84 research outputs found

    Using A Smartboard Smartly: Considering Digital Tools for Interaction, Collaboration and Storytelling

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    This paper shares a book project completed in an urban Grade 1 school. While the project itself is not unique, the authentic use of multiple technologies to support the process to develop it is. The terms interaction, collaboration, and student ownership are often used to describe inquiry-based teaching and learning, and the project described here illustrates what they might mean in actual practice. Further, this paper situates the book project within the literature of Information, Communication Technology (ICT) and arts based instruction, providing an example of classroom-based technologies to enhance teaching and learning

    The Policy Implications of Interactions Among Financial Aid Programs

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    Various gift-aid, loan, and work-study programs help college students fill the gap between educational costs and their financial resources. Previous research generally has examined the effects of a given program by itself. What is missing are studies that investigate interactions among programs, such as how state or university grants reinforce or offset the targeting policies that are embedded in the Pell program. This article draws on research conducted on colleges in Indiana to describe how federal, state, private, and college-based financial aid programs and practices interact with each other to determine the total amount of gift-aid a student receives. It discusses how these relationships can dilute or enhance a program\u27s implicit targeting policies. The lessons learned from this experience provide important insights for developing a fuller appreciation of how current and future gift-aid programs may affect each other

    High-Throughput Single-Molecule Telomere Characterization

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    We have developed a novel method that enables global subtelomere and haplotype-resolved analysis of telomere lengths at the single-molecule level. An in vitro CRISPR/Cas9 RNA-directed nickase system directs the specific labeling of human (TTAGGG) n DNA tracts in genomes that have also been barcoded using a separate nickase enzyme that recognizes a 7bp motif genome-wide. High-throughput imaging and analysis of large DNA single molecules from genomes labeled in this fashion using a nanochannel array system permits mapping through subtelomere repeat element (SRE) regions to unique chromosomal DNA while simultaneously measuring the (TTAGGG) n tract length at the end of each large telomere- terminal DNA segment. The methodology also permits subtelomere and haplotype-resolved analyses of SRE organization and variation, providing a window into the population dynamics and potential functions of these complex and structurally variant telomere-adjacent DNA regions. At its current stage of development, the assay can be used to identify and characterize telomere length distributions of 30-35 discrete telomeres simultaneously and accurately. The assay\u27s utility is demonstrated using early versus late passage and senescent human diploid fibroblasts, documenting the anticipated telomere attrition on a global telomere-by-telomere basis as well as identifying subtelomere-specific biases for critically short telomeres. Similarly, we present the first global single-telomere-resolved analyses of two cancer cell lines

    Single-Molecule Analysis of Subtelomeres and Telomeres in Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Telomeric DNA is typically comprised of G-rich tandem repeat motifs and maintained by telomerase (Greider CW, Blackburn EH; Cell 51:887-898; 1987). In eukaryotes lacking telomerase, a variety of DNA repair and DNA recombination based pathways for telomere maintenance have evolved in organisms normally dependent upon telomerase for telomere elongation (Webb CJ, Wu Y, Zakian VA; Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 5:a012666; 2013); collectively called Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) pathways. By measuring (TTAGGG) n tract lengths from the same large DNA molecules that were optically mapped, we simultaneously analyzed telomere length dynamics and subtelomere-linked structural changes at a large number of specific subtelomeric loci in the ALT-positive cell lines U2OS, SK-MEL-2 and Saos-2. RESULTS: Our results revealed loci-specific ALT telomere features. For example, while each subtelomere included examples of single molecules with terminal (TTAGGG) n tracts as well as examples of recombinant telomeric single molecules, the ratio of these molecules was subtelomere-specific, ranging from 33:1 (19p) to 1:25 (19q) in U2OS. The Saos-2 cell line shows a similar percentage of recombinant telomeres. The frequency of recombinant subtelomeres of SK-MEL-2 (11%) is about half that of U2OS and Saos-2 (24 and 19% respectively). Terminal (TTAGGG) n tract lengths and heterogeneity levels, the frequencies of telomere signal-free ends, and the frequency and size of retained internal telomere-like sequences (ITSs) at recombinant telomere fusion junctions all varied according to the specific subtelomere involved in a particular cell line. Very large linear extrachromosomal telomere repeat (ECTR) DNA molecules were found in all three cell lines; these are in principle capable of templating synthesis of new long telomere tracts via break-induced repair (BIR) long-tract DNA synthesis mechanisms and contributing to the very long telomere tract length and heterogeneity characteristic of ALT cells. Many of longest telomere tracts (both end-telomeres and linear ECTRs) displayed punctate CRISPR/Cas9-dependent (TTAGGG) n labeling patterns indicative of interspersion of stretches of non-canonical telomere repeats. CONCLUSION: Identifying individual subtelomeres and characterizing linked telomere (TTAGGG) n tract lengths and structural changes using our new single-molecule methodologies reveals the structural consequences of telomere damage, repair and recombination mechanisms in human ALT cells in unprecedented molecular detail and significant differences in different ALT-positive cell lines

    Comparative Effectiveness Trial of an Obesity Prevention Intervention in EFNEP and SNAP-ED: Primary Outcomes

