24 research outputs found


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    Testing the speed-strength abilities in children and adolescents is a valuable tool of monitoring the development of the most important physical qualities in sports. This test enables adjusting physical training to sensitive periods, identifying the degree of inherited sports talent, as well as a predisposition to the type of sport or sports discipline. Aim. The purpose of the work was to determine the average group results of Wingate test in children and adolescents and to identify the age-related dynamics of speed-strength abilities. Materials and methods. The study was conducted according to the standard Wingate protocol for a cycle ergometer. The obtained data on peak power (PP) and time to peak (tpp) of 370 athletes aged from 7 to 16 years were analyzed. Results. The results showed that no gender and age difference in PP was registered in children from 9 to 11 years (PP/kg - 8.42 ± 1.56 W/kg). The annual increase in PP/kg in boys was as follows: 11-12 years old - 7.53%, 12-13 years old - 17.7%, 13-14 years old - 10.34%. Relative PP in 14 year-old male athletes was 11.74 ± 2.15 W/kg, in 15 - 11.76 ± 1.56 W/kg and 16 year-olds - 12.2 ± 1.39 W/kg, with no significant difference. Relative PP in 14 and 15 year-old females (9.66 ± 2.12 W/kg and 9.88 ± 1.37 W/kg, respectively) was significantly lower than in males. Along with this no significant difference of PP/kg between 16 year-old males and females was established. Conclusion. The article proposes the criteria for evaluating speed-strength in athletes from 9 to 16 years based on the results of Wingate testing. © 2020 South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service. All rights reserved

    Технология создания «Инновационного образовательного центра» Института физической культуры, спорта и молодежной политики УрФУ

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    Questions of necessity of establishment of conceptual new approach to educational programs in the Institute of physical culture, sports and youth policy are discussed, new technology of establishment of educational new form center are suggested, as well as making connections between institutes in establishment of the project.Обсуждаются вопросы необходимости создания концептуально нового подхода к программам обучения в ИФКСиМП УрФУ, предлагаются технологии создания образовательного центра нового формата, а также установления межинститутских связей в создании проекта

    Technologies of Training in Team Sports

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    The paper addresses issues of modern technologies of sports training in soccer. Trends of wrong methodic, technical and practical approaches are observed in contemporary sports practice. Based on exhisting data and experience success in team sports requires adequate and appropriate complex control of physical, physiologic, psychological and specific skills changes in athletes. The main objectives of athletes' complex control in professional team athletes are highlighted.Технология спортивной подготовки в игровых видах спорта часто представляет собой проблему для тренеров- преподавателей, которые ставят перед собой максимальные цели, направленные на высокие результаты и достижения. В большинстве своём наблюдается тенденция неправильного методического, тактико-технического и практического подхода тренеров- преподавателей по спортивной подготовке в игровых видах спорта. Для построения эффективного тренировочного процесса, направленного на достижение высоких результатов, крайне важно решение ряда задач. В частности, выявить наиболее существенные черты основного содержания и закономерностей построения тренировки, подобрать соответствующие поставленным задачам средства и методы тренировки, оценить эффективность используемых методов и средств в тренировочном процессе и использовать средства восстановления спортивной работоспособности

    Peculiarities of electrical activity of myocardium in athletes with connective tissue dysplasia

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    The aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of myocardial excitation electrophysiology in 35 young athletes with connective tissue dysplasia. It was found that connective tissue dysplasia is associated with disturbance of repolarization and may be considered as a potential risk factor of the sudden death in adolescent and young athletes.Целью работы стало изучение особенностей электрического возбуждения миокарда у 35 юных и молодых атлетов с дисплазией соединительной ткани. Установлено, что дисплазия соединительной ткани ассоциируется с нарушением реполяризации миокарда и может быть потенциальным фактором риска внезапной смерти электрического генеза у юных и молодых атлетов

    Peculiarities of special working capacity of football players with connective tissue dysplasia syndrome

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    Twenty-two young football players with varying degrees of connective tissue dysplasia were examined by the FitLight trainer method characterizing special performance. The relationship between the severity of phenotypic markers of connective tissue dysplasia and results of the test for the determination of special working capacity has been established.Двадцать два футболиста молодого возраста с различной степенью дисплазии соединительной ткани были исследованы методом светового тренажера FitLight, характеризующим специальную работоспособность у футболистов. Отмечена взаимосвязь между уровнем выраженности фенотипических маркеров дисплазии соединительной ткани и результатами теста на определение специальной работоспособности

    Significance of the false chords in the left ventricle for diagnostic approaches in child connective tissue dysplasias

