37 research outputs found


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    The article introduces the theoretical foundations of the author’s original concept of accounting engineering. We assume a theoretical premise whereby accounting engineering is understood as a system of accounting practice utilising differences in economic events resultant from the use of divergent accounting methods. Unlike, for instance, creative or praxeological accounting, accounting engineering is composed only, and under all circumstances, of lawful activities and adheres to the current regulations of the balance sheet law. The aim of the article is to construct a model of accounting engineering exploiting taking into account differences inherently present in variant accounting. These differences result in disparate financial results of identical economic events. Given the fact that regardless of which variant is used in accounting, all settlements are eventually equal to one another, a new class of differences emerges - the accounting engineering potential. It is transferred to subsequent reporting (balance sheet) periods. In the end, the profit “made” in a given period reduces the financial result of future periods. This effect is due to the “transfer” of costs from one period to another. Such actions may have sundry consequences and are especially dangerous whenever many individuals are concerned with the profit of a given company, e.g. on a stock exchange. The reverse may be observed when a company is privatised and its value is being intentionally reduced by a controlled recording of accounting provisions, depending on the degree to which they are justified. The reduction of a company’s goodwill in Balcerowicz’s model of no-tender privatisation allows to justify the low value of the purchased company. These are only some of many manifestations of variant accounting which accounting engineering employs. A theoretical model of the latter is presented in this article


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    The issue discussed in the present paper is associated with a theoretical view of accounting engineering in which it is perceived as covering activities based on the use of variant solutions permitted by Polish balance sheet law. These possibilities are defined as the accounting policy of a given company. Keeping the accounts of a business enterprise in accordance with the accounting engineering paradigm requires a full use of codified variant accounting. The accounting policy of a company should, in these respects, be characterized by entries which are the least precise and the most facultative. The view of accounting assumed in the present article sees it as an auxiliary science for management and organizational studies. In this respect, it is also synonymous with recognizing accounting engineering as a paradigm of company management


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    This article is one in a series of two publications concerning detection of accounting engineering operations in use. Its conclusions and methods may be applied to external auditing procedures. The aim of the present duo-article is to define a method of statistical analysis that could identify procedures falling within the scope of a framework herein defined as accounting engineering. This model for analysis is meant to be employed in these aspects of initial financial and accounting audit in a business enterprise that have to do with isolating the influence of variant accounting solutions, which are a consequence of the settlement method chosen by the enterprise. Materials for statistical analysis were divided into groups according to the field in which a given company operated. In this article, we accept and elaborate on the premise that significant differences in financial results may be solely a result of either expansive policy on new markets or the acquisition of cheaper sources for operating activities. In the remaining cases, the choice of valuation and settlement methods becomes crucial; the greater the deviations, the more essential this choice becomes. Even though the research materials we analyze are regionally-conditioned, the model may find its application in other accounting systems, provided that it has been appropriately implemented. Furthermore, the article defines an innovative concept of variant accounting

    Use of statistical methods in detecting accounting engineering activities (as exemplified by the accounting system in Poland) - First part: Theoretical aspects of analysis

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    This article is one in a series of two publications concerning companies' detection of accounting engineering operations in use. Its conclusions and methods may be applied to external auditing procedures. The aim of the present duo-article is to define a method of statistical analysis that could identify procedures falling within the scope of a framework herein defined as accounting engineering. This model for analysis is meant to be employed in these aspects of initial financial and accounting audit in a business enterprise that have to do with isolating the influence of variant accounting solutions, which are a consequence of the settlement method chosen by the enterprise. Materials for statistical analysis were divided into groups according to the field in which a given company operated. In this article, we accept and elaborate on the premise that significant differences in financial results may be solely a result of either expansive policy on new markets or the acquisition of cheaper sources for operating activities. In the remaining cases, the choice of valuation and settlement methods becomes crucial; the greater the deviations, the more essential this choice becomes. Even though the research materials we analyze are regionally-conditioned, the model may find its application in other accounting systems in the country, provided that it has been appropriately implemented. Furthermore, the article defines an innovative concept of variant accounting


