254 research outputs found

    Cosmic ray driven dynamo in galactic disks. A parameter study

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    We present a parameter study of the magnetohydrodynamical dynamo driven by cosmic rays in the interstellar medium (ISM) focusing on the efficiency of magnetic field amplification and the issue of energy equipartition between magnetic, kinetic and cosmic ray (CR) energies. We perform numerical CR-MHD simulations of the ISM using the extended version of ZEUS-3D code in the shearing box approximation and taking into account the presence of Ohmic resistivity, tidal forces and vertical disk gravity. CRs are supplied in randomly distributed supernova (SN) remnants and are described by the diffusion-advection equation, which incorporates an anisotropic diffusion tensor. The azimuthal magnetic flux and total magnetic energy are amplified depending on a particular choice of model parameters. We find that the most favorable conditions for magnetic field amplification correspond to magnetic diffusivity of the order of 3\times 10^{25} \cm^2\s^{-1}, SN rates close to those observed in the Milky Way, periodic SN activity corresponding to spiral arms, and highly anisotropic and field-aligned CR diffusion. The rate of magnetic field amplification is relatively insensitive to the magnitude of SN rates in a rage of spanning 10% up to 100% of realistic values. The timescale of magnetic field amplification in the most favorable conditions is 150 Myr, at galactocentric radius equal to 5 kpc. The final magnetic field energies fluctuate near equipartition with the gas kinetic energy. In all models CR energy exceeds the equipartition values by a least an order of magnitude, in contrary to the expected equipartition. We suggest that the excess of cosmic rays can be attributed to the fact that the shearing-box does not permit cosmic rays to leave the system along the horizontal magnetic field.Comment: 12 papges, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Identification of kinematic excitation function by structural analysis of the system’s dynamic

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    The paper presents a method of the kinematic excitation courses identification in excitation points, based on the car road test acceleration at different measurement points. For the purpose of the laboratory fatigue life investigation of contemporary complex structures (e.g. cars bodies) and components of these structures (i.e. cars roofs), only a few first vibration modes are usually taken into account. During real life tests (i.e. road tests), accelerations at the selected points and along the defined directions are recorded. Subsequently, appropriate information about the measured acceleration allows us to identify such kinematic excitation function on the laboratory stand, whose result is the same as during the real road test. Thanks to the proposed approach, further time-consuming fatigue experiments can be performed on the laboratory stand

    Cosmic-ray driven dynamo in the medium of irregular galaxy

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    We investigate the cosmic ray driven dynamo in the interstellar medium of irregular galaxy. The observations (Chyzy et al. 2000, 2003) show that the magnetic field in irregular galaxies is present and its value reaches the same level as in spiral galaxies. However the conditions in the medium of irregular galaxy are very unfavorable for amplification the magnetic field due to slow rotation and low shearing rate. In this work we present numerical model of the interstellar medium in irregular galaxies. The model includes magnetohydrodynamical dynamo driven by cosmic rays in the interstellar medium provided by random supernova explosions. We describe models characterized by different shear and rotation. We find that even slow galactic rotation with low shearing rate gives amplification of the magnetic field. Simulations have shown that high amount of the magnetic energy flow out off the simulation region becoming an efficient source of intergalactic magnetic fields.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, To be published in "Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies", K.G. Strassmeier, A.G. Kosovichev & J.E. Beckman, eds., Proc. IAU Symp. 259, CU

    Aspergilloma in atypical localisation in severe asthma patient — case report

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      Pulmonary aspergillosis is a condition caused by the fungi Aspergillus. The form of disease depends on the immunological condition of the host organism and other concomitant illnesses that influence the pulmonary tissue. Asthmatic patients, in particular with the severe form of disease, who require the use of systemic glucocorticoids, are predisposed to develop allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Development of aspergilloma in the lung is preceded by the formation of pathological cavity in the course of another illness. The study reports a case of a severe asthma patient who developed aspergilloma in atypical localisation, without the presence of predisposing anatomical changes and illnesses.  

    Musculosceletal tuberculosis with involvement of tendon sheaths and formation of synovial cyst

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    Due to an increasing amount of patients on immunosuppressive treatment, the number of tuberculosis (TB) of atypical course and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases increase. Locomotor system is a place of every fifth case of extrapulmonary TB. Because of lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as rare co-occurrence of active lung lesions in radiological imaging, proper diagnosis is hard to establish. We present a case of patient on immunosuppressive therapy due to myositis, in whom we diagnosed musculoskeletal tuberculosis in form of involvement of tendon sheath and formation of synovial cyst.Due to an increasing amount of patients on immunosuppressive treatment, the number of tuberculosis (TB) of atypical course and extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases increase. Locomotor system is a place of every fifth case of extrapulmonary TB. Because of lack of characteristic symptoms, as well as rare co-occurrence of active lung lesions in radiological imaging, proper diagnosis is hard to establish. We present a case of patient on immunosuppressive therapy due to myositis, in whom we diagnosed musculoskeletal tuberculosis in form of involvement of tendon sheath and formation of synovial cyst

