354 research outputs found

    Evolution of green shipping research: themes and methods

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    Over the past 30 years, there have been growing concerns on theenvironmental impacts of maritime transportation, which have attractedgreat attention from both academia and practitioners. Understandingdevelopments in this area can help guide future research. We conducteda comprehensive review of green shipping research, comprising 213papers published in transportation journals in SSCI of 2017 over theperiod 1988–2017. We find that research on green shipping hasincreased greatly since 2012, accounting for 77.5% of the reviewedpapers. The main focus today on green shipping was on air pollution,and the classification of green shipping practice, such as technical measures,operational options, market-based measures, and recycling andreusing, is becoming clear. According to the existing studies, futureresearch on green shipping must strengthen technology research tonot only solve practical problems, but also to establish a theoreticalgreen shipping system. Moreover, researchers from different countriescould cooperate with each other to give effective suggestions on settingstandards and laws of green shipping. Finally, we identify the futureresearch themes will focus on setting up green shipping system andlegislation and policy

    When sexual harassment is used to equalise power

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    Social Class Differences in Workplace Harassment during the Transition to Adulthood

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    Young disadvantaged workers are especially vulnerable to harassment due to their age and social class position. As young people enter the workforce, their experiences of, and reactions to, harassment may vary dramatically from those of older adult workers. Three case studies introduce theory and research on the relationship between social class and harassment of young workers. We suggest two mechanisms through which class may structure harassment experiences: (1) extremely vulnerable youth are directly targeted based on their social class origins, and (2) the type and condition of youth employment, which is structured by class background, indirectly affect experiences of harassment

    Making sense of maritime supply chain: a relationship marketing approach

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    Building a relationship with the maritime supply chain partners is considered imperative for organisations to survive and remain competitive. Yet, several studies that examined the maritime supply chain have not adequately explored nor assessed the relationship constructs that impacts maritime supply chain performance. This study intends to fill this gap and ascertain the influence that certain relationship elements have on the maritime supply chain performance. The study is solely a desk research. After providing a general overview of maritime supply chain and its structure, relationship marketing paradigm and relationship constructs, this study examines the influence that the identified relationship constructs (i.e. trust, commitment and satisfaction) has on supply chain performance. The study asserts that the present of the identified relationship constructs (i.e. trust, commitment and satisfaction) among supply chain partners will influence supply chain performance positively. Hence, building a successful long-term relationship among maritime supply chain partners requires an understanding of these key relationship constructs

    Participation des médecins aux séances scientifiques planifiées

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    Background: Physician participation in regularly scheduled series (RSS), also known as grand rounds, was explored with a particular focus on physician perceptions about the elements that affected their engagement in RSS and the unanticipated benefits to RSS. Methods: A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis examined physicians’ perception of their knowledge and educational needs and the factors that contributed to engagement in their local hospital RSS. Results: Physician engagement in RSS was affected by four major themes: Features that Affect the RSS’ Quality; Collegial Interactions; Perceived Outcomes of RSS; and Barriers to participation in RSS. Features that Affect RSS’ Quality were specific modifiable features that impacted the perceived quality of the RSS. Collegial Interactions were interactions that occurred between colleagues directly or indirectly as a result of attending RSS. Outcomes of RSS were specific outcome measures used in RSS sessions. Barriers were seen as reasons why physicians were unwilling or unable to participate in RSS. All of the elements identified within the four themes contributed to the development of physician engagement. Physicians also identified changes directly and indirectly due to RSS. Discussion: Specific features of RSS result in enhanced physician engagement. There are benefits that may not be accounted for in continuing medical education (CME) outcome study designsContexte : Nous examinons la participation des médecins aux séries de conférences planifiées (SCP) planifiées à l’avance, également connues sous le nom de séances scientifiques, plus particulièrement sous l’angle des perceptions des médecins quant aux éléments qui ont déterminé leur participation et quant aux avantages inattendus des SAR. Méthode : La perception qu'ont les médecins de leurs connaissances et de leurs besoins de formation, ainsi que des facteurs qui les ont poussés à participer aux SCP de leur hôpital sont examinés par le biais d’une étude qualitative comprenant des entretiens semi-dirigés et une analyse thématique. Résultats : Les facteurs qui déterminent la participation des médecins aux SCP se classent en quatre grands thèmes : les caractéristiques qui affectent la qualité des SCP, l’interaction entre collègues, les résultats perçus des SAR et les obstacles à leur participation aux SCP. Les premières sont des caractéristiques modifiables précises, qui influencent la qualité perçue des SCP. Les secondes sont les interactions entre collègues qui se produisent directement ou indirectement à la suite de la participation à une SCP. Les résultats des SCP sont des indicateurs de résultats précis utilisés dans les séances d’activités régulières. Sont considérés comme obstacles les raisons pour lesquelles les médecins ne voulaient pas ou ne pouvaient pas prendre part aux SCP. Tous les éléments décelés de chacun des quatre thèmes ont contribué à favoriser la participation des médecins. Les médecins ont également trouvé des changements qui sont directement ou indirectement liés aux SCP. Discussion : Certains traits spécifiques des SCP favorisent une participation accrue des médecins. Il est possible que les études de résultats du développement professionnel continu (DPC) ne tiennent pas compte de tous les avantages que les SCP procurent

    Slow Food Lessons in the Fast Food Midwest

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    During the latter half of the twentieth century, the American food system was transformed by a technological revolution in American agriculture. While these changes provided benefits such as lower-cost food, it also generated concerns that the unconditional embrace of technology would harm rural communities and the environment. Additional concerns were raised about food quality and food safety. Through a case study of a rural Midwestern farming community, this paper examines how direct consumer to producer marketing strategies such as community supported agriculture (CSA) and the public’s current fascination with the heritage of farming may offer a subset of producers and consumers a sustainable alternative to large-scale production agriculture and the “fast” foods resulting from such production

    Container transport network for sustainable development in South Korea

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    The ever-increasing tendency toward economic globalization highlights the importance of sustainable container transport networks to a country’s international trade, especially for an economy that is highly dependent on exports. This paper aims to develop a transport network connectivity index (TNCI) to measure the container transport connectivity from a multi-modal perspective. The proposed index is based on both graph theory and economics, considering transport infrastructure and capacity, cargo flow, and capacity utilization. Using the case of South Korea as an example, we apply the TNCI to assess the connectivity of the Busan, Gwangyang, and Incheon ports, representing approximately 96% of the container throughput in South Korea. The calculated TNCI not only provides insight into the assessment of sustainable port competitiveness, it also helps policymakers identify bottlenecks in multi-modal transport networks. To eliminate these bottlenecks, this paper offers some appropriate measures and specific strategies for port development, which in turn improves the connectivity of container transport networks for sustainable development