212 research outputs found

    Science Models as Value-Added Services for Scholarly Information Systems

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    The paper introduces scholarly Information Retrieval (IR) as a further dimension that should be considered in the science modeling debate. The IR use case is seen as a validation model of the adequacy of science models in representing and predicting structure and dynamics in science. Particular conceptualizations of scholarly activity and structures in science are used as value-added search services to improve retrieval quality: a co-word model depicting the cognitive structure of a field (used for query expansion), the Bradford law of information concentration, and a model of co-authorship networks (both used for re-ranking search results). An evaluation of the retrieval quality when science model driven services are used turned out that the models proposed actually provide beneficial effects to retrieval quality. From an IR perspective, the models studied are therefore verified as expressive conceptualizations of central phenomena in science. Thus, it could be shown that the IR perspective can significantly contribute to a better understanding of scholarly structures and activities.Comment: 26 pages, to appear in Scientometric

    Global Properties of Topological String Amplitudes and Orbifold Invariants

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    We derive topological string amplitudes on local Calabi-Yau manifolds in terms of polynomials in finitely many generators of special functions. These objects are defined globally in the moduli space and lead to a description of mirror symmetry at any point in the moduli space. Holomorphic ambiguities of the anomaly equations are fixed by global information obtained from boundary conditions at few special divisors in the moduli space. As an illustration we compute higher genus orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants for C^3/Z_3 and C^3/Z_4.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    Guidelines for the functional annotation of microRNAs using the Gene Ontology.

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    MicroRNA regulation of developmental and cellular processes is a relatively new field of study, and the available research data have not been organized to enable its inclusion in pathway and network analysis tools. The association of gene products with terms from the Gene Ontology is an effective method to analyze functional data, but until recently there has been no substantial effort dedicated to applying Gene Ontology terms to microRNAs. Consequently, when performing functional analysis of microRNA data sets, researchers have had to rely instead on the functional annotations associated with the genes encoding microRNA targets. In consultation with experts in the field of microRNA research, we have created comprehensive recommendations for the Gene Ontology curation of microRNAs. This curation manual will enable provision of a high-quality, reliable set of functional annotations for the advancement of microRNA research. Here we describe the key aspects of the work, including development of the Gene Ontology to represent this data, standards for describing the data, and guidelines to support curators making these annotations. The full microRNA curation guidelines are available on the GO Consortium wiki (http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/MicroRNA_GO_annotation_manual).R.P.H. and R.C.L are supported by funding from a British Heart Foundation grant (RG/13/5/30112) and the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. M.M. is a Senior Research Fellow of the British Heart Foundation (FS/13/2/29892). A.Z. is an Intermediate Fellow of the British Heart Foundation (FS/13/18/30207). D.S. is supported by a grant awarded to the Mouse Genome Database from the National Human Genome Research Institue at the US National Institutes of Health (HG-00330). P.D’E., M.G., M.O-M. are supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health (P41 HG003751 and U54 GM114833), Ontario Research Fund, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. D.H. is supported by a grant awarded to the Zebrafish Information Network fromthe National Human Genome Research Institute at the US National Institutes of Health (HG002659). A.Z.K. is funded by a NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, Research Capability Funding award (RCF) (RCF123). L.M. is a Ragnar Söderberg fellow in Medicine (M-14/55), and received funding from Swedish Heart-Lung-Foundation (20120615, 20130664, 20140186). Huntley, RP 22 R.B. and D.O-S. are supported by R.B. and D.O-S. are supported by a grant awarded to The Gene Ontology Consortium (Principal Investigators: JA Blake, JM Cherry, S Lewis, PW Sternberg and P Thomas) by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (#U41 HG22073). V.P. and J.R.S. are supported by a grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the National Institutes of Health (HL64541). K.V.A. is supported by a grant awarded to the Gene Ontology Consortium from the National Human Genome Research Institute at the US National Institutes of Health (HG002273). V.W. is supported by a Wellcome Trust grant (104967/Z/14/Z). We would like to thank Leonore Reiser and Tanya Berardini who provided guidance on the plant miRNA processing pathway. Also thanks to David Hill, Harold Drabkin, Judith Blake, Karen Christie, Donghui Li and Pascale Gaudet who contributed to discussions regarding GO curation procedures and to Lisa Matthews and Bruce May who provided helpful feedback on the manuscript. We are very grateful to Tony Sawford and Maria Martin from the European Bioinformatics Institute for access to the online GO curation tool, which is an essential component of this annotation project. Many thanks to members of the GO Editorial Office for useful discussions about the placement and definition of new GO terms. We also thank Alex Bateman and Anton Petrov for being responsive to our feedback regarding RNAcentral functionality. Author contributions: R.C.L. initiated discussions in the GO Consortium regarding miRNA curation guidelines and supervised the project, R.P.H. researched and constructed the guidelines and wrote the manuscript, R.P.H., R.C.L., D.S., R.B., P.D’E., M.G., M.O-M., D.H., V.P., J.R.S., K.V.A. and V.W. contributed to discussions regarding GO curation procedures and provided feedback on the manuscript. D.O-S. provided the expertise on definitions and placements of miRNA-related GO terms and performed the necessary updates and additions to both the GO and to the annotation extension relations used herein. M.M., A.Z., L.M. and A.Z.K. provided guidance with the scientific aspect of the guidelines and provided feedback on the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cold Spring Harbor Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1261/rna.055301.11

