31 research outputs found

    Marketing aspects of sustainable urban development in small towns of the Republic of Tatarstan

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    The article describes the concept of sustainable development and forms the criteria for sustainable development of the territory. The sustainability of the territory development should be considered from various angles, including industrial and agricultural development, the level of environmental friendliness, intersectoral and interdimensional interaction, creating the attractiveness of territories. The solution to the problems of territories attractiveness is to be found in the field of territorial marketing. The city as the pinnacle of territorial marketing requires a detailed analysis of the current state and the development of a strategy for further development. The scientific work describes an algorithm for the formation of marketing strategies for urban development. The research provides analysis of small towns development in the Republic of Tatarstan: Almetyevsk, Bolgar, Nizhnekamsk. Developing marketing strategies designed to enhance the attractiveness of small towns are identified as one of the backgrounds for creating comfortable conditions for residents and attracting tourists and professionals to improve the efficiency of the towns' resources. At the same time, it is of vital importance to analyze the internal components of the towns, pull factors for residents and tourists to form the most appropriate marketing strategy for urban development. Small towns, in contrast to megacities, have great creative and cultural potential, which allows them to find new points of attraction on their territory and strengthen the existing tourist and infrastructure facilities

    Association Between IL1B and SCN1A Polymorphism and Febrile Seizures in Children in Siberia

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    Background: Febrile seizures (FS) are a benign, age-dependent, genetically determined state, in which the child’s brain is susceptible to epileptic seizures occurring in response to hyperthermia. We assessed whether polymorphisms of IL1B and SCN1A genes, encoding the proinflammatory cytokine IL1B and SCN1A, respectively, could help to predict FS development and find a new way to treat FS. Methods: We examined 121 children with FS and 30 children with HTS aged from 3 to 36 months. SNPs rs1143634 and rs16944 of IL1B gene, and rs3812718 and rs16851603 of SCN1A gene were determined by quantitative real-time PCR. Results: The analysis for rs1143634 revealed an association between the CC genotype and increased risk of FS development (OR 6.56; P=0.0008) against the background of acute respiratory viral infection. The same result was obtained for rs16944 (OR 3.13; P=0.04) and an association of two homozygous genotypes CC/CC. For rs3812718, the carriage of heterozygous genotype CT demonstrated a direct relationship with FS development (OR 44.95; P=0.000). Conclusion: Children with high FS risk need preventive treatment and joint observation of a pediatrician, pediatric infectionist, and a neurologist-epileptologist

    Информация о вкладе каждого автора

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    Introduction. Based on the knowledge of early gestational disorders related to metabolic syndrome (MS), pathogenetically relevant preventive treatment meeting the requirements of perinatal pharmacology can be developed. Aim. To reveal clinical and laboratory characteristics of early pregnancy and develop pathogenetically relevant preventive monotherapy for unfavorable gestational and perinatal outcomes in women with metabolic syndrome. Material and methods. A total of 230 women were investigated and divided into four groups: Group I consisted of 68 pregnant women with MS who refused any preventive measures; Group II comprised 97 women with MS who received periconceptional preventive monotherapy with dydrogesterone, a progestagen; Group III consisted of 35 healthy primigravidas women with physiological course of gestation; Group IV comprised 30 healthy non-pregnant women. Laboratory testing during I–III trimesters allowed to assess the dynamics demonstrated by markers of lipid spectrum, endothelial dysfunction, apoptosis, decidualization, energy metabolism, and immunomodulation. Results. A balance between factors of physiological damage and gestational adaptation in the course of physiological pregnancy has been shown to be of primary significance. In women with MS, embryo-placental dysfunction develops during early pregnancy, and this stage is preceding for major obstetric syndromes. Preventive administration of dydrogesterone in women with MS appeared highly effective: NNT (number needed to treat) was 1.33 (95% CI 0.9–1.8); OR 5.2 (95% CI 4.6–5.7). Conclusion. Pregestational changes and atherogenic profile of gestational process determine the course of early pregnancy in women with MS with the development of embryo-placental dysfunction and major obstetric syndromes. High efficacy in the prevention of unfavorable gestational and perinatal outcomes was shown by preventive dydrogesterone monotherapy

    Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for precise fatty acid profiling of oilseed crops

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    Oilseed crops are one of the most important sources of vegetable oils for food and industry. Nutritional and technical properties of vegetable oil are primarily determined by its fatty acid (FA) composition. The content and composition of FAs in plants are commonly determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GS-MS) or gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) techniques. In the present work, we applied ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) technique to FA profiling of sunflower and rapeseed seeds and compared this method with the GC-FID technique. GC-FID detected 11 FAs in sunflower and 13 FAs in rapeseed, while UPLC-MS appeared to be more sensitive, detecting about 2.5 times higher numbers of FAs in both plants. In addition to even-chain FAs, UPLC-MS was able to detect odd-chain FAs. The longest FA detected using GC-FID was an FA with 24 carbon atoms, whereas UPLC-MS could reveal the presence of longer FAs with the tails of up to 28 carbon atoms. Based on our results, we may conclude that UPLC-MS has great potential to be used for the assessment of FA profiles of oil crops

    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum

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    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult bilinguals with heritage-Greek, -Russian, and -Turkish in Germany and the United States and with heritage-German in the United States, and matching data from monolinguals in Germany, the United States, Greece, Russia, and Turkey. Our main results lie in three areas. (1) We found non-canonical patterns not only in bilingual, but also in monolingual speakers, including patterns that have so far been considered absent from native grammars, in domains of morphology, syntax, intonation, and pragmatics. (2) We found a degree of lexical and morphosyntactic inter-speaker variability in monolinguals that was sometimes higher than that of bilinguals, further challenging the model of the streamlined native speaker. (3) In majority language use, non-canonical patterns were dominant in spoken and/or informal registers, and this was true for monolinguals and bilinguals. In some cases, bilingual speakers were leading quantitatively. In heritage settings where the language was not part of formal schooling, we found tendencies of register leveling, presumably due to the fact that speakers had limited access to formal registers of the heritage language. Our findings thus indicate possible quantitative differences and different register distributions rather than distinct grammatical patterns in bilingual and monolingual speakers. This supports the integration of heritage speakers into the native-speaker continuum. Approaching heritage speakers from this perspective helps us to better understand the empirical data and can shed light on language variation and change in native grammars. Furthermore, our findings for monolinguals lead us to reconsider the state-of-the art on majority languages, given recurring evidence for non-canonical patterns that deviate from what has been assumed in the literature so far, and might have been attributed to bilingualism had we not included informal and spoken registers in monolinguals and bilinguals alike

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Comparing the Effectiveness of Outdoor Advertising with Internet Advertising : Case Study: Inetcom Company

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    At the time of rapid changes, it might appear that some aspects of the pre-online life are vanishing. However, they have only mutated into new fascinating forms which arguably prove to be more effective and usable by tech-savvy population. In the marketing world, numerous techniques, including both traditional and non-traditional media, are used to attract and retain consumers. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of the case company’s advertising methods, namely, outdoor advertising and internet advertising, and then justify outdoor advertising as the most effective marketing method in the company. The study results were found to be important as they would influence the profitability of the organization based on avoiding ineffective advertising methods. The study was implemented by conducting theoretical research and then analyzing the data provided by the case company. The research design was that of the mixed approach: both qualitative and quantative methods were applied. The quantitative approach was used to obtain numerical data from the respondents based on the following categories: demographic, age, marital status and level of education. The qualitative approach was used to obtain information about the participants’ personal responses or authors’ observations in the field. The results of the study showed that despite the popularity of advertising on the Internet, it was often associated with fraud and should not be considered as reliable as outdoor advertising. Outdoor advertising was identified as a facilitator of acquiring accurate access to data and elongating the advertising period at the same station. Based on the research findings, the case company was advised to focus on outdoor advertising rather than on Internet advertising