41 research outputs found

    Assessment of enamel-dentin caries lesions detection using bitewing PSP digital images

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the detection of enamel-dentin occlusal caries using photostimulable phosphor plates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The ability to detect enamel-dentin occlusal caries in 607 premolars and molars from 47 patients between 10 and 18 years old, referred to the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, was evaluated based on clinical and radiographic examinations, using the criteria proposed in a previous study. A total of 156 bitewing digital images were obtained using Digora® (Soredex Medical Systems, Helsinki, Finland) phosphor plates. The plates were scanned and the images were captured and displayed on a computer screen. Image evaluation was done using Digora® for Windows 2.1 software, Soredex®. The radiologists were allowed to use enhancement tools to obtain better visibility during scoring of the teeth based on the radiographic criteria proposed in a previous study. Descriptive analysis and chi-squared proportion tests were done at 5% significance level. RESULTS: The results of clinical examination showed a higher prevalence of teeth with a straight dark line or demineralization of the occlusal fissure (score 1) and a lower prevalence of sealed teeth (score 5). In the bitewing digital images, 47 teeth presented visible radiolucency, circumscribed, in dentin under occlusal enamel (enamel-dentin caries lesions). CONCLUSIONS: Correlating the clinical and radiographic findings, it was found that in the majority of teeth diagnosed by radiographic images as having enamel-dentin caries, no caries could be detected by clinical examination

    Self-perception of oral health in non-institutionalised elderly of Piracicaba city, Brazil

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    Objectives: To associate the self-perception of oral health with sociodemographic, clinical, quality of life and geriatric depression, evaluating what influence in the self-perception of the elderly and the importance to the oral health. Background: The current demographic transition and poor oral health of the elderly deserves particular attention, especially the impact of oral health on the quality of life. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated 371 elderly, aged 60 years or more, adscript to Health Family Units, Piracicaba city, Brazil. Clinically, the indexes decayed missing filled teeth (DMFT), CPI and Use/Need of Prosthesis (WHO/99) were used and evaluated by means of instruments such as the self-perceived oral health [geriatric oral health assessment index (GOHAI)], quality of life (SF-36) and geriatric depression (Geriatric Depression Scale). The statistical analyses were carried out by means of univariate analysis of chi-square and Fisher's exact (alpha = 0.05) and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The mean age was 67.35 (2.8), with a mean DMFT of 28.5 (4.8) and a positive GOHAI score (>30). Most were women (63.3%), between 60 and 70 years (72.2%), married (60.4%), had just the elementary school (75.5%) education. Around 80% used some removable prosthetic. The results were associated with characteristics of self-perception of oral health and were significative of schooling (OR = 2.46) and the emotional aspects of quality of life (OR = 0.30). Over 20% of the sample had traits of depression, and these results were statistically significant (OR = 1.65) when associated with the GOHAI scores. Conclusion: Educational and emotional aspects and geriatric depression are factors that influence the positive self-perception of oral health of elderly people of Piracicaba USFs. These results represent that education, feelings and behaviours deserve special attention in their oral health, thereby approaching the self-perception of real dental condition.292E281E28

    Dental status of Portuguese HIV plus patients and related variables: a multivariate analysis

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    Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the dental status of 101 Portuguese HIV+ subjects aged 22-71 years (mean = 39) and its association with clinical, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables. Materials and Methods: A calibrated dentist performed clinical examination and collected data on dental caries, periodontal status, dental plaque levels, prosthetic conditions, and need. The volunteers completed questionnaires on socioeconomic and behavioral variables as well as the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire. Univariate and multiple logistic regression (MLR) analyses were performed. Results: The mean number of decayed, missing or filled teeth index (DMFT index) was 16.44, standard deviation (s.d.) = 8.42. MLR demonstrated that salaried employee and those with OHIP-14 median (=17). As regards prosthetic status, 28.8% of the examined individuals used dental prosthesis. MLR demonstrated that HIV+ with DMFT > 17 or those who knew they were HIV-positive for longer than 5 years were more prone to need dental prostheses. The mean OHIP-14 index was 5.83 (s.d. = 7.79). Conclusions: The dental health status of HIV-infected Portuguese patients was unsatisfactory and related to clinical, socioeconomic, and behavioral variables.16217618