213 research outputs found

    Project SSM2019-5225: “Marine 14C levels around the Swedish coast” – Additional gamma spectrometric measurements and ICP-MS analysis of brown algae (Fucus spp.)

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    The results of the project SSM2019-5225, “Marine 14C levels around the Swedish coast”, financed by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM), are presented in the paper “Spatial and temporal variations of 14C in Fucus spp. in Swedish coastal waters” published in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. The project SSM2019-5225 focussed on spatial variations in 14C in Fucus spp. samples collected in 2020 along the entire Swedish west coast, in coastal waters in the very south of Sweden, and for the east coast up into the Gulf of Bothnia. In this report we present results from additional measurements of the Fucus spp. samples, using gamma-ray spectrometry (of 7Be, 40K, 60Co, 137Cs and 131I) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (of Co, Ni, Cd, Gd, Hg and Pb). The gamma spectrometry showed in addition to the expected content of natural 40K also 137Cs and 7Be, and at some places also 60Co and 131I. The ICP-MS analysis revealed a correlation between F14C and Gd, and the highest values of F14C and Gd were found close to Ringhals nuclear power plant. This strengthens the hypothesis that that a significant part of the observed peak in F14C on the west coast originates from Ringhals nuclear power plant

    A passive neutron dosemeter for measurements in mixed neutron-photon radiation fields

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    The project combines the highly sensitive salt(NaCl) dosemeter for photon radiation with a neutronphotonconverter in the form of thin gadolinium foilsenclosing the salt. Using an identical salt dosemeter butwithout gadolinium cover determines the primaryphoton contribution. With these twin dosemeters placedin a polyethylene sphere, both photon and neutron dosecontributions can be estimated. This paper describes thedesign and optimization of the construction as well astests and a preliminary calibration of the dosemeter forestimation of neutron dose equivalent in the mixedneutron and photon beam from a Cf-252 source.Currently, the lowest neutron dose equivalent possibleto quantify is around 1 mSv. Some suggestions forfurther improvements are also discussed

    Variation in gamma dose rate in different locations following the Chernobyl accident

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    Radionuclides from the Chernobyl accident were released and dispersed during a limited period of time, but under different weather conditions. As a result the radionuclides were unevenly distributed on the ground. During the years the initial deposition has been altered at some locations by different processes, but remains relatively unchanged in others. Here we report on the current inhomogeneous radionuclide distribution, on both large- and small scales (1 cm2 – 10ths of km2), which on average varies a factor of 4

    Long-time variations of radionuclides and metals in the marine environment of the Swedish west-coast studied using brown algae : (Fucus serratus and Fucus vesiculosus)

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    The support from SSM has made it possible to continue collecting brown algaefrom the place on the Swedish west coast where regular collections began asearly as 1967. The support has also enabled more extensive analyses ofpreviously collected material than was possible before. This applies to bothsupplementary analyses of previously reported radionuclides and analysis ofnew ones. The project has also enabled a start of more comprehensive analysesof the overall results. This has provided better information about long-termprocesses and seasonal variations for different radionuclides in both toothedwrack (Fucus serratus) and bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus). What is new isthat the sample material has now also been used to analyse metals, both thosewith known toxic effects such as lead, cadmium and mercury, as well as thosethat are of interest in assessing transport routes for radionuclides generated innew radiation sources, such as gadolinium isotopes from the EuropeanSpallation Source (ESS).Regarding the long-term development of various radionuclides in the marineenvironment on the Swedish west coast, the studies show rapidly increasinglevels of iodine-129, decreasing levels of cesium-137, technetium-99 andplutonium-239+240. The carbon-14 analyses suggest a continued inflow of thisradionuclide from the North Sea. The study also shows that the brown algaecould be important for the monitoring of emissions of naturally occurringradioactive materials (NORM) from the offshore oil and gas industry bysystematically studying long-term and seasonal variations of the content ofradium-228 and in the future also radium- 226 and lead-210. Interesting andhitherto unexplained variations in the beryllium-7 content in Fucus have beenmade. The tritium content in Fucus and in seawater has been analysed in alimited number of samples from 2020. No levels beyond the expected normalambient level for tritium have been found.During the 10-year period 2011-2020, there was a doubling of the levels of leadand nickel and a 50% increase in the levels of cadmium and cobalt in Fucus. Formercury a 10-fold decrease is registered between 2011 and 2016 and then adoubling of the concentration between 2016 and 2020. The decreasing trend formercury probably indicates an effect of the gradual phasing out of mercury inSweden and other countries. However, some businesses and companies have anexemption for continued use. For gadolinium there is an increase with a factor ofaround 5 from 2011 to 2020, most likely explained by the increased use ofgadolinium-containing contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging inhealthcare

