8 research outputs found

    Konfigurering och ibruktagning av KNX system

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar grunderna i KNX samt programmering av KNX enheter med datorprogrammet ETS 4. I arbetet beskrivs hur KNX systemet fungerar, hur det är uppbyggt och de olika överföringsmedium som kan användas då KNX enheter kommunicerar. Jag beskriver också hur ETS 4 installeras på datorn och hur man kommer igång med programmeringen av KNX enheterna. Inför detta examensarbete har jag studerat en del av ABB:s KNX enheter samt deras funktioner och konfigurationsmöjligheter. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att skapa en liten handbok för hur ett KNX system är uppbyggt samt hur KNX enheterna programmeras med ETS 4.Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee KNX:n perusteita ja KNX-laitteiden ohjelmointia ETS 4 tietokoneohjelman avulla. Työssä kuvaillaan, miten KNX-järjestelmä toimii, millä tavalla se on rakennettu sekä mitä eri siirtomedioita voidaan käyttää KNX-laitteiden viestinnässä. Työssä kuvaillaan myös, miten ETS-ohjelma asennetaan tietokoneella ja miten päästään aloittamaan KNX-laitteiden ohjelmointi. Ennen tätä opinnäytetyötä kirjoittaja on opiskellut ABB:n KNX-laitteita sekä niiden toimintoja ja konfiguraatiomahdollisuuksia. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tehdä pieni käsikirja, joka kertoo, miten KNX- järjestelmä on rakennettu sekä millä tavalla KNX-laitteet ohjelmoidaan ETS 4:llä.In this thesis I deal with the basics of KNX as well as the programming of KNX devices with the computer software ETS 4. In the thesis I describe how the KNX system works, how it is built and the different communication media that are used for communication between KNX devices. I also describe how ETS 4 is installed on a personal computer and how to get started with the programming of the KNX devices. When preparing for this thesis I studied a part of ABB’s KNX devices, their functions as well as their configuration possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to create a small manual that can be used to see how a KNX system is built and to check how KNX devices are programmed with ETS 4

    Monivammapotilaan kivunhoito

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa ennen sairaalaan tuloa, sairaalassa ja kotona systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta soveltaen. Tavoitteena on edistää monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa. Opinnäytetyöhön valikoitui analysoitavaksi 38 (=n) julkaisua. Monivammapotilaan kivunhoito vaatii moniammatillista osaamista ja yhteistyötä. Kivunhoidon oleellisena osana on kivun arviointi. Kipua voidaan arvioida erilaisin mittarein, kuten sanallinen asteikko (VRS), numeroasteikko (NRS) ja visuaalianalogiasteikko (VAS). Potilaan ollessa tajuton, kivunarviointi muuttuu haasteellisemmaksi, sillä silloin mittareita ei voida käyttää. Monivammapotilaan kipua hoidetaan pääsääntöisesti lääkkeillä. Keskeisimpiä lääkkeitä ovat tulehduskipulääkkeet, parasetamoli ja opioidit. Lääkkeettömiä kivunhoitomuotoja kuten asentohoito, fysikaaliset hoitomuodot, hengitysharjoitukset, musiikin kuuntelu, rentoutumis- ja mielikuvaharjoitukset, käytetään myös, mutta ne ovat tehokkaampia yhdistettynä lääkkeelliseen kivunhoitoon. Lääkehoito koostuu monen lääkeryhmän yhdistelmistä eli multimodaalisesta kivunhoidosta. Puudutteet ovat keskeinen osa monivammapotilaan kivunhoitoa, sillä ne vähentävät huomattavasti opioidien käyttöä. Kivunhoito on tasapainoilua potilaan kivuttomuuden ja kivunhoidon haittavaikutuksien välillä. Potilaan kivunhoito jatkuu koko hoidon ajan, myös kotiutumisen jälkeen. Kivunhoito on potilaan oikeus eikä ole olemassa mitään pätevää syytä jättää kipua hoitamatta. Monivammapotilaat ovat todella kivuliaita, joten kivun hoidon tutkiminen ja kehittäminen on tärkeää. Tehokkaalla kivunhoidolla voidaan ehkäistä kivun kroonistumista.The purpose of this thesis is to improve multi-trauma patients pain management before coming to a hospital, in hospital and at home by using a systematic literature review. The aim is to improve multi-trauma patient’s pain management. There was 38(=n) publications chosen for this thesis. The pain management of a multi-trauma patient requires multi-professional expertise and cooperation. An essential part of pain management is assessment of pain. The pain can be assessed with different kind of rating scales for example verbal rating scale (VRS), numeric rating scale (NRS) and visual analog scale (VAS). When patient is being unconscious assessment of pain becomes challenging so the rating scales cannot be used. The pain of a multi-trauma patient is mainly managed with medicine. The most common medicines are inflammatory drugs, paracetamol and opioids. Drug-free pain management formats such as position management, physical therapies, breathing exercises, listening to music, relaxing and imagination exercises are used but they are more effective combined with medicinal pain management. Medication consist of the combination of different drug groups called multimodal pain management. Regional anesthetics are a key part of the pain management of a multi-trauma patient because regional anesthetics reduce remarkably the use of opioids. Pain management is balancing between painless and side effects pain management. The pain management of the patient goes through the whole care also after discharging from hospital. Pain management is the patients right and there is no competent reason to not treat the pain. Multi-trauma patients are in a high amount of pain so the study and development of pain management is really important. With efficient pain management you can anticipate chronical pain

