270 research outputs found

    Dejnosta na kopaničarot Nestor Aleksiev vo Bitola i Bitolskiot kraj

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    Wood-cari ing i n Mi jaci le, u est Macedonia, ended uith Nestor Aleksiev (1878 — 1967), born i>i Mir čevci near the village of Osoj. then in Solun and in nu>nerous churches throughout YugoDuri> ig the 1903 — 1906p eriod, he made an iconostasis for St. Iohn\u27s Churcb in Kruševac, ivhereafter he came to Bilola i»tending to open a u\u27ood-carving u>orkshop there. At that time, he made an iconostasis for St. Transfiguration C hurcb in Brusnik (destroyed during World War I ) . I n 1927, he received an order to make a King\u27s Throne for St. Dimitri\u27s Churcb i>i Bitola (this throne has been restored and placed in St . Cyri l and Methoćius\u27 Chuvch in Prilep

    Новогодишен Концерт на студентите од катедрата по пијано при ФМУ - Штип

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    Новогодишен Концерт на студентите од катедрата по пијано при ФМУ - Штип, учествуваат студенти од класите на професорите Татјана Џорлева, Емилија Потевска, Ангеле Михајловски и Христо Стојаноск

    Agricultural Financing in the European Union: The Cap Framework

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    Agriculture is a very critical economic activity in the European Union (EU). The regional bloc estimates that 22 million of its citizens are dependent on primary agricultural activities for their livelihoods. The organization of agricultural activities in the EU ranges from small family- owned and run farms to larger and commercialized farms which produce on a sizeable scale. Apart from that, agriculture also supports 44 million jobs in value addition activities such as food processing, food retail, and other food- related activities. Further, the EU relies on food exports for upwards of €130 billion in export revenues each year, further underlining the importance of the sector (European Commission, 2015). The numbers here illustrate just how key agriculture is for the economy in the European Union. They may not even capture the true picture which would require one to include other linkages and spillover effects to other industries. Just like any other economic activity, agriculture requires financing. Keywords: The CAP Framework, European Union, Agriculturale, Financing, Economic development LEADER programm

    Application of microwave-assisted extraction for isolation of bioactive compounds from brown algae Dictyota dichotoma var. Intricate : diploma thesis

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    U ovom radu ispitan je utjecaj primjene različite snage mikrovalova (150, 250, 500 i 1000 W) kod mikrovalne ekstrakcije bioaktivnih spojeva iz smeđe alge Dictyota dichotoma var. Intricate. Pripravljenim ekstraktima određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenola, flavonoida i tanina te antioksidacijska svojstva metodom FRAP, Briggs- Rauscher oscilacijskom metodom i DPPH metodom. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da primjena različite snage mikrovalova kod mikrovalne ekstrakcije bioaktivnih fenolnih spojeva iz jadranske smeđe alge Dictyota dichtioma var. Intricate nema značajan utjecaj na fenolni profil i antioksidacijska svojstva ekstrakata.In this research the influence of different microwave's power (150, 250, 500 and 1000 W) for microwave- assisted extraction of bioactive constituents from brown algae Dictyota dichotoma var. Intricate was studied. The extracts were analysed for total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins and antioxidant activity using the FRAP, Briggs-Rauscher and DPPH method. From the obtained results it could be concluded that application of different powers for the extraction of bioactive constituents from brown algae Dictyota dichotoma var. Intricate had no effect on phenolic profile and antioxidant properties of the extracts

