25,426 research outputs found

    A Tight Excess Risk Bound via a Unified PAC-Bayesian-Rademacher-Shtarkov-MDL Complexity

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    We present a novel notion of complexity that interpolates between and generalizes some classic existing complexity notions in learning theory: for estimators like empirical risk minimization (ERM) with arbitrary bounded losses, it is upper bounded in terms of data-independent Rademacher complexity; for generalized Bayesian estimators, it is upper bounded by the data-dependent information complexity (also known as stochastic or PAC-Bayesian, KL(posteriorprior)\mathrm{KL}(\text{posterior} \operatorname{\|} \text{prior}) complexity. For (penalized) ERM, the new complexity reduces to (generalized) normalized maximum likelihood (NML) complexity, i.e. a minimax log-loss individual-sequence regret. Our first main result bounds excess risk in terms of the new complexity. Our second main result links the new complexity via Rademacher complexity to L2(P)L_2(P) entropy, thereby generalizing earlier results of Opper, Haussler, Lugosi, and Cesa-Bianchi who did the log-loss case with LL_\infty. Together, these results recover optimal bounds for VC- and large (polynomial entropy) classes, replacing localized Rademacher complexity by a simpler analysis which almost completely separates the two aspects that determine the achievable rates: 'easiness' (Bernstein) conditions and model complexity.Comment: 38 page

    Glassy dynamics in granular compaction

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    Two models are presented to study the influence of slow dynamics on granular compaction. It is found in both cases that high values of packing fraction are achieved only by the slow relaxation of cooperative structures. Ongoing work to study the full implications of these results is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; accepted in J. Phys: Condensed Matter, proceedings of the Trieste workshop on 'Unifying concepts in glass physics

    A two-species model of a two-dimensional sandpile surface: a case of asymptotic roughening

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    We present and analyze a model of an evolving sandpile surface in (2 + 1) dimensions where the dynamics of mobile grains ({\rho}(x, t)) and immobile clusters (h(x, t)) are coupled. Our coupling models the situation where the sandpile is flat on average, so that there is no bias due to gravity. We find anomalous scaling: the expected logarithmic smoothing at short length and time scales gives way to roughening in the asymptotic limit, where novel and non-trivial exponents are found.Comment: 7 Pages, 6 Figures; Granular Matter, 2012 (Online

    Competition and cooperation:aspects of dynamics in sandpiles

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    In this article, we review some of our approaches to granular dynamics, now well known to consist of both fast and slow relaxational processes. In the first case, grains typically compete with each other, while in the second, they cooperate. A typical result of {\it cooperation} is the formation of stable bridges, signatures of spatiotemporal inhomogeneities; we review their geometrical characteristics and compare theoretical results with those of independent simulations. {\it Cooperative} excitations due to local density fluctuations are also responsible for relaxation at the angle of repose; the {\it competition} between these fluctuations and external driving forces, can, on the other hand, result in a (rare) collapse of the sandpile to the horizontal. Both these features are present in a theory reviewed here. An arena where the effects of cooperation versus competition are felt most keenly is granular compaction; we review here a random graph model, where three-spin interactions are used to model compaction under tapping. The compaction curve shows distinct regions where 'fast' and 'slow' dynamics apply, separated by what we have called the {\it single-particle relaxation threshold}. In the final section of this paper, we explore the effect of shape -- jagged vs. regular -- on the compaction of packings near their jamming limit. One of our major results is an entropic landscape that, while microscopically rough, manifests {\it Edwards' flatness} at a macroscopic level. Another major result is that of surface intermittency under low-intensity shaking.Comment: 36 pages, 23 figures, minor correction

    Fast rates in statistical and online learning

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    The speed with which a learning algorithm converges as it is presented with more data is a central problem in machine learning --- a fast rate of convergence means less data is needed for the same level of performance. The pursuit of fast rates in online and statistical learning has led to the discovery of many conditions in learning theory under which fast learning is possible. We show that most of these conditions are special cases of a single, unifying condition, that comes in two forms: the central condition for 'proper' learning algorithms that always output a hypothesis in the given model, and stochastic mixability for online algorithms that may make predictions outside of the model. We show that under surprisingly weak assumptions both conditions are, in a certain sense, equivalent. The central condition has a re-interpretation in terms of convexity of a set of pseudoprobabilities, linking it to density estimation under misspecification. For bounded losses, we show how the central condition enables a direct proof of fast rates and we prove its equivalence to the Bernstein condition, itself a generalization of the Tsybakov margin condition, both of which have played a central role in obtaining fast rates in statistical learning. Yet, while the Bernstein condition is two-sided, the central condition is one-sided, making it more suitable to deal with unbounded losses. In its stochastic mixability form, our condition generalizes both a stochastic exp-concavity condition identified by Juditsky, Rigollet and Tsybakov and Vovk's notion of mixability. Our unifying conditions thus provide a substantial step towards a characterization of fast rates in statistical learning, similar to how classical mixability characterizes constant regret in the sequential prediction with expert advice setting.Comment: 69 pages, 3 figure

    Crossover in the scaling of island size and capture zone distributions

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    Simulations of irreversible growth of extended (fractal and square) islands with critical island sizes i=1 and 2 are performed in broad ranges of coverage \theta and diffusion-to-deposition ratios R in order to investigate scaling of island size and capture zone area distributions (ISD, CZD). Large \theta and small R lead to a crossover from the CZD predicted by the theory of Pimpinelli and Einstein (PE), with Gaussian right tail, to CZD with simple exponential decays. The corresponding ISD also cross over from Gaussian or faster decays to simple exponential ones. For fractal islands, these features are explained by changes in the island growth kinetics, from a competition for capture of diffusing adatoms (PE scaling) to aggregation of adatoms with effectively irrelevant diffusion, which is characteristic of random sequential adsorption (RSA) without surface diffusion. This interpretation is confirmed by studying the crossover with similar CZ areas (of order 100 sites) in a model with freezing of diffusing adatoms that corresponds to i=0. For square islands, deviations from PE predictions appear for coverages near \theta=0.2 and are mainly related to island coalescence. Our results show that the range of applicability of the PE theory is narrow, thus observing the predicted Gaussian tail of CZD may be difficult in real systems.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Lax Operator for the Quantised Orthosymplectic Superalgebra U_q[osp(2|n)]

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    Each quantum superalgebra is a quasi-triangular Hopf superalgebra, so contains a \textit{universal RR-matrix} in the tensor product algebra which satisfies the Yang-Baxter equation. Applying the vector representation π\pi, which acts on the vector module VV, to one side of a universal RR-matrix gives a Lax operator. In this paper a Lax operator is constructed for the CC-type quantum superalgebras Uq[osp(2n)]U_q[osp(2|n)]. This can in turn be used to find a solution to the Yang-Baxter equation acting on VVWV \otimes V \otimes W where WW is an arbitrary Uq[osp(2n)]U_q[osp(2|n)] module. The case W=VW=V is included here as an example.Comment: 15 page