    サンカ アエンチュウ ノ ヨウシツ ゲンソ ノ コウゾウ ト キノウ

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    京都大学0048新制・課程博士博士(工学)甲第12278号工博第2607号新制||工||1367(附属図書館)24114UT51-2006-J271京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻(主査)教授 田中 功, 教授 粟倉 泰弘, 教授 松原 英一郎学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of EngineeringKyoto UniversityDA

    Microstructural Analysis of CdTe Radiation Detectors with Indium Electrodes

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    In order to understand the formation mechanisms of indium contacts which were previously developed for CdTe radiation detectors with p-i-n structure, microstructure of the indium contacts which were deposited at various substrate temperatures on the p-CdTe substrates and subsequently annealed at temperature ranging from 200 to 400 C were analyzed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The microstructural analysis revealed that reactions between CdTe and In were enhanced by the substrate heating during deposition and growth of In 4 Te 3 or InTe compounds on the CdTe surface was observed. Current leakage and stability of the CdTe radiation detectors were strongly correlated with the microstructure of CdTe/contact interfaces. The indium contacts, which were deposited at substrate temperature of 400 or 350 C and subsequently annealed at 350 C for 1 h in vacuum, displayed rectifying I-V behaviors and satisfied the device requirement. In addition, the excellent thermal stability of these contacts was observed. We found that the formation of the InTe compounds was essential for production of the p-i-n CdTe detector devices which require highly reliable rectifying contacts

    Real-Time, in Situ Monitoring of the Oxidation of Graphite: Lessons Learned

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    Graphite oxide (GO) and its constituent layers (i.e., graphene oxide) display a broad range of functional groups and, as such, have attracted significant attention for use in numerous applications. GO is commonly prepared using the "Hummers method" or a variant thereof in which graphite is treated with KMnO4 and various additives in H2SO4. Despite its omnipresence, the underlying chemistry of such oxidation reactions is not well understood and typically affords results that are irreproducible and, in some cases, unsafe. To overcome these limitations, the oxidation of graphite under Hummers-type conditions was monitored over time using in situ X-ray diffraction and in situ X-ray absorption near edge structure analyses with synchrotron radiation. In conjunction with other atomic absorption spectroscopy, UV vis spectroscopy and elemental analysis measurements, the underlying mechanism of the oxidation reaction was elucidated, and the reaction conditions were optimized. Ultimately, the methodology for reproducibly preparing GO on large scales using only graphite, H2SO4 and KMnO4 was developed and successfully adapted for use in continuous flow systems.clos

    Cr<sup>3+</sup>–Co<sub>0.054</sub>Ni<sub>0.018</sub>Mg<sub>0.93</sub>O Solid-Solution Catalysts for High-Pressure Syngas Production: Effect of Chromium on the Reduction and Catalysis

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    Adding Cr to heat-tolerant Co<sub>0.054</sub>Ni<sub>0.018</sub>Mg<sub>0.93</sub>O solid-solution catalysts for CH<sub>4</sub>/CO<sub>2</sub>/H<sub>2</sub>O reforming at 2.1 MPa allowed us to control the key properties determining the behavior of the supported catalysts, such as the reduction degree of the metal, metal particle size, and amount of exposed zerovalent metals. A small load of Cr [Cr/(Co + Ni) = 0.11 mol %] efficiently catalyzed Co<sup>2+</sup> and Ni<sup>2+</sup> reduction. This catalyst, which had abundant small alloy particles on the support material, resisted coking and oxidative deactivation, even under accelerated deterioration conditions. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption near-edge structure, extended X-ray absorption fine structure, and scanning transmission electron microscopy–energy-dispersive X-ray measurements indicated that Cr existed as a trivalent cation in a Cr<sub><i>x</i></sub>Co<sub>0.054</sub>Ni<sub>0.018</sub>Mg<sub>0.93</sub>O<sub>1+1.5<i>x</i></sub> solid solution, leading to the formation of a divalent cation vacancy and that Cr<sup>3+</sup> was abundant on the surface of the catalyst particles after calcination at 1373 K. The Cr<sup>3+</sup> destabilized Co<sup>2+</sup> and Ni<sup>2+</sup> in the solid solution, especially on the surface of the catalyst particles and, thus, promoted Co<sup>2+</sup> and Ni<sup>2+</sup> reduction. However, excess Cr<sup>3+</sup> induced sintering of the catalyst particles, resulting in aggregation of alloy particles and, thus, in an increased risk of coking