5 research outputs found

    Solar axions as an energy source and modulator of the Earth magnetic field

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    We show existence of strong negative correlation between the temporal variations of magnetic field toroidal component of the solar tachocline (the bottom of convective zone) and the Earth magnetic field (Y-component). The possibility that hypothetical solar axions, which can transform into photons in external electric or magnetic fields (the inverse Primakoff effect), can be the instrument by which the magnetic field of convective zone of the Sun modulates the magnetic field of the Earth is considered. We propose the axion mechanism of "solar dynamo-geodynamo" connection, where an energy of axions, which form in the Sun core, is modulated at first by the magnetic field of the solar tachocline zone (due to the inverse coherent Primakoff effect) and after that is absorbed in the liquid core of the Earth under influence of the terrestrial magnetic field, thereby playing the role of an energy source and a modulator of the Earth magnetic field. Within the framework of this mechanism new estimations of the strength of an axion coupling to a photon (ga_gamma about 5*10^-9 GeV^-1) and the axion mass (ma ~ 30 eV) have been obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Solar axions as an energy source and modulator of the Earth magnetic field

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    We show existence of strong negative correlation between the temporal variations of magnetic field toroidal component of the solar tachocline (the bottom of convective zone) and the Earth magnetic field (Y-component). The possibility that hypothetical solar axions, which can transform into photons in external electric or magnetic fields (the inverse Primakoff effect), can be the instrument by which the magnetic field of convective zone of the Sun modulates the magnetic field of the Earth is considered. We propose the axion mechanism of Sun luminosity and “solar dynamo geo-dynamo” connection, where an energy of solar axions emitted in M1 transition in ⁵⁷Fe nuclei is modulated at first by the magnetic field of the solar tachocline zone (due to the inverse coherent Primakoff effect) and after that is resonance absorbed in the core of the Earth, thereby playing the role of an energy source and a modulator of the Earth magnetic field

    Quantization in classical mechanics and reality of Bohm's psi-field

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    Based on the Chetaev theorem on stable dynamical trajectories in the presence of dissipative forces, we obtain the generalized condition for stability of Hamilton systems in the form of the Schrodinger equation. It is shown that the energy of dissipative forces, which generate the Chetaev generalized condition of stability, coincides exactly with the Bohm "quantum" potential. Within the framework of Bohmian quantum mechanics supplemented by the generalized Chetaev theorem and on the basis of the principle of least action for dissipative forces, we show that the squared amplitude of a wave function in the Schrodinger equation is equivalent semantically and syntactically to the probability density function for the number of particle trajectories, relative to which the velocity and the position of the particle are not hidden parameters. The conditions for the correctness of the Bohm-Chetaev interpretation of quantum mechanics are discussed.Comment: 16 pages, significant improvement after 0806.4050 and 0804.1427. (v2) revised and reconsidered conclusion

    KamLAND-experiment and soliton-like nuclear georeactor

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    We give an alternative description of the new data produced in the KamLAND experiment, assuming the existence of a natural nuclear reactor on the boundary of the liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core. Analyzing the uncertainty of antineutrino spectrum of georeactor origin, we show that the theoretical (which takes into account the soliton-like nuclear georeactor with power about 20 TW) reactor antineutrino spectrum describes with good accuracy the new experimental KamLAND-data. At the same time the parameters of mixing (Δm²₂₁=2.5х10⁻⁵ eV², tan²Θ₁₂=0.437) calculated within the framework of georeactor hypothesis are substantially closer to the data of solar flux SNO-experiment then the parameters of mixing obtained in KamLAND-experiment

    Мониторинг уровня воды в скважинах и метод предсказания землетрясений

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    Studies of precursors and events that occur before earthquake is one of the most important problem that arose in today’s seismology. Earthquake prediction become the issue that needs to be solved, it will help us to forecast destructive earthquake. In this article we will discuss water level daily monitoring in several boreholes located in different parts of Georgi