51 research outputs found

    Determination of lithium in serum by emission spectrophotometry using "Spectraspan"

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    Lithium in serum was determined by a plasma emissionspectrophotometer "Spectraspan" (low power d.c. plasma are, operating on argon). The opitimum condition for ashing of serum by low temperature was studied. The influences of hydrochloric acid and several metallic ions (Na, K, Mg, Ca) on emission intensity were examined. There was a linear relationship between emission intensity and lithium content from 0 to 10μg/ml. Lithum in serum was easily determined by standard addition method. Precision, coefficient of variance and recovery of known amount of lithium added to the sample for 12 replicate analyses were 0.093μg/ml, 1.85%, 99-104%, respectively. Significantly positive correlationship was observed between emission spectrophotometry using spectraspan and atomic absoption spectrophotometry

    Studies on lithium in the field of balneology : Effects of lithium salts on analgesic activity of aminopyrine

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    The authors studied the effect of pretreatment with internal use of lithium salts on analgesic activity of aminopyrine by hot-plate test in mice. The male mice at 4 weeks of age weighting 17-19 g were divided into 7 groups. Earch group being composed of 9-10 mice was given oraBy 0.1 ml of LiCI-solution per 10 g of body weight for 35 days, LiCl was dissolved in 0.9% saline solution, in such concentrations that each group received 0 mg, 50 mg, 100mg, 200 mg and 400mg of LiCl for each kg of body weight of mouse, respectively, Control group received only 0.9% saline solution. On the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and 35th days of this experiment, 0.1 ml of 1% solution of aminopyrine per 109 of body weight was injected intraperitoneaJly and then tested 30 minutes later. In the hot-plate test, a mouse is placed on a hot plate being adjusted with the thermostat at 55°±1℃, and the response is licking or lifting the hind feet or an outright attempt to escape from the plate, The increase in response time is used to quantify the analgesic effect of aminopyrine, The results were as follows : 1. The response time in groups receiving 0-50 mg of LiCl per kg of body weight had decreased on the 14 th day, but it tended to return to the initial level after the 21st day of experiment. 2. The response time in groups receiving 100-400 mg of LiCl per kg of body weight had also decreased on the 14 th day, and the degree of the decrease in response time was greater than that of the former and then remained faily constant at this level to the end of the observation period. These results would indicate that LiCl inhibits the analgesic activity of aminopyrine


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    The chemical and physical characteristics of the thermal and ground waters in Sekigane Hot Springs were determined. The content of the following chemical constituents was determined: Cl(-), S0(4)(2-), HCO(3)(-), Ca(2+), As, F, U and Ra. The relationship between water temperature and depth of spring wens was found to be indicative of the presence of a fissure, in agreement with the conclusion reached geologically by Sugiyama. The water temperature, the e1ectricconductivity and the content of chemical constituents of the ground water were as expected markedly lower than those of the thermal water. As a whole, however, the water temperature, the electricconductivity and the content of SO(4)(2-), HCO(3)(-), Ca(2+), As and F are in positive and linear correlation with the Cl- content. In other words, these characteristics of the waters, excluding the U and Ra content, correlate positively and linearly with each other. This was interpreted to mean that a thermal water of high salinity is simply diluted by a cold ground water of very low salinity, and that a ground water of relatively high salinity is contaminated by thermal water. The content of U and Ra of these spring waters is lower than that of the spring waters in Ikeda, Shimane-ken, and Misasa, Tottori-ken, where radioactive springs also issue. Finally, it is concluded that As and F will be as useful as Cl- in chemically locating a new site for a spring well in Sekigane because of the low contamination due to human life of ground water by these elements

    The simplified method of measuring Radon in mineral waters by the liquid scintillation counter.

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    鉱泉水中のラドンを測定するため,抽出法を省略し,少量の試料水を直接液状シンチレーターに溶解し,液体シンチレーション計数器を用いて放射能を測定し,次いで簡単な計算法により試料水中のラドン濃度を計算する簡易定量法を試みた。本法を用いて一鉱泉水のラドンを反復測定した際の精度は,σ=0.136nCi/l,CV=5.77 % ,(x=2.36n Ci/l)であった。次に本法でのRnの最少検出量は,0.2nCi/lである。原法と本法とを用いて得られた測定値の間には,r=0.996,y=0.818x+0.875なる相関関係が成立した。本法を使用すると,簡単な予備処理後,極短時間内にラドンの測定が可能なため,花崗岩地域の井水,鉱泉水中のラドンを定量するためには,有用な方法である。Radon in mineral waters was determined with simplicity by newly developed method. In this method, 2.0mℓ of water sample was directly mixed with 15 mℓ of Hionic-Fluor in a vial, which was then filled up with additional Hionic-Fluor ; 190 minutes were allowed for the radioactivity to equilibrate. The radioactiviity of Radon was measured by the Liquid Scintillation Counter (Tri-Carb 460C). Radon content was easily calculated with the proposed formula by an electric desk calculater. The reproducibility was proved CV=5.77 % ; the lowest detection limit was 0.2 nCi/l. An adequate correlation was obtained from the results of measurements compared with the original method ; r=0.996, y=0.818x×0.875


