275 research outputs found

    Natural Disaster and Senseless Sprawl: On the Front Lines of Preserving Culture and Community

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    Summary of the Status of Harvest Mice, Cricetidae: Reithrodontomys, in Arkansas

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    Although four species of harvest mice, Reithrodoniomyx, are known to occur in Arkansas, the distributional status of the genus in the state is poorly understood. Recent museum specimens significantly extend the range of R. megalotix and R. fulvescens in the state. R. megalotis is shown to range south through Phillips Co. in eastern Arkansas, and R. fulvescens is shown to range throughout most of the state, now including most of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. A new specimen of R. humulis from Delaware Co., Oklahoma, suggests that this species probably ranges throughout northwestern Arkansas. R montanus remains known only from Washington Co. in northwestern Arkansas

    Racial residential segregation and colorectal cancer mortality in the Mississippi Delta Region

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    INTRODUCTION: Few studies have examined the effects of racial segregation on colorectal cancer (CRC) outcomes, and none has determined whether rurality moderates the effect of racial segregation on CRC mortality. We examined whether the effect of segregation on CRC mortality varied by rurality in the Mississippi Delta Region, an economically distressed and historically segregated region of the United States. METHODS: We used data from the US Census Bureau and the 1999-2018 Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program to estimate mixed linear regression models in which CRC mortality rates among Black and White residents in Delta Region counties (N = 252) were stratified by rurality and regressed on White-Black residential segregation indices and 4 socioeconomic control variables. RESULTS: Among Black residents, CRC mortality rates in urban counties were a function of a squared segregation term (b = 162.78, P = .01), indicating that the relationship between segregation and CRC mortality was U-shaped. Among White residents, main effects of annual household income (b = 29.01, P = .04) and educational attainment (b = 34.58, P = .03) were associated with CRC mortality rates in urban counties, whereas only annual household income (b = 19.44, P = .04) was associated with CRC mortality rates in rural counties. Racial segregation was not associated with CRC mortality rates among White residents. CONCLUSION: Our county-level analysis suggests that health outcomes related to racial segregation vary by racial, contextual, and community factors. Segregated rural Black communities may feature stronger social bonds among residents than urban communities, thus increasing interpersonal support for cancer prevention and control. Future research should explore the effect of individual-level factors on colorectal cancer mortality

    Performance of a BGO PET/CT with Higher Resolution PET Detectors

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    A new PET detector block has been designed to replace the standard detector of the Discovery ST PET/CT system. The new detector block is the same size as the original, but consists of an 8/spl times/6 (tangentialĂ— axial) matrix of crystals rather than the original 6/spl times/6. The new crystal dimensions are 4.7Ă— 6.3Ă— 30 mm/sup 3/ (tangentialĂ— axialĂ— radial). Full PET/CT systems have been built with these detectors (Discovery STE). Most other aspects of the system are identical to the standard Discovery ST, with differences including the low energy threshold for 3D imaging (now 425 keV) and front-end electronics. Initial performance evaluation has been done, including NEMA NU2-2001 tests and imaging of the 3D Hoffman brain phantom and a neck phantom with small lesions. The system sensitivity was 1.90 counts/s/kBq in 2D, and 9.35 counts/s/kBq in 3D. Scatter fractions measured for 2D and 3D, respectively, were 18.6% and 34.5%. In 2D, the peak NEC of 89.9 kcps occurred at 47.0 kBq/cc. In 3D, the peak NEC of 74.3 kcps occurred at 8.5 kBq/cc. Spatial resolution (all expressed in mm FWHM) measured in 2D for 1 cm off-axis source 5.06 transaxial, 5.14 axial and for 10 cm source 5.45 radial, 5.86 tangential, and 6.23 axial. In 3D for 1 cm off-axis source 5.13 transaxial, 5.74 axial, and for 10 cm source 5.92 radial, 5.54 tangential, and 6.16 axial. Images of the brain and neck phantom demonstrate some improvement, compared to measurements on a standard Discovery ST

    Responding to Natural and industrial Disasters: Partnerships and Lessons Learned

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to provide insights learned from disaster research response (DR2) efforts following Hurricane Harvey in 2017 to launch DR2 activities following the Intercontinental Terminals Company (ITC) fire in Deer Park, Texas, in 2019. METHODS: A multidisciplinary group of academic, community, and government partners launched a myriad of DR2 activities. RESULTS: The DR2 response to Hurricane Harvey focused on enhancing environmental health literacy around clean-up efforts, measuring environmental contaminants in soil and water in impacted neighborhoods, and launching studies to evaluate the health impact of the disaster. The lessons learned after Harvey enabled rapid DR2 activities following the ITC fire, including air monitoring and administering surveys and in-depth interviews with affected residents. CONCLUSIONS: Embedding DR2 activities at academic institutions can enable rapid deployment of lessons learned from one disaster to enhance the response to subsequent disasters, even when those disasters are different. Our experience demonstrates the importance of academic institutions working with governmental and community partners to support timely disaster response efforts. Efforts enabled by such experience include providing health and safety training and consistent and reliable messaging, collecting time-sensitive and critical data in the wake of the event, and launching research to understand health impacts and improve resiliency
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