4 research outputs found

    Gravitational Superenergy Tensor

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    DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9601(97)00257-0We provide a physical basis for the local gravitational superenergy tensor. Furthermore, our gravitoelectromagnetic deduction of the Bel-Debever-Robinson superenergy tensor permits the identification of the gravitational stress-energy tensor. This {\it local} gravitational analog of the Maxwell stress-energy tensor is illustrated for a plane gravitational wave.Two of the authors (B. M. and J. C. M.) gratefully acknowledge the hospitality extended to them at ICN-UNAM, Mexico City, where part of this work was done

    On a class of rotating gravitational waves

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    doi: 10.1088/0264-9381/17/3/302A class of solutions of the gravitational field equations describing vacuum spacetimes outside rotating cylindrical sources is presented. The spacetime metric for this class is given by equation (35); to render this metric explicit, one must solve the nonlinear differential equation (31). A subclass of these solutions could correspond to the exterior gravitational fields of rotating cylindrical systems that emit gravitational radiation. This class has a special solution - corresponding to the exact solution (32) of equation (31) - in common with the Robinson-Trautman gravitational wave spacetimes, namely, the Siklos solution. The properties of rotating gravitational waves are briefly investigated. In particular, we discuss the energy density of these waves using the gravitational stress-energy tensor.This work has been supported by CONACYT, Mexico, grant no 3567-E and DGAPA-UNAM, grant no 121298

    On the gravitoelectromagnetic stress-energy tensor

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    doi: 10.1088/0264-9381/16/4/004We study the pseudo-local gravitoelectromagnetic stress-energy tensor for an arbitrary gravitational field within the framework of general relativity. It is shown that there exists a current of gravitational energy around a rotating mass. This gravitational analogue of the Poynting flux is evaluated for certain classes of observers in the Kerr field

    On the Energy of Rotating Gravitational Waves

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    http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9609017A class of solutions of the gravitational field equations describing vacuum spacetimes outside rotating cylindrical sources is presented. A subclass of these solutions corresponds to the exterior gravitational fields of rotating cylindrical systems that emit gravitational radiation. The properties of these rotating gravitational wave spacetimes are investigated. In particular, we discuss the energy density of these waves using the gravitational stress-energy tensor.Work partially supported by DGAPA-UNAM, project IN10549