955 research outputs found

    Prospects for the development of advanced grain processing in Russia

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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the identifying and evaluating promising areas of advanced grain and legumes processing development as a strategically important area for import substitution and food security of the agribusiness complex. Methodology/Approach: To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: the analysis of advanced grain and legumes processing products; the evaluation of the current Russian market for advanced grain processing products; the identification of promising products and directions of the advanced grain processing industry development. Findings: According to the analysis in this article, this industry is in its infancy, despite the fact that in most developed countries of the world, advanced grain processing is widely elaborated. The key reasons for the Russia's lag there involve the lack of domestic techniques and highly qualified specialists in this field. Processing grain into flour, starches, glucose syrups, biofuels and organic acids makes possible manufacturing plastic and other products. To realize the Russia's potential in manufacturing high-value-added agricultural products, it is necessary to provide state support for investment projects for wheat deep processing through preferential lending and taxation, and co-financing of projects. The strategic goal of the Russian agribusiness in the medium and long term should be changing the structure of manufacturing and export in order to export finished products, but not raw materials. Practical implications: The results of this research could be introduced in the process of strategic planning of the agribusiness development and import substitution policy in Russia. Originality/Value: The key contribution of this study lies in the findings of the advanced grain processing industries’ analysis in Russia with the regional aspects taken into account.peer-reviewe

    Application of Multimodel Method of Elasto-Plastic Analysis for the Multilevel Computation of Structures

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    Creation of hierarchical sequence of the plastic and viscoplastic models according to different levels of structure approximations is considered. Developed strategy of multimodel analysis, which consists of creation of the inelastic models library, determination of selection criteria system and caring out of multivariant sequential clarifying computations, is described. Application of the multimodel approach in numerical computations has demonstrated possibility of reliable prediction of stress-strain response under wide variety of combined nonproportional loading

    Application of Multimodel Method of Elasto-Plastic Analysis for the Multilevel Computation of Structures

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    Creation of hierarchical sequence of the plastic and viscoplastic models according to different levels of structure approximations is considered. Developed strategy of multimodel analysis, which consists of creation of the inelastic models library, determination of selection criteria system and caring out of multivariant sequential clarifying computations, is described. Application of the multimodel approach in numerical computations has demonstrated possibility of reliable prediction of stress-strain response under wide variety of combined nonproportional loading

    Multimodel Numerical Analysis of the Elasto-Visco-Plastic Deformation of Materials and Constructions

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    At the present time there is no a generally accepted theory of visco-plasticity which is applicable for a wide class of materials and arbitrary paths of loading. The multimodel approach, based on the creation of hierarchical sequence of the models, is the most rational. The developed library of elasto-visco-plastic models includes both simplest and sophistic models demanding numerous experimental data. A unified general form of constitutive equations for all used elasto-visco-plastic models are presented based upon the concept of tensorial internal state variables. It permits to use unified algorithm of boundary tasks solution for different variants of material models. The developed selection criteria system generates the necessary conditions and provides the choice of the simplest variant of theory sufficient for correct problem solution. Formulation of the selection criteria system is based on peculiarities of viscoplastic materials behavior for the wide range thermomechanical loading and numerous computational experiments with structures different complexity levels. A set of effective schemes of integration stress-strain relations and non-linear finite element system solution are discussed for the considered class of material models. Application possibility of different material models is studied both for material element and for complicated structures. Application of the multimodel approach in numerical computations has demonstrated possibility of reliable prediction of stress-strain response under wide variety of combined loading


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    Requires for reliability and durability of structures and their elements with simultaneous material economy have stimulated improvement of constitutive equations for description of elasto-plastic deformation processes. This has led to the development of phenomenological modelling of complex phenomena of irreversible deformation including history-dependent and rate-dependent effects. During the last several decades many works have been devoted to the development of elasto-plastic models, in order to better predict the material behavior under combined variable thermo-mechanical loading. The increase of accuracy of stress analysis and safety factors for complex structures with the help of modern finite-element packages (ABAQUS, ANSYS, COSMOS, LS-DYNA, MSC.MARC, MSC.NASTRAN, PERMAS and other) can be provided only by use of complex and special variants of plasticity theories, which are adequate for the considered loading conditions and based on authentic information about properties of materials. The areas of application of the various theories (models) are as a rule unknown to the users of finite-element packages at the existing variety loading condition sin machine-building designs. At the moment a universal theory of inelasticity is absent and even the most accomplished theories can not guarantee adequate description of deformation processes for arbitrary structure under wide range of loading programs. The classifier of materials, loading conditions, effects (phenomena) and list of basic experiments are developed by the authors. Use of these classifiers for an establishment of hierarchy of models is a first step for introduction of the multimodel analysis into computational practice. The set of the classic and modern inelasticity theories is considered, so that they are applicable for stress analysis of structures under complex loading programs. Among them there are plastic flow theories with linear and nonlinear isotropic and kinematic hardening, multisurface theories, endochronic theory, holonomic theory, rheologic models, theory of elasto-plastic processes, slip theory, physical theories (single crystal and polycrystalline models) and others. The classification of materials provides rearranging by a degree of homogeneous, chemical composition, level of strength and plasticity, behavior under cyclic loading, anisotropy of properties at initial condition, anisotropy of properties during deformation process, structural stability. The classification of loading conditions takes into consideration proportional and non-proportional loading, temperature range, combination of cyclic and monotonous loading, one-axial, two-axial and complex stress state, curvature of strain path, presence of stress concentrators and level of strain gradient. A unified general form of constitutive equations is presented for all used material models based upon the concept of internal state variables. The wide range of mentioned above inelastic material models has been implemented into finite element program PANTOCRATOR developed by authors (see for details www.pantocrator.narod.ru). Application possibility of different material models is considered both for material element and for complex structures subjected to complex non-proportional loading

