4 research outputs found

    Dexamethasone-Loaded Lipomers: Development, Characterization, and Skin Biodistribution Studies

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    Follicular targeting has gained more attention in recent decades, due to the possibility of obtaining a depot effect in topical administration and its potential as a tool to treat hair follicle-related diseases. Lipid core ethyl cellulose lipomers were developed and optimized, following which characterization of their physicochemical properties was carried out. Dexamethasone was encapsulated in the lipomers (size, 115 nm; polydispersity, 0.24; zeta-potential (Z-potential), +30 mV) and their in vitro release profiles against dexamethasone in solution were investigated by vertical diffusion Franz cells. The skin biodistribution of the fluorescent-loaded lipomers was observed using confocal microscopy, demonstrating the accumulation of both lipomers and fluorochromes in the hair follicles of pig skin. To confirm this fact, immunofluorescence of the dexamethasone-loaded lipomers was carried out in pig hair follicles. The anti-inflammatory (via TNF伪) efficacy of the dexamethasone-loaded lipomers was demonstrated in vitro in an HEK001 human keratinocytes cell culture and the in vitro cytotoxicity of the nanoformulation was investigated

    The physicochemical, biopharmaceutical, and in vitro efficacy properties of freeze-dried dexamethasone-loaded lipomers.

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    Dexamethasone-loaded polymer hybrid nanoparticles were developed as a potential tool to treat alopecia areata due to their follicular targeting ability. Freeze drying (FD) is a common technique used to improve nanoparticle stability; however, there are few studies focused on its effect on ethyl cellulose lipid-core nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were lyophilized with different cryoprotectants. Sucrose was selected because it allowed for a good resuspension and provided acceptable physicochemical parameters (374.33 nm, +34.7 mV, polydispersion 0.229%, and 98.87% encapsulation efficiency). The nanoparticles obtained were loaded into a pleasant xanthan gum hydrogel, and the rheological, release, and skin permeation profiles of different formulations were studied. The FD formulation significantly modified the particle size, and the drug release and permeation properties were also altered. In addition, analyses of the cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory efficacy of FD and non-FD particles on human keratinocytes indicated no differences

    Implicacions fisiopatol貌giques de l'alteraci贸 del transportador concentratiu de nucle貌sids hCNT1

