12 research outputs found

    Istituzioni scolastiche e coesione sociale. Rappresentazioni e pratiche dei professionisti della scuola.

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    Nel contesto della societ\ue0 moderna e postmoderna un ruolo centrale \ue8 svolto dalle istituzioni educative, ovvero le istituzioni pensate per aver cura delle nuove generazioni e introdurle in un mondo che li precede (Arendt, 2001). Secondo Kantzara, la scuola e i processi formativi contribuiscono alla coesione sociale in diversi modi. nella postmodernit\ue0 i sistemi scolastici sono chiamati a confrontarsi essenzialmente con 4 cambiamenti radicali che coinvolgono la societ\ue0, le sue istituzioni e gli individui che le popolano: i. l\u2019eterogeneit\ue0 della popolazione scolastica; ii. la crisi dell\u2019autorit\ue0; iii. la frantumazione sociale; iv. il narcisismo degli individui. E quale tipo di educazione si rende necessaria in societ\ue0 multietniche caratterizzate da questi fenomeni strettamente intrecciati tra loro? L\u2019indagine pedagogica ha voluto indagare rappresentazioni, convinzioni e azioni del corpo docente circa il ruolo svolto dall\u2019istituzione scolastica e dai suoi professionisti nel promuovere coesione sociale nella societ\ue0 italiana contemporanea

    A Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Toxin Mutant That Fails To Oligomerize Has a Dominant Negative Phenotype

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    Most Helicobacter pylori strains secrete a toxin (VacA) that causes massive vacuolization of target cells and which is a major virulence factor of H. pylori. The VacA amino-terminal region is required for the induction of vacuolization. The aim of the present study was a deeper understanding of the critical role of the N-terminal regions that are protected from proteolysis when VacA interacts with artificial membranes. Using a counterselection system, we constructed an H. pylori strain, SPM 326-Δ49-57, that produces a mutant toxin with a deletion of eight amino acids in one of these protected regions. VacA Δ49-57 was correctly secreted by H. pylori but failed to oligomerize and did not have any detectable vacuolating cytotoxic activity. However, the mutant toxin was internalized normally and stained the perinuclear region of HeLa cells. Moreover, the mutant toxin exhibited a dominant negative effect, completely inhibiting the vacuolating activity of wild-type VacA. This loss of activity was correlated with the disappearance of oligomers in electron microscopy. These findings indicate that the deletion in VacA Δ49-57 disrupts the intermolecular interactions required for the oligomerization of the toxin

    Scuola e coesione sociale in Italia

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    Il volume presenta i risultati dell\u2019indagine \u201cScuola e coesione sociale in Italia\u201d, svolta nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019Azione di Ricerca Interdisciplinare di Dipartimento \u2013 SCUOLA (ARIdip \u2013 SCUOLA) del Dipartimento di Scienze Umane dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Verona. A partire da una prospettiva di ricerca interdisciplinare, si studia il nesso tra azioni che la scuola mette in atto e produzione di coesione sociale in Italia. Dopo aver definito il quadro storico-pedagogico del suddetto nesso, dal secondo dopoguerra a oggi, si presentano alcune indagini empiriche, connesse tra loro all\u2019interno di un unico disegno di ricerca. Tali indagini consentono di affrontare l\u2019analisi delle strategie attraverso le quali la scuola, come entit\ue0 istituzionale, incide sulla creazione del \u201cbuon cittadino\u201d, ovvero di una persona dotata di senso civico e capace di aprirsi all\u2019altro e alle istituzioni. L\u2019ambito di studio oggetto delle ricerche empiriche \ue8 stato quello del primo ciclo di istruzione. Le indagini hanno riguardato il personale docente e dirigente, studenti e genitori di alcune scuole primarie e secondarie di primo grado statali, un campione di famiglie residenti in Italia, con almeno un figlio in et\ue0 compresa tra i 6 e i 14 anni e frequentante il primo ciclo di istruzione in una scuola statale, e alcuni CPIA (Centri Provinciali per l\u2019Istruzione degli Adulti), coinvolgendo, in questo caso, oltre agli studenti, il personale docente e dirigente. Le scuole mostrano una capacit\ue0 rilevante d\u2019incidere sulle virt\uf9 civiche, non solo degli studenti ma anche delle loro famiglie, e ospitano legami capaci di avere una valenza universalistica e di favorire il reciproco riconoscimento tra gli individui, che gioca un ruolo positivo sull\u2019engagement emotivo degli studenti. Le attivit\ue0 scolastiche per il rafforzamento della coesione sociale sono positivamente connesse con il rendimento scolastico degli studenti e contribuiscono a determinare positivamente la fiducia nelle istituzioni pubbliche dei loro genitori. I CPIA risultano capaci di produrre le condizioni per la creazione di legami tra gli studenti. L\u2019impatto positivo sulla coesione sociale delle istituzioni considerate emerge con chiarezza

    Characterization of CNVs in three patients carrying a <i>de novo</i> deletion of <i>SHANK2</i>.

