18 research outputs found

    Assessing the advancement of artificial intelligence and drones’ integration in agriculture through a bibliometric study

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    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with drones has emerged as a promising paradigm for advancing agriculture. This bibliometric analysis investigates the current state of research in this transformative domain by comprehensively reviewing 234 pertinent articles from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The problem involves harnessing AI-driven drones' potential to address agricultural challenges effectively. To address this, we conducted a bibliometric review, looking at critical components, such as prominent journals, co-authorship patterns across countries, highly cited articles, and the co-citation network of keywords. Our findings underscore a growing interest in using AI-integrated drones to revolutionize various agricultural practices. Noteworthy applications include crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and environmental sensing, indicative of the field’s transformative capacity. This pioneering bibliometric study presents a comprehensive synthesis of the dynamic research landscape, signifying the first extensive exploration of AI and drones in agriculture. The identified knowledge gaps point to future research opportunities, fostering the adoption and implementation of these technologies for sustainable farming practices and resource optimization. Our analysis provides essential insights for researchers and practitioners, laying the groundwork for steering agricultural advancements toward an enhanced efficiency and innovation era

    Mapeo de redes de fracturas mediante imágenes Landsat-8 OLI en la zona minera de Jbel Tijekht en el Anti-Atlas oriental de Marruecos

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    Jbel Tijekht is one of the most important geological structures of the Ougnat-Ouzina ridge in the Eastern Anti-Atlas. This crescent-shaped massif was affected by a network fractures that is visible at different scales. It is particularly rich in numerous mineralized veins of barite, and is associated with other minerals (e.g. pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena). In order to study fracture systems in the mining zone of Jbel Tijekht, we opted for a combination of remote sensing and field investigation that became an important tool for fracture mapping and mineral exploration. This work presents a methodological approach to detect structural lineaments. For this purpose, various techniques were applied to the Landsat 8 image to improve the visibility of linear structures. After the radiometric and atmospheric corrections, the colors composites and directional filters applied to the Principal component (PC1) allow for the establishment of a lineaments map of Jbel Tijekht. The validation and the correction of lineaments are based on preexisting documents combined with field observations. Statistical analysis of the lineament map allows for identification of at least three directional fracture systems with average NS, NE-SW, and ENE-WSW orientations. NS and NE-SW systems show a high density in the largest part of the study area. These results clearly overlap different tectonic structures and existing veins. It allowed for the establishment of a geological link between lithology, fractures systems and mineralization. The fracture density can be attributed to the last variscan brittle phases, reflecting the rheology of rock units; the high fracture density is observed in competent rocks such as the Tabanit sandstones. These zones constitute a favorable area for mineralization deposits.El Jbel Tijekht es una de las estructuras geológicas más importantes de la cordillera de Ougnat-Ouzina en el Anti-Atlas Oriental. Este macizo en forma de media luna fue afectado por una red de fracturas que es visible a diferentes escalas. Es particularmente rico en vetas mineralizadas de barita y está asociado con otros minerales (por ejemplo, pirita, calcopirita, esfalerita y galena). Para estudiar los sistemas de fracturas en la zona minera de Jbel Tijekht, optamos por una combinación de teledetección e investigación de campo que se convirtió en una importante herramienta para la cartografía de las fracturas y la exploración de minerales. Este trabajo presenta un enfoque metodológico para detectar los lineamientos estructurales. Para ello, se aplicaron diversas técnicas a la imagen del Landsat 8 para mejorar la visibilidad de las estructuras lineales. Tras correcciones radiométricas y atmosféricas, los colores compuestos y los filtros direccionales aplicados al componente principal (PC1) se pudo establecer un mapa de lineamientos para Jbel Tijekht. La validación y corrección de estos lineamientos se basan en documentos preexistentes combinados con observaciones de campo. El análisis estadístico del mapa de lineamientos permite la identificación de al menos tres sistemas de fractura direccional con orientaciones promedio NS, NE-SW y ENE-WSW. Los sistemas NS y NE-SW muestran una alta densidad en la mayor parte del área de estudio. Estos resultados claramente se superponen a diferentes estructuras tectónicas y a las vetas existentes. Esto permitió establecer un vínculo geológico entre la litología, los sistemas de fracturas y la mineralización. La densidad de fracturas puede atribuirse a las últimas fases de fragilidad del orógeno varisco, lo que refleja la reología de las unidades de roca; la alta densidad de fractura se observa en las rocas competentes como las areniscas de Tabanit. Estas zonas constituyen un área favorable para los depósitos de mineralización

