987 research outputs found

    Mazur's isogeny theorem

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    Mazur's isogeny theorem states that if pp is a prime for which there exists an elliptic curve E/QE / \mathbb{Q} that admits a rational isogeny of degree pp, then p∈{2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,37,43,67,163}p \in \{2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,37,43,67,163 \}. This result is one of the cornerstones of the theory of elliptic curves and plays a crucial role in the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. In this expository paper, we overview Mazur's proof of this theorem, in which modular curves and Galois representations feature prominently.Comment: Expository paper, 16 page

    A Unique Perfect Power Decagonal Number

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    Let Ps(n)\mathcal{P}_s(n) denote the nnth ss-gonal number. We consider the equation Ps(n)=ym,\mathcal{P}_s(n) = y^m, for integers n,s,y,n,s,y, and mm. All solutions to this equation are known for m>2m>2 and s∈{3,5,6,8,20}s \in \{3,5,6,8,20 \}. We consider the case s=10s=10, that of decagonal numbers. Using a descent argument and the modular method, we prove that the only decagonal number >1>1 expressible as a perfect mmth power with m>1m>1 is P10(3)=33\mathcal{P}_{10}(3) = 3^3.Comment: 5 pages. Some typos correcte

    Quadratic Points on Non-Split Cartan Modular Curves

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    In this paper we study quadratic points on the non-split Cartan modular curves Xns(p)X_{ns}(p), for p=7,11,p = 7, 11, and 1313. Recently, Siksek proved that all quadratic points on Xns(7)X_{ns}(7) arise as pullbacks of rational points on Xns+(7)X_{ns}^+(7). Using similar techniques for p=11p=11, and employing a version of Chabauty for symmetric powers of curves for p=13p=13, we show that the same holds for Xns(11)X_{ns}(11) and Xns(13)X_{ns}(13). As a consequence, we prove that certain classes of elliptic curves over quadratic fields are modular.Comment: 18 pages. To appear in International Journal of Number Theory. Minor corrections and rewriting. Slightly improved sieving step and more computation details include

    MyD88-adaptor protein acts as a preventive mechanism for memory deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder associated with brain innate immune activation mainly mediated by microglia. These cells are known to be activated in the brain of AD patients and to produce inflammatory cytokines and neurotoxic molecules in response to Amyloid beta (AÎČ). Activation of microglia can also promote AÎČ clearance via Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is the adaptor molecule for most of these innate immune receptors, transducing the intracellular signal from TLRs to nucleus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report that more than 50% reduction in MyD88 expression in a mouse model of AD accelerated spatial learning and memory deficits. Brain of APP<sub>swe</sub>/PS1-MyD88<sup>+/- </sup>mice was characterized by a delay in accumulation of AÎČ plaques and increased soluble levels of AÎČ oligomers. Furthermore, inflammatory monocyte subset and brain IL-1ÎČ gene expression were significantly reduced in APP<sub>swe</sub>/PS1 mice with impaired MyD88 signaling.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data indicate that activation of MyD88 intracellular signaling pathway, likely by TLRs, acts as a natural innate immune mechanism to restrict disease progression of APP<sub>swe</sub>/PS1 mice.</p