    Spin-fluctuation theory beyond Gaussian approximation

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    A characteristic feature of the Gaussian approximation in the functional-integral approach to the spin-fluctuation theory is the jump phase transition to the paramagnetic state. We eliminate the jump and obtain a continuous second-order phase transition by taking into account high-order terms in the expansion of the free energy in powers of the fluctuating exchange field. The third-order term of the free energy renormalizes the mean field, and fourth-order term, responsible for the interaction of the fluctuations, renormalizes the spin susceptibility. The extended theory is applied to the calculation of magnetic properties of Fe-Ni Invar.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Models of G time variations in diverse dimensions

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    A review of different cosmological models in diverse dimensions leading to a relatively small time variation of the effective gravitational constant G is presented. Among them: 4-dimensional general scalar-tensor model, multidimensional vacuum model with two curved Einstein spaces, multidimensional model with multicomponent anisotropic "perfect fluid", S-brane model with scalar fields and two form field etc. It is shown that there exist different possible ways of explanation of relatively small time variation of the effective gravitational constant G compatible with present cosmological data (e.g. acceleration): 4-dimensional scalar-tensor theories or multidimensional cosmological models with different matter sources. The experimental bounds on G-dot may be satisfied ether in some restricted interval or for all allowed values of the synchronous time variable.Comment: 27 pages, Late

    A Jupiter-mass planet around the K0 giant HD 208897

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    For over 10 years, we have carried out a precise radial velocity (RV) survey to find substellar companions around evolved G,K-type stars to extend our knowledge of planet formation and evolution. We performed high precision RV measurements for the giant star HD 208897 using an iodine (I2) absorption cell. The measurements were made at T\"UB\.ITAK National Observatory (TUG, RTT150) and Okayama Astrophysical Observatory (OAO). For the origin of the periodic variation seen in the RV data of the star, we adopted a Keplerian motion caused by an unseen companion. We found that the star hosts a planet with a minimum mass of m2sini=1.40MJ, which is relatively low compared to those of known planets orbiting evolved intermediate-mass stars. The planet is in a nearly circular orbit with a period of P=353 days at about 1 AU distance from the host star. The star is metal rich and located at the early phase of ascent along the red giant branch. The photometric observations of the star at Ankara University Kreiken Observatory (AUKR) and the HIPPARCOS photometry show no sign of variation with periods associated with the RV variation. Neither bisector velocity analysis nor analysis of the Ca II and Halpha lines shows any correlation with the RV measurements

    Statistics of anomalously localized states at the center of band E=0 in the one-dimensional Anderson localization model

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    We consider the distribution function P(∣ψ∣2)P(|\psi|^{2}) of the eigenfunction amplitude at the center-of-band (E=0) anomaly in the one-dimensional tight-binding chain with weak uncorrelated on-site disorder (the one-dimensional Anderson model). The special emphasis is on the probability of the anomalously localized states (ALS) with ∣ψ∣2|\psi|^{2} much larger than the inverse typical localization length ℓ0\ell_{0}. Using the solution to the generating function Φan(u,ϕ)\Phi_{an}(u,\phi) found recently in our works we find the ALS probability distribution P(∣ψ∣2)P(|\psi|^{2}) at ∣ψ∣2ℓ0>>1|\psi|^{2}\ell_{0} >> 1. As an auxiliary preliminary step we found the asymptotic form of the generating function Φan(u,ϕ)\Phi_{an}(u,\phi) at u>>1u >> 1 which can be used to compute other statistical properties at the center-of-band anomaly. We show that at moderately large values of ∣ψ∣2ℓ0|\psi|^{2}\ell_{0}, the probability of ALS at E=0 is smaller than at energies away from the anomaly. However, at very large values of ∣ψ∣2ℓ0|\psi|^{2}\ell_{0}, the tendency is inverted: it is exponentially easier to create a very strongly localized state at E=0 than at energies away from the anomaly. We also found the leading term in the behavior of P(∣ψ∣2)P(|\psi|^{2}) at small ∣ψ∣2<<ℓ0−1|\psi|^{2}<< \ell_{0}^{-1} and show that it is consistent with the exponential localization corresponding to the Lyapunov exponent found earlier by Kappus and Wegner and Derrida and Gardner.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Damage of Metalworkses under the Complex Varying Loading

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    The phenomenological and computational aspects of the various damage models applications for the low and multi cyclic fatigue processes are investigated. Damage is considered as internal state variable, describing macroscopic effects of the progressive material degradation, within the framework of continuum damage mechanics. Present analysis is restricted to the case of isotropic damage, which can be modeled by a scalar variable. The strain, force and power types of kinetic equations for the damage evolution description are considered. The original mixed strain-power type damage model is developed for taking into account the different physical fracture mechanism in monotone and cyclic loading. The constitutive equations of plastic flow theory coupled and uncoupled to damage has been considered. The rational algorithm of implementation into finite element code is considered for developed damage models. Set of the computational experiments has been carried out for the various structures (huge aerials, pipelines, fastening units, vessel of nuclear reactor) and cases of loading. The comparison of the predictions of the developed model with experimental data is performed for 1X18H10T steel tubular specimens for complex paths of loading and for complex profiles beams under cyclic loading. Damage field distribution is the basic information for the prediction of crack initiation in structures. The developed method of structural parameter for stress concentration zones is discussed for correcting of crack location. It allows to describe the crack initiation near surface domain as observe in numerous experiments
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