12 research outputs found

    Interfacial Phenomena in Multiphase Systems at Pore Scale

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    Porous materials have high specific surface area and complicated morphology, which dramatically amplifies interfacially driven processes leading to complex transport behaviors. Over the past decade, significant improvements in experimental and computational tools have enabled the direct probing of pore-scale physics. Numerous findings have been reported that provide new insights on how interfacial phenomena modulate Darcy-scale fluid behaviors.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Reservoir Engineerin

    Bubble Coarsening Kinetics in Porous Media

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    Abstract Bubbles in subsurface porous media spontaneously coarsen to reduce free energy. Bubble coarsening dramatically changes surface area and pore occupancy, which affect the hydraulic conductivity, mass and heat transfer coefficients, and chemical reactions. Coarsening kinetics in porous media is thus critical in modeling geologic CO2 sequestration, hydrogen subsurface storage, hydrate reservoir recovery, and other relevant geophysical problems. We show that bubble coarsening kinetics in porous media fundamentally deviates from classical Lifshitz‐Slyozov‐Wagner theory, because porous structure quantizes the space and rescales the mass transfer coefficient. We develop a new coarsening theory that agrees well with numerical simulations. We identify a pseudo‐equilibrium time proportional to the cubic of pore size. In a typical CO2 sequestration scenario, local equilibrium can be achieved in 1s for media consisting of sub‐micron pores, while in decades for media consisting of 1 mm pores. This work provides new insights in modeling complex fluid behaviors in subsurface environment