52 research outputs found

    Õhusaaste linnades ja selle mõju inimeste tervisele

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    Viimastel aastakümnetel on linnaõhu saastumisest saanud rahvatervise probleem üle maailma. Kütteallikate arvu ja liiklustiheduse kiirest kasvust tingituna on ka Eesti linnades õhusaaste suurenemas. On teada, et õhusaaste avaldab mõju eelkõige inimese hingamisteedele ja südamele-veresoonkonnale. Seetõttu võib sellega seostada linlaste tervise halvenemist ja ravikulutuste suurenemist tulevikus. Terviseriski vähendamiseks on kehtestatud piirnormid SO2, NO2, CO, peente osakeste ja teiste atmosfääriõhu saastekomponentide sisaldusele. Linnaelanike tervist ohustavad eelkõige peente osakestega seotud raskmetallid ja orgaanilised ühendid, seda ka piirväärtustest väiksemate kontsentratsioonide juures. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (6): 401–40

    Apteegitöötaja kutseriskide, töövõime ja tervisehäirete seosed

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    Apteegitöös esineb hulgaliselt ohutegureid, mis mõjutavad proviisorite/farmatseutide tervist ja töövõimet. Sagedamini esinevateks tervisehäireteks on üldine väsimus, silmade ärritusnähud, nägemise halvenemine ja valud skeleti- ning lihassüsteemis. Tervisekaebused tulenevad eelkõige töökorraldusest, -tingimustest ja -iseloomust. Rohkem peaks tähelepanu pöörama arvutitöökoha, mikrokliima ja valgustuse tingimuste parandamisele. Tuleb tagada piisavad kaitsevõtted võimaliku nakkusohu ennetamiseks ja ravimite ex tempore valmistamisel. Väga olulised tegevused tervise probleemide ennetamisel on samuti töö- ja puhkeaja reguleerimine, ametijuhendite täiustamine ning tööpanuse väärtustamine. Lisaks tuleb parandada apteekide olme- ja puhketingimusi, Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (4): 290–29

    Effectiveness of simulation models on technical skills among surgeons. A critical review

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    ArticleBased on simulation models the surgeons can train technical skills and improve their functional status of musculoskeletal state. Work in good ergonomic position could reduce and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this review is to carry out critical analysis of research on simulation techniques analysing the effectiveness of simulators on technical skills among the surgeons. The search of the articles based on the databases EBSCO, Science Direct and Web of Science. The articles published in 2011–2016 years and not the literature reviews of simulator models in surgery were the selection criteria. Most often the simulator models have used for training of laparoscopic operations, choosing new instruments or introducing new methodologies. Some articles have paid more attention to ergonomic equipment layout in practice to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. It is important to use simulators in the university hospitals, where the young surgeons and medical students are practicing

    The impact of training on safety performance in agriculture: A scoping review

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    Received: April 29th, 2023 ; Accepted: July 13th, 2023 ; Published: July 17th, 2023´; Correspondence: [email protected] aim of the study was to analyse the effectiveness of occupational health and safety (OHS) training methods on safety behaviour of farmers and agricultural workers based on literature results. The scoping review intends to find out the main gaps in teaching methodology influencing safety performance of employers and employees in agriculture. A systematic search of literature with help of predefined search strings (agriculture, education, effectiveness, farmer, farm worker, intervention, safety, training) in two literature databases (Scopus, EBSCO) was carried out. It was analysed, how effectively different training methods improved safety awareness and performance of farmers, students and employees. The strength of the evidence on training’s effectiveness was assessed for existence of control or comparison group, pre- and post-testing, follow-up testing, statistical significance testing, clear methodology description and thorough study overview were presented. In the primary literature research, 276 articles were identified. A total of 224 articles were left after the exclusion of redundant publications. After the abstracts’ screening 52 publications met the eligibility criteria. After the full text screening by two independent researchers additionally 33 studies were excluded, and in total 19 studies entered into the data charting process. The articles were assessed as medium (n = 8) and high (n = 8) in terms of strength of evidence. According to the review results, the training methods used in the agricultural sector have shown as effective due to the safety awareness and risk behavior among the trainees improved, but new OHS knowledge after training need to be engaged and regularly updated

    Dynamics of work accidents incidence by severity, gender and lost workdays in Estonian agricultural sector and sub-sectors in 2008–2017

