29 research outputs found

    Эффективность и переносимость тербиназина пациентами с онихомикозом

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    Catedra Farmacologie şi Farmacie Clinică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Dispensarul Municipal Dermatovenerologic, Compania Universal-FarmThe study presents the results of a study of the efficacy and tolerance of Terbinazine on 40 patients with onychomycosis. Given the high percentage of clinical and mycological success in the treatment of dermatophytic onycomycosis with Terbinazine, the increased compliance of the patient, and its very low risk, make Terbinazine the first option in treating dermatophytic onychomycosis.Авторами представлены результаты эффективности и переносимости тербизина. Исследование проведено на 40 больных с онихомикозом. Отмечено, что тербиназин, наряду с высоким клиническим эффектом, легко переносится больными. Полученные авторами результаты свидетельствуют о том, что тербиназин является препаратом выбора в лечении дерматофитных онихомикозов

    Data on the safety of immunizations included in the National Immunization Program in Moldova

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    The purpose of this article is epidemiological analysis of adverse events following immunization (AEFI) registered in the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2012 on the basis of registration forms. In total there were 534 AEFI, mostly reactions after BCG (409-76.6 ± 3.7%) compared to the DTP, Penta (104-19.5 ± 3.4%) and MMR (21-3.9 ± 1.7%). AEFI after the introduction of hepatitis B vaccine, OPV and Td for adults and adolescents have not been registered. After BCG most AEFI are lymphadenitis, 82.4 ± 3.8%, often in the first two months after vaccination, significantly higher after the first dose compared to the second. Other reactions were cold abscesses – 8.3 ± 2.7%, ulceration – 6.1 ± 2.4%, scars – 1.7 ± 1.2% and osteitis – 1.5 ± 1.2%, occurring more often after the second dose of vacсine. It should be stated improper introduction of BCG. The vast majority of AEFI after the DPT and the pentavalent vaccine are systemic reactions, 90.7 ± 5.6% compared to local, 9.3 ± 5.6%, p < 0001, and it is possible to state the underdiagnosis of local AEFI. The greatest number of AEFI after DTP and pentavalent vaccine occur within the first 1-10 hours, 78.5 ± 8.1%, often within 1-6 hours, 49.6 ± 9.8%. Thus, more active monitoring of vaccinated children should be carried out during this period of time. Surveillance system for AEFI requires standardization in reporting and harmonization of registration forms

    Results and prospects of the National Immunization Program in Moldova

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    The analysis of the incidence of some infectious diseases, included in the National Immunization Program (NIP) in the period of 2003-2012 compared with the period of 1993-2002 and the data on the level of vaccination coverage of target age groups of children are presented. Thanks to the multiannual NIP realization, the epidemiological situation in Moldova concerning the infectious diseases that can be controlled by vaccination remains favorable. However, in the recent years the level of vaccination coverage has been reduced in connection with the numerous vaccination refusals, due to the erroneous information in the media and internet supported by some religious groups. One of the main objectives of the NIP is the vaccination coverage of 95% or more percent of the population at the national and local levels. The analysis has showed that from 16 positions it has not been achieved for six that is 37.5%. Even in the cases where the national level of vaccination coverage has been equal or more than 95%, in some areas, within 11.4-27.3%, this objective has not been achieved. All the above requires that the medical workers, involved in the NIP implementation, should develop and realize the measures to increase the vaccination coverage

    Acute flaccid paralysis in the children free of poliomyelitis caused by the wild virus during the postcertification period in the Republic of Moldova

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    In 2002 the European Regional Certification Commission of the World Health Organization declared Europe a zone free of poliomyelitis caused by the wild virus. The postcertification program [4] provides identification, informing, epidemiological and laboratory investigation of each case of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) with the subsequent establishing of the final diagnosis to globally complete the eradication of polio. From 2008 to 2012 in the Republic of Moldova 45 cases of the AFP in children were registred, from which 92 feces samples were collected and studied. All the identified poliomyelitis viruses had a vaccination nature. In this work the results of the monitoring of epidemiological and laboratory cases of AFP, including the people who were contacting those ones having this disease in the last 5 years (2008-2012), have been discribed. The isolation of the viral strains and their identification in the reaction of neutralization has been held in the cultures of the cells RD and L-20B received from WHO using standard specific immune serums against polio- and enteroviroses (Bilthoven, Netherlands) in the national laboratory of poliomyelitis and enteroviroses, which is a part of the European network of laboratories for the diagnosis of these diseases (the laboratory is accredited annually by the profile experts of WHO)

