7 research outputs found

    Optical Salisbury screen with design-tunable resonant absorption bands

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    A thin-film selective absorber at visible and near infra-red wavelengths is demonstrated. The structure consists of an optically thick layer of gold, a SiO2 dielectric spacer and a partially transparent gold film on top. The optical cavity so formed traps and absorbs light at a resonance wavelength determined by the film thicknesses. Observed fundamental-resonance absorption strengths are in the range 93%-97%. The absorption red-shifts and broadens as the thickness of the top gold layer is decreased with little change in absorption strength. Thus, strong absorption with design-tunable wavelength and width is achieved easily by unstructured blanket depositions. Observed angle-dependent spectra agree well with the recent three-layer analytical model of Shu et al. [Opt. Express 21, 25307 (2013)], if effective medium approximation is used to calculate the permittivity of the top gold film when it becomes discontinuous at the lowest thicknesses

    Thin-Film, Wide-Angle, Design-Tunable, Selective Absorber From Near Uv To Far Infrared

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    We experimentally demonstrate a structured thin film that selectively absorbs incident electromagnetic waves in discrete bands, which by design occur in any chosen range from near UV to far infrared. The structure consists of conducting islands separated from a conducting plane by a dielectric layer. By changing dimensions and materials, we have achieved broad absorption resonances centered at 0.36, 1.1, 14, and 53 microns wavelength. Angle-dependent specular reflectivity spectra are measured using UV-visible or Fourier spectrometers. The peak absorption ranges from 85 to 98%. The absorption resonances are explained using the model of an LCR resonant circuit created by coupling between dipolar plasma resonance in the surface structures and their image dipoles in the ground plane. The resonance wavelength is proportional to the dielectric permittivity and to the linear dimension of the surface structures. These absorbers have application to thermal detectors of electromagnetic radiation. © 2013 SPIE

    Far Infrared Spectroscopy Of Carbonate Minerals

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    This study presents far infrared spectra in the range 650-70 cm -1 of 18 common and rare carbonate minerals. Mineral samples of known provenance are selected and physically characterized to determine the purity of the crystalline phase and their composition. The fine ground mineral powders are embedded in polyethylene pellets, and their transmittance spectra are collected with a Fourier spectrometer. The far infrared spectra of different carbonate minerals from the same structural group have well-defined similarities. Observed shifts generally manifest the mass effect of the constituent metal cations. Remarkable spectral differences occur for different carbonates in the far IR region and may serve as fingerprints for mineral identification and are more useful identifiers of carbonate species than those in any other infrared range. For some of the minerals studied here, like kutnohorite, artinite, gaylussite, and trona, no far infrared spectra to that extend (up to 70 cm-1) have been found in literature

    Planetary Atmospheres Minor Species Sensor Balloon Flight Test To Near Space

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    The Planetary Atmospheres Minor Species Sensor (PAMSS) is an intracavity laser absorption spectrometer that uses a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser in an open external cavity for sensing ultra-trace gases with parts-per-billion sensitivity. PAMSS was flown on a balloon by Near Space Corporation from Madras OR to 30 km on 17 July 2014. Based on lessons learned, it was modified and was flown a second time to 32 km by World View Enterprises from Pinal AirPark AZ on 8 March 2015. Successes included continuous operation and survival of software, electronics, optics, and optical alignment during extreme conditions and a rough landing. Operation of PAMSS in the relevant environment of near space has significantly elevated its Technical Readiness Level for trace-gas sensing with potential for planetary and atmospheric science in harsh environments

    The potential effect of FOS and inulin upon probiotic bacterium performance in curdled milk matrices

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    Inulin and fructooligosaccharides were studied for their prebiotic effect upon growth/survival of probiotic bacteria and technological potential in probiotic food processing, via characterization of glycolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis in curdled milk matrices; the ultimate goal is the manufacture of synbiotic cheeses. Prebiotic compounds did not significantly affect growth/viability of all strains studied, except Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5. Proteolysis indices revealed considerable casein degradation in probiotic and synbiotic matrices inoculated with Bifidobacterium lactis B94 and Lactobacillus casei-01; lower values were achieved in those inoculated with L. acidophilus La-5, yet a synbiotic effect was apparent in NPN values. Lipolysis was not extensive over storage, irrespective of matrix type; however, interesting differences in terms of the qualitative free fatty acids profile were observed. CLA isomers, and α-linolenic and γ−linolenic acids were detected upon 15 d of ripening of all inoculated matrices. Principal component analysis was able to discriminate the various matrices according to degree of maturation, throughout the ripening period. Microbiological and biochemical parameters unfolded a very good technological potential, especially of B. lactis B94 and L. casei-01, to produce novel types of functional dairy matrices – although extrapolation to actual cheeses should still be done with care, because e.g. syneresis was not considered.publishe

    Direct flow cytometry measurements reveal a fine-tuning of symbiotic cell dynamics according to the host developmental needs in aphid symbiosis

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    International audienceEndosymbiotic associations constitute a driving force in the ecological and evolutionary diversification of metazoan organisms. Little is known about whether and how symbiotic cells are coordinated according to host physiology. Here, we use the nutritional symbiosis between the insect pest, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and its obligate symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola, as a model system. We have developed a novel approach for unculturable bacteria, based on flow cytometry, and used this method to estimate the absolute numbers of symbionts at key stages of aphid life. The endosymbiont population increases exponentially throughout nymphal development, showing a growing rate which has never been characterized by indirect molecular techniques. Using histology and imaging techniques, we have shown that the endosymbiont-bearing cells (bacteriocytes) increase significantly in number and size during the nymphal development, and clustering in the insect abdomen. Once adulthood is reached and the laying period has begun, the dynamics of symbiont and host cells is reversed: the number of endosymbionts decreases progressively and the bacteriocyte structure degenerates during insect aging. In summary, these results show a coordination of the cellular dynamics between bacteriocytes and primary symbionts and reveal a fine-tuning of aphid symbiotic cells to the nutritional demand imposed by the host physiology throughout development. Intracellular symbioses (endosymbioses) between prokaryotic and metazoan organisms play a central role in multicellular life, significantly impacting the evolution and shaping the ecology of countless species 1. In insects, which account for a great proportion of planet biodiversity, the exploitation of the metabolic capabilities of intra-cellular symbiotic bacteria (endosymbionts) enables the hosts to thrive on nutritionally unbalanced diets such as plant sap, grains, wood or vertebrate blood 2–4. The sustainability of these endosymbiotic relationships largely relies on the compartmentalization of bacterial endosymbionts into specialized host cells (or organs), called bac-teriocytes (or bacteriomes), whose functions are adapted to the tolerance and regulation of symbiotic populations 5,6. A detailed description of the interplay between bacteriocytes and endosymbionts across the host life cycle, and in response to an ever-changing environment, is expected to provide a better understanding of how microorganisms interact with eukaryotic cells, and, in turn, to contribute to the development of novel strategies for controlling pest and disease-vector insects. The relationship between aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and the gamma-3-proteobacterium Buchnera aphidicola, represents the best-studied model among endosymbiotic associations. In the A. pisum/B. aphidicol

    Use of Probiotics For Oral Health

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