisted of congenitally deaf or hard of hearing children who did not received early surdologic intervention . A Pediatric test battery for children younger than 7 years (Vestina govorenja, S. Vasic) has been applied in both groups and results regarding speech and language development as well as overall communication potential were compared and evaluated for experimental and control group Results were statistically analyzed and displayed through tables and graphs

    Faktori koji doprinose razvoju komunikacijskih veština kod dece sa kohlearnim implantatima

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    Background/Aim. Over the last 10 years more than 300 persons received cochlear implant in Serbia and more than 90% of the recipients were children under 10 years of age. The program of cochlear implantation includes postoperative rehabilitation in which cognitive, integrative and developmental methods are used. The study was conducted to reveal factors affecting communication performance (CP) of cochlear implanted (CI) children. Special attention was focused on the influence of the duration and intensity of rehabilitation and hearing age on further development of communication skills. Methods. A group of 30 CI children (13 boys and 17 girls) aged 2 to 5 years was enrolled in the study. All of the children had average intelligence and no other developmental disorder. They lived in families and attended rehabilitative seances 3 to 5 times a week. Their parents/caregivers answered structured questionnaire about functioning after pediatric cochlear implantation (FAPCI) and the results were the subject of detailed statistical analysis. Results. Analysis of variance did not show any difference between the boys and the girls regarding FAPCI achievements (F (1, 28) = 2.909; p = 0.099) and age aberration in CP score (F (1, 28) = 0.114, p = 0.738). Correlation analysis showed a statistically significant difference in FAPCI scores related to hearing age and duration of rehabilitation. Regression analysis (enter method) showed that model consisting of indipendent variables significantly contributed to prediction of overall FAPCI scores and Adjusted R2 value could explain 32% difference in communication skills of participants in this study. Conclusion. Communication skills of CI children evaluated by FAPCI are falling behind normatives for normal hearing children 18.6 months on the aver-age. Hearing age, duration and intensity of rehabilitation have positive predictive value for communication skills development. Later identification of hearing loss and later cochlear implantation lead to delayed development of communication skills.Uvod/cilj. U poslednjih 10 godina, kohlearna implantacija (KI) urađena je kod oko 300 osoba u Srbiji, od kojih 90% čine deca ispod 10 godina. Program KI praćen je odgovarajućom rehabilitacijom u kojoj se koristi saznajni, integrativni i razvojni metod. Ovo istraživanje ispitivalo je faktore koji doprinose razvoju komunikacijske veštine (KV) kod dece posle KI. Posebno smo ispitivali doprinos dužine i intenziteta procesa rehabilitacije i slušnog uzrasta razvoju ovih sposobnosti. Metode. Ispitali smo 30 KI dece (13 dečaka i 17 devojčica) uzrasta od 2 do 5 godina. Sva deca bila su prosečnih intelektualnih sposobnosti, bez udruženih smetnji u razvoju, živela su u porodičnom okruženju, a bila su uključena u program rehabilitacije od 2 do 5 puta nedeljno. Instrument u ovom istraživanju bio je Functioning after Pediatric Cochlear Implantation (FAPCI) upitnik za roditelje/staratelje. Rezultati. Poređenje rezultata KI ispitanika dobijenih FA-PCI upitnikom sa normativima uspostavljenim za decu bez implantata pokazuju da razvoj njihovih komunikativnih veština (communication performance - CP) u proseku kasni 18,6 meseci. Među ispitanom decom nisu utvrđene statistički značajne polne razlike u CP, a one nisu zabeležene ni s obzirom na razliku u aberacijama u odnosu na uzrast u CP skoru (F(1, 28) = 0.114; p = 0.738). Rezultati korelacione analize pokazuju da je postignuće na FAPCI statistički zna-čajno povezano sa slušnim uzrastom i dužinom trajanja re-habilitacije. Rezultati regresione analize stepwise izdvajaju slušni uzrast kao jedini značajan prediktor ukupnog skora na FAPCI upitniku, a vrednost prilagođenog R2 pokazuje da se njime objašnjava oko 32% razlika u komunikacijskim vešti-nama ispitanika. Zaključak. Slušni uzrast, trajanje i intenzitet rehabilitacije pozitivno doprinose razvoju komunikativnih veština kod KI dece, dok kašnjenje u uspostavljanju dijagnoze i sprovođenju KI ometa ovaj aspekt razvoja