73 research outputs found

    Fontes e doses de adubos fosfatados na cultura da soja, em solo de cerrado

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    The present work was held in Dark-Red Latosol of the Experimental Farm of UNESP - Campus of Ilha Solteira, in Selvíria (MS). In the first crop three sources of phosphorus (triple superphosphate, Mg-thermophosphate and phosphate fro were applied in broadcast followed by incorporation into the soil, in the rates of 145-290-435-580 kg/ha of total P2O5. A control treatment with no addition of phosphorus was included. In the second crop it was studied the residual effect of the fertilizers appied to the first crop and the effect of five maintenance rates of phosphorus (0-36-72-108- 144 kg/ha of P2O5) applied as triple superphosphate in the furrow. It was observed a significant response of the crop the phosphated fertilization. The Mg-termophosphate and the triple superphosphate had similar behavior in the first crop, the former superior to this fertilizer respect to the residual effects. The phosphate from Araxá showed and efficiency of 80% as compared to the triple superphosphate either, withor without maintenance fertilization. So, the phosphate from Araxá can be recomended for corretive fertilization of soils of low fertility.O presente trabalho foi realizado em um LE da Fazenda Experimental da UNESP-Campus de Ilha Solteira, município de Selvíria, MS. No 1° cultivo os tratamentos foram três fontes fosfatadas (superfosfato triplo, termofosfato Mg e fosfato de Araxá) e quatro níveis (145-290-435-58O kg/ha de P2O5 total) aplicados a lanço seguido de incorporação ao solo. Houve um tratamento que não recebeu P. No 2° cultivo estudou-se o efeito residual dos adubos do 1° cultivo e de mais cinco níveis de fósforo (superfosfato triplo) em manutenção (0-36-72-108 - 144 kg/ha de P2O5), no sulco de plantio. A planta teste utilizada foi a soja 'UFV-1'. Foi observado uma resposta significativa da cultura à adubação fosfatada. Otermofosfato Mg apresentou comportamento semelhante ao superfosfato triplo no 1° cultivo, e foi superior a ele quanto aos efeitos residuais. Ofosfato de Araxá, comparado ao superfosfato triplo, apresentou eficiência superior a 80% com ou sem adubação de manutenção, possuindo, portanto, condições de ser empregado na adubação corretiva em solos de baixa fertilidade

    Diabetes Mellitus: desafíos relacionados con el autocuidado en Grupo de Apoyo Psicológico

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    O objetivo foi identificar os sentimentos dos usuários associados ao diagnóstico do Diabetes Mellitus (DM), as dificuldades inerentes ao controle glicêmico e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas diante das demandas impostas pela doença. Estudo qualitativo realizado com grupo de pessoas acompanhadas por equipe multiprofissional de um centro de pesquisa e extensão universitária de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Quatro sessões grupais que constituíram o corpus da pesquisa, foram audiogravadas e transcritas. A análise temática originou as categorias: sentimentos despertados a partir do diagnóstico do DM; dificuldades no controle da doença e estratégias de enfrentamento. Os resultados evidenciaram diferentes modos de lidar com os desafios suscitados pela doença no cotidiano, que influenciam diretamente na adesão ao tratamento e constituem elementos relevantes para o planejamento de intervenções mais efetivas.The purpose was to identify the feelings of users associated with the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus (DM), the difficulties inherent of glycemic control and coping strategies adopted in face of the demands imposed by the disease. Qualitative study carried out with patients followed by a multiprofessional team group in a research center from a university in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Four group sessions, that were audio recorded and transcribed, constituted the corpus of research. The thematic analysis led to the categories: feelings aroused from the diagnosis of DM; difficulties in controlling the disease and coping strategies. The results showed different ways of dealing with the challenges posed by the disease on the diary activities, that directly influence on the treatment adherence and factors which are relevant for the design of more effective interventions.El objetivo fue identificar los sentimientos de los usuarios asociados con el diagnóstico de Diabetes Mellitus (DM), las dificultades inherentes al control de la glucemia y las estrategias adoptadas en la cara de las exigencias impuestas por la enfermedad. Estudio cualitativo realizado con un grupo de personas atendidas por el equipo multidisciplinario en un centro de investigación y extensión de la universidad en Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Fueron audio grabadas y transcritas cuatro sesiones de grupo, que constituye el corpus de la investigación. El análisis temático dirigido a las categorías: sentimientos que a partir del diagnóstico de la DM, las dificultades en el control de la enfermedad y las estrategias de afrontamiento. Los resultados muestran diferentes maneras de lidiar con los desafíos planteados por la enfermedad los procesos que influyen directamente en la adherencia al tratamiento y los factores que son relevantes para el diseño de intervenciones más eficaces

    Comparação de extratores de fósforo do solo, considerando-se o tempo de incorporação de fontes de adubos fosfatados

