197 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity Among Turkish Native Chickens, Denizli and Gerze, Estimated by Microsatellite Markers

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    The genetic diversity of the Turkish native chicken breeds Denizli and Gerze was evaluated with 10 microsatellite markers. We genotyped a total of 125 individuals from five subpopulations. Among loci, the mean number of alleles was 7.5, expected heterozygosity (H(e)) was 0.665, PIC value was 0.610, and Wright’s fixation index was 0.301. H(e) was higher in the Denizli breed (0.656) than in the Gerze breed (0.475). The PIC values were 0.599 and 0.426 for Denizli and Gerze, respectively. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using genetic distance and the neighbor-joining method. Its topology reflects the general pattern of genetic differentiation among the Denizli and Gerze breeds. The present study suggests that Denizli and Gerze subpopulations have a rich genetic diversity. The information about Denizli and Gerze breeds estimated by microsatellite analysis may also be useful as an initial guide in defining objectives for designing future investigations of genetic variation and developing conservation strategies

    Multiple Mediation of Self-Esteem and Perceived Social Support in the Relationship Between Loneliness and Life Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to test serial-multiple mediation role of self-esteem and perceived social support on the relationship between university students’ loneliness and life satisfaction. The participants of this study consisted of 398 undergraduate students, with 289 females and 109 males aged between 17 and 41 with a mean age of 21.79 (SD=3.23). This study examined the statistical significance of the mediation effects in the tested model through the Ordinary Least Squares Regression Model and the Bootstrap method. The results showed that mediation effect of self-esteem and perceived social support variables solely were found be higher on the relationship between loneliness and life satisfaction than when both of them were entered into the model together. Single mediation effect of each variable did not differ. Focusing on students' perceived social support and self-esteem may be useful to increase students’ life satisfaction in universities. This study may also be a resource for college counselors and mental health professionals to create protective and preventive approaches when working with students. Keywords: Loneliness, Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, Perceived Social Support, Serial Multiple Mediatio

    The Roles of Perceived Social Support, Coping, and Loneliness in Predicting Internet Addiction in Adolescents

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    The current research aims to examine the roles of perceived social support, coping, and loneliness when predicting the Internet addiction in adolescents. The research participants included 300 high school students, with an average age of 16.49 and SD=1.27, attending schools in a city in Southeastern Anatolian Region during 2015-2016 academic years. Participant adolescents included 180 females (60%) and 120 males (40%). Data collection was conducted through Short Form of Young’s Internet Addiction Test, Revised Form of Multi-Dimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, Coping Scale for Children and Youth, and the UCLA Loneliness Scale – Short-Form. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis were used to analyze the research data. Research findings showed that perceived social support from significant other support, loneliness, and cognitive avoidance and problem solving among coping strategies significantly predicted Internet addiction. Family support and friend support as sub-dimensions of perceived social support and assistance seeking and behavioral avoidance among coping strategies were not found to predict Internet addiction. Research findings were discussed based on the relevant literature, interpreted, and suggestions for researchers were put forward. Keywords: Internet addiction, perceived social support, coping strategies, loneliness, adolescent

    Adaptation of General Belongingness Scale into Turkish for Adolescents: Validity and Reliability Studies

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    The current research aims to adapt the General Belongingness Scale (GBS), developed by Malone, Pillow, and Osman (2012), into Turkish for adolescents and to conduct the validity and reliability studies for it. Ages of the participants, a total of 567 adolescents including 274 males (48.3%) and 293 females (51.7%) ranged between 14 and 18 (average age= 15.76). For the construct validity of GBS, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Factor analyses results indicated that the scale included two factors as it is in the original form. Factor loadings of the items varied between .55 and .84. To provide validity of the GBS, Pearson Correlation Coefficents between belongingness and loneliness (r= -.64), life satisfaction (r= .36), attachment to parents (varied between r= .21 and r= .39) and attachment to peers (r= .33 and r= .39) were computed and they were all significant. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient calculated for the scale reliability was .76 for acceptance/inclusion sub-dimension, .85 for rejection/exclusion and .81 for overall scale. Test-retest reliability of the GBS was run with 97 students, and it was found as .80. The research findings indicated that the GBS was a valid and reliable instrument to assess general belongingness for Turkish adolescents