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    The aim of this paper is to show how accounting methods set forth in the Polish balance sheet law may affect the financial result of a business entity. The acceptance of variantablity as a model of the balance sheet law has deprived accounting of its methodological objectivity in relation to its subject which is defining the economic achievements of an enterprise. It is the enterprise management that, according to the Accountancy Act, has a right to choose the methods of accounting for the assets and liabilities of a given company or determining its financial outcome. Taking all the above into account, we observe a new phenomenon, namely that those who manage a business may also assess themselves. Such procedures call into question the possibility of using the control procedures by the capital owners. The paper also deals with the influence of particular items of the Polish balance sheet law on the financial outcome of a given enterprise in variant accounting.Celem artykułu jest wskazanie praktycznego wpływu metod rachunkowości (enumeratywnie wyszczególnionych w polskiej ustawie bilansowej) na wysokość wykazywanego przez przedsiębiorstwo wyniku finansowego. Artykuł omawia zagadnienia związane z wpływem prawa bilansowego na wyniki finansowe osiągane przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa. Przyjęcie wariantowości jako modelu prawa bilansowego pozbawiło rachunkowość metodologicznej obiektywności, dotyczącej przedmiotu jej odniesienia, jakim jest definiowanie osiągnięć ekonomicznych przedsiębiorstwa. Wobec faktu, że to zarząd przedsiębiorstw posiada, zgodnie z ustawą o rachunkowości, prawo wyboru metody rozliczeń aktywów i pasywów przedsiębiorstwa oraz określania wyniku finansowego, powstało zjawisko oceny osób zarządzających przez samych siebie. Fakt ten stawia również pod znakiem zapytania możliwości stosowania procedur kontrolnych przez właścicieli kapitału. W artykule omawia się te metody rozliczeń rachunkowości wariantowej, które mają wpływ na wynik finansowy osiągany przez przedsiębiorstwo

    Pulmonary metastases of the A549-derived lung adenocarcinoma tumors growing in nude mice : a multiple case study

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    Lung adenocarcinoma is a leading human malignancy with fatal prognosis. Ninety percent of the deaths, however, are caused by metastases. The model of subcutaneous tumor xenograft in nude mice was adopted to study the growth of control and photodynamically treated tumors derived from the human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell line. As a side-result of the primary studies, observations on the metastasis of these tumors to the murine lungs were collected, and reported in the present paper. The metastasizing primary tumors were drained by a prominent number of lymphatic vessels. The metastatic tissue revealed the morphology of well-differentiated or trans-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Further histological and histochemical analyses demonstrated the presence of golden-brown granules in the metastatic tissue, similar to these found in the tumor tissue. In contrast to the primary tumors, the electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed no nitric oxide - hemoglobin complexes (a source of intense paramagnetic signals), in the metastases. No metastases were found in other murine organs; however, white infarctions were identified in a single liver. Taken together, the A549-derived tumors growing subcutaneously in nude mice can metastasize and grow on site in the pulmonary tissue. Thus, they can represent an alternative for the model of induced metastatic nodule formation, following intravenous administration of the cancerous cells

    Executive Functions and Psychopathology Dimensions in Deficit and Non-Deficit Schizophrenia

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    This study: (a) compared executive functions between deficit (DS) and non-deficit schizophrenia (NDS) patients and healthy controls (HC), controlling premorbid IQ and level of education; (b) compared executive functions in DS and NDS patients, controlling premorbid IQ and psychopathological symptoms; and (c) estimated relationships between clinical factors, psychopathological symptoms, and executive functions using structural equation modelling. Participants were 29 DS patients, 44 NDS patients, and 39 HC. Executive functions were measured with the Mazes Subtest, Spatial Span Subtest, Letter Number Span Test, Color Trail Test, and Berg Card Sorting Test. Psychopathological symptoms were evaluated with the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Brief Negative Symptom Scale, and Self-evaluation of Negative Symptoms. Compared to HC, both clinical groups performed poorer on cognitive flexibility, DS patients on verbal working memory, and NDS patients on planning. DS and NDS patients did not differ in executive functions, except planning, after controlling premorbid IQ and negative psychopathological symptoms. In DS patients, exacerbation had an effect on verbal working memory and cognitive planning; in NDS patients, positive symptoms had an effect on cognitive flexibility. Both DS and NDS patients presented deficits, affecting the former to a greater extent. Nonetheless, clinical variables appeared to significantly affect these deficits


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    W artykule scharakteryzowano portfolio rynku PLP wielkopowierzchniowych detalistów w Polsce. Wielkopowierzchniowe, sieciowe sklepy na świecie odgrywają dominującą rolę na rynku PLP, głównie dzięki znaczącemu udziałowi w nim Wal-Mart. Również w Polsce marki własne detalistów dominują na rynku nieprzerwanie od co najmniej kilku lat. W artykule przedstawiono także definicję, historię oraz relacje marketingowe rynku PLP wielkopowierzchniowych detalistów.The article attempts a characterisation of the PLP market in large retail outlets in Poland. Large chain shops play a very important role in the PLP market, of which the main share belongs to Wal-Mart. In Poland, likewise, private labels have dominated the market for at least several years. The article discusses the definition and history of the PLP market in large retail and its marketing perspectives.В статье дается характеристика портфеля рынка собственных торговых марок крупных предприятий розничной торговли в Польше. Крупные сетевые магазины в мире играют до- минирующую роль на рынке собственных (частных) торговых марок, в основном, благодаря значительной доле в нем фирмы Уол-Март (Wal-Mart). Также в Польше собственные марки розничных предприятий доминируют на рынке непрерывно по крайней мере в течение уже нескольких лет. В статье представили тоже определение, историю и маркетинговые отношения рынка частных торговых марок крупных розничных предприятий