27 research outputs found


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    A description of the results of the cross platform (385 K CGH and SNP50 chip) verification of CNV regions [72, 73]. (PDF 8 kb

    RNA-seq expression count data for T. bifasciatum gonad

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    RNA-seq expression data for three male and three female bluehead wrasse (T. bifasciatum) gonad samples. Data is presented as a table of raw read counts per transcript (rows) in each sample (columns), processed in RSEM

    Additional file 5: of The distribution and impact of common copy-number variation in the genome of the domesticated apple, Malus x domestica Borkh

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    List of resistance (R) gene models located within copy-number variable regions (CNVRs) in the apple genome. (XLSX 10 kb

    Isolation and Alignment of Male-specific Loci

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    This zip file includes the BLAST matches of our especially male-specific loci (individual frequency greater than or equal to 36 males). We ordered and tested primer pairs for the best 10 matches among these (NZFS loci 1-10)

    Sex-Specific Locus Management

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    This zip file includes the commands to process data in Stacks, then isolate and visualise sex-specific loci. The files utilised by these commands are included in an "associated files" folder

    Ample weil divisors

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    We define and study positivity (nefness, amplitude, bigness and pseudo-effectiveness) for Weil divisors on normal projective varieties. We prove various characterizations, vanishing and non-vanishing theorems for cohomology, global generations statements, and a result related to log Fano

    Statistical Threshold Scripts

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    This zip file includes the commands to determine the SSLT and SSAT for RRS data (to be run in R). The files we input into these commands are included in the "associated files" folder