6,772 research outputs found

    Highlights of The Concept of Islamic Education Majid 'Irsan Al-Kilani

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    This article tries to reveal the concept of Islamic Education Majid Irsan al-Kilani, namely through the analysis of the five papers he is closely linked to education, among other things: 1) Ahdaf alTarbiyah al-Islamiyya fi Tarbiyah al-Fard wa Ikhraj al-Umma wa Tan-Miyah al-Ukhuwwah al-Insaniyyah (Vision-Mission of the Islamic Education in Teaching Personal, cadres of the People and Develop Fraternity Human Brotherhood), 2) philosophy of al-MT al-Islamiyya: Dirasah Muqāranah Baina philosophy of alTarbiyahal-Islamiyya wa al-philosophy al-Tarbawiyyah al-Mu'ashirah (Philosophy of Islamic Education: A Comparative Study of Islamic Education Philosophy and Contemporary Educational Philosophy), 3) al-Fikr alTarbawi'indaIbn Taimiyyah (Islamic Educational Thought Perspective of Ibnu Taimiyyah), 4) Hakadza zahara Jil Shalah al-Din wa Hakadza 'Adat al-Quds (Emerging Shalahudin Generation and the return of al-Aqsa), 5) Tathawwur understand al-Nazhariyyat al-Tarbawiyyah al-Islamiyya (History conception of Educational Islamic epistimologi)

    Subadditivity and Contestability in the Postal Sector: Theory and Evidence

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    Several studies have been conducted to analyze whether a regulation of the postal sector as a monopoly is actually efficient by examining its cost structure. The authors detected significant scale economies only in the delivery function and hence demonstrated a necessity for competition in the upstream operations. The primary purpose of this paper is to summarize the basic conditions of natural monopoly theory and to review the approaches and results of the studies dealing with this topic. Despite the importance of contestability in this context, previous literature concentrates only on the subadditivity aspect. The existence of economies of scale does not inevitably justify a governmental maintenance of the monopoly if the market is contestable. In this respect, further research is needed in order to account for contestability.Postal Sector, Scale Economies, Subadditivity, Contestability


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    How to improve the ability to read simple sentences aloud in Indonesian subjects using word card media for grade II students of SD Negeri 2 Lakudo ?..The type of research used was classroom action research (PTK), which each cycle consisted of four stages, namely the planning stage. , action, observation and reflection. Data collection techniques used are quantitative data obtained through student learning outcomes tests and observation sheets. The results showed that the increase was seen from the number of students 16 people in the pre-cycle score, the number of students who achieved completeness was 5 people or 31.35%. In the first cycle who achieved completeness as many as 9 people or 56.25%. Whereas in the second cycle the number of students who achieved completeness was 13 people or 81.25% and the second cycle had reached the value according to the classical completeness target at 75%. The implementation of classroom action research using word card media in improving the ability to read aloud makes it easier for students to arrange letters into syllables and words and into simple sentences