1,777 research outputs found

    Analysis of acid-stressed Bacillus cereus reveals a major oxidative response and inactivation-associated radical formation

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    Acid stress resistance of the food-borne human pathogen Bacillus cereus may contribute to its survival in acidic environments, such as encountered in soil, food and the human gastrointestinal tract. The acid stress responses of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and ATCC 10987 were analysed in aerobically grown cultures acidified to pH values ranging from pH 5.4 to pH 4.4 with HCI. Comparative phenotype and transcriptome analyses revealed three acid stressinduced responses in this pH range: growth rate reduction, growth arrest and loss of viability. These physiological responses showed to be associated with metabolic shifts and the induction of general stress response mechanisms with a major oxidative component, including upregulation of catalases and superoxide dismutases. Flow cytometry analysis in combination with the hydroxyl (OH center dot) and peroxynitrite (ONOO-)-specific fluorescent probe 3'-(phydroxyphenyl) fluorescein (HPF) showed excessive radicals to be formed in both B. cereus strains in bactericidal conditions only. Our study shows that radicals can indicate acid-induced malfunctioning of cellular processes that lead to cell death

    Volcaniclastic sedimentation in a closed, marginal rift basin: the case of the Melka Kunture area (Upper Awash, ethiopia)

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    The upper Awash runs across a volcano-sedimentary succession dated from the Early to Middle Pleistocene and located on the western margin of the northern portion of the Main Ethiopian Rift. The succession lies above Late Miocene to Pliocene lava flows, domes and large volume ignimbrites. The succession formed within a fluvial system that developed within transversal rift faults. The stratigraphy consists of primary volcanic deposits interbedded with reworked sediments emplaced in a low-energy floodplain developed in a subsiding area. The lower part of the volcaniclastic sequence is dominated by a 1.2 Ma old, low aspect ratio, pyroclastic density current deposit (Kella ignimbrite). This eruption was followed by an eruptive stasis and reorganization of the drainage system. Tephra deposition in the floodplain climaxed again between 0.9 and 0.7 Ma and was associated with extensive tephra reworking. Sedimentation rates significantly decreased after 0.6 myr ago, probably owing to declining volcanic activity. Dynamic interaction between tectonics and volcanic activity created a complex sedimentary environment preserving numerous artefacts (lithic tools), animal and hominin remains. Stratigraphic correlation is based on the interpretation of the basin evolution and has relevance for the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and the interpretation of the palaeontological and archaeological data

    Marked increase in PROP taste responsiveness following oral supplementation with selected salivary proteins or their related free amino acids

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    The genetic predisposition to taste 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) varies among individuals and is associated with salivary levels of Ps-1 and II-2 peptides, belonging to the basic proline-rich protein family (bPRP). We evaluated the role of these proteins and free amino acids that selectively interact with the PROP molecule, in modulating bitter taste responsiveness. Subjects were classified by their PROP taster status based on ratings of perceived taste intensity for PROP and NaCl solutions. Quantitative and qualitative determinations of Ps-1 and II-2 proteins in unstimulated saliva were performed by HPLC-ESI-MS analysis. Subjects rated PROP bitterness after supplementation with Ps-1 and II-2, and two amino acids (L-Arg and L-Lys) whose interaction with PROP was demonstrated by (1)H-NMR spectroscopy. ANOVA showed that salivary levels of II-2 and Ps-1 proteins were higher in unstimulated saliva of PROP super-tasters and medium tasters than in non-tasters. Supplementation of Ps-1 protein in individuals lacking it in saliva enhanced their PROP bitter taste responsiveness, and this effect was specific to the non-taster group.(1)H-NMR results showed that the interaction between PROP and L-Arg is stronger than that involving L-Lys, and taste experiments confirmed that oral supplementation with these two amino acids increased PROP bitterness intensity, more for L-Arg than for L-Lys. These data suggest that Ps-1 protein facilitates PROP bitter taste perception and identifies a role for free L-Arg and L-Lys in PROP tasting

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei from prenatal to adult age.

