60 research outputs found


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    The objective of this paper is to analyze, with the instruments of Game Theory, the incentives that can lead a Member State of the European Union to disregard the Stability and Growth Pact, and thus, to keep an excessive deficit, although aware of the political and financial risk associated with the non-compliance. Some games are analyzed: complete and incomplete information between a country and the European Union and incomplete information between the Union and two countries. This last case brings about an equilibrium that involves formation of reputation. The main conclusion is that the European Union must be strong and demand the fulfillment of the agreed, even if this imposes a high cost. If there were a signaling, as is already happening, that the European Union does not detain enough power to compel their members to adjust their deficits, there probably will be a general and in-cascade non-compliance of the Stability and Growth Pact, what will lead to the downfall of the Economic and Monetary Union.

    Translation and Cultural Adaptation into Portuguese of the Quality of Dying and Death Scale for Family Members of Patients in Intensive Care Units

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    The translation and cultural adaptation of the Quality of Dying and Death in Brazil may provide a reliable and reproducible scale for collecting and analyzing data on the process of dying and death, given the absence of Brazilian studies that have produced or used scales in this topic. The purpose of this study was to perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the Quality of Dying and Death (QODD 3.2a) scale for intensive care patients’ relatives into Portuguese (Brazil). This methodological study was carried out in a public university of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) medical school, São Paulo, Brazil, in three stages: translation and back-translation by two native-speaking independent professionals, analysis by a committee of specialists, and a pre-test phase. The final version was created by seven experts after making semantic, idiomatic, and cultural changes to 16 items. The results indicated a satisfactory content validation index (CVI ≥ 0.80). This version was applied on 32 relatives of patients who were hospitalized in a public hospital in the interior of São Paulo. No item was excluded from the instrument. The content and face validity were achieved to a satisfactory standard, in addition to reaching the minimum parameters recommended in the literature. The Portuguese version of QODD 3.2a for relatives of deceased patients in intensive care is appropriate and culturally adapted for use in Brazil

    Psychometric Properties of the Brazilian Version of the Quality of Dying and Death for Adult Family Members of ICU Patients

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    Death is a complex, subjective phenomenon that requires an understanding of experiences to be qualified to provide care during the end-of-life process. This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version (Brazil) of the Quality of Dying and Death (QODD) scale on family members of patients who died in adult intensive care units. A methodological study was conducted with 326 family members of patients that died in three ICUs of public hospitals in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. For this study, the QODD 3.2a (25 items and six domains) was administered during the period from December 2020 to March 2022. The analysis was performed using the classic theory of the tests and the goodness of fit of the model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. We have used Spearman's correlation coefficients between the scores of the overall scale and domains. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used for the evaluation of internal consistency and temporal stability, respectively. The Horn's parallel analysis indicated two factors that were not confirmed in the exploratory factor analysis. A single factor retained 18 of the initial 25 items and the analysis of the goodness of fit to the unidimensional model resulted in the following: CFI = 0.7545, TLI = 0.690, chi-squared = 767.33, df = 135, RMSEA = 0.121 with 90%CI, and p = 5.04409. The inter-item correlations indicated a predominance of weak correlations among the items of the instrument. The items with the largest number of moderate correlations were questions 13b, 9b, and 10b and a strong correlation was found between questions 15b and 16b. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.8 and the ICC was 0.9. The Quality of Dying and Death-Version 3.2a (intensive therapy) in Brazilian Portuguese has a unidimensional structure and acceptable reliability. However, it did not obtain a good fit to the proposed factorial model

    Quality of life of patients living with psoriasis: a qualitative study

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    Background: Psoriasis is a multifactorial inflammatory disease prevalent in dermatology. We aimed to understand the perceptions of patients living with psoriasis in relation to their quality of life and to identify aspects to improve it. Methods: This is qualitative research carried out in a dermatology outpatient clinic of the São Paulo State University (UNESP) medical school, Botucatu, Brazil, with 81 psoriasis patients. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using the Discourse of the Collective Subject method (DCS). Results: Quality of life was linked to well-being, happiness, leisure, good food and financial stability. However, disease symptoms, social and clothing restrictions, impairment of professional activities and the absence of a cure, negatively influenced their perceptions. Suggestions for improvements included an increase of public awareness, stress reduction, disease acceptance and multidisciplinary care. Conclusion: The meanings of quality of life revealed by the participants are subjective, multidimensional, linked to moments experienced by them and to the health-disease process. Public health policies promoting reduction in social stigma and stress as well as multidisciplinary approaches towards care can contribute to improvements of QoL in psoriasi

    A informalidade no mercado de trabalho e o impacto das instituições: uma análise sob a ótica da teoria dos jogos

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    Este artigo analisa a informalidade no mercado de trabalho, com um jogo dinâmico infinito entre empregador e empregados, no qual a Justiça Trabalhista é representada parametricamente. Duas classes de equilíbrios de Nash perfeitos em subjogos são encontradas. Na primeira classe, a relação informal prevalece durante um determinado tempo, com posterior formalização do trabalhador, sendo que, quanto mais efetiva for a Justiça, mais rapidamente serão registrados os empregados. Na segunda classe, a informalidade se pereniza, associada a uma alta rotatividade no mercado de trabalho. Novamente, quanto mais efetivo o Judiciário, menor a probabilidade de esse último equilíbrio existir.This article presents a game theoretic analysis of informality in the labor market based on an infinite dynamic game between employers and workers in which the Judiciary system enters parametrically. We find two classes of subgame-perfect Nash equilibria. In the first class, the worker first gets an informal contract but he eventually becomes a formal worker. We show that the more effective the Judiciary system, the faster the labor relationship is formalized. In the second class informal labor is maintained, coupled with high work turnover. Again, the more efficient the Judiciary system, the less likely is that equilibrium


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    É aceito, como lugar-comum em doutrina, estar, dentre as funções da normatização de relações jurídicas, o efeito de potencializar os ganhos esperados e diminuir a extensão dos resultados indesejados. Nesse contexto, malgrado existirem avançados estudos acerca dos impactos imediatos na eficiência gestadas por inovações legislativas – ou novas interpretações jurisprudenciais –, a perquirição sob o prisma do ganho dinâmico de eficiência remanesce relativamente negligenciada. Neste artigo, objetiva-se discutir essa segunda perspectiva, abordando a eficiência da legislação numa perspectiva intertemporal. Em algumas situações, as normas geram queda inicial de bem-estar social, amplamente recompensada quando se contabilizam os ganhos futuros. Também há o contrário, regulações que aparentemente produzem um momentâneo aumento de bem-estar social, mas que acarretam malefícios por gerações. No presente texto, a partir do instrumental da Análise Econômica do Direito, especialmente do Welfare Overtaking Theorem, analisa-se a questão da eficiência no ordenamento jurídico, focando a realidade brasileira, numa perspectiva de curto e de longo prazo. Para exemplificar a teoria, são discutidos exemplos do direito falimentar, bem como uma ilustrativa decisão do STF. A conclusão do estudo é que, no processo de criação de novas regulações e nas decisões judiciais em geral, é imperiosa a ampla reflexão de custos e benefícios sociais, presentes e futuros, atentando para a eficiência dinâmica da sociedade