    Glazbeni temperament s razvojne točke gledišta

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    An empirical differential study examining differences in personality traits and general intellectual ability among three different age-based groups of classical musicians (students attending a music high school, music university students and senior professionals with university degree in music) was conducted on Macedonian sample (288 respondents in total). Individual differences were tested employing four measuring instruments: 16PF, EPQ and NEO PI-R personality inventories, as well as the FRT (TRL) as an IQ test. A differential (one-way ANOVA) approach based statistical data processing indicated several major differences in personality traits, but not in general intelligence among the groups. High school students proved to be more extroverted and more uncompromising, but also less conscientious and with lesser imagination than adults, while university students showed proneness to fantasy, unconventionality and appreciation of art and beauty more than others. Overall, the university students scored more or less somewhere between the high-school students and the adult musicians on a vast majority of measured traits, which suggests the existence of specific developmental line of the differential traits, alongside the age, experience and musicianship growth.Empirijsko istraživanje razlika u crtama ličnosti i općoj intelektualnoj sposobnosti kod tri dobne skupine glazbenika klasične glazbe (učenika srednje glazbene škole, fakultetskih studenata glazbe i odraslih profesionalnih glazbenika s fakultetskom diplomom iz područja glazbe) provedeno je na uzorku od ukupno 288 ispitanika. Individualne razlike testirane su uporabom četiri mjerna instrumenta: inventara ličnosti 16PF, EPQ i NEO PI-R, kao i FRT (TRL) kao testa opće intelektualne sposobnosti. Diferencijalnim pristupom (ANOVA) u statističkoj obradi podataka pokazano je nekoliko uočljivih razlika u crtama ličnosti, ali ne i u općoj inteligenciji između tri skupine. Učenici su se pokazali ekstrovertiranijima i rigidnijima, ali i manje savjesnijima, zatim niže imaginacije u usporedbi s odraslim profesionalcima, a studenti glazbe pokazali su iznadprosječnu sklonost imaginaciji, nekonvencionalnosti i zanimanju za umjetničko i estetsko u odnosu na ostale. U cjelini, studenti su na najvećem dijelu testiranih crta ličnosti ostvarili pokazatelje u prostoru između učenika i odraslih profesionalnih glazbenika, što bi moglo sugerirati postojanje osobite razvojne linije diferencijalnih crta ličnosti, slijedeći dob, iskustvo i napredovanje u glazbenoj izvrsnosti

    Osobnost, inteligencija i glazbeni instrument

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    An empirical study examining differences in personality traits and general intellectual ability of academic musicians was conducted on Macedonian sample of musicians, consisted of four different groups of instrumentalists, taken from four instrumental sections, respectively: a) piano (55); strings: violin, viola, cello, double bass (103); woodwind: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon (72); brass: trumpet, trombone, French horn, saxophone (58). Sample includes three age-based groups of musicians: music high school learners, music academy (university) students and adult professional musicians with music university degrees. Individual differences were examined employing four test instruments in total, including three personality inventories: R. Cattell\u27s 16PF, H. Eysenck\u27s EPQ, and Costa & McCrae\u27s NEO PI-R, plus figural IQ test (TRL) as a measure of general intellectual ability. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) based computings (performed using SPSS 16.0) revealed results generally in accordance with previously known facts from the field of personology of musicians, mainly from anglo-american scientific environment. In terms of second-order factors, piano players are characterised with Originality (to brass players), Anxiety (to both brass and woodwind players), Self-discipline, Emotional Unstability and Higher Intelligence. String players show Originality (to brass players), Anxiety and Emotional Unstability as well, plus Introversion. Woodwind players\u27 attributes emerge pretty similar to string players: Originality (compared to brass players), Introversion and Anxiety. Finally, the brass players emerge as the most distinctive profil in comparison to other groups of instrumentalists, showing Extraversion, Conventionality, Emotional Stability, Adjustment and Lower Intelligence.Empirijsko istraživanje razlika u osobnim karakteristikama i općim intelektualnim dosezima glazbenika provedeno je na uzorku makedonskih glazbenika. Uzorak se sastojao od četiri skupine instrumentalnih glazbenika iz četiri instrumentalna područja: a) glasovir (55); gudački instrumenti: violina, viola, violončelo, kontrabas (103); drveni puhački instrumenti: flauta, oboa, klarinet, fagot (72); limeni puhački instrumenti: truba, trombon, francuski rog, saksofon (58). Uzorak je sastavljen od tri dobne skupine: učenika srednje glazbene škole, studenata muzičke akademije (sveučilišni studij) i odraslih profesionalnih glazbenika s visokoškolskim glazbenim obrazovanjem. Istražene su individualne razlike koristeći se s ukupno četiri instrumenta, uključujući tri popisa osobnosti: R. Cattell 16PF, H. Eysenck EPQ, i Costa & McCrae NEO PI-R, te figuralni IQ (TRL), kao mjerilo opće intelektualne sposobnosti. Multivarijantna analiza varijance (MANOVA) korištenjem programa SPSS 16.0 pokazala je rezultate koji su općenito u skladu s već poznatim činjenicama iz područja osobnosti glazbenika ponajviše iz angloameričkih znanstvenih okruženja. S obzirom na faktore drugoga reda svirače glasovira karakterizira: originalnost (u odnosu na svirače limenih puhačkih instrumenata), anksioznost (u odnosu na svirače limenih i drvenih puhačkih instrumenata), samodisciplina, emocionalna nestabilnost i viša inteligencija. Svirače gudačkih instrumenata karakterizira: originalnost (u odnosu na svirače limenih puhačkih instrumenata), anksioznost i emocionalna nesigurnost kao i introvertiranost. Svirači drvenih puhačkih instrumenata pokazuju atribute slične sviračima gudačkih instrumenata: originalnost (u odnosu na svirače limenih puhačkih instrumenata), inrovertiranost i anksioznost. Naposljetku, svirači limenih puhačkih instrumenata pokazuju osobito karakterističan profil u odnosu na druge svirače, odnosno pokazuju: ekstrovertiranost, konvencionalnost, emocionalnu stabilnost, sposobnost prilagodbe i manju inteligenciju

