49 research outputs found

    Distribution of trace elements around Syowa Station(II) Trace metals distribution in Langhovde

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    Trace metals (Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn) concentration distribution in water and sediment were determined by atomic absorption methods with flame and flameless systems using wet dissolution method. The samples were collected from Langhovde, Antarctica. The result showed an approximate log-normal distribution of concentration of metals in sediment of the Yukidori Valley

    ショウワキチ シュウヘン ニ セイソク スル セイブツ ノ セイタイ ナイ キンゾク ブンセキ ダイ2ホウ

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    南極昭和基地周辺に生息するアデリーペンギンおよびトウゾクカモメの臓器(肝臓および胸筋)中に含有する微量金属を, フレームまたはグラファイトファーネスアトマイザーを用いた原子吸光法によって定量した。分析結果の1例として, アデリーペンギンの胸筋に含有するカドミウム, 銅, 鉄, マンガン, 鉛および亜鉛の濃度は, それぞれ0.003~0.021,2.3~3.5,192~199,0.18~0.53,0.014~0.053および10~30μg-metal/g-乾燥重量当たりの範囲であった。Concentrations of trace metals in the pectoral of Adelie penguin and south polar skua living around Syowa Station, Antarctica were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry using flame or graphite furnace atomizer system. The results of analysis revealed that the concentration levels of cadmium, copper, iron, manganese, lead and zinc in the pectoral of Adelie penguin were ranging 0.003-0.021,2.3-3.5,192-199,0.18-0.53,0.014-0.053 and 10-30μg-metal/g-dry tissue, respectively

    ショウワキチ シュウヘン ノ ビリョウ ゲンソ ノ ブンプ (II) ラングホブデ チイキ ノ タイセキブツ チュウ ノ ビリョウ キンゾク ブンプ

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    堆積物と水中に含有される重金属(銅,鉄,マグネシウム,マンガン,亜鉛)濃度を,湿式分解を使用し,フレームおよびフレームレス原子吸光によって測定した.試料はラングホブデ地区より採取した.その結果,特に雪鳥沢の堆積物中の濃度分布は,ほぼ対数正規分布を示した.Trace metals (Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn) concentration distribution in water and sediment were determined by atomic absorption methods with flame and flameless systems using wet dissolution method. The samples were collected from Langhovde, Antarctica. The result showed an approximate log-normal distribution of concentration of metals in sediment of the Yukidori Valley

    Concentrations of Trace Metals in Tissues of Several Animals around Syowa Station

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    Concentrations of trace metals in lung, kidney and liver of Weddell seal, Adelie penguin and snow petrel living around the Syowa Station, Antarctica were determined by atomic absorption methods using flame or flameless system. The results of analysis revealed that the concentration levels of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium and lead in the kidneys of Adelie penguin were ranging 6.5~12.4, 188~255, 26~43, <0.005~0.002 and 0.01~0.03μg per gram dry tissue, respectively. Copper and cadmium were found most concentrated in the kidneys of snow petrels among the animals examined. Concentration ratios of pairs of metals in lungs of animals showed wide ranges both among animals and between right and left lungs except in the case of Weddell seal in which the ratios were exceedingly similar in the both lungs, Mg/Fe being about 0.1, Zn/Fe 0.02~0.03, Pb/Cu 0.01~0.02, and Pb/Zn about 0.004

    ショウワキチ シュウヘン ニ セイソク スル セイブツ ノ セイタイ ナイ キンゾク ブンセキ

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    南極昭和基地周辺に生息するウェッデルアザラシ,アデリーペンギンおよびユキドリの臓器(肺,腎臓および肝臓)中に含まれる微量金属を原子吸光法によって測定した.分析結果の一例として,アデリーペンギンの腎臓に含まれる銅,鉄,亜鉛,カドミウムおよび鉛の濃度はそれぞれ6.5~12.4,188~255,26~43,<0.005~0.002および0.01~0.03μ/g-乾燥重量当たりの範囲であった.銅とカドミウムは測定対象生物のうち,特にユキドリの腎臓に最も濃縮されていた.生物の肺に含まれる金属相互間濃度比は左右の肺で,両者の比は広く分散していた.しかし,ウェッデルアザラシの場合は,両者間の金属濃度比が極めて類似し,Mg/Fe ~0.1,Zn/Fe 0.02~0.03, Pb/Cu 0.01~0.02およびPb/Zn ~0.004であった.Concentrations of trace metals in lung, kidney and liver of Weddell seal, Adelie penguin and snow petrel living around the Syowa Station, Antarctica were determined by atomic absorption methods using flame or flameless system. The results of analysis revealed that the concentration levels of copper, iron, zinc, cadmium and lead in the kidneys of Adelie penguin were ranging 6.5~12.4, 188~255, 26~43, <0.005~0.002 and 0.01~0.03μg per gram dry tissue, respectively. Copper and cadmium were found most concentrated in the kidneys of snow petrels among the animals examined. Concentration ratios of pairs of metals in lungs of animals showed wide ranges both among animals and between right and left lungs except in the case of Weddell seal in which the ratios were exceedingly similar in the both lungs, Mg/Fe being about 0.1, Zn/Fe 0.02~0.03, Pb/Cu 0.01~0.02, and Pb/Zn about 0.004

    Magnetic anisotropy and crystallographic alignment in Fe and NdH2 during d-HDDR process of Nd-Fe-B-Ga-Nb powders

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    Hydrogen disproportionation (HD) treatments at 820°C for 10 h with different hydrogen pressures (PHD) were performed for Nd-Fe-B-Ga-Nb magnetic powder to clarify the relationship between the structural differences and resultant magnetic anisotropy as a function of PHD during dynamic hydrogen disproportionation desorption recombination. When PHD was 30 kPa, the anisotropy was the highest after recombination, and coarsened lamellar and spherical structures comprising Fe and NdH2 were observed after HD treatment. In the coarse lamellar structures, the crystallographic orientations of adjacent Fe and NdH2 grains were the same. The diameters of such regions were approximately 1100 nm, and their total area fraction was approximately 70% of the Fe and NdH2 phases. In contrast, when PHD was 100 kPa at which the anisotropy was lower, the sample consisted of mainly spherical grains, and the total area fraction of the regions where adjacent Fe and NdH2 grains exhibited the same crystallographic orientations was small (25%). This result indicates that the presence of coarsened lamellar comprising crystallographically aligned Fe and NdH2 grains contributed significantly to the induction of anisotropy after recombination

    Crystallographic alignment in the recombination stage in d-HDDR process of Nd-Fe-B-Ga-Nb powders

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    Nd-Fe-B-Ga-Nb magnetic powder was subjected to the dynamic hydrogen disproportionation desorption recombination treatment. For samples disproportionated at both 30 and 100 kPa of hydrogen pressure, the changes in the microstructure and grain orientation during recombination process were investigated. It was observed that even during the recombination process, the orientation relationship was maintained between α-Fe and NdH2+x grains formed after the disproportionation treatment at 30 kPa of hydrogen pressure, [110]α-Fe // [110]NdH2+x, (-110)α-Fe // (-220)NdH2+x. Additionally, the alignment of recombined Nd2Fe14BHy grains became clear after 30 min of DR treatment showing following orientation relationship: (001)Nd2Fe14BHy // (110)α-Fe and (110)NdH2+x. In contrast, such a relationship was not observed in the sample disproportionated at 100 kPa of hydrogen pressure. This difference in the degree of alignment was also confirmed by measuring the magnetic property of the respective samples