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    <p>Paternally or maternally inherited CNVs are indicated by squares and circles, respectively. <i>De novo</i> CNVs are indicated by stars. Deletions and duplications are indicated in red and blue, respectively. CNVs hitting exons or only introns are filled with grey and white, respectively. Squares and circles within star represent <i>de novo</i> CNV of paternal or maternal origin; circles within squares represent CNV inherited by father or mother. ABCC6, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C, member 6 pseudogene 2; ADAM, ADAM metallopeptidase; AMY1, amylase (salivary); AMY2A, amylase (pancreatic); ARHGAP11B, Rho GTPase activating protein 11B; CAMSAP1L1, calmodulin regulated spectrin-associated protein 1-like 1; CHRNA7, cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, alpha 7; CNTN4, contactin 4; CTNNA3, catenin (cadherin-associated protein), alpha 3; CYFIP1, cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 1; DUSP22, dual specificity phosphatase 22; GALM, galactose mutarotase; GCNT2, glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 2; GOLGA, golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a; GSTT1, glutathione S-transferase theta 1; HLA-DRB, major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta; LAMA4, laminin, alpha 4; NIPA, non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome; NLGN1, neuroligin 1; NME7, non-metastatic cells 7; OR, olfactory receptor; PCDHA, protocadherin alpha; RFPL4B, ret finger protein-like 4B; RHD, Rh blood group, D antigen; SFMBT1, Scm-like with four mbt domains 1; SHANK2, SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2; SMC2, structural maintenance of chromosomes 2; TNS3, tensin 3; TUBGCP5, tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 5; UGT2B17, UDP glucuronosyltransferase 2 family, polypeptide B17.</p

    <i>SHANK2</i> mutations in patients with ASD.

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    <p>A. A heterozygous deletion of <i>SHANK2</i> was identified with the Illumina Human 1M-Duo SNP array in a patient with autism (AU038_3). The deletion spans 421 kb on chromosome 11q13.3, covers twelve exons of the human <i>SHANK2</i> and is not present in the parents. Each dot shows Log R Ratio (LRR; in red) and B allele frequency (BAF; in green). QuantiSNP score is represented with a blue line and indicates the deletion size. B. Location of the CNV and sequence variants (from this study and Berkel <i>et al.</i> 2010) along the SHANK2 protein: in red the variations specific to ASD, in orange the variations shared by ASD and controls and in green the variations specific to controls <a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002521#pgen.1002521-Berkel1" target="_blank">[26]</a>. The breakpoints of the <i>SHANK2</i> deletion in AU038_3 are represented with a dotted line on the protein. Stars indicate the variants affecting conserved amino acids. C. A total of 40 variants were identified and variants affecting conserved amino acids in other SHANK proteins are enriched in patients with ASD (n<sub>conserved</sub> = 12 and n<sub>non-conserved</sub> = 3) compared with controls (n<sub>conserved</sub> = 6 and n<sub>non-conserved</sub> = 11) (Fisher's exact test 1-sided, P = 0.013, OR = 6.83, 95% IC = 1.19–53.40). D. The percentage of carriers of <i>SHANK2</i> variants in patients with ASD and Controls. Variants affecting a conserved amino acid among the SHANK proteins are enriched in patients with ASD (n<sub>conserved</sub> = 29 and n<sub>non-conserved</sub> = 822) compared with controls (n<sub>conserved</sub> = 16 and n<sub>non-conserved</sub> = 1074) (Fisher's exact test 1-sided, P = 0.004, OR = 2.37, 95% CI = 1.23–4.70). Open squares and filled squares represent the non-conserved and conserved amino acids, respectively. ANK, Ankyrin repeat domain; SH3, Src homology 3 domain; PDZ, postsynaptic density 95/Discs large/zona occludens-1 homology domain; SAM, sterile alpha motif domain; BSR, brain specific region; H, homer binding site; D, dynamin binding site; C, cortactin binding site. The proline-rich region is represented as a horizontal gray line.</p

    Genetic alterations identified in the control subject SWE_Q56_508.

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    <p>A. <i>SHANK2</i> splice mutation (IVS22+1G>T) detected in a Swedish female control, SWE_Q56_508. The mutation altered the donor splicing site of exon 22 and led to a premature stop in all <i>SHANK2</i> isoforms except for the <i>AF1411901</i> isoform, where it altered the protein sequence (G263V). B. CNVs in the same individual altering <i>LOC339822</i>, <i>SNTG2</i>, <i>PXDN</i> and <i>MYT1L</i>. The two close duplications span 264 kb and 245 kb on chromosome 2 and altered <i>LOC339822</i> and <i>SNTG2</i>, and <i>PXDN</i> and <i>MYT1L</i>, respectively. Dots show the B allele frequency (BAF; in green), Log R ratio (LRR; in red), and QuantiSNP score (in blue). Lower panel: all CNVs listed in the Database of Genomic Variants (DGV) are represented: loss (in red), gain (in blue), gain or loss (in brown). H, homer binding site; D, dynamin binding site; C, cortactin binding site.</p

    Genomic structure, isoforms, and expression of human <i>SHANK2</i>.

