36 research outputs found

    Creative Business Model Innovation for Globalizing SMEs

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    Ettevõtluse paradokside tervikkäsitlus: "Entrepreneurship in theory and practice: Paradoxes in play"

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    Suna Løwe Nielseni, Kim Klyveri, Majbritt Rostgaard Evaldi ja Torben Bageri raamat "Entrepreneurship in theory and practice: Paradoxes in play" on hea sissejuhatus valdkonda. See mitte üksnes ei paku teoreetilist vaatenurka distsipliinile, vaid ka suunab lugejat kriitiliselt analüüsima ettevõtluse pakutavaid võimalusi ning avardab kaasuste ja paradokside kaudu ettevõtja mõtteviisi, soodustades selle rakendamist ettevõtlusprotsessis. Sellisena on raamat väärtuslik nii üliõpilasele kui ka valdkonna professionaalile, kelleks magistriõppe läbinu peaks kujunema

    Knowledge-based entrepreneurship in Estonia

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    The importance of new firm creation in the post-Communist economies of East Central Europe (ECE) has been subject to extensive research. This paper focuses on an area of entrepreneurship which has received relatively little attention in the transition economy context but which is of particular importance for the modernization of the transition economies: knowledge-based entrepreneurship (KBE), or new firm creation in industries considered to be science-based or to use research and development (R&D) intensively. We begin by sketching the situation in Estonia's small and medium-sized business sector, then proceed to study the conditions for high-tech firm development in the country, with particular attention devoted to the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which have been of particular significance in the Estonian case, as well as the questions of finance and policy initiatives. We then turn to the analysis of a series of case studies of firms active in the areas of information technology, life sciences, and digital mapping and navigation technology. Among the issues treated are the resources and strategies involved in KBE in Estonia, the relationships (networks) of the firms in question and how they are used for knowledge acquisition, and barriers to innovation and development. In spite of a relative lack of government support, we find that overall Estonia appears to be one of the better locations for KBE in the ECE region, with rising R&D spending, a highly educated entrepreneurial class, and universities that have moved forward rapidly in the development of technology transfer support facilities. The firms studied here rely for much of their success on foreign markets; on the other hand, difficulties in internationalisation can be identified as one of the key bottlenecks for the development of Estonian KBE. In the area of business relationships and networks, academic partners dominate

    Measuring Learning Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Using Structural Equation Modeling

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    This paper empirically substantiates a novel tripartite framework for measuring learning outcomes of entrepreneurship education (EE) by employing structural equation modeling. Three types of learning outcome are estimated—cognitive, skill-based, and affective—following Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of educational objectives. The study is based on a sample of 249 imminent and recent Bachelor-level graduates from the leading universities of Estonia. The key fit, reliability, and validity indicators show statistically that the tested framework can serve as an instrument for measuring the learning outcomes of EE. This novel instrument may also serve as an alternative to entrepreneurial intention-based models very frequently used in EE to evaluate the learning outcomes. The studied interrelationships demonstrate that (1) the affective outcomes correlate significantly with the cognitive outcomes (r= 0.273, p< 0.001) and with the skill-based (r= 0.368, p< 0.001) outcomes; a correlation between the cognitive and skill-based outcomes is also significant and comparatively high (r= 0.602, p< 0.001);(2) the learning outcomes explain more variance in the cognitive and skill-based outcome constructs (44.7% and 81.0%, accordingly) than in the affective outcome construct (16.7%). Conclusions and implications for entrepreneurship educators and researchers are discussed

    Uuring 1.1 Intellektuaalomandi (IO) süsteem ja IO roll väikeriigi T&A&I süsteemis, võrdlev situatsiooni kaardistamine ja eeluuring

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    Käesoleva raporti eesmärgiks on väikeriigi jätkusuutlikule teadus-arendustegevuse ning innovatsiooni (TA&I) süsteemile vastava intellektuaalse omandi (IO) seireindikaatorite süsteemi kujundamine ja väljatöötamine ning empiiriliste andmete kogumine. Uuringus lähtutakse huvirühmades seireprogrammi alguseks välja kujunenud probleemipüstitusest ja autorite varasemate uuringute tulemustest. Probleemistik sisaldas küsimusi madalast patenteerimisaktiivsusest Eestis, ülikoolide rolli IO loomises ja rakenduses erinevates valdkondades, IO teadlikkust teadusasutustes ja ettevõtetes, samuti õiguslikust raamistikust ja arengutakistustest erinevates valdkondades. Autoriõigusega seotud probleemistik kaeti raportiga detsembrist 2012.http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=366

    Autoriõiguste ning avatud juurdepääsu (open access) küsimused teadus- ja arendustegevuses

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    Käesoleva töö peamiseks eesmärgiks on vastata järgnevatele küsimustele: 1) Missugused on peamised autoriõigusega seonduvad probleemid ning autorikaitse süsteemide kitsaskohad Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuses? 2) Missugused on olnud viimase 5 aasta jooksul peamised probleemid ning kuidas need juhtumid on lahenenud, missugused on selle põhjal tehtavad järeldused ja üldistused?http://tips.ut.ee/index.php?module=32&op=1&id=352

    Creative entrepreneurs' perceptions about entrepreneurial education

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    Challenges of transformation of research data into open data : The perspective of social sciences and humanities

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    The authors address the transformation of research data into open data. The article draws on the experience in four countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. The transformation process presents several challenges where legal, organizational and individual aspects influence the process. Research data often contain personal data. Research data could also be covered with intellectual property (IP) rights. This means that personal data and IP regulations should be integrated into the dissemination model. While there is a potential conflict between the policies for open data that aim to make data freely available and those of an entrepreneurial university that emphasize commercialization of research results, these policies need to be made compatible. Researchers producing data are vital for reconciling the two, but they currently lack the motivation to contribute towards the implementation of the open data policy due to missing career incentives.Peer reviewe