11 research outputs found

    Adolescent childbearing experiences in Kenya: geographical and socioeconomic determinants

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    Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest level of teenage pregnancies in the world. Some studies on this topic highlight the presence of unmet reproductive health needs of adolescent in different regions. Improving maternal health has been established as a key development priority among the Millennium Development Goals, and upgrading reproductive and maternal health is usually associated with the eradication of inequality and poverty and with the presence of health care programs and services devoted to girls’ education. We attempt to investigate the geographical and socioeconomic determinants of both teenage pregnancies and maternal health behaviours among adolescent women in Kenya. We ascertain the influence of the availability of health care facilities mainly oriented to the specific needs of reproductive health. Main data are represented by 2003 Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey. In addition, the DHS data set collects Global Positioning System locators for each of the primary sampling units included in the samples that enable a deep geographical analysis. We perform a multivariate multilevel analysis to estimate the influence that individual, household, and community-level factors have on the risk of adolescent childbearing. Additionally, a spatial component allows for the presence and proximity of maternal health services. We expect that the availability of reproductive health facilities acts together with levels of socio-economic development, individual and household characteristics and community fertility norms, in influencing individual reproductive behavior at very young ages.Kenya, gravidanze adolescenziali, salute materna, strutture sanitarie, modelli multilivello Kenya, teenage pregnancy, maternal health, health facilities, multilevel modelling, millennium development goals

    Uomini e seconde unioni in Italia

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    This paper investigate individual characteristic influencing the risk to engage a new relationship after a union disruption for Italians men. In particular, we analyze the transition from first union and the successive one, for both marriage and cohabitation. Among other characteristics we stress on the effect of son on repartnering possibility and territorial differences . Presence of son are mainly investigated in the analysis of women repartnering but we find that also for men children from previous unions induce a decrease on the risk to engage a new relationship. The decreasing effect on the risk estimates show a temporal dependency with stronger relationship for new union beginning more than two year after first disruption. Our tested hypothesis is that temporal dynamics depend on the way man could be considered the “principal actor” in taking the decision of interrupt first union or suffer this decision

    Adolescent childbearing experiences in Kenya : geographical and socioeconomic determinants

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    Sub-Saharan Africa has one of the highest level of teenage pregnancies in the world. Some studies on this topic highlight the presence of unmet reproductive health needs of adolescent in different regions. Improving maternal health has been established as a key development priority among the Millennium Development Goals, and upgrading reproductive and maternal health is usually associated with the eradication of inequality and poverty and with the presence of health care programs and services devoted to girls’ education. We attempt to investigate the geographical and socioeconomic determinants of both teenage pregnancies and maternal health behaviours among adolescent women in Kenya. We ascertain the influence of the availability of health care facilities mainly oriented to the specific needs of reproductive health. Main data are represented by 2003 Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey. In addition, the DHS data set collects Global Positioning System locators for each of the primary sampling units included in the samples that enable a deep geographical analysis. We perform a multivariate multilevel analysis to estimate the influence that individual, household, and community-level factors have on the risk of adolescent childbearing. Additionally, a spatial component allows for the presence and proximity of maternal health services. We expect that the availability of reproductive health facilities acts together with levels of socio-economic development, individual and household characteristics and community fertility norms, in influencing individual reproductive behavior at very young ages

    Gli effetti degli episodi di disoccupazione sulla durata della ricerca di lavoro. Uno studio sui dati del panel europeo

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    Nel corso degli ultimi venti anni si è assistito ad un incremento generalizzato della disoccupazione in Europa in particolare di quella giovanile: nel 1997 in molti paesi europei il tasso di disoccupazione della classe 15-24 anni è doppio rispetto a quello degli adulti. Questo lavoro si propone di dare una descrizione realistica del fenomeno della disoccupazione giovanile in Italia come risultante dalle prime 4 waves dell’indagine European Household Community Panel indagando la probabilità di transizione dallo stato di disoccupazione a quello di occupazione. Nell’ambito di un’impostazione legata alla teoria dei processi stocastici e dei dati di durata si indagheranno gli effetti che episodi di disoccupazione precedenti possono avere sulla probabilità di trovare un lavoro, in particolare, nell’ambito di processi stocastici più generali si rilascerà l’ipotesi di semi-markovianità del processo per considerare l’effetto di una funzione della storia passata del processo sulla transizione attuale al lavoro. La stima della funzione di rischio a vari intervalli di durata si dimostra più appropriata quando si tiene conto della storia passata del processo, in particolare, si verifica l’ipotesi che la possibilità di avere successo nella ricerca di un lavoro è negativamente influenzata dall’aver avuto in passato molte transizioni disoccupazione-occupazione-disoccupazione