    Klasik laminasyon teorisinin üç boyutlu yazıcı ile eriyik yığma modelleme yöntemi kullanılarak üretilmiş plastiklere uygulanması ve tam alanlı yüzey gerinim haritalanması

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    In this study, five differently oriented sets of 3D-printed tensile samples are produced using the Fused Deposition Method (FDM). Among these five sets, three are used to determine the elastic constant to be used in Classical Lamination Theory (CLT), which is generally used to model fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP). Based on the obtained results, CLT is further applied to the remaining two sets of unreinforced 3D-printed polymer samples where the deposition direction varies in each layer. The stress and strain calculated with CLT are then compared with experimental results obtained through tensile testing. The comparison depicts that experimental and CLT results are in good agreement at lower strain levels. In contrast, the stress calculated with CLT deviates from the experimental result at the higher strain levels. Thereafter, a full-field surface strain mapping is applied by using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Techniques to reveal the damage progression and failure of Fused Deposition Method 3-D Printed PlasticsBu çalışmada üç boyutlu yazıcı ile Eriyik Yığma Modellemesi (EYM) yöntemi kullanılarak farklı yazma yönlerindeki katmanlara sahip toplamda beş set çekme örneği üretilmiştir. Üretilen üç farklı sete çekme testi yapılarak farklı yönlerdeki elastik sabitler daha sonra Klasik Laminasyon Teorisinde (KLT) kullanılmak üzere ölçülmüştür. Klasik Laminasyon Teorisi genel olarak tek yönlü fiberler ihtiva eden polimerik yapıların modellenmesi için kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile KLT üç boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen ve içerisinde herhangi bir fiber takviyesi ihtiva etmeyen ve her katmanda yazma yönleri değişen iki farklı polimerik yapıya uygulanmıştır. KLT ile elde edilen gerinim ve gerilme değerleri çekme deneyi ile elde edilen gerinim ve gerilme değerleri ile karşılaştırmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre düşük gerinim değerleri için KLT ile elde edilen sonuçların deneysel sonuçlar ile uyumlu olduğu, yalnız gerinim değeri arttıkça KLT ile hesaplanan değerlerinin deneysel değerlerden uzaklaştığı görülmüştür. Daha sonra ise Eriyik Yığma Modelleme Yöntemi ile üretilen üç boyutlu plastiklerin hasar ilerlemesi ve kırılması Dijital Görüntü Korelasyon Tekniği ile Tam Alanlı Yüzey Gerinim Haritalanması kullanılarak çıkarılmıştır

    Farklı Zorbalık Statüsüne Sahip Erinlerde Okula Bağlanma ve Yalnızlık

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    Previous studies indicated that bullying was quite pervasive among early adolescents and associated with some psychosocial correlates. Thus, the purpose of the present study was to investigate associations among different bully status (victim, bully, bully/victim and bystander), school attachment and loneliness among early adolescents. The sample of the study was comprised of 415 students (F= 214, M= 201) coming from three elementary schools representing different socio-economic groups in Diyarbakır city center. There were significant differences among students with different bully status in terms of school attachment and attachment to friends, but not attachment to teachers. Moreover, there was no significant difference among students with different bully status. Findings also suggest that gender is a significant variable in identifying bully status. Findings of the study were discussed with regard to current literature.Zorbaca davranışların erinler arasında oldukça sık yaşanılan bir sorun olduğu ve özellikle zorba ve kurban olma ile çeşitli psiko-sosyal değişkenler arasında ilişki olduğu araştırma bulgularıyla ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı zorbalık statülerine sahip olan ilköğretim ikinci kademede öğrenim gören erinleri okula bağlanma ve yalnızlık düzeyleri açısından karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırmanın evrenini, Diyarbakır ili merkezindeki ilköğretim okullarına devam eden 415 (K= 214, E= 201) 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmuştur. Okula bağlanma bağlamında kurbanlar ve izleyiciler ile zorbalar arasında kurbanlar ve izleyiciler lehine anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Öte yandan izleyiciler, zorba ve kurban öğrencilerden daha fazla arkadaşa bağlanma düzeyine sahipler. Öğretmene bağlanma açısından gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Ayrıca, yalnızlık değişkeni bağlamında farklı zorbalık statülerine sahip öğrenciler arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Cinsiyetin zorbalık statüsünü belirmede anlamlı bir değişken olduğu görülmektedir