    Contribución de las imágenes Landsat 8 OLI al mapeo de lineamientos y series litológicas: implicaciones para la exploración de mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn en el macizo de Boudahar, Alto Atlas oriental, Marruecos

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    The Boudahar massif is located in the southern part of the eastern belt of the Moroccan High Atlas and it corresponds to a reef mass of about ten kilometers in length. Jbel Boudahar is a district of lead-zinc-barite mineralization, known by a strong artisanal exploitation of its ores. This district is characterized by its topography with a contrast of altitude and an arid environment, which makes the information acquired more valuable. The processing of Landsat 8 OLI data allowed us to extract a lithological and structural map, aiming to make correlations to understand the distribution of lead-zinc mineralization. To this end, several tests were carried out, including the composition of color, principal component analysis and band ratio transformation. The location of the main deposits at Jbel Boudhar coincides well with the lineament derived from band 1 of principal component analysis and with the dolomitic pliensbachian formations mapped by MNF and BR from Landsat Oli8. A remote sensing geological prospecting model has been established for the Jbel Boudhar lead-zinc deposits, providing a basis for future prospecting of new deposits in a similar context.El macizo de Boudahar se encuentra en la parte sur del cinturón oriental del Alto Atlas marroquí y corresponde a una masa arrecifal de unos diez kilómetros de longitud. Jbel Boudahar es un distrito de mineralización de plomo-zinc-barita, conocido por una fuerte explotación artesanal de sus minerales. Este distrito se caracteriza por su topografía con contrastes de altitud y ambiente árido, lo que hace más valiosa la información obtenida. El procesamiento de datos Landsat 8 OLI nos permitió extraer un mapa litológico y estructural, con el objetivo de realizar correlaciones para entender la distribución de la mineralización de plomo-zinc. Para ello se realizaron varias pruebas, entre ellas la composición de color, análisis de componentes principales y transformaciones de ratios de bandas La ubicación de los depósitos principales en Jbel Boudhar coincide bien con el lineamiento derivado de la banda 1 del análisis de componentes principales y con las formaciones dolomíticas pliensbachienses mapeadas por MNF y BR de Landsat OLI8. Así, se ha establecido un modelo de prospección geológica de detección remota para los depósitos de plomo y zinc de Jbel Boudhar, que proporciona una base para la prospección futura de nuevos depósitos en un contexto similar. The processing of Landsat 8 OLI data allowed us to extract lithological and structural data in the Boudahar region, and to make correlations to understand the repartition of lead-zinc mineralization. Several tests were performed, including Color Composite, main component analysis, and band rationing transformation. These results assign high precision to the mapping process using remote sensing, and provide a clear relationship regarding lineaments and lithology, which control the repartition of Boudahar massif mineralization’s

    New materials of the white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum and auerochs Bos primigenius from a Late Pleistocene terrace of the Oued el Haï (NE Morocco) - two elements of the Maghrebi Palearctic fauna