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    ArticleThe risk of dying in a work-related accident is greatest for those employed in agricultural sector. The aim of this study is to analyse the dynamics of work accidents (WA) incidence by severity, gender and lost workdays in Estonian agriculture in 2008–2017. Method: The database of accidents in agriculture (2008–2017) was obtained from the Estonian Labour Inspectorate (ELI). Work accidents statistics is based on official reports of employers. Results: In total 1,683 non-fatal work accidents (NFA) was registered in the past decade, from which 1,235 (79.3%) were minor and 448 (20.7%) severe. In total 13 fatal work accidents (FA) have occurred, which accounts 0.8% of all the WAs (n = 1,696). Although the trends of minor and severe WA cases showed steady increase, the number of FA has remained low. A major part WAs (74%) was registered in farming and horticulture, with prevalence of minor accidents. A severe WA is likely to occur in forestry or very likely in fishery. The proportion of injured male and female was 51.8% and 48.2%, accordingly. In the farming and horticulture sector there were more accidents among women – of all the minor accidents (n = 1,235) 52.1% occurred to women. Of all the severe WAs (n = 448) 61.2% and all the fatal work accidents happened to male workers. About 2/3 of severe WAs caused sick leave 31–90 days and more. Conclusion: The number of WAs in Estonian agricultural sector show steady increase in the past decade. A major part of accidents is minor and mostly occurred in farming and horticulture, and more often with females. Severe and FAs more often occurred in forestry and fishery. Mostly the severe WAs cause long sick leave – a month or more. When to increase work accidents severity level by one step (from minor to severe), the sick leave is increasing significantly

    Importance of microclimate conditions and CO 2 control in educational buildings: a case study

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    ArticleCurrent efforts to minimize energy losses and maximize energy savings for heating of all houses are most often gained by insulating facades and replacing windows. However, these measures can have a significant negative impact on human health and these problems can occur in buildings with a high concentration of people, such as school buildings. The aim of this paper is to analyse the results of measurements of air temperature, relative air humidity and carbon dioxide in winter period in the classrooms of two universities, Estonian University of Life Sciences (EULS) in Tartu and Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) in Prague. The measurements have carried out in 2017 2018 in eight classrooms of the EULS and two classr ooms of the CULS. The external and internal temperature, relative humidity and concentration of carbon dioxide have measured in the classrooms during a few days in the winter period. In the lecture rooms of CULS, when the air conditioning was off, the leve ls of CO 2 exceeded the recommended levels about two times. The average internal temperature and CO 2 concentrations in the classrooms of EULS follows the norms and refers on good ventilation. The extremely low relative humidity in the classrooms of EULS at 17.1 ± 2.6% refers to a high risk of allostatic load and respiratory symptoms among students. It is important to pay attention on regular ventilation and relative air humidity control in the teaching rooms, especially with high number of students to preven t seasonal sickness of upper respiratory tract

    Haiglatöötajate rahulolu töökorralduse ja töötingimustega

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    Viimase 10 aasta jooksul on Eesti haiglates hakatud rohkem tähelepanu pöörama töötajate rahulolule. Aastatel 2004–2006 uuriti seda anonüümse ankeetküsitluse abil neljas Eesti haiglas. Käesolevas töös on analüüsitud töötajate rahulolu oma tööga, töökorralduse, töötingimuste ja töösuhetega ning võrreldud rahuloluhinnanguid erinevate ametite vahel. Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et kaks kolmandikku küsitletutest olid oma tööga rahul ning seda kõige olulisemaks mõjutavaks teguriks oli rahulolu oma töö korraldusega. Kuigi enamasti oli töötajate hinnangul tööülesannete sõnastus selge ja töö korraldamatuse tõttu aega kaduma ei läinud, on tööprotsesside korrastamises tõenäoliselt veel piisavalt arenguruumi. Mis tahes muudatuste tegemisel on oluline tööprotsesside kirjeldamine ja analüüs korraldamaks tööd inimestele kõige sobivamal viisil, et seeläbi tagada kvaliteetse tervishoiuteenuse osutamine. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (3): 173–18