    Glazbenik kao distinktivni sklop osobnosti – da ili ne?

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    An empirical study examining differences in personality traits between musicians and non-musicians employing the differential approach was conducted on Macedonian sample. The sample itself consisted of 629 respondents in total, including 288 musicians with ongoing (music high-school or university music students) or completed (university degree in music) musical education, and the control sample of 341 non-musicians with mirrored age structure (non-music high-school or university students, as well as non-music university degree holders from different fields). Individual differences were tested employing four measuring tools: 16PF (by R. Cattell, revised version, 1993), EPQ (by H. Eysenck, 1975) and NEO PI-R (by Costa& McCrae, 1990) personality inventories, as well as FRT i.e. Figure reasoning test (by J. Daniels, 1962, Yugoslavian revised version known as TRL, 1983) as a measure of general intellectual ability. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) based statistical data processing indicates results in synergy with referent findings regarding a musician’s personality by the distinguished British music psychologist Anthony Kemp. Several second-order factors emerged as differential between musicians and non-musicians: Introversion – Extraversion, Anxiety – Assurance, Affectivity – Rationality, Higher intelligence – Lower intelligence, and Good upbringing – Bad upbringing. Our findings confirm the existence of four out of five attributive dimensions of the musical temperament, according to Kemp: Introversion, Affectivity, Anxiety and Intelligence. Existence of Independence was not confirmed. Overall, the results achieved give an exceptionally explicit confirmation of the distinctiveness of musicians’ personality structure, i.e. the existence of a unique “musical temperament”, in terms of specific combination of personality traits inherent to people from the classical music environment.U empirijskom istraživanju na uzorku ispitanika u Makedoniji diferencijalnim su pristupom ispitane razlike u osobinama osobe, uključujući i opću intelektualnu sposobnost, kod skupine glazbenika u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu neglazbenika. Uzorak obuhvaća ukupno 629 ispitanika, od kojih je 288 glazbenika iz područja klasične glazbe triju dobnih skupina (učenici srednje glazbene škole, studenti fakulteta glazbene umjetnosti i profesionalni glazbenici s visokom glazbenom naobrazbom). Uzorak je obuhvaćao 341 neglazbenika odgovarajuće dobne strukture (učenici neglazbenih srednjih škola, studenti više neglazbenih fakulteta i ispitanici sa završenim fakultetom iz neglazbenih područja). Individualne razlike testirane su s pomoću četiri mjerna instrumenta: inventarima osobnosti 16PF R. Cattella (revidirana verzija, 1993), EPQ H. Eysencka (1975) i NEO PI-R Coste i McCraea (1990), kao i J. Danielsovim Testom rezoniranja osoba TRL (FRT, 1962, jugoslavenska revizija, 1983) kao mjerom opće intelektualne sposobnosti. Multivarijantna analiza varijance (MANOVA) indicira rezultate koji su općenito u sinergiji s referentnim spoznajama o sklopu osobnosti glazbenika iz klasičnih radova britanskoga glazbenog psihologa Anthonyja Kempa. Identificirane su razlike između glazbenika i neglazbenika u području nekoliko faktora drugoga reda: introverzija – ekstraverzija, anksioznost – prilagođenost, afektivnost – racionalnost, viša (verbalna) inteligencija – niža (verbalna) inteligencija, dobar odgoj – loš odgoj. Naši su podatci, u tom kontekstu, potvrdili postojanje čak četiriju od pet atributivnih dimenzija glazbenoga temperamenta prema Kempu: introverzije, afektivnosti, anksioznosti i inteligencije. Nije, međutim, potvrđeno postojanje atributivne dimenzije neovisnosti. Na elementarnijoj je razini, u vezi s razlikama prema neglazbenicima po pojedinačnim dimenzijama i crtama osobnosti, nađeno statistički značajno odstupanje na čak 18 od 26 testiranih osobina osobe. Najizraženije jezgre distinkcije glazbenika prema neglazbenicima (najveća vrijednost snage efekta) utvrđene su na dimenzijama neuroticizma i savjesnosti iz inventara NEOPI-R Coste i McCraea i na izvornoj crti F (surgencija – desurgencija) iz Cattelova inventara 16PF. Dobiveni su rezultati iznimno eksplicitno potvrdili distinktivnost sklopa osobnosti glazbenika klasične glazbene naobrazbe, tj. egzistenciju osebujnoga “glazbenog temperamenta”, što se očituje u specifičnoj kombinaciji osobina osobe inherentnoj ljudima iz miljea klasične glazbe