    La comédie de destruction

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    Celui qui rit du comique s’empĂȘche d’en comprendre la vĂ©ritable nature, remarquait Aby Warburg lorsqu’il Ă©voquait, dans sa confĂ©rence sur le rituel du serpent, l’irruption des clowns au milieu des danseurs katchinas Ă  laquelle il avait assistĂ© lors de son sĂ©jour en territoire Hopi durant l’hiver 1896. Parce qu’il reste confinĂ© dans le registre de la culture populaire, le burlesque cinĂ©matographique des premiers temps Ă©chappe encore aux conventions sentimentales et morales qui viendront en Ă©dulcorer la force au cours des annĂ©es 1920. Brutal, violent, improvisĂ©, il recueille les principes d’une poĂ©tique nĂ©gative animĂ©e par une dynamique de destruction qui affecte Ă  la fois les figures et les Ă©lĂ©ments de la composition. La comĂ©die n’est pas l’autre de la tragĂ©die : elle en rĂ©vĂšle le sens. À la maniĂšre du satyre nietzschĂ©en s’avançant sur la scĂšne tragique, l’acteur comique rĂ©vĂšle au spectateur, dans un Ă©clat de rire, la profondeur de « l’effroyable nuit » et la nullitĂ© du principe d’individuation.The one who laughs at the comical prevents them from understanding its true nature, as Aby Warburg noted when he mentioned, in his lecture on the serpent ritual, the arrival of clowns in the midst of the Kachina dancers that he saw during his sojourn in Hopi territory during the winter of 1896. Since it remained restricted to the field of popular culture, early farcical films escaped the sentimental and moral conventions that would dilute their strength during the 1920s. Brutal, violent, and improvised, they embraced the principles of a negative poetics animated by a dynamic of destruction that affected both the characters and the composition’s elements. Comedy is not the inverse of tragedy: it reveals its meaning. Like the Nietzschean satyr entering the tragic scene, the comic actor reveals to the spectator, in a burst of laughter, the depth of “the terrible night” and the foolishness of the principle of individuation.Wer ĂŒber das Komische lacht, wird dessen eigentliches Wesen nicht begreifen können, stellte Aby Warburg fest, als er in seinem Vortrag ĂŒber das Schlangenritual das Auftauchen der Clowns inmitten der Katsina-TĂ€nzer kommentierte, deren Ritual er wĂ€hrend seines Aufenthalts im Hopi-Reservat im Winter 1896 miterlebt hatte. Da es sich lediglich in den eng gesteckten Grenzen der PopulĂ€rkultur bewegte, entkam das burleske Kino der ersten Zeit noch den emotionalen und moralischen Konventionen, die seine ursprĂŒngliche Kraft in den 1920er Jahren einfĂ€rbten. Brutal, gewalttĂ€tig, improvisiert, es enthĂ€lt alle Prinzipien einer negativen Poetik, die von der Dynamik der Destruktion angetrieben wird und sich auf Figuren und Elemente der Komposition auswirkt. Die Komödie ist nicht das GegenstĂŒck zur Tragödie: sie legt ihren Sinn frei. So wie Nietzsches Satyr sich in die tragische Szene wagt, so zeigt der Komödiant dem Zuschauer in einem Lachen die Tiefe der „furchtbaren Nacht“ und die Nichtigkeit des Individuationsprinzips.Colui che ride del comico non riesce a comprenderne la vera natura, notava Aby Warburg quando evocava, nella sua conferenza sul rituale del serpente, l’irruzione dei clowns tra i danzatori katchinas alla quale aveva assistito durante un suo soggiorno in territorio Hopi durante l’inverno 1896. PoichĂ© resta confinato nell’ambito della cultura popolare, il burlesco cinematografico dei primi tempi sfugge ancora alle convenzioni sentimentali e morali che vorranno edulcorarne la forza nel corso degli anni Venti. Brutale, violento, improvvisato, esso raccoglie i principi di una poetica negativa animata da una dinamica di distruzione che intacca, allo stesso tempo, le figure e gli elementi della composizione. La commedia non Ăš l’altro lato della tragedia: essa ne rivela invece il senso. Alla maniera del satiro nietzschiano che avanza sulla scena tragica, l’attore comico rivela allo spettatore, in uno scoppio di risa, la profonditĂ  della spaventosa notte e la nullitĂ  di un principio di individuazione.Aquel que rĂ­e de lo cĂłmico se imposibilita comprender su verdadera naturaleza, remarcaba Aby Warburg cuando evocaba, en su conferencia sobre el ritual de la serpiente, la irrupciĂłn de los payasos en medio de los bailarines katchinas a la cual Ă©l habĂ­a asistido durante su paso por el territorio Hopi en el invierno de 1896. Confinado al registro de la cultura popular, el burlesco cinematogrĂĄfico iniciĂĄtico escapa todavĂ­a a las convenciones sentimentales y morales que vendrĂĄn a edulcorar su fuerza a partir de 1920. Brutal, violento, improvisado, recoge los principios de una poĂ©tica negativa animada por una dinĂĄmica de la destrucciĂłn que afecta a la vez a las figuras y a los elementos de la composiciĂłn. La comedia no es lo otro de la tragedia: ella revela su sentido. A la manera de un sĂĄtiro nietzscheano avanzando sobre la escena trĂĄgica, el actor cĂłmico revela al espectador, en un estallido de risa, la profundidad del “horror de la noche” y la estupidez del principio de individuaciĂłn