    Tumor classification: molecular analysis meets Aristotle

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    BACKGROUND: Traditionally, tumors have been classified by their morphologic appearances. Unfortunately, tumors with similar histologic features often follow different clinical courses or respond differently to chemotherapy. Limitations in the clinical utility of morphology-based tumor classifications have prompted a search for a new tumor classification based on molecular analysis. Gene expression array data and proteomic data from tumor samples will provide complex data that is unobtainable from morphologic examination alone. The growing question facing cancer researchers is, "How can we successfully integrate the molecular, morphologic and clinical characteristics of human cancer to produce a helpful tumor classification?" DISCUSSION: Current efforts to classify cancers based on molecular features ignore lessons learned from millennia of experience in biological classification. A tumor classification must include every type of tumor and must provide a unique place for each tumor within the classification. Groups within a classification inherit the properties of their ancestors and impart properties to their descendants. A classification was prepared grouping tumors according to their histogenetic development. The classification is simple (reducing the complexity of information received from the molecular analysis of tumors), comprehensive (providing a place for every tumor of man), and consistent with recent attempts to characterize tumors by cytogenetic and molecular features. The clinical and research value of this historical approach to tumor classification is discussed. SUMMARY: This manuscript reviews tumor classification and provides a new and comprehensive classification for neoplasia that preserves traditional nomenclature while incorporating information derived from the molecular analysis of tumors. The classification is provided as an open access XML document that can be used by cancer researchers to relate tumor classes with heterogeneous experimental and clinical tumor databases

    Estimating Parameters of Speciation Models Based on Refined Summaries of the Joint Site-Frequency Spectrum

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    Understanding the processes and conditions under which populations diverge to give rise to distinct species is a central question in evolutionary biology. Since recently diverged populations have high levels of shared polymorphisms, it is challenging to distinguish between recent divergence with no (or very low) inter-population gene flow and older splitting events with subsequent gene flow. Recently published methods to infer speciation parameters under the isolation-migration framework are based on summarizing polymorphism data at multiple loci in two species using the joint site-frequency spectrum (JSFS). We have developed two improvements of these methods based on a more extensive use of the JSFS classes of polymorphisms for species with high intra-locus recombination rates. First, using a likelihood based method, we demonstrate that taking into account low-frequency polymorphisms shared between species significantly improves the joint estimation of the divergence time and gene flow between species. Second, we introduce a local linear regression algorithm that considerably reduces the computational time and allows for the estimation of unequal rates of gene flow between species. We also investigate which summary statistics from the JSFS allow the greatest estimation accuracy for divergence time and migration rates for low (around 10) and high (around 100) numbers of loci. Focusing on cases with low numbers of loci and high intra-locus recombination rates we show that our methods for the estimation of divergence time and migration rates are more precise than existing approaches

    Flat Connections in Open String Mirror Symmetry

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    We study a flat connection defined on the open-closed deformation space of open string mirror symmetry for type II compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds with D-branes. We use flatness and integrability conditions to define distinguished flat coordinates and the superpotential function at an arbitrary point in the open-closed deformation space. Integrability conditions are given for concrete deformation spaces with several closed and open string deformations. We study explicit examples for expansions around different limit points, including orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants, and brane configurations with several brane moduli. In particular, the latter case covers stacks of parallel branes with non-Abelian symmetry.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, v2: references adde

    MiR-200c Regulates Noxa Expression and Sensitivity to Proteasomal Inhibitors

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    The pro-apoptotic p53 target Noxa is a BH3-only protein that antagonizes the function of selected anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members. While much is known regarding the transcriptional regulation of Noxa, its posttranscriptional regulation remains relatively unstudied. In this study, we therefore investigated whether Noxa is regulated by microRNAs. Using a screen combining luciferase reporters, bioinformatic target prediction analysis and microRNA expression profiling, we identified miR-200c as a negative regulator of Noxa expression. MiR-200c was shown to repress basal expression of Noxa, as well as Noxa expression induced by various stimuli, including proteasomal inhibition. Luciferase reporter experiments furthermore defined one miR-200c target site in the Noxa 3′UTR that is essential for this direct regulation. In spite of the miR-200c:Noxa interaction, miR-200c overexpression led to increased sensitivity to the clinically used proteasomal inhibitor bortezomib in several cell lines. This apparently contradictory finding was reconciled by the fact that in cells devoid of Noxa expression, miR-200c overexpression had an even more pronounced positive effect on apoptosis induced by proteasomal inhibition. Together, our data define miR-200c as a potentiator of bortezomib-induced cell death. At the same time, we show that miR-200c is a novel negative regulator of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Noxa
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