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    There is a need to disseminate evidence-based childhood obesity prevention interventions on a broader scale to reduce obesity-related disparities among underserved children. The purpose of this study was to test the comparative effectiveness of an evidence-based obesity prevention intervention, Hip-Hop to Health (HH), delivered through Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) versus the standard curriculum delivered by the programs (Standard Nutrition Education (NE)). A nonequivalent control group design was delivered to compare the effectiveness of HH to NE on weight gain prevention and health behavior outcomes at EFNEP and SNAP-Ed sites. One hundred and fifty-three caregiver–child dyads (n = 103 in the HH group; n = 50 in the NE group) participated in the study. HH is an evidence-based dietary and physical activity intervention for low-income preschool children. The NE curriculum provided lessons for children that are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010. Data were collected on demographics, anthropometrics, and behavioral variables for parent–child dyads at baseline and postintervention. Mixed model methods with random effects for site and participant were utilized. No differences in child or caregiver diet, physical activity, or screen time by group were found. No between-group differences in child BMI z-score were found; however, caregivers in the HH group lost significantly more weight than those in the NE group. Results from this trial can inform future dissemination efforts of evidenced-based programs for underserved families

    Genome maps across 26 human populations reveal population-specific patterns of structural variation.

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    Large structural variants (SVs) in the human genome are difficult to detect and study by conventional sequencing technologies. With long-range genome analysis platforms, such as optical mapping, one can identify large SVs (>2 kb) across the genome in one experiment. Analyzing optical genome maps of 154 individuals from the 26 populations sequenced in the 1000 Genomes Project, we find that phylogenetic population patterns of large SVs are similar to those of single nucleotide variations in 86% of the human genome, while ~2% of the genome has high structural complexity. We are able to characterize SVs in many intractable regions of the genome, including segmental duplications and subtelomeric, pericentromeric, and acrocentric areas. In addition, we discover ~60 Mb of non-redundant genome content missing in the reference genome sequence assembly. Our results highlight the need for a comprehensive set of alternate haplotypes from different populations to represent SV patterns in the genome

    Surface faulting earthquake clustering controlled by fault and shear-zone interactions

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    Surface faulting earthquakes are known to cluster in time from historical and palaeoseismic studies, but the mechanism(s) responsible for clustering, such as fault interaction, strain-storage, and evolving dynamic topography, are poorly quantified, and hence not well understood. We present a quantified replication of observed earthquake clustering in central Italy. Six active normal faults are studied using 36Cl cosmogenic dating, revealing out-of-phase periods of high or low surface slip-rate on neighboring structures that we interpret as earthquake clusters and anticlusters. Our calculations link stress transfer caused by slip averaged over clusters and anti-clusters on coupled fault/shear-zone structures to viscous flow laws. We show that (1) differential stress fluctuates during fault/shear-zone interactions, and (2) these fluctuations are of sufficient magnitude to produce changes in strain-rate on viscous shear zones that explain slip-rate changes on their overlying brittle faults. These results suggest that fault/shear-zone interactions are a plausible explanation for clustering, opening the path towards process-led seismic hazard assessments

    Path to Success: Development of the Pharmacist Through the Continuum of Pharmacy School and Beyond

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    Objective: To explore the processes and opportunities provided in the co-curriculum of the Wegmans School of Pharmacy (WSoP) that contribute to the development of successful pharmacy graduates. Methods: Pharmacy career preparation begins at orientation with workshops on emotional intelligence, leadership, and the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program. During the P1 through P4 years, the optional Student Development Workshop Series (SDW) offers seminars for students on a variety of topics including time management, exam taking strategies/anxiety management, learning styles, personal “brand” creation, CV/portfolio development, and interview soft skills. All students may participate in the annual WSoP Career Day, which offers networking and career opportunities, including post-graduate training options. During the P4 year, there is opportunity for a structured Residency/Fellowship Preparation Program (RPP). Additionally, local pharmacy residents/fellows participate in a Residency Teaching/Learning Curriculum Program (TLC) to develop academic teaching and precepting skills. Results: The SDW program has been successful and well attended with greater than 90% of students finding the topics relevant to their post-graduate success. After the RPP, ASHP residency match results in the 2016 class yielded an improvement from previous years, with 76 % of applied students and 94% of ranked students matching programs in Phase 1. Of the TLC participants, 90% documented an improvement in multiple types of teaching skills. Implications: Based on data and student/faculty input, career development is reassessed and improved continuously at WSoP. In the near future, a method for tracking graduates will be designed to further monitor the impact of programs on student success

    Typical males and unconventional females: songs and singing behaviors of a tropical, duetting oriole in the breeding and non-breeding season

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal. Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) applies.Recent research emphasizes that female song is evolutionarily important, yet there are still few species for which we have quantified the similarities and differences between male and female song. Comparing song rates and the structure of female and male song is an important first step to forming hypotheses about functional and evolutionary differences that may exist between females and males, especially in year-round territorial species that may use their songs for breeding and non-breeding activities. We compared female and male singing rates and song structure in a tropical New World oriole, the Venezuelan troupial (Icterus icterus) during both the breeding and non-breeding season and between the dawn and day. Males sang solos at particularly high rates during the breeding season before dawn. Females, however, sang at consistent rates year-round, primarily during the day. Females answered 75% of male day songs, producing duets, whereas males answered only 42% of female songs. Duets were common year-round, but occurred more often during the non-breeding season. Structurally, female songs were higher pitched and shorter than male songs. We detected no sex differences in the number or order of syllables, however, interestingly, answers were shorter than duet initiations and solos, and, during the breeding season, songs that initiated duets were characterized by higher syllable diversity than were answers or solos. The fact that males sing more during the breeding season supports the classical hypothesis that male song is a sexually selected trait. However, our findings that females sing solos and answer the majority of male songs to create duets year-round suggests that female song may have evolved to serve multiple functions not exclusively tied to breeding.Ye