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    Aim. The study was aimed on the importance evaluation of the false chords (FC) diagnostics in the left ventricle (LV) of the heart at early age to predict connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) development. Material and methods. The study performed at cardiorheumatological department of MAI "CCCH No. 11" of Yekaterinburg city. Case histories of 200 patients analyzed, of those had undergone treatment in the department last 6 months. Group consisted of children aged 1 month to 17 year old, mean age 9,7±4,6 y. o. Phenotype of CTD was evaluated according to the Gent score criteria (2010) and the Score by Kadurina T. I. et al. Heart structure and functioning were assessed with bi-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. Statistics was done with SPSS Statistics 17.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Results. All children had phenotype markers of CTD syndrome. Significance assessment of CTD by Kadurina score was 8,1±3,8 (2-33) points, that is grade 1 severity of CTD. In 17% (n=34) of children there was moderate CTD grade, and in 10% (n=20) there were dysplastic changes in =3 organ systems. Most of patients (95,5%) had FC (2,0±0,5 U) localized in various areas of the LV. Chords always correlated with phenotypic CTD markers in other physiological systems. And the number of concomitant markers significantly increased with the children's age. Conclusion. In most cases CTD syndrome is associated with the changes in the heart, and FC in LV can be regarded as easy approachable and most early and reliable phenotypical marker of this systemic disorder

    Effects of constant magnetic field to the proliferation rate of human fibroblasts grown onto different substrates: Tissue culture polystyrene, polyacrylamide hydrogel and ferrogels γ-fe2o3 magnetic nanoparticles

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    The static magnetic field was shown to affect the proliferation, adhesion and differentiation of various types of cells, making it a helpful tool for regenerative medicine, though the mechanism of its impact on cells is not completely understood. In this work, we have designed and tested a magnetic system consisting of an equidistant set of the similar commercial permanent magnets (6 × 4 assay) in order to get insight on the potential of its experimental usage in the biological studies with cells culturing in a magnetic field. Human dermal fibroblasts, which are widely applied in regenerative medicine, were used for the comparative study of their proliferation rate on tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) and on the polyacrylamide ferrogels with 0.00, 0.63 and 1.19 wt % concentrations of γ-Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles obtained by the well-established technique of laser target evaporation. We used either the same batch as in previously performed but different biological experiments or the same fabrication conditions for fabrication of the nanoparticles. This adds special value to the understanding of the mechanisms of nanoparticles contributions to the processes occurring in the living systems in their presence. The magnetic field increased human dermal fibroblast cell proliferation rate on TCPS, but, at the same time, it suppressed the growth of fibroblasts on blank gel and on polyacrylamide ferrogels. However, the proliferation rate of cells on ferrogels positively correlated with the concentration of nanoparticles. Such a dependence was observed both for cell proliferation without the application of the magnetic field and under the exposure to the constant magnetic field. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The Russian Scientific Foundation (grant 18-19-00090) supported the experimental parts of this study, including the design, performance and analysis of experiments

    False tendons in the left ventricle

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    Aim. To find out the close mean-end relations of the false tendons (FT) topology in the left ventricle (LV), regional and global heart functioning, including its ability to endure exertion. Material and methods. Totally, 90 healthy young persons included (48 females), age 20,2±2,9 y. o., actively participating in sports. Connective tissue dysplasia was confirmed according to National guidelines on Diagnostics and management of inherited connective tissues disorders (2012). The routine echocardiographic study was done with further digital processing and 3D modelling of the LV with regional myocardium function assessment. The ability of the heart to adapt exertion was measured by exercise test on thread-mill. Results. Describing of FT topology in 3D-model of LV revealed the presence of 1 to 5 tendons by 1 LV, which mostly were located in upper parts of the ventricle, and oriented perpendicularly or at small angle to its longitudinal axis. Main values of global structure and function of the LV were at normal range, but in all participants, there was high level of mechanical asynchronicity at rest. In addition, there was high variability of parameters related to the ability of the heart to endure exercises. By methods of correlational, monofactorial and multifactorial analysis, it was revealed that: as many FT by 1 LV, as higher the level of baseline mechanical asynchronicity and lower the heart ability to adapt exertion. Conclusion. Young healthy persons with FT in LV, participating systematically in sports, physical exercise or fitness, need strictly individualized regimen of exercise. © Russian Journal of Cardiology

    Sport and COVID-19 – New challenges or old issues?

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    Aim. The study proposes a rationale for sports perspectives during current epidemic situation and provides practical guidance for safe training practices. Materials and methods. 162 athletes of different age participated in an anonymous survey. The main sections of the survey included aspects of athletes’ competence and consciousness regarding the safety of the training process during COVID-19 pandemic. Results. It was found that although 100% of adolescent participants were informed about the negative effects of training load on physical health when suffering from cold-related diseases, meanwhile 49% continued training and competitive activities. Moreover, 20.4% of athletes did not follow the announced restrictive measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. At the moment of the survey, 9.3% did not wear a mask and 11.6% did not use hand antiseptic. Conclusion. Athletes are in high risk during pandemic not only because of their thoughtlessness but also due to neglecting healthcare recommendations, as well as refusing to stop training and competitive activities despite of symptoms of virus disease