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    An experiment was held from 1978 to 1983 to know how soil phosphorus extractors compare when samples are colected at different periods after application of triple superphosphate, Mg-thermophosphate or rock phosphate from Araxá. The fertilizers were broadcasted to the soil at rates of 0 - 145 - 290 - 435 and 580 kg/ha of total P(2)0(5) and then incorporated with a heavy horrow. Each 120 days, in a period of 48 months, a composite soil sample was collected from 15 sites of each plot and analyzed for P by extraction with 0,05 N H2SO4, Bray-l and Olsen extractors. The results showed that all extractors were efficient in recovering phosphorus applied either as triple superphosphate or Mg-termophosphate; when applied as phosphate from Araxá the best result was obtained with Bray-l method. Olsen method gave the most consistent results for samples collected at different times after application of triple superphosphate or Mg-thermophosphate ; when phosphate from Araxá was applied results were most consistent whith Bray-l and Olsen extractors. At the 32nd month after application of phosphate from Araxá and thereafter it was observed a tendency for the extraction methods to be similar in respect to phosphorus extraction.No período de 1978 a 1983 efetuou-se um experimento comparando-se extratores de fósforo quando amostras foram coletadas em diferentes períodos após a aplicação de superfosfato triplo, termofosfato-Mg e fosfato de Araxá. Os fertilizantes foram aplicados a lanço no solo nas doses de 0 - 145 - 290 - 435 - 580 kg/ha de P2O5 total e incorporados com grade pesada. A cada 120 dias, num período de 48 meses, de cada parcela foi retirada uma amostra composta, constituída de 15 amostras simples, as quais foram submetidas a extração de fósforo pelos métodos: IAC (H2SO4 0,05N), Bray-l e Olsen. Os resultados evidenciam que na incorporação do superfosfato triplo e termofosfato-Mg os três extratores foram eficientes em recuperar o fósforo. Na incorporação do fosfato de Araxá, o método Bray-l foi o que apresentou melhor comportamento na extração de fósforo. 0 método de Olsen foi o mais estável na recuperação do P do solo, em função do tempo de incorporação para as fontes superfosfato triplo e termofosfato-Mg. Para a fonte fosfato de Araxá os métodos Bray-l e de Olsen foram os mais estáveis. A partir da amostragem 960dias após a incorporação do fosfato de Araxá os três métodos tenderam a se igualar na extração de fósforo

    Selection and optimization of extracellular lipase production using agro-industrial waste

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    The aim of this study was to isolate and select lipase-producing microorganisms originated from different substrates, as well as to optimize the production of microbial lipase by submerged fermentation under different nutrient conditions. Of the 40 microorganisms isolated, 39 showed a halo around the colonies and 4 were selected (Burkholderia, Bacillus sp., Penicillium lanosum and Corynebac glutamyl), where strains showing lipolytic halo Radius (R) / colony radius (r) ratio greater than 2.0 were selected. The results of submerged fermentation expressed as enzymatic activity revealed that the genera of microorganisms significantly influenced the enzymatic reaction, and lipase obtained from Burkholderia cepacia was the most promising, with activity of 0.0058 U.mL-1. It was also observed in the optimization step of lipase production that the sodium nitrate content (NaNO3) had a positive effect on enzyme production, and its increase was indicative of higher enzymatic activity. The addition of sources of organic nitrogen (corn steep liquor, p = 0.2398), carbon (soybean oil, p = 0.3379), magnesium MgSO4.7H2O (p = 0.4189) and potassium KH2PO4 (p = 0.8562) had no significant effects on the lipase production and could result in decreased production of extracellular lipases.Keywords: Burkholderia cepacia, hydrolytic enzymes, residue, submerged fermentationAfrican Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 13(4), pp. 566-573, 22 January, 201

    The nursing work at an burn center: psychosocial risks

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    Objective: aimed both at identifying psychosocial risks and rewards in the nursing work at a burn center and checking its possible association with occupational stress. Method: An exploratory quantitative and descriptive research piece of research. Data were collected through closed questionnaires on effort and reward in the work. Thirty seven nursing workers from a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro district in 2013 took part in it. Results: The psychosocial risks pointed by the group cause occupational stress according to some of them: time pressure, interruptions, a lot of responsibility in the work and physically demanding. The rewards were the respect of superiors and colleagues, adequate support in difficult situations and fairly treated. Conclusions: Conclusions show that it is necessary to diagnose and monitor the risks in the work as well as strengthen the rewards to minimize occupational stress and promote the physical and mental health of the group


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    ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is an endemic disease prevalent in tropical countries and is associated with a high incidence of portal vein thrombosis. Inflammatory changes caused by both parasitic infection and portal thrombosis can lead to the development of chronic liver disease with potential carcinogenesis. AIMS: To assess the incidence of portal vein thrombosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with schistosomiasis during long-term follow-up. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted involving patients with schistosomiasis followed up at our institution between 1990 and 2021. RESULTS: A total of 126 patients with schistosomiasis were evaluated in the study. The mean follow-up time was 16 years (range 5–31). Of the total, 73 (57.9%) patients presented portal vein thrombosis during follow-up. Six (8.1%) of them were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma, all with portal vein thrombosis diagnosed more than ten years before. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with schistosomiasis and chronic portal vein thrombosis highlights the importance of a systematic long-term follow-up in this group of patients