    Dating Components of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques

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    Rationale: Atherosclerotic plaques that give rise to acute clinical symptoms are typically characterized by degradation of the connective tissue and plaque rupture. Experimental studies have shown that mechanisms to repair vulnerable lesions exist, but the rate of remodeling of human plaque tissue has not been studied. Objective: In the present study, we determined the biological age of different components of advanced human atherosclerotic plaques by analyzing tissue levels of (14)C released into the atmosphere during the nuclear weapons tests in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Methods and Results: Atherosclerotic plaques were obtained from 10 patients (age 46 to 80 years) undergoing carotid surgery. Different regions of the plaques were dissected and analyzed for (14)C content using accelerator mass spectrometry. At the time of surgery, the mean biological age of the cap region was 6.4+/-3.2 years, which was significantly lower than that of the shoulder region (12.9+/-3.0 years, P<0.01), the interface toward the media (12.4+/-3.3 years, P<0.01), and the core (9.8+/-4.5 years, P<0.05). Analysis of proliferative activity and rate of apoptosis showed no signs of increased cellular turnover in the cap, suggesting that the lower (14)C content reflected a more recent time of formation. Conclusions: These results show that the turnover time of human plaque tissue is very long and may explain why regression of atherosclerotic plaque size rarely is observed in cardiovascular intervention trials

    Region-specific radioecological evaluation of accidental releases of radionuclides from ESS

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    Gadolinium-148 is one of the radionuclides of most concern that will be produced in the tungsten target of the European Spallation Source (ESS), as a by-product of the spallation reaction used by the facility to produce neutrons. Since 148Gd a pure alpha emitter, it is both very radiotoxic and difficult to measure. With its half-life of 75 years, it will remain in the environment for a long time if released from the facility during normal operation or after an accident. There are still uncertainties regarding the amounts that actually will be produced by spallation in the tungsten targets of the facility. As Gd-148 does not occur naturally in the environment, there is no information available about its analysis in environmental samples but a few studies provide data from irradiated target material analysed by alpha spectroscopy or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This report is a continuation of the SSM project as described in the SSM report 2020:08, entitled “Identifying radiologically important ESS-specific radionuclides and relevant detection methods” that focused on the ESS-related radionuclides that will be the most relevant to study and monitor in the environment as well as the analytical techniques to detect them. The present report focuses on the rare earth elements (REEs), including their radioactive isotopes, in particular Gd-148, and is intended to highlight the knowledge gaps that exist regarding their fate in the specific environment of the ESS area. In the first part of the report, the available literature on radioecological models was reviewed, with emphasis on ESS-related radionuclides. The existing modelling programmes were surveyed as well as the most relevant environmental parameters and experimental radioecological data required to build models specific to the ESS.In the second part of the report, the area in the vicinity of the ESS was surveyed to identify the important producers of foodstuff, what plant species are grown in the area and also the local husbandry and hunting practices, in order to identify critical pathways after a radioactive dispersion into the environment in connection with a potential accident at the ESS. In the third part of this report, after a thorough literature review and preliminary assays, we propose to investigate the use of ICP-MS for assessment of Gd-148 in the event of an accidental release, knowing that this analytical technique is already used for the measurement of stable Gd and REEs in the environment. The existing methods to extract REEs from environmental samples (soil, water, plants, and animal products) and to properly assess their concentration are described in the form of a literature review. The presented examples of methods were selected to fit the type of environment found around the ESS facility and the local agricultural and horticultural practices. A pilot study was also conducted to test extraction and measurement methods on the specific type of soil around ESS. These results are presented at the end of this report

    Evaluation of the region-specific risks of accidental radioactive releases from the European Spallation Source

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    The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron research facility under construction in southern Sweden. The facility will produce a wide range ofradionuclides that could be released into the environment. Some radionuclides are of particular concern such as the rare earth gadolinium-148. In this article, the local environment was investigated in terms of food production and rare earth element concentration in soil. The collected data will later be used to model thetransfer of radioactive contaminations from the ESS

    14C emission from Swedish nuclear power plants and its Eeffect on the 14C levels in the environment

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    The radionuclide 14C is produced in all types of nuclear reactors mainly by neutron-induced reactions in oxygen (17O), nitrogen (14N) and carbon (13C). Part of the 14C created is continuously released during normal operation as airborne effluents in various chemical forms (such as CO2, CO and hydrocarbons) to the surroundings. Because of the biological importance of carbon and the long physical half-life of 14C, it is of interest to measure the releases and their incorporation into living material. The 14C activity concentrations in annual tree rings and air around two Swedish nuclear power plants (Barsebäck and Forsmark) as well as the background 14C activity levels from two reference sites in southern Sweden during 1973-1996 are presented in this report. In order to verify the reliability of the method some investigations have been conducted at two foreign nuclear sites, Sellafield fuel reprocessing plant in England, and Pickering nuclear generating station in Canada, where the releases of 14C are known to be substantial. Furthermore, results from some measurements in the vicinity of Paldiski submarine training centre in Estonia are presented. The results of the 14C measurements of air, vegetation and annual tree rings around the two Swedish nuclear power plants show very low enhancements of 14C, if at all above the uncertainty of the measurements. Even if the accuracy of the measurements of the annual tree rings is rather good (1-2%) the contribution of 14C from the reactors to the environment is so small that it is difficult to separate it from the prevailing background levels of 14C. This is the case for all sampling procedures: in air and vegetation as well as in annual tree rings. Only on a few occasions an actual increase is observed. However, although the calculations suffer from rather large uncertainties, the calculated release rate from Barsebäck is in fair agreement with reported release data. The results of this investigation show that the effective doses to man related to the releases of 14C from the Swedish light-water reactors at Barsebäck and Forsmark are very low, especially compared to the situation at other nuclear installations, such as the fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield, England, and the heavy-water reactors at Pickering nuclear generating station, Canada. Lund/Malmö February 200

    Medical applications of X-ray fluorescence for trace element research

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