    Archiwoznawstwo w XXI wieku – wyzwania, problemy, kierunki zmian

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    Knowledge of archives is a branch of archival science that concerns studying history of archives, their contemporary organisation, as well as history of fonds and collections, including their content. In connection with this, three main research directions might be distinguished as part of the reflection in knowledge of archives. The first one is history of archives as institutions, their tasks, functions, working methods, staff, premises, equipment, and many other aspects. The second one is reflection on organisation of contemporary archives. The third direction is studying archival collections, more specifically – history of archival fonds, their content, and placement. A special place amongst publications in knowledge of archives hold so called reviews in knowledge of archives (Polish przeglądy archiwoznawcze). They are scientific texts that present, classify, and describe archival materials – historical sources concerning particular topics, created in selected time on some territory, that are stored in particular archives or other institutions serving archival functions. The beginning of the 21st century is certainly a crisis for knowledge of archives; it can be connected to the decline in arrangement and description, and the regression in the field of the scientific function of archives. Implementation of IT solutions in archives and growing searching possibilities of data bases make us pose the question of justification of archival knowledge endeavours. Meanwhile, though, it is hard to imagine all other branches of archival science without the knowledge of archives. Results of studies conducted as part of the knowledge of archives should satisfy information needs of users and be helpful in providing access to archival materials.Archiwoznawstwo to dział archiwistyki zajmująca się badaniem historii archiwów, ich współczesnej organizacji oraz historii zespołów i zbiorów archiwalnych z uwzględnieniem ich zawartości treściowej. W związku z powyższym w refleksji archiwoznawczej można wyodrębnić zasadniczo trzy kierunki badań. Pierwszy stanowi historia archiwów jako instytucji, ich zadań, funkcji, metod pracy, personelu, lokali, wyposażenia i wielu innych aspektów działalności. Jako drugi należy wymienić refleksje nad organizacją współczesnych archiwów. Nurtem trzecim są z kolei badania nad zasobem archiwalnym, a ściślej, dziejami zespołów archiwalnych, ich zawartością, rozmieszczeniem. Szczególne miejsce wśród publikacji archiwoznawczych zajmują tzw. przeglądy archiwoznawcze. Są to teksty naukowe stanowiące prezentację, usystematyzowanie, omówienie materiałów archiwalnych – źródeł historycznych dotyczących określonej problematyki, wytworzonych w określonym czasie i na danym obszarze, znajdujących się w zasobie konkretnego archiwum, archiwów lub innej/innych placówek wykonujących zadania archiwalne. Początek XXI w. to z pewnością kryzys archiwoznawstwa, co wiązać należy z upadkiem funkcji opracowania zasobu i regresem w działalności naukowej archiwów. Informatyzacja archiwów i coraz większe możliwości wyszukiwawcze baz danych każą postawić pytanie o zasadność podejmowania inicjatyw na polu archiwoznawczym. Tymczasem bez archiwoznawstwa trudno wyobrazić sobie istnienie pozostałych działów archiwistyki. Wyniki badań archiwoznawczych powinny zaspokajać potrzeby informacyjne użytkowników i stanowić pomoc w realizacji funkcji udostępniania

    Działalność edukacyjna i popularyzatorska archiwów archidiecezjalnych i diecezjalnych w Polsce. Rekonesans badawczy

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    The purpose of this article is an attempt to answer whether educational and popularization (outreach) activities are present in the archdiocesan and diocesan archives of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland. The basis for consideration is the content of the Internet portals of these institutions and surveys completed by the staff of the archives. The research shows that only a few archdiocesan and diocesan archives are active in the field of education and popularization. Among its main forms are exhibitions organized by some archives, and more often co-organized with other entities. Archdiocesan and diocesan archives also receive tours of schoolchildren, students, doctoral students, members of Catholic communities and associations, allowing them to visit their premises. On occasion, lectures and talks on archival and historical topics are given to the visitors.Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi, czy działania edukacyjne i popularyzatorskie są obecne w archiwach archidiecezjalnych i diecezjalnych Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego w Polsce. Podstawą rozważań jest zawartość portali internetowych wspomnianych placówek oraz kwestionariusze ankiet wypełnione i nadesłane przez personel archiwów. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że zaledwie kilka archiwów archidiecezjalnych i diecezjalnych podejmuje aktywność na niwie edukacji i popularyzacji. Do głównych jej form należą wystawy organizowane przez niektóre archiwa, a częściej współorganizowane z innymi podmiotami. Archiwa archidiecezjalne i diecezjalne przyjmują także wycieczki uczniów, studentów, doktorantów, członków wspólnot i stowarzyszeń katolickich, umożliwiając im zwiedzanie swoich siedzib. Przy okazji dla zwiedzających wygłaszane są odczyty i prelekcje o tematyce archiwalnej i historycznej

    Vibration surveillance for efficient milling of flexible details fixed in adjustable stiffness holder

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    The paper presents the results of research related to the possibility of using an intelligent workpiece holder with adjustable stiffness, during end milling process. Machining a one side supported flexible workpiece will be performed with constant spindle speed and feed speed. In order to avoid hazardous vibration, stiffness of the especially designed spring (mounted in a workpiece holder) will be modified off-line. In order to predict the accuracy of the proposed method, appropriate simulations were performed. As a simplified model of the flat workpiece it was applied the Euler-Bernoulli bar with possibility of identifying the two lowest normal modes. On this basis and for approaching optimal spindle speeds, the mean of adjusting relevant stiffness of the holder is invented