    Bill Readings : penser le dissensus dans les ‘ruines’ de l’universitĂ©

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    Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente une interprĂ©tation et une explication critique des propositions principales de l’ouvrage posthume de Bill Readings, The University in Ruins (Harvard, 1996). L’auteur vise Ă  introduire la pensĂ©e de Readings en tant que translation du diffĂ©rend lyotardien vers les dĂ©bats autour de la crise des curricula et des « guerres culturelles » amĂ©ricaines. DeuxiĂšmement, ce travail mobilise le dialogue qui l’a opposĂ© au projet pĂ©dagogique de Gerald Graff, lequel trouvait dans la notion de « Conflit » elle-mĂȘme le ciment d’une nouvelle communautĂ© universitaire. La communautĂ© du « dissensus » chez Readings apparaĂźt en comparaison dans toute sa radicalitĂ©. En renonçant Ă  l’idĂ©ologie de l’émancipation du sujet caractĂ©ristique de la modernitĂ©, Readings envisageait la scĂšne de l’enseignement depuis un mode Ă©thique hĂ©tĂ©ronome, et caractĂ©risait la pĂ©dagogie comme relation asymĂ©trique et infinie Ă  autrui. Enfin, il s’agit d’exposer comment la communautĂ© du dissensus prĂ©serve comme aporie la question de l’identitĂ© collective autant que celle de la nature du lien social dans l’universitĂ© « dĂ©rĂ©fĂ©rentialisĂ©e ». Pour ce faire, ce mĂ©moire propose sur ces idĂ©es un Ă©clairage nouveau en les rapprochant de la pensĂ©e dialogique et anthropologique bakhtiniennes.This master’s thesis offers a critical interpretation and exploration of the main proposals of Bill Readings’ posthumous book, The University in Ruins (Harvard, 1996). I situate Readings’ provocative thoughts as a translation of Lyotard’s notion of differend into American pedagogical debates within the literary crisis upon the curricula and the so-called “Culture Wars”. The study expands on the dialogue which opposed Readings to Graff, where the latter sought to posit the notion of “Conflict” as the locus of a renewed academic community. In contrast to Graff, the radicalism of Readings’ “community of dissensus” becomes more salient. While renouncing the emancipatory ideals of Modernity, Readings suggested an understanding of education as a space of heteronomous ethics, and pedagogy as an infinite and asymmetrical relationship to others. Finally, I show that the “community of dissensus” maintains as a permanent question the aporetic nature of its identity as well as of the nature of the social bond within the “post-historical” university. By doing so, this work provides an original contribution which underlines a kinship between Readings’ most controversial statements and Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism and anthropological ideas

    Pourvoyeur d’irrĂ©alitĂ©, Fantasmagorie, Émile Cohl, 1908

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    Dans le cinĂ©ma des premiers temps se fait jour, de façon fugitive, une conception ornementale de l’image en mouvement que le cinĂ©ma narratif, fondĂ© sur les ressorts de l’illusionnisme photographique, devait Ă©clipser et dont Fantasmagorie, le premier film de Cohl rĂ©alisĂ© en 1908, pourrait ĂȘtre l’archĂ©type.In early cinema there appears, fleetingly, an ornamental conception of the moving image, which narrative cinema would soon eclipse and whose archetype might be Fantasmagorie, Cohl’s first film, made in 1908

    Fermat's last theorem and modular curves over real quadratic fields

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    We study the Fermat equation xn+yn=zn over quadratic fields Q(d√) for squarefree d with 26≀d≀97. By studying quadratic points on the modular curves X0(N), d-regular primes, and working with Hecke operators on spaces of Hilbert newforms, we extend work of Freitas and Siksek to show that for most squarefree d in this range there are no non-trivial solutions to this equation for n≄4

    Brancusi filma

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    Abordando a inĂ©dita produção de filmes e as fotografias de Brancusi, o autor destaca como tais meios eram usados pelo artista como instrumentos de reflexĂŁo, que dialogavam com sua produção de esculturas. Na anĂĄlise, coloca-se o ateliĂȘ do artista como espaço de trabalho em transformação, substituindo a ideia de apresentação das obras, pela de sua representação. As relaçÔes entre os meios sĂŁo discutidas a partir de trĂȘs processos de transferĂȘncia: a fotografia como filme, o filme como fotografia e o filme como escultura