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    Most biogeographers considered the Maghreb to be part of the Palearctic biogeographic region, though it is relatively recently that the proportion of Palearctic species increased there. How and when exactly these biogeographic changes occurred is not well understood, but they are probably the result of the increasing aridification of the Sahara and decreasing global temperatures. Fossils of Bos primigenius and Ceratotherium simum from a new fossil locality in a terrace of the Oued el Haï (NE Morocco) contribute to our understanding of some of these biogeographic processes and their timing. They also suggest an age between ~57 and ~100 ka for the terrace. The same evolutionary change in Bos in Europe and the Maghreb suggests geneflow as the most parsimonious explanation, though parallel evolution is an alternative possibility. Oued el Haï has the oldest well-documented record of C. simum in the Maghreb. The dispersal of this species to North Africa, where it replaced C. mauritanicum, may have occurred during a ‘Green Sahara Period’ between 80–85 or 100–105 ka, when the Maghreb had acquired already a Palearctic character. The study of the biogeography and requirements of the large mammals of the Maghreb may provide information to calibrate the region’s climate modelling.This research was supported / funded by: Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport under grant numbers 42-T002018N0000042853 and 170-T002019N0000038589); Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco); Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco); INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine); Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under grant numbers CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31; Synthesys (European Science Foundation) under grant numbers DE-TAF-668, GB-TAF-4119, AT-TAF-3663, DK-TAF-6538; Research Group Support of the Generalitat de Catalunya under grant numbers 2017 SGR 859 and 2017 SGR 836. The research of A.R.-H., J.A., R.S.-R. and M.G.Ch. was supported by ‘CERCA Programme/Genarlitat de Catalunya’. The Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence under grant number CEX2019-000945-M. The research of I.A.L. was supported by the Humboldt Foundation.Peer reviewe

    First small-sized Dinofelis: Evidence from the Plio-Pleistocene of North Africa

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    We describe small-sized specimens of the metailurine felid Dinofelis from a new Plio-Pleistocene site in North Africa. Dinofelis is a genus of saber-toothed cats mainly recorded from East and South Africa with numerous leopard to jaguar-sized species. The described specimens, clearly smaller than all the other African Dinofelis, resemble isolated remains from the Late Pliocene of France and the Early Pleistocene of Africa. Present evidence suggests that our form represents a new species and/or new lineage of Dinofelis, smaller and probably occupying a different ecological niche compared to the previously known members of the genus, and thus it adds complexity to the high intraspecific competition among large carnivorans in the Plio-Pleistocene of Africa.This work has been funded by Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 and 170- T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda,Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l'Archeologie et du Patrimoine), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31), Agencia Estatal de Investigacion e European Regional Development Fund of the European Union (CGL2017-82654-P, AEI/FEDER-UE), the Generalitat de Catalunya (CERCA Program) which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Program and Research Groups Support (2017 SGR 836 and 2017SGR 859). R.S-R, M.G.CH., and P.S. research is funded by CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. J.M.-M. is member of consolidated research group 2017 SGR 116 (AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya). A.R.-H. is the beneficiary of a postdoctoral scholar ship from the MICINN, Subprograma Juan de la Cierva (IJC-037447-I) and member of the Consolidated Research Group 2017 SGR 1040 of the Generalitat de Catalunya. A.M.A and M.F. are beneficiaries of a fellowship from the Erasmus Mundus Program to do the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain). The Institut Catala de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolucio Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support fromthe Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M).With funding from the Spanish government through the "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence" accreditation (CEX2019-000945-M).Peer reviewe

    Multiproxy approach to reconstruct fossil primate feeding behavior: Case study for macaque from the Plio-Pleistocene site Guefaït-4.2 (eastern Morocco)