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    Occurrence and distribution of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM), a neuroplasticity marker known to modulate BDNF signalling, were examined by immunohistochemistry in the human brainstem precerebellar nuclei at prenatal, perinatal and adult age. Western blot analysis performed in human brainstem showed for both molecules a single protein band compatible with the molecular weight of the dimeric form of mature BDNF and with that of PSA-NCAM. Detectability of both molecules up to 72 h post-mortem was also assessed in rat brain. In neuronal perikarya, BDNF-like immunoreactivity (LI) appeared as intracytoplasmic granules, whereas PSA-NCAM-LI appeared mostly as peripheral staining, indicative of membrane labelling; immunoreactivity to both substances also labelled nerve fibres and terminals. BDNF- and PSA-NCAM-LI occurred in the external cuneate nucleus, perihypoglossal nuclei, inferior olive complex, arcuate nucleus, lateral reticular formation, vestibular nuclei, pontine reticulotegmental and paramedian reticular nuclei, and pontine basilar nuclei. With few exceptions, for both substances the distribution pattern detected at prenatal age persisted later on, though the immunoreactivity appeared often higher in preand full-term newborns than in adult specimens. The results obtained suggest that BDNF operates in the development, maturation, maintenance and plasticity of human brainstem precerebellar neuronal systems. They also imply a multiple origin for the BDNF-LI of the human cerebellum. The codistribution of BDNF- and PSA-NCAM-LI in analyzed regions suggests that PSA-NCAM may modulate the functional interaction between BDNF and its high and low affinity receptors, an issue worth further analysis, particularly in view of the possible clinical significance of neuronal trophism in cerebellar neurodegenerative disorders.

    Submarine Geomorphology of the Southwestern Sardinian Continental Shelf (Mediterranean Sea): Insights into the Last Glacial Maximum Sea-Level Changes and Related Environments

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    During the lowstand sea-level phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a large part of the current Mediterranean continental shelf emerged. Erosional and depositional processes shaped the coastal strips, while inland areas were affected by aeolian and fluvial processes. Evidence of both the lowstand phase and the subsequent phases of eustatic sea level rise can be observed on the continental shelf of Sardinia (Italy), including submerged palaeo-shorelines and landforms, and indicators of relict coastal palaeo-environments. This paper shows the results of a high-resolution survey on the continental shelf off San Pietro Island (southwestern Sardinia). Multisensor and multiscale data\u2014obtained by means of seismic sparker, sub-bottom profiler chirp, multibeam, side scan sonar, diving, and uncrewed aerial vehicles\u2014made it possible to reconstruct the morphological features shaped during the LGM at depths between 125 and 135 m. In particular, tectonic controlled palaeo-cliffs affected by landslides, the mouth of a deep palaeo-valley fossilized by marine sediments and a palaeo-lagoon containing a peri-littoral thanatocenosis (18,983 \ub1 268 cal BP) were detected. The Younger Dryas palaeo-shorelines were reconstructed, highlighted by a very well preserved beachrock. The coastal paleo-landscape with lagoon-barrier systems and retro-littoral dunes frequented by the Mesolithic populations was reconstructed

    Microscopic entropy of the charged BTZ black hole

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    The charged BTZ black hole is characterized by a power-law curvature singularity generated by the electric charge of the hole. The curvature singularity produces ln r terms in the asymptotic expansion of the gravitational field and divergent contributions to the boundary terms. We show that these boundary deformations can be generated by the action of the conformal group in two dimensions and that an appropriate renormalization procedure allows for the definition of finite boundary charges. In the semiclassical regime the central charge of the dual CFT turns out to be that calculated by Brown and Henneaux, whereas the charge associated with time translation is given by the renormalized black hole mass. We then show that the Cardy formula reproduces exactly the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the charged BTZ black hole.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Preoperative physical performance as predictor of postoperative outcomes in patients aged 65 and older scheduled for major abdominal cancer surgery:A systematic review

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    Background: Abdominal cancer surgery is associated with considerable morbidity in older patients. Assessment of preoperative physical status is therefore essential. The aim of this review was to describe and compare the objective physical tests that are currently used in abdominal cancer surgery in the older patient population with regard to postoperative outcomes. Methods: Medline, Embase, CINAHL and Web of Science were searched until 31 December 2020. Non-interventional cohort studies were eligible if they included patients ≥65 years undergoing abdominal cancer surgery, reported results on objective preoperative physical assessment such as Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET), field walk tests or muscle strength, and on postoperative outcomes. Results: 23 publications were included (10 CPET, 13 non-CPET including Timed Up & Go, grip strength, 6-minute walking test (6MWT) and incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT)). Meta-analysis was precluded due to heterogeneity between study cohorts, different cut-off points, and inconsistent reporting of outcomes. In CPET studies, ventilatory anaerobic threshold and minute ventilation/carbon dioxide production gradient were associated with adverse outcomes. ISWT and 6MWT predicted outcomes in two studies. Tests addressing muscle strength and function were of limited value. No study compared different physical tests. Discussion: CPET has the ability to predict adverse postoperative outcomes, but it is time-consuming and requires expert assessment. ISWT or 6MWT might be a feasible alternative to estimate aerobic capacity. Muscle strength and function tests currently have limited value in risk prediction. Future research should compare the predictive value of different physical instruments with regard to postoperative outcomes in older surgical patients