11 research outputs found

    Glaciální modelace karů a stratigrafie morén Vysokých Tater

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    Predkladaná diplomová práca sa zaoberá geomorfologickou analýzou vybraných tvarov reliéfu Vysokých Tatier, ktoré v tejto oblasti vznikli ako dôsledok kvartérneho horského zaľadnenia. V skúmanej oblasti sú dokladované stopy po troch posledných zaľadneniach (mindel, riss a würm), prítomnosť starších zaľadnení (biber, donau a günz) je preukázateľná zložitejšie. Cieľom práce je definovať stupeň glaciálnej modelácie eróznych foriem - karov a na základe relatívneho datovania morén určiť počet glaciálov resp. štadiálnych oscilácií ľadovcov v rámci posledného zaľadnenia. Dohromady bolo analyzovaných 122 karov, ktoré je možné rozdeliť na 4 typy: jednoduchý kar, záverový kar, medzistupňový kar a najvyšší kar. Použité morfometrické charakteristiky sú konzistentné s charakteristikami použitými v iných podobných štúdiách. Hodnoty koeficientu k, ktorý vyjadruje mieru prehĺbenia karu a je závislý na vedení profilu karom a pozícii päty karovej steny, sa pohybujú v rozmedzí 0,503 - 1,951. Výsledky morfometrickej analýzy karov poukazujú okrem iného na to, že kary severnej úboče Vysokých Tatier predstavujú v porovnaní s karmi južnej úboče viac vyvinuté tvary glaciálnej erózie a počas pleistocénu tak prekonali intenzívnejšie a/alebo dlhšie trvajúce zaľadnenie. Determinujúci vplyv na vznik a priebeh zaľadnenia vo...The submitted diploma thesis is concerned with the geomorphological analysis of specific landforms in the High Tatras which are the result of its Quaternary mountain glaciation. The traces of the last three glacials (Mindel, Riss and Würm) are well documented in the studied area. The presence of the Early Pleistocene glaciations (Biber, Donau, Günz) is more difficult to prove. The aim of this thesis is 1) to define the rate of glacial shaping of glacial erosional landforms - cirques; 2) to determine the number of glacials or stadial oscillations of glaciers on the basis of relative dating of moraines during the Last Glaciation. A total number of 122 cirques were analysed. Cirques were classified as follows: simple cirque, termination cirque, stepped cirque and highest cirque. Morphometric characteristics that were implemented are consistent with other studies (e. g. Federici & Spagnollo, 2004, García-Ruiz et al., 2000). A degree of glacial overdeepening of a cirque was quantified by use of k coefficient which is derived from k-curve (sensu Haynes, 1968). Value of k coefficient depends on profile location and cirque headwall foot location. Range of values of k coefficient for the cirques in High Tatras is between 0,503 and 1,951. Based on morphometric analysis the northern mountainside cirques are...Katedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieDepartment of Physical Geography and GeoecologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    New methods to reconstruct clast transport history in different glacial sedimentary environments: Case study for Old Red sandstone clasts from polythermal Hrbyebreen and Bertilbreen valley glaciers, Central Svalbard

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    The objective of this study were Little Ice Age (LIA) to recent subglacial tills, glaciofluvial sediments of proglacial sandur, esker sediments and sediments of moraine-mound complexes of Hrbyebreen polythermal valley glacier and LIA to recent sediments of lateral moraine, frontal moraine, ice-cored moraine and glaciofluvial sediments of proglacial sandur of Bertilbreen polythermal valley glacier. Fossil (probably early Holocene) subglacial and supraglacial tills and sediments of coarse-grained glaciomarginal delta of Bertilbreen have also been studied. The research focused on Old Red sandstone clasts, for which roundness, shape and striation presence have been investigated. The results from this research led to the proposal of new methodological approaches. It is mainly the covariant plot of striations and RA (the share of striated clasts versus the share of very angular and angular clasts), which effectively differentiate subglacial tills from glaciofluvial sediments and allows for identification of the source material of moraine-mound complexes, especially the oldest, more degraded parts near the maximum LIA glacier extent. The second is the covariant plot of distance and RS index (the distance from the starting point versus the share of subangular and subrounded clasts) to present downstream roundness trends in proglacial glaciofluvial sediments. The research confirmed the crucial role of lithological properties of thinly bedded rocks on the shape of these rock clasts in sediment and a minimum impact of passive and active transport on the clast shape modification