    Determination of the Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in Environmental Surface and Air Samples from Public Areas in Las Vegas

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    Contaminated surfaces and airborne spread are found to be among the main ways of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) transmission. Studies conducted in the hospital setting have shown that SARS-CoV-2 is found on frequently touched surfaces, personal protective equipment, and in air samples of patient isolation rooms. However, few environmental sampling studies have been done in public areas. Taking in consideration that COVID-19 cases may be symptomatic, presymptomatic, and asymptomatic, environmental monitoring may be essential for prompt detection of the virus. The objective of this study was to determine whether SARS-CoV-2 can be detected on environmental surfaces and from air samples in public areas in Las Vegas. In total, 300 surface samples were collected from high-touch surfaces from public areas and a public health facility (PHF) in Las Vegas. In addition, 18 air samples were collected from public areas, a PHF, and COVID-19 testing and vaccination sites. Environmental samples were analyzed with reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using SARS-CoV-2 specific primers and probes. Results showed that 58 out of 300 (19.3%) surface environmental samples tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, 45 at the PHF and 13 in public areas. Concentrations ranged from 10^2 to 10^6 viral particles per sample. Materials that tested positive were plastic, stainless steel, rubber, metal, vinyl, ceramic, artificial leather, glass, wood, and paper. No air sample tested positive. Moreover, results showed that the N gene assay had greater sensitivity to detect SARS-CoV-2 compared to the S and ORF gene assays. Besides frequently touched surfaces, SARS-CoV-2 was detected from floors, shoes, mop water, surfaces in contact with the floor, and floor areas around toilets. Restroom surfaces were frequent SARS-CoV-2 contamination locations. These results indicate surfaces and areas where SARS-CoV-2 may be detected, and the extent and distribution of environmental contamination. Future research should focus on determining the infectivity of the virus in the environment and its potential to cause infection