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    <p>A. Genomic structure of the human <i>SHANK2</i> gene. Transcription of <i>SHANK2</i> produces four main mRNA from three distinct promoters: <i>SHANK2E</i> (<i>AB208025</i>), <i>ProSAP1A</i> (<i>AB208026</i>), <i>ProSAP1</i> (<i>AB208027</i>) and <i>AF141901</i>. There are three translation starts: in exon 2 for <i>SHANK2E</i>, in exon1b for <i>ProSAP1A</i>, and in exon1c for <i>ProSAP1</i> and <i>AF141901</i>; and two independent stop codons: in exon 22b for <i>AF141901</i> and in exon 25 for <i>SHANK2E</i>, <i>ProSAP1A</i> and <i>ProSAP1</i>. Conserved domains of protein interaction or protein binding site are represented in color: ANK (red), SH3 (orange), PDZ (blue) and SAM (green), H (pink), D, (dark blue) and C (purple). Black stars identify the alternative spliced exons (‘brain-specific exons’ in turquoise: 19, 20 and 23). B. RT-PCRs of <i>SHANK2</i> isoforms on RNA from different human control tissues (Clontech), and different brain regions of four controls (2 males and 2 females). The amplified regions specific to each isoform of <i>SHANK2</i> are indicated by gray boxes. C. Alternative splicing of human <i>SHANK2</i>; exons 19, 20 and 23 are specific to the brain. ANK, ankyrin; SH3, Src homology 3; PDZ, PSD95/DLG/ZO1; SAM, sterile alpha motif; He, heart; Li, liver; B, brain; SM, skeletal muscle; Pl, placenta; K, kidney; Lu, lung; Pa, pancreas; FC, frontal cortex; Hi, hippocampus; TC, temporal cortex; T, thalamus; OC, occipital cortex; Ce, cerebellum; Cx, whole cortex; BLCL, B lymphoblastoid cell lines; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; BSR, brain specific region; H, homer binding site; D, dynamin binding site; C, cortactin binding site. The ages of the two males and the two females studied were 74, 42, 55, and 36 years with a post-mortem interval of 10, 21, 24, and 2 h, respectively.</p

    Characterization of the functional impact of <i>SHANK2</i> mutations in cultured neuronal cells.

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    <p>A. The colocalization of <i>ProSAP1A/SHANK2</i>-EGFP (postsynaptic marker) and Bassoon (presynaptic marker) indicated that the mutations did not disturb the formation of SHANK2 clusters at excitatory synapses along the dendrites. B. The quantification of synapse density was performed on 20 transfected hippocampal neurons per construct from at least three independent experiments. The majority of the <i>ProSAP1A</i> variants affecting a conserved amino acid among SHANK proteins reduced significantly the synaptic density compared with the variants that affect amino acid non conserved among SHANK proteins (Mann-Whitney U-test: n<sub>WT</sub> = 20, n<sub>mut</sub> = 20; U<sub>S557N</sub> = 82.5, p<sub>S557N</sub> = 0.001; U<sub>R569H</sub> = 124, p<sub>R569H</sub> = 0.04; U<sub>L629P</sub> = 149, p<sub>L629P</sub> = 0.17; U<sub>V717F</sub> = 114, p<sub>V717F</sub> = 0.02; U<sub>A729T</sub> = 73, p<sub>A729T</sub> = 0.000; U<sub>K780Q</sub> = 154, p<sub>K780Q</sub> = 0.221; U<sub>R818H</sub> = 108, p<sub>R818H</sub> = 0.012; U<sub>A822T</sub> = 154.5, p<sub>A822T</sub> = 0.224; U<sub>V823M</sub> = 129, p<sub>V823M</sub> = 0.056; U<sub>Y967C</sub> = 134, p<sub>Y967C</sub> = 0.076; U<sub>G1170R</sub> = 78, p<sub>G1170R</sub> = 0.001; U<sub>R1290W</sub> = 142, p<sub>R1290W</sub> = 0.121; U<sub>Q1308R</sub> = 162, p<sub>Q1308R</sub> = 0.314; U<sub>D1535N</sub> = 97, p<sub>D1535N</sub> = 0.005; U<sub>P1586L</sub> = 137, p<sub>P1586L</sub> = 0.910; U<sub>L1722P</sub> = 79, p<sub>L1722P</sub> = 0.001, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001). <b>C.</b> Effect of the variants on synaptic density. The y-axis represents −log P compared to WT (P obtained with Mann-Whitney test). After Bonferroni correction for 16 tests, only P values<0.003 were considered as significant. Variants represented in red were specific to ASD, in orange were shared by ASD and controls, and in green were specific to the controls. Open circles and filled circles represent non conserved and conserved amino acids, respectively. Prim, primary; second, secondary.</p