    Glacial modelation of cirques and stratigraphy of moraines in the High Tatras

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    The submitted diploma thesis is concerned with the geomorphological analysis of specific landforms in the High Tatras which are the result of its Quaternary mountain glaciation. The traces of the last three glacials (Mindel, Riss and Würm) are well documented in the studied area. The presence of the Early Pleistocene glaciations (Biber, Donau, Günz) is more difficult to prove. The aim of this thesis is 1) to define the rate of glacial shaping of glacial erosional landforms - cirques; 2) to determine the number of glacials or stadial oscillations of glaciers on the basis of relative dating of moraines during the Last Glaciation. A total number of 122 cirques were analysed. Cirques were classified as follows: simple cirque, termination cirque, stepped cirque and highest cirque. Morphometric characteristics that were implemented are consistent with other studies (e. g. Federici & Spagnollo, 2004, García-Ruiz et al., 2000). A degree of glacial overdeepening of a cirque was quantified by use of k coefficient which is derived from k-curve (sensu Haynes, 1968). Value of k coefficient depends on profile location and cirque headwall foot location. Range of values of k coefficient for the cirques in High Tatras is between 0,503 and 1,951. Based on morphometric analysis the northern mountainside cirques are..

    Glaciation in the High Tatras

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    Zalednění Vysokých Tater

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    Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Glacial modelation of cirques and stratigraphy of moraines in the High Tatras

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    The submitted diploma thesis is concerned with the geomorphological analysis of specific landforms in the High Tatras which are the result of its Quaternary mountain glaciation. The traces of the last three glacials (Mindel, Riss and Würm) are well documented in the studied area. The presence of the Early Pleistocene glaciations (Biber, Donau, Günz) is more difficult to prove. The aim of this thesis is 1) to define the rate of glacial shaping of glacial erosional landforms - cirques; 2) to determine the number of glacials or stadial oscillations of glaciers on the basis of relative dating of moraines during the Last Glaciation. A total number of 122 cirques were analysed. Cirques were classified as follows: simple cirque, termination cirque, stepped cirque and highest cirque. Morphometric characteristics that were implemented are consistent with other studies (e. g. Federici & Spagnollo, 2004, García-Ruiz et al., 2000). A degree of glacial overdeepening of a cirque was quantified by use of k coefficient which is derived from k-curve (sensu Haynes, 1968). Value of k coefficient depends on profile location and cirque headwall foot location. Range of values of k coefficient for the cirques in High Tatras is between 0,503 and 1,951. Based on morphometric analysis the northern mountainside cirques are..

    Zaľadnenie Vysokých Tatier

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    Jednou z podstatných úloh, ktorými sa zaoberá súčasná geomorfológia, je problematika zal‘adnení a ich väzba na kvartérne zmeny klímy a krajiny. Vysoké Tatry So sVOJOU unikálnou polohou v strednej Európe, medzipriestorom zásahu severského kontinentálneho zal‘adnenia a horského zal‘adnenia Álp, sú vePmi zaujímavou oblast‘oupre výskum apochopenie vývoja reliéfu. Vporovnanís mými pohoriami strednej Európy a ďalšímipohoriami Karpatského oblúka poskytoval relief Vysokých Tatier v súčinnosti s klimatickými faktormi ovel‘a yýhodnejšie podmienky pre vývin l‘adovcov a zaľadnenie tu preto bob ďaleko rozsiahlejšie. Určenie početnosti, rozsahu a časovej postupnosti tatranských zaFadneníje dóležitým indikátorom, ktorý naznačuje paleoklimatické zmeny a pomery v oblasti strednej Európy počas pleistocénu a móže tak implikovať vývoj klímy aj do budúcnosti282

    Rock glaciers in the Western and High Tatra Mountains, Western Carpathians

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    A detailed map of rock glaciers at a scale of 1 : 40 000 is produced for the Western and High Tatra Mts., Western Carpathians, based on remotely sensed mapping. We inventoried a total of 383 rock glaciers, covering a total area of 13.84 km2. Most rock glaciers (85 %) are considered relict (without permafrost). These landforms have an average lower limit of 1684 m asl and occupy a total area of 12.50 km2. In contrast, intact rock glaciers (containing permafrost) cover a total area of 1.34 km2 and their average lower limit is located at 1986 m asl, which is 56 m above the previously suggested lower limit of discontinuous permafrost. The inventory adds new information about rock-glacier occurrence in the European high-mountain areas and improves the understanding of present and past environmental conditions in the region