    A study on marital satisfaction and life satisfaction with married individualsEvli bireylerin evlilik doyumlarının ve yaşam doyumlarının incelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study is to examine marital satisfaction and life satisfaction according to same variables. The study is carried out on married individuals in Adıyaman in 2015 year. The study group consisted of 279 (164 male, 115 female). The data was collected through the Life Satisfaction Scale adapted by Köker (1991), Marital Life Scale developed by Tezer (1986 as cited in Çağ & Yıldırım, 2013) and a personal information form designed by the researchers. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences IBM SPSS 21.0 software was used for the statistical analysis of the data. In order to analyze the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, One-way MANOVA and Tukey HSD analysis method was employed. According to findings, it is understood that master and doctorate degree graduate individuals have a higher level of marital satisfaction and life satisfaction than primary and secondary schools graduates. According to income level variable, it is not observed a significant difference for the marital satisfaction levels, however there is a significant difference for life satisfaction levels. It is revealed that married individuals who get married after flirting have a higher level of marital and life satisfaction than married individuals of consanguineous marriages have. It is understood that married individuals who get married after falling in love have a higher level of marital and life satisfaction than the ones who make marriages of convenience have. However, according to gender is not a significant difference for marital satisfaction and life satisfaction. The findings of the present study were discussed in the light of the related literature. ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı, evli bireylerin evlilik doyumlarını ve yaşam doyumlarını bazı değişkenlere göre incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 2015 yılında Adıyaman ilinde ikamet eden, 115 (% 41.2) kadın ile 164 (% 58.8) erkek olmak üzere toplam 279 evli birey oluşturmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Evlilik Yaşamı Ölçeği ve Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin analizinde betimsel istatistikler, Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyonu, çok değişkenli varyans analizi (Tek Yönlü MANOVA) ve post-hoc çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Tukey HSD testi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi IBM SPSS 21.0 paket programıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, yüksek lisans ve doktora mezuniyet derecesine sahip bireylerin ilk ve ortaokul mezunlarından daha yüksek düzeyde evlilik doyumuna ve yaşam doyumuna sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Öte yandan üniversite mezunlarının da okur-yazar olmayanlardan yüksek düzeyde bir yaşam doyumuna sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Farklı gelir grupları arasında evlilik doyumu düzeyi açısından anlamlı düzeyde bir fark bulunmamıştır. Ancak yüksek gelir grubunda bulunan bireylerin yaşam doyumları diğer gruplara göre yüksek bulunmuştur. Flört ilişki sonrası evlenen bireylerin, akraba evliliği yapanlardan daha yüksek düzeyde evlilik doyumuna ve yaşam doyumuna sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Cinsiyet açısından kadın ve erkeklerin evlilik doyumu ve yaşam doyumu düzeyleri arasında anlamlı düzeyde bir fark bulunmamıştır. Aşk evliliği yapan kişilerin, mantık evliliği yapan kişilerden daha yüksek düzeyde bir evlilik doyumuna ve yaşam doyumuna sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Bulgular, alan yazın çerçevesinde tartışılmış ve yorumlanmıştır