    The characteristics of the completeness of the primary cycle of immunization for children aged 15-26 months in the Republic of Moldova

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    The article includes an analysis of the data on the primary cycle vaccination coverage (VC) of children aged 15-26 months (N 1341) with the vaccines in the framework of the National Immunization Program (NIP) from 34 localities of Moldova in accordance with the criteria recommended by the WHO. The values of the general VC and ones referring to the age of 12 months (MMR – 15 months) have been calculated as well as the proportion of children who have not completed the immunization program. The level of the general VC has been uneven, and it is the lowest in the city of Chisinau (MMR – 86.1 ± 3.0%, DPT – 90.0 ± 2.6%) compared with the other urban and rural areas. Nationwide, this figure for the most vaccines is at the level envisaged by NIP (≥ 95%), with the exception of the MMR and Hib vaccines, whose figures are 89.3 ± 1.7% and 68.7 ± 2.5% respectively. The analysis of the VC up to target age of 12 months shows that on many issues its level set by the NIP has not been reached, and there is a significant number of susceptible children that may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases when a source of infection emerges. A complex of organizational and methodical measures is needed for immunization strictly according to the national immunization schedule

    An alarm signal for the medical world addressed from the pathological anatomy service in the Republic of Moldova

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    Department of Morphopathology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Department of Microscopic Morphology/Histology, Angiogenesis Research Center, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, RomaniaBackground: Maintaining the quality and safety of pathology services is crucial for the efficient delivery of health care. However, pathology is, perhaps, the least understood of the medical specialties. In particular, the scope of pathology and the integral role it plays in all areas of medicine are not well recognized even by some of those working in health care environments. Strategic partnerships have as the main goal the enlargement of collaborative research and partnership on national and international level, mainly, but not exclusively in European Research Area. There is a perceived need for improved management practices, use of new technologies, and increased use of some categories of the personnel. Issues with the employment program were mentioned, including tracking, matching people to jobs, training, and finding more opportunities. There was a call for greater visibility in the community (both medical and scientific). The problems facing pathology teaching and pathology teachers mirror those of most other medical disciplines, namely a lack of time and money, and competing pressures from many other sources. Conclusion: There is the danger of producing doctors who cannot explain disease to their patients, who abuse laboratories and who have no interest in pursuing pathology as a career, leading to a slow and possibly irreversible decline in pathology as a medical profession

    Rolul căpuşelor Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae) în menţinerea riscului de contractare a borreliozei Lyme în ecosistemele Republicii Moldova