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    The genus Macaca belongs to Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys), Cercopithecinae, Papionini. The presence of Macaca in North Africa is well known from the Late Miocene to the Late Pleistocene. However, the diet of fossil Macaca has been poorly described in the literature. In this study, we investigated the feeding habits of Macaca cf. sylvanus (n = 4) from the Plio-Pleistocene site Guefaït-4.2 in eastern Morocco through multiproxy analysis combining analyses of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes from tooth enamel, buccal microtexture, and low-magnification occlusal dental microwear. For both microwear analyses, we compared the macaques with a new reference collection of extant members of Cercopithecoidea. Our occlusal microwear results show for the fossil macaque a pattern similar to the extant Cercocebus atys and Lophocebus albigena, African forest-dwelling species that are characterized by a durophagous diet based mainly on hard fruit and seed intake. Buccal microtexture results also suggest the consumption of some grasses and the exploitation of more open habitats, similar to that observed in Theropithecus gelada. The δ13C of M. cf. sylvanus indicates a C3 based-diet without the presence of C4 plants typical of the savanna grassland in eastern Africa during this period. The high δ18O values of M. cf. sylvanus, compared with the contemporary ungulates recovered from Guefaït-4.2, could be associated with the consumption of a different resource by the primate such as leaves or fresh fruits from the upper part of trees. The complementarity of these methods allows for a dietary reconstruction covering a large part of the individual’s life.This work has been funded by Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 and 170-T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00, and PID2021- 122355NB-C33), Research Groups Support of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR 836, 2017 SGR 1040, 2017 SGR 102, and 2017 SGR 859) and PDC2021-121613-I00 and PID2020-112963GB-I00 by ERDF A way of making Europe, by the European Union. RS-R, MC, AR-H, and CT research was funded by CERCA Programme Generalitat de Catalunya. IR-P is beneficiary of predoctoral fellowship (2020-FI-B-00731) funded by AGAUR and the Fons Social Europeu (FSE). AA and is beneficiary of a fellowship from the Erasmus Mundus Program to do the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain). CT was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the “Ramón y Cajal” program (RYC2020-029404-I). The Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the “María de Maeztu” program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M), including the postdoctoral fellowships of AR-H.With funding from the Spanish government through the "Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence" accreditation CEX2019-000945-M.Peer reviewe

    Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of Jerada province, eastern Morocco: introducing a research project

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    The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained

    Le peuplement humain pendant le Pléistocène et l’Holocène dans la province de Jerada, Maroc oriental : introduction d’un projet de recherche

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    [EN] The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained.[FR] Depuis 2006, la région de Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) au Maroc Oriental, fait l’objet d’un projet de recherche en archéologie, paléontologie, géologie et géochronologie, mené par une équipe internationale. Ces recherches ont permis la découverte d’un nombre significatif de gisements d’âge Pléistocène et Holocène, dans un ancien bassin fluvio-lacustre, qui s’étend sur une surface de 2000 km2. Notre objectif ici est de présenter le projet de recherche, que nous entamons dans la région, la problématique qu’il traite et les premiers résultats déjà obtenus.Funding for this research was provided by: Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 & 170-T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31) and Research Groups Support of the Catalonia Government (2017 SGR 836 and 2017 SGR 859). R.S-R, M.G.CH., J.I.M., A.C., F.R., A.R.-H., E.A., I.E., F.B., J.A., HA.B., P.S., P.P., D.L., I.R. y E.M. research is funded by CERCA Programme/ Generalitat de Catalunya. J.I.M. and A.R.-H research is funded by the Spanish Minitry of Science and Innovation under the “María de Maeztu” Program for Unities of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M). M.S. has been granted by the Research Program UAM Tomás y Valiente 2019. C.T. is funded by the Ramón y Cajal Program. M.F. and M.E.A. received a fellowship under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency in the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at URV. The research of M.D. is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship Grant FT150100215 and the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC2018-025221-I). P.P. has been granted a post-doctoral post under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” Program (Ref. IJC2020-044108-I). E.M-R. is beneficiary of a PTA Ref. PTA201714619-I. G.G.-A. has been granted a “Ford - Apadrina la Ciencia” contract. C.D.-C has been granted a Fundación Atapuerca fellowship. A.C.A. was funded by Junta de Castilla y León (project BU235P18) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M).Peer reviewe

    Déclaration d'Errachidia et lignes directrices pour le développement durable des écosystèmes oasiens.

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