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    Tottori Hot Spring belongs to a muriated sulfated spring with twenty seven spring sources in 1949. But since 1949 about ten new springs are permitted to bore by the Prefectural Council on Hot Springs. And so the total amount of flow or the capacity of Tottori Hot Spring became a matter of concern among the citizens of Tottori. By the relationship between the chloride and sulfate or chloride and bicarbonate content of spring waters, it was concluded that all thermal springs of Tottori City derive from a same thermal source. As Tottori Hot Spring did issue out without aid of a pump in former days and nowadays does not, it seemed possible that a gradual fall of thermal water level took place and was golng On. ln most of Tottori Hot Springs a moter of one horse power was enough to pump up the thermal waters. But it occured that in one of the newly bored spring a pump With a three horse power motor was found being in use without permission of the Council. So the author took the chance of investigating the influence of the pumping of the new spring on the temperature, amount of flow, and chemical composition of waters of the surrounding springs. And he found that pumping up with three horse power motor could lower the water level and change the Chemical composition of some of the sorrounding springs and warned the Council of the danger of an abuse of permission to bore springs

    The determination of serum triglycerides

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    Currently accepted methods for serum triglycerides, namely, the manual modified VAN HANDEL-KAWADE method and the semi-automated LOFLAND method, were critically examined. Since the absorbents, the quality of sulfuric acid, the processes of shaking, extraction, saponification, removal of ethanol after saponification, and the stability of colored solution appear to be essential factors governing precision and accuracy of the determination, the effects of these factors were studied. It was found that the process of removal of ethanol was most important. To obtain the reproducible absorption, it is most advantageous to evaporate off ethanol from the solution of pH⋍6 on an oil bath at 101℃. As a result of re-examination on LOFLAND'S semi-automated method using a standard AutoAnalyzer, it is shown that the mixing coils can be omitted, thereby making the analysis possible in 18 -19 minutes (In the original LOFLAND'S method it takes more than 22 minutes). In addition, this modification results in smaller amount of chromotropoc acid reagent necessary (2.9 ml/min. as compared to 5 ml/min. in the original method). The determination rate in this modified method is 25 samples per hour. The average values, standard deviations, and coefficients of variance for the same serum sample for ten analyses according to the suggested manual method were 55.0 mg/dl, 1.83 mg/dl, and 4.69%, respectively, and those according to the suggested semi-automated method were 53.6 mg/dl, 1.78mg/dl and 4.68%, respectively


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    The waters of six springs of Sekigane and one spring of Kaike were analyzed by the author in 1951. All the springs of Sekigane belong to the simple radioactilTe thermals. And Kaike Hot Spring belongs to a calcium chloride containing saline spring, its water temperature being 73,5℃. The radon content of Sekigane Spring waters ranged from 57 to 137×10(-10) Curie units per liter

    Evaluation of the coulter counter Model Sr

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    An automatic blood analyser, Coulter Counter Model Sr(CC-SR) was recently introduced in our hospital. This blood analyser is able to provide simultaneous measurements of seven blood parameters, i.e. WBC, REC, Hgb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, and also produces the results within 40 seconds from aspiration of the sample into the instrument. The performance and precision of this blood analyser have been clitically evaluated by comparing the results obtained from the previous blood cell counter, the Coulter Counter Model Dn (CC-DN), a haemoglobinometer, and a high speed centfugal separator. The results are as follows: 1) The precision and liniarity for readings and dilutions on WBC, RBC, Hgb and Hct by the use of the CC-SR is satisfactory. 2) Good correlation between the measurements by whole blood analysis procedure and micro sample analysis procedure is recognized. 3) The amount of carryover from one sample to the next is negligible for practical purpose. 4) High correlation factors are obtained between the measurements by the CC-SR method and former methods: i. e. 0.99 for WBC, 0.93 for RBC, 0.99 for Hgb and 0.99 for Hct. 5) For these reason, it can be said that CC-SR is more useful successive instrument to measure WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct than the CC-DN and other above mentioned instruments


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    In Fukudome, Kitadani Village, Tottori Prefecture, the radon content of well waters and waters in rice-field and earth temperatures were determined. The radon content of waters in "A" district was higher than that in its neighbourhood, and earth temperatures of "A'" district were higher than those in its neighbourhood. Furthermore, "A" district coincides nearly with "A'" district. These results seem to be dne to the effects of the spring which issues in A (or N) district and supplies a water of high salinity


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    The thermal algae which grew in the thermal water of Misasa Hot Springs, namely Mastigocladus laminosus Cohn (1), Phormidium ambiguum Gomont (2), Oscillatoria Cortiana (Menegh.) Gomont (3) and the fresh water alga which grew in the River Misasa, namely Rhizocolonium hieroglyphicum (4) were collected. The spectrographic analysis and quantitative chemical analanalysis of the ashes of the algae gave the following results : 1. All four algae contained Cu, Zn, Al, Pb, Mn, Mo besides the phisiological elements. 2. Two algae, (1) and (2) which grew in thermal water rarely mixed with the river water, contained Ti and considerable amount of Ge. 3. The highest content of Si and highest value of ash per cent were those of (1), and their values were 27.22 % and 26.44 %. 4. The highest content of Fe and Mn were those of (2), and their values were 17.80 % and 3.27 %. 5. Great difference was not detected between the ratios of MgO/CaO of (1) and (2), and their values were 0.13 (1) and 0.14 (2)