3 research outputs found

    Difficulties that korean and spanish learners of english as a foreign language encounter when learning the language

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutora: Imma Miralpeix Pujol[eng] This study examines the differences between Spanish and Korean learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), focusing on some aspects of language learning that can be challenging when learning English. The participants of this study were 10 Spanish and 10 Korean learners of English, who were individually asked about some linguistic aspects related to vocabulary, morphology, syntax and phonetics. These features were selected taking into account the L1 of the learners. All of the participants were sent a questionnaire in which they had to rate the difficulty of the English items under study and the results were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. Findings show that, in general, the Spanish participants found learning English easier than the Korean participants, and that English pronunciation was the most challenging aspect for both groups.[spa] Este estudio examina las diferencias entre estudiantes españoles y coreanos que aprenden inglés como lengua extranjera, centrándose en algunos aspectos que pueden ser complicados al aprender inglés. Los participantes de este estudio fueron 10 españoles y 10 coreanos, todos estudiantes de inglés, a los cuales se les preguntó individualmente acerca de algunos aspectos lingüísticos relacionados con el vocabulario, la morfología, la sintaxis y la fonética. Estas características lingüísticas fueron seleccionadas teniendo en cuenta la lengua materna de los estudiantes. Todos los participantes recibieron un cuestionario en el que tenían que especificar el nivel de dificultad de los aspectos en cuestión. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que, en general, para los participantes españoles el aprendizaje del inglés fue más fácil que para los participantes coreanos, y que la pronunciación inglesa fue lo más difícil para ambos grupos

    La enseñanza de los falsos cognados a estudiantes anglófonos de ELE con nivel B1-B2 a través del enfoque por tareas

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    False cognates are words that share a very similar form in two different languages, but they do not always share the same meaning. These lexical terms can lead to a misunderstanding between speakers if the correct meaning of a word is unknown, both in the first language and the target language. In addition, false cognates lack appearance in foreign language manuals and they are not usually dealt with in class; hence why this paper will also focus on highlighting this aspect. The present study focuses on the teaching of false cognates to English-speaking students of Spanish as a foreign language with a B1-B2 level, through the use of task-based language learning. The main goal of the didactic proposal presented in this paper is to practice false cognates in class, so that a wider vocabulary knowledge can be achieved by the students through the correct use of these words. Throughout the different sessions of the proposal, 85 false cognates between Spanish and English will be presented through a task-based language learning method. This way, students will be able to practice vocabulary with different tasks and exercises by using all language skills. Words from different grammatical categories will appear in between these 85 false cognates, with the purpose of offering students a wider vocabulary knowledge.Los falsos cognados son palabras que comparten una forma muy similar en dos lenguas diferentes pero no necesariamente comparten el mismo significado. Este componente léxico puede producir malentendidos entre los hablantes si se desconoce el significado correcto de las palabras tanto en la lengua materna como en la lengua meta. Además, existe una carencia en relación con los falsos cognados en los manuales de lenguas extranjeras y no se suelen tratar en el aula, por lo que este trabajo pretende también darle importancia a este aspecto. El presente trabajo se centra en la enseñanza de los falsos cognados a estudiantes anglófonos de ELE de nivel B1-B2 a través del enfoque por tareas. La propuesta didáctica que se presenta a continuación tiene como objetivo principal trabajar los falsos cognados en el aula de ELE, con tal de conseguir una ampliación del léxico mediante el uso correcto de estas palabras. Durante las diferentes sesiones que se plantean en la propuesta se trabajarán un total de 85 falsos cognados que comparten el español y el inglés a través del enfoque por tareas, de manera que los estudiantes puedan poner en práctica la competencia léxica mediante actividades variadas que permitan trabajar todas las destrezas lingüísticas. Entre esos 85 falsos cognados se incluyen palabras de distintas categorías gramaticales con el propósito de ofrecer a los estudiantes un conocimiento léxico que sea lo más amplio posible

    A Pharmacovigilance Study in First Episode of Psychosis : Psychopharmacological Interventions and Safety Profiles in the PEPs Project

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    The characterization of the first episode of psychosis and how it should be treated are principal issues in actual research. Realistic, naturalistic studies are necessary to represent the entire population of first episode of psychosis attended in daily practice. Sixteen participating centers from the PEPs project recruited 335 first episode of psychosis patients, aged 7 to 35 years. This article describes and discusses the psychopharmacological interventions and safety profiles at baseline and during a 60-day pharmacovigilance period. The majority of first episode of psychosis patients received a second-generation antipsychotic (96.3%), orally (95%), and in adjusted doses according to the product specifications (87.2%). A total of 24% were receiving an antipsychotic polytherapy pattern at baseline, frequently associated with lower or higher doses of antipsychotics than the recommended ones. Eight patients were taking clozapine, all in monotherapy. Males received higher doses of antipsychotic (P=.043). A total of 5.2% of the patients were being treated with long-acting injectable antipsychotics; 12.2% of the patients received anticholinergic drugs, 12.2% antidepressants, and 13.7% mood stabilizers, while almost 40% received benzodiazepines; and 35.52% reported at least one adverse drug reaction during the pharmacovigilance period, more frequently associated with higher antipsychotic doses and antipsychotic polytherapy (85.2% vs 45.5%, P<.001). These data indicate that the overall pharmacologic prescription for treating a first episode of psychosis in Spain follows the clinical practice guideline recommendations, and, together with security issues, support future research of determinate pharmacological strategies for the treatment of early phases of psychosis, such as the role of clozapine, long-acting injectable antipsychotics, antipsychotic combination, and the use of benzodiazepines