    A spatio-temporal analysis of migration rates in the Emilia-Romagna Region

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    Migration – the movement of people from one location to another on any geographic scale – affects both the areas of origin and of destination. The aim of the present analysis is to understand how municipalities’ net migration rates are influenced by the demographic structure of the population. The analysis is conducted on the 341 municipalities within the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy, by means of a spatio-temporal Bayesian hierarchical model. The need to take account for spatial dependence is demonstrated by comparing a spatial and a non-spatial model. Model hierarchy enables us to highlight province-specific temporal trends for both Italian and foreign flows: a decreasing trend is evident for Italians, while an increasing trend is observed for foreigners. At a spatial level, we show that the contribution of foreigners to population growth is higher than that of Italians migrants. Italian net migration rates are also negative in many municipalities that are losing their Italian population and increasing the number of foreigners residing there

    A spatio-temporal analysis of migration rates in the Emilia-Romagna Region

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    Migration – the movement of people from one location to another on any geographic scale – affects both the areas of origin and of destination. The aim of the present analysis is to understand how municipalities’ net migration rates are influenced by the demographic structure of the population. The analysis is conducted on the 341 municipalities within the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy, by means of a spatio-temporal Bayesian hierarchical model. The need to take account for spatial dependence is demonstrated by comparing a spatial and a non-spatial model. Model hierarchy enables us to highlight province-specific temporal trends for both Italian and foreign flows: a decreasing trend is evident for Italians, while an increasing trend is observed for foreigners. At a spatial level, we show that the contribution of foreigners to population growth is higher than that of Italians migrants. Italian net migration rates are also negative in many municipalities that are losing their Italian population and increasing the number of foreigners residing there

    Evoluzione della popolazione

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    L\u2019evoluzione della popolazione e la sua struttura nel breve futuro condizioneranno sia la disponibilit\ue0 delle risorse umane in formazione e in attivit\ue0 produttiva che la richiesta di beni e servizi tipicamente rivolti ai gruppi prevalenti. Una popolazione che tende inesorabilmente e velocemente ad invecchiare produrr\ue0, oltre che minore innovazione, richieste di servizi e cure soprattutto dedicate agli anziani. Per questo motivo \ue8 di fondamentale importanza il continuo monitoraggio della popolazione

    Вопросы к зачету (дневное отделение)

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    The demographic framework of Emilia-Romagna region shows, in the last ten years, fast and deep changes. After a long stationary period the total amount of population has recorded a positive variation. The demographic rebirth, like shown by many studies relative to the entire regional territory, is manly due to the immigration from South Italy and abroad, to the new life of the fertility process and to the decreasing trend of the ageing process. The proposed analysis concerns the identification of sub-regional areas, homogeneous with respect to the above mentioned population’s process, focused on the last ten years where the change appeared with more importance; the scope is to describe and understand the demographic heterogeneity of the Emilia-Romagna region. Applying a cluster analysis with preliminary data treatment and posterior check, the study results in five homogeneous areas characterized by different demographic behaviour

    Needs forecast and fund allocation of medical specialty positions in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) by system dynamics and integer programming

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    Each year Emilia-Romagna health managers have to negotiate the number of medical specialization grants to be financed by the National government and define the number of additional grants to be funded by the regional budget. The final goal of this study is to provide a Decision Support System for grant allocation to medical specializations within Emilia-Romagna over a 20-year planning horizon. We have developed a System Dynamics (SD) model that represents regional medical specialist human resources and forecasts population needs over the planning horizon. The SD model provides a requirement indicator for each medical specialization. On the basis of these indicators, an Integer Programming model computes optimal assignments of medical specialization grants. We then define three demand scenarios and show how regional and national funded grants can be managed in order to reduce future gaps by comparing our results with current policies