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    National Centre for Public Health, Congresul III al Medicilor de Familie din Republica Moldova, 17–18 mai, 2012, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională „Maladii bronhoobstructive la copii”, consacrată profesorului universitar, doctor habilitat Victor Gheţeul, 27 aprilie, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Borrelioza Lyme (BL) reprezintă o zooantroponoză cu tendinţă clinică de cronicizare, cauzată de Borrelia burgdorferi şi transmisă de căpuşele din genul Ixodes (familia Ixodidae Murray, 1887). Ixodidele se alimentează cu sânge în unele faze biologice de dezvoltare (larve, nimfe şi imago). Larvele şi nimfele se alimentează cu sânge, în special, pe mamifere mici (Rodentia, Insectivora), păsări şi reptile, cele adulte (imago) – pe mamifere sălbatice (căprioare), domestice (bovine, ovine, caprine) şi de campanie (pisici, câini). Omul neprotejat, nimerind în arealul ixodidelor poate fi „muşcat”, inclusiv şi de căpuşe infectate. Primele date despre existenţa focarelor de BL în Republica Moldova au fost publicate în anii 1990-1992. Însă la acel moment BL nu era inclusă în lista maladiilor raportabile în sistemul de supraveghere al bolilor infecţioase în Republica Moldova. Înregistrarea oficială a cazurilor de BL în Republica Moldova a început în anul 2000. Raportarea standardizată în sistemul naţional de supraveghere în baza definiţiei de caz «suspect», «probabil» şi «confirmat», inclusiv a criteriilor de laborator se realizează din 2007 şi continuă până în prezent. Material şi metode Ca material de studiu au servit căpuşele ixodide, colectate în perioada anilor 2009-2011, în conformitate cu metodele standard, din teritorii selectate pentru monitorizare. De pe vegetaţie s-au colectat 1 056 de exemplare căpuşe ixodide şi 1 169 de ex. de pe ovine, bovine şi caprine, fiind analizate diversitatea şi densitatea speciilor în cauză. Pentru determinarea nivelului de infectare cu borrelii au fost investigate 437 de ex. căpuşe ixodide, cercetând hemolimfa şi conţinutul intestinului prin microscopia frotiurilor cu fond negru, în conformitate cu indicaţiile metodice. Rezultatele obţinute au fost supuse unui calcul statistic, acceptat prin intermediul programului de calculator EXCEL. Rezultate obţinute Au fost identificate speciile de păşune Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor marginatus, D.reticulatus, Haemaphysalis inermis şi H.punctata. Datorită caracteristicilor vitale de acomodare în mediul înconjurător, specia I.ricinus a fost identificată în toate cele trei zone geografice ale ţării. Indicele densităţii medii a speciei I.ricinus în perioada anilor de studiu a fost ~ de 21 de ex. la ruta standard 200 m. Pentru determinarea prezenţei borreliilor în căpuşe s-au investigat speciile I.ricinus şi D.marginatus. Prezenţa borreliilor s-a depistat la 17,9% căpuşe investigate în anul 2009, la 36,4% în anul 2010 şi 28,5% în 2011. Prezenţa borreliilor a fost determinată doar la specia I.ricinus. În condiţiile, când populaţia frecventează zonele de odihnă şi agrement, biotopuri de pădure şi agrocenoze, care sunt intens populate de căpuşele speciei I.ricinus, cu o pondere înaltă de infectare cu borrelii, nu respectă regulile comportamentale şi de protecţie contra „muşcăturilor” de căpuşe, contractarea borreliozei Lyme devine iminentă. În ultimii ani numărul îmbolnăvirilor prin borrelioza Lyme este în creştere (anii 2009 – 33 cazuri, 2010 – 117, 2011 – 171). În anul 2011 boala s-a înregistrat în 15 teritorii administrative, preponderent în mun. Chişinău (70,1%), în rândul populaţiei mature (84,2%), în lunile mai-octombrie (89,4%). Depistarea borreliozei Lyme are loc în rândul pacienţilor ce se adresează cu „muşcătură” de căpuşă, acuză prezenţa eritemului migrator la locul „muşcăturii”, unele afecţiuni ale sistemelor nervos, cardio-vascular, musculo-scheletal. Raportarea cazurilor de BL se efectuează de către medicul de familie şi alţi specialişti ce au depistat boala, în baza definiţiilor de caz «suspect», «probabil» sau «confirmat». Confirmarea de laborator al diagnosticului clinic include determinarea anticorpilor specifici IgM sau IgG către B.burgdorferi în serul sangvin sau LCR în reacţia imunoenzimatică (ELISA) sau reacţia imunofluorescentă indirectă (RIFi), urmate de confirmarea prin Western blot. Detectarea ADN-ului genospeciilor patogene de B.burgdorferi se efectuează prin reacţia de polimerizare în lanţ (PCR). Cazurile de boală sunt furnizate în sistemul electronic de supraveghere a bolilor transmisibile şi se efectuează anchetarea epidemiologică pentru identificarea circumstanţelor de molipsire şi implementarea măsurilor de răspuns. Concluzii Căpuşele din specia I. Ricinus, contaminate cu borrelii patogene menţin riscul de molipsire prin borrelioză Lyme. Gradul de expunere la risc a populaţiei poate fi diferit şi este determinat atât de aflarea în arealul căpuşelor, densitatea acestora, circulaţia borreliilor patogene la căpuşe, cât şi respectarea regulilor comportamentale şi de protecţie individuală. Suspectarea precoce a cazului de BL, diagnosticarea corectă şi administrarea unui tratament eficace va diminua frecvenţa complicaţiilor posibile, iar raportarea calitativă în sistemul de supraveghere va permite implementarea măsurilor de sănătate publică pentru a diminua răspândirea cazurilor de BL