    The prevalence of work accidents in Estonian agriculture in 2008–2017

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    Saabunud / Received 26.10.2019 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 15.11.2019 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 29.11.2019 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Anni Eda e-mail: [email protected] accidents in agriculture are a problem all over the world. The costs of accidents are high to the employer and to the national economy as a whole. Work-related ill-health and injury is costing the European Union 3.3% of its GDP. In Estonia, the estimates of the costs of work accidents (WA) in 2012 showed €2.4 billion per year and due to permanent lost workability €25 billion costs in total for society. Even if the most sectors become more automated, there are also self-employed farmers, who cannot always use the newest technologies. At the same time, family members and farm workers are facing risks higher than in most other occupations. Many accidents involve the handling of machinery or animals. The objective of the study was to analyse fatal and non-fatal work accidents by demographic parameters, severity, type, causes and body location of injuries in Estonian agriculture in 2008–2017. Method. The database of accidents in agriculture was obtained from the Estonian Labour Inspectorate and the data by absolute numbers, percentages and incident rates have described. Results. The total number of accidents at work in agriculture was 1696, which formed 4% from the total economic sector. The average incident rate in the past decade was 678 accidents per 100 000 workers. Predominantly minor accidents and usually among male workers have taken place. There are mainly 3 types of injuries – wounds and superficial injuries (40.4% of the total), bone fractures (25.6%) and concussion and internal injuries (16.2%). The most common causes of work accidents are lack of internal control (20.3%), poor instruction (18.5%) and other factors (18.1%). The most often locations of the injuries throughout the years were upper or lower limbs (35.7% and 33.0% respectively). The biggest number of accidents was taken place at Järva county

    Arstiüliõpilaste stress, läbipõlemine ja tervis kolmel esimesel õppeaastal

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    Eesmärk. Kirjeldada arstiüliõpilaste hinnanguid oma stressitasemele, tervise-, meeleolu-, motivatsiooni- ja läbipõlemisnäitajatele esimesel, kolmandal ja viiendal semestril ning võrrelda tulemusi semestrite ja erialade kaupa. Metoodika. 2010. aasta sügisel korraldati esimest, kolmandat ja viiendat semestrit ülikoolis õppivate arstiüliõpilaste hulgas anonüümne ankeetküsitlus. Küsimustik oli koostatud rahvusvaheliselt valideeritud küsimustike põhjal. Vaatluse alla võeti seitse alavaldkonda: üldandmed, motivatsioon õpinguteks, eksamite soorituskindlus, meeleolu, stressitase, tervise ja läbipõlemise näitajad. Tulemuste analüüsimisel kasutati üldsagedustabeleid, c2-testi, mitteparameetrilist t-testi ja dispersioonanalüüsi. Tulemused. Valim koosnes 345 arstiüliõpilasest. Üldine keskmine vastamismäär oli 51,6% ning see oli suurim ravi- (60%) ja väikseim proviisoriüliõpilaste hulgas (25,5%). Vastajate keskmine vanus oli 20,8 ± 1,9 aastat. Vastanutest suurema osa moodustasid eestlased ja naisüliõpilased. Võrreldes esimese semestriga, oli viienda semestri üliõpilaste hulgas oluliselt rohkem neid, kes hindasid oma stressitaseme kõrgeks, terviseseisundi halvaks, õpimotivatsiooni ja eksamite soorituskindluse madalaks (p Keskmiste skooride võrdlus kinnitas, et võrreldes hinnangutega 1. ja 3. semestril, oli viiendal semestril oluliselt kõrgem stressi-, emotsionaalse kurnatuse ja küünilisuse tase ning madalam õpimotivatsioon, halvem üldine ja vaimne tervis ning rohkem haigussümptomeid ja meelolulangust (p Järeldused. Arstiüliõpilaste hinnangud stressitasemele, tervisele, läbipõlemisnäitajatele, meeleolule, õpimotivatsioonile ja eksamite soorituskindlusele sõltuvad õppesemestrist, erialast ja mõneti ka soost. Seetõttu tuleb rohkem tähelepanu pöörata arstiüliõpilaste tervisele ja seda eriti ravieriala tudengitele viiendal semestril ning naisüliõpilastele. Tudengite stressijuhtimise oskusi tuleks parandada alates õpingute algusest.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(10):561–56

    Tervise edendamine ja kvaliteedi tagamine Eesti haiglates

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    1990. aastate keskpaigas algatati Maailma Terviseorganisatsiooni eestvedamisel tervist edendavate haiglate (TEH) liikumine, mille eesmärgiks oli lisaks diagnostikale ja ravile julgus tada haiglaid tegelema rohkem ka haiguste ennetamise ning tervise edendamisega. Tervist edendav haigla peaks kaasa aitama nii oma patsientide kui ka töötajate tervise edendamisele ning seeläbi tagama ka kvaliteetsema tervishoiuteenuse osutamise. Eestis algas TEH-liikumine 1999. aastal, 2005. aasta lõpuks on võrgustikuga ühinenud 22 haiglat. Käesolevas töös on analüüsitud ning võrreldud TEH-võrgustikuga ühinenud ja võrgustikku mittekuuluvate Eesti haiglate tegevust tervise edendamise ja tervishoiuteenuste kvaliteedi tagamise valdkonnas. Eesti Arst 2006; 85 (1): 2–