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    [cat] L鈥檈ntrada de nucle貌sids a la c猫l路lula est脿 regulada pels transportadors concentratius de nucle貌sids (hCNTs, fam铆lia g猫nica SLC28) i transportadors equilibratius de nucle貌sids (hENTs, fam铆lia g猫nica SLC29). S鈥檋a descrit que l鈥檈xpressi贸 dels hCNTs disminueix en c脿ncer, sobretot hCNT1. La restituci贸 d鈥檋CNT1 en models tumorals indueix canvis a la c猫l路lula de car脿cter supressor de tumor, i es donen independentment de la seva capacitat transportadora; per aquest motiu est脿 classificat com a transceptor. Aix铆, s鈥檋a hipotetitzat que la desregulaci贸 d鈥檋CNT1 茅s un esdeveniment primerenc en el proc茅s de carcinog猫nesi. Per tant, l鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s elucidar els mecanismes de regulaci贸 d鈥檋CNT1. Es va estudiar la base gen猫tica de l鈥檜ridina-citidin煤ria en un pacient que presentava febre, hepatosplenomeg脿lia, acidosi l脿ctica persistent, alteracions dels enzims hep脿tics i que finalment va morir per fallada multiorg脿nica. Es van identificar les variants c.1528C>T (p.R510C) i c.1682G>A (p.R561Q) del gen SLC28A1 (hCNT1). L鈥檃n脿lisi funcional d鈥檃questes variants va mostrar que afecten l鈥檈structura tridimensional d鈥檋CNT1, alteren el patr贸 de glicosilaci贸 i disminueixen la vida mitjana dels mutants, comprometent l鈥檃ctivitat d鈥檋CNT1. La co-transfecci贸 d鈥檃mbdues variants, emulant la disposici贸 al路l猫lica trans del pacient, va mostrar disminuci贸 de l鈥檃ctivitat d鈥檋CNT1. Un an脿lisi posterior va identificar dues variants patog猫niques del gen PRF1, indicant que el pacient tamb茅 tenia Limfohistiocitosi Hemofagoc铆tica Familiar tipus 2. Per tant, el pacient presentava un fenotip agreujat per la co-exist猫ncia de dos defectes monog猫nics. En un estudi previ del grup utilitzant MYTH s鈥檋avia identificat l鈥橢3 lligasa RNF41 com a prote茂na d鈥檌nteracci贸 d鈥檋CNT1. L鈥檃n脿lisi del possible paper fisiol貌gic va mostrar que la modulaci贸 d鈥橰NF41 indu茂a canvis en l鈥檃ctivitat d鈥檋CNT1, de manera que es va hipotetitzar que RNF41 ubiq眉itinava hCNT1. Estudis d鈥檌nhibici贸 del proteasoma amb hCNT1K19R (la lisina candidata mutada) no van mostrar canvis respecte hCNT1 WT. La interacci贸 podria tenir altres funcions, com promoure el reciclatge d鈥檋CNT1. Per altra banda, la p猫rdua d鈥檈xpressi贸 dels hCNTs en c脿ncer va propiciar l鈥檈studi dels mecanismes de regulaci贸 dels gens corresponents. Aix铆, es va determinar que l鈥檈stat de l鈥檈pigenoma condicionava l鈥檈xpressi贸 dels transportador, concretament l鈥檃cetilaci贸 de les histones. Es va tractar un panell de l铆nies cel路lulars tumorals amb SAHA, un inhibidor d鈥檋istona desacetilases, i es va detectar increment de l鈥檈xpressi贸 dels transportadors hCNT1 i hCNT2 a temps curts que es tradu茂a en un augment d鈥檃ctivitat dependent dels hCNTs. Per estudiar els elements que podrien regular l鈥檈xpressi贸 d鈥檋CNT1 es va clonar la regi贸 promotora del gen SLC28A1, l鈥檃ctivitat del qual dep猫n del context cel路lular. La regi贸 amb major activitat promotora corresponia a un fragment de 400pb situat 1695pb downstream respecte l鈥檌nici de transcripci贸 (TSS). Es van identificar els factors de transcripci贸 STAT3, YY1, KLF6, p53 i E2F1 com a candidats a la regulaci贸 d鈥橲LC28A1. Es va detectar que l鈥檈stat de p53 condicionava l鈥檃ctivitat del promotor d鈥橲LC28A1. L鈥檈xpressi贸 heter貌loga de KLF6 produ茂a una tend猫ncia d鈥檌ncrement d鈥檈xpressi贸 d鈥檋CNT1 a nivell d鈥檓RNA i cert augment del transport concentratiu. Es va identificar que KLF6 s鈥檜nia al promotor d鈥橲LC28A1 a -470pb respecte el TSS. Per 煤ltim, s鈥檋a relacionat l鈥檈ix CDK4-pRb-E2F1 amb l鈥檈xpressi贸 dels transportadors de nucle貌sids. La inhibici贸 de CDK4 amb abemaciclib produ茂a un augment d鈥檈xpressi贸 a nivell d鈥檓RNA dels transportadors concentratius a temps curts, mentre que l鈥檈xpressi贸 d鈥檋ENT1 disminu茂a. Per hCNT1 i hENT1 aquests canvis eren efectuats per E2F1, el qual s鈥檋a demostrat que s鈥檜neix al promotor d鈥橲LC28A1 i SLC29A1. En silenciar E2F1, l鈥檈xpressi贸 d鈥檋CNT1 i hENT1 augmentava, mentre que en sobreexpressar-lo, l鈥檈xpressi贸 d鈥檋CNT1 era disminu茂da. Per tant, E2F1 podria estar contribuint a la regulaci贸 de l鈥檈xpressi贸 coordinada dels transportadors hCNT1 i hENT1.[eng] Nucleoside transporters are divided in two gene families: SLC28, encoding the Concentrative Nucleoside Transporters (hCNT), and SLC29, encoding the Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporters (hENT). These proteins are expressed in most cell types, with apparent functional redundancy. It has been described that hCNTs expression, especially hCNT1, is downregulated in cancer. hCNT1 restoration in pancreatic cancer models altered signaling pathways, reduced cell migration and cell cycle progression, and induced non-apoptotic cell death, in a substrate translocation-independent manner. Thus, hCNT1 is considered a transceptor. Here we aim to elucidate what mechanisms regulate hCNT1 activity and SLC28A1 expression. A clinical case was presented with uridine- cytidineuria, fever, hepatosplenomegaly, persistent lactate acidosis, severely disturbed liver enzymes and ultimately multiorgan failure. Genetic analysis revealed two variants in SLC28A1 (hCNT1), c.1528C>T (p.R510C) and c1682G>A (p.R561Q). Functional analysis showed that these variants affected the three-dimensional structure of hCNT1, altered glycosylation and decreased the half-life of the mutant proteins which resulted in impaired transport activity. Co-transfection of both variants, mimicking the allelic trans disposition in the patient, significantly impaired hCNT1 biological function. The patient was also suffering from Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis type 2. The identification of two co-existing monogenic defects might have resulted in a blended phenotype. Further analysis of hCNT1 protein revealed RNF41 as an interactor protein. We hypothesized that RNF41 being an E3 ligase was targeting hCNT1 for proteasomal degradation. However, we also proposed that the interaction could also be related to other functions, such as hCNT1 recycling. Studies with the epigenetic drug SAHA revealed that acetylated lysins are involved in hCNT1 expression for the first time. We also identified the SLC28A1 promoter, which presents different activity depending on the cellular context. A 400bp fragment 1695bp downstream of the transcription start site (TSS) exhibits the highest activity, especially in liver- derived tumoral cell lines. Analysis of the transcription factor putative binding sites revealed STAT3, YY1, KLF6, p53 and E2F1 as candidates for SLC28A1 expression regulation. p53 status of the cell lines conditions SLC28A1 promoter activity. KLF6 was found to bind 470bp upstream to SLC28A1 TSS. The CDK4-pRb-E2F1 axis modulates nucleoside transporters expression through E2F1, which binds to both SLC28A1 and SLC29A1 promoters, exerting repressive effects