    Peculiarities of directions and causal agents’ distribution of tick-borne encephalitis in the Republic of Moldova

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    The aim of the study is to determine the circulation of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) causal agents in the Ixodidae ticks population and the evaluation of the TBE threat to public health. The species of ticks Ixodes ricinus, Dermacentor reticulatus, D. marginatus and Haemaphysalis punctata can be often met in the ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova. The species I. ricinus is the most numerous and widespread one, the fact that shows its high epidemiological significance. At the same time the species D. reticulatus, D. marginatus and H. punctata are the potential directions of TBE maintaining the TBE viruses in the environment. The laboratory results got by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) have indicated the TBE virus antigen in of 25.2% of the ticks, collected in the period of 2009-2012. Using the polymerase chain reaction method it has been established that on average the RNA of TBE virus has been 8.1% of all tested tick samples. The specific antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis virus have been identified in 9 (4%) tested human specimens. The rationalization of the system of epidemiological surveillance and control of tick-born encephalitis consists in developing and implementing a definition of the case for report on the basis of clinical and laboratory criteria, as well as the communication with epidemiological station, and studying to obtain standardized and comparable data

    Heteronuclear {TbxEu1-x} furoate 1D polymers presenting luminiscent properties and SMM behavior

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    We report the synthesis, crystal structure and photo-magnetic properties of novel Tb/Eu polymeric complexes of general formula {TbxEu1−x(α-fur)3(H2O)3}n, supported by 2-furancarboxilic acid: the homonuclear Tb(III) complex {Tb} (1), four heterodinuclear complexes, {Tb0.8Eu0.2} (2), {Tb0.7Eu0.3} (3), {Tb0.3Eu0.7} (4), and {Tb0.1Eu0.9} (5), and the homonuclear Eu(III)-only complex {Eu} (6). X-ray diffraction experiments show that the α-furoate ligands, acting in bridging mode, consolidate the 1D polymeric chains along the c-axis. Luminescence studies show the sensitization capability of the furoic acid ligand. Color tuning from green to red can be successfully achieved through the heterodinuclear strategy. We have measured Eu emission by direct excitation at the resonant 7F0 → 5L6 (395 nm), and indirectly, by excitation of the non-resonant wavelength (280 nm) which provokes ligand → Tb → Eu energy transfer. Besides, ac susceptibility measurements under varying frequencies and temperatures reveal that mixed {TbxEu1−x} complexes exhibit field-induced slow relaxation dynamics, with extremely slow relaxation times, owing to direct processes affected by the bottleneck effect. Thus, the {TbxEu1−x} complexes represent interesting low-dimensional multifunctional materials combining both luminescent and SMM magnetic properties

    Heteronuclear {TbxEu1-x} furoate 1D polymers presenting luminescent properties and SMM behavior

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    We report the synthesis, crystal structure and photo-magnetic properties of novel Tb/Eu polymeric complexes of general formula {TbxEu1-x(a-fur)3(H2O)3}n, supported by 2-furancarboxilic acid: the homonuclear Tb(iii) complex {Tb} (1), four heterodinuclear complexes, {Tb0.8Eu0.2} (2), {Tb0.7Eu0.3} (3), {Tb0.3Eu0.7} (4), and {Tb0.1Eu0.9} (5), and the homonuclear Eu(iii)-only complex {Eu} (6). X-ray diffraction experiments show that the a-furoate ligands, acting in bridging mode, consolidate the 1D polymeric chains along the c-axis. Luminescence studies show the sensitization capability of the furoic acid ligand. Color tuning from green to red can be successfully achieved through the heterodinuclear strategy. We have measured Eu emission by direct excitation at the resonant 7F0 ¿ 5L6 (395 nm), and indirectly, by excitation of the non-resonant wavelength (280 nm) which provokes ligand ¿ Tb ¿ Eu energy transfer. Besides, ac susceptibility measurements under varying frequencies and temperatures reveal that mixed {TbxEu1-x} complexes exhibit field-induced slow relaxation dynamics, with extremely slow relaxation times, owing to direct processes affected by the bottleneck effect. Thus, the {TbxEu1-x} complexes represent interesting low-dimensional multifunctional materials combining both luminescent and SMM magnetic properties