13,176 research outputs found

    Three body resonances in two meson-one baryon systems

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    We report four Σ\Sigma's and three Λ\Lambda's, in the 1500 - 1800 MeV region, as two meson - one baryon S-wave (1/2)+(1/2)^+ resonances. We solve Faddeev equations in the coupled channel approach. The invariant mass of one of the meson-baryon pairs and that of the three particles have been varied and peaks in the squared three body TT-matrix have been found very close to the existing SS = -1, JP=1/2+J^P= 1/2^+ low lying baryon resonances. The input two-body tt-matrices for meson-meson and meson-baryon interaction have been calculated by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation with the potentials obtained in the chiral unitary approach.Comment: corrected version, new channels evaluated, new references adde

    Study of the DρD^*\rho system using QCD sum rules

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    In this talk I present a study of the DρD^* \rho system made by using the method of QCD sum rules. Considering isospin and spin projectors, we investigate the different configurations and obtain three DD^* mesons with isospin I=1/2I=1/2, spin S=0S=0, 11, 22 and with masses 2500±672500\pm 67 MeV, 2523±602523\pm60 MeV, and 2439±1192439\pm119 MeV, respectively. The last state can be related to D2(2460)D^*_2(2460) (spin 2) listed by the Particle Data Group, while one of the first two might be associated with D(2640)D^*(2640), whose spin-parity is unknown. In the case of I=3/2I=3/2 we also find evidences of three states with spin 0, 1 and 2, respectively, with masses 2467±822467\pm82 MeV, 2420±1282420\pm128 MeV, and 2550±562550\pm56 MeV.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXXVI Reuni\~ao de Trabalho sobre F\'isica Nuclear no Brasil, Maresias, S\~ao Paulo, Brazi

    A study of the KNKN-KNK^*N coupled systems

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    We study the strangeness +1+1 meson-baryon systems to obtain improved KNKN and KNK^*N amplitudes and to look for a possible resonance formation by the KNKN-KNK^*N coupled interaction. We obtain amplitudes for light vector meson-baryon systems by implementing the ss-, tt-, uu- channel diagrams and a contact interaction. The pseudoscalar meson-baryon interactions are obtained by relying on the Weinberg-Tomozawa theorem. The transition amplitudes between the systems consisting of pseudoscalars and vector mesons are calculated by extending the Kroll-Ruderman term for pion photoproduction replacing the photon by a vector meson. We fix the subtraction constants required to calculate the loops by fitting our KNKN amplitudes to the data available for the isospin 0 and 1 ss-wave phase shifts. We provide the scattering lengths and the total cross sections for the KNKN and KNK^* N systems obtained in our model, which can be useful in future in-medium calculations. Our amplitudes do not correspond to formation of any resonance in none of the isospin and spin configurations.Comment: Published version, sent to avoid confusions recently noticed by author

    On the absorption and production cross sections of KK and KK^*

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    We have computed the isospin and spin averaged cross sections of the processes πKρK\pi K^*\to \rho K and ρKπK\rho K^*\to \pi K, which are crucial in the determination of the abundances of KK^* and KK in heavy ion collisions. Improving previous calculations, we have considered several mechanisms which were missing, such as the exchange of axial and vector resonances (K1(1270)K_1(1270), K2(1430)K^*_2(1430), h1(1170)h_1(1170), etc...) and also other processes such as πKωK,ϕK\pi K^*\to \omega K, \phi K and ωK,ϕKπK\omega K^*,\,\phi K^*\to \pi K. We find that some of these mechanisms give important contributions to the cross section. Our results also suggest that, in a hadron gas, KK^* production might be more important than its absorption

    X(3872)X(3872) production and absorption in a hot hadron gas

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    We calculate the time evolution of the X(3872)X(3872) abundance in the hot hadron gas produced in the late stage of heavy ion collisions. We use effective field Lagrangians to obtain the production and dissociation cross sections of X(3872)X(3872). In this evaluation we include diagrams involving the anomalous couplings πDDˉ\pi D^*\bar{D}^* and XDˉDX \bar{D}^{\ast} D^{\ast} and also the couplings of the X(3872)X(3872) with charged DD and DD^* mesons. With these new terms the X(3872)X(3872) interaction cross sections are much larger than those found in previous works. Using these cross sections as input in rate equations, we conclude that during the expansion and cooling of the hadronic gas, the number of X(3872)X(3872), originally produced at the end of the mixed QGP/hadron gas phase, is reduced by a factor of 4.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Three body systems with strangeness and exotic systems

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    We report on four Σ\Sigma's and three Λ\Lambda's, in the 1500 - 1800 MeV region, as two meson - one baryon S-wave (1/2)+(1/2)^+ resonances found by solving the Faddeev equations in the coupled channel approach, which can be associated to the existing SS = -1, JP=1/2+J^P= 1/2^+ low lying baryon resonances. On the other hand we also report on a new, hidden strangeness NN^* state, mostly made of KKˉNK \bar{K} N, with mass around 1920 MeV, which we think could be responsible for the peak seen in the γpK+Λ\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda around this energy. Finally we address a very novel topic in which we show how few body systems of several ρ\rho mesons can be produced, with their spins aligned up to J=6, and how these states found theoretically can be associated to several known mesons with spins J=2,3,4,5,6.Comment: Talk at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Sep. 201

    Interpreting the peak structures around 1800 MeV in the BES data on J/Ψϕπ+πJ/\Psi \to \phi \pi^+ \pi^-, J/ΨγωϕJ/\Psi\to \gamma \omega \phi

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    In this talk we present an interpretation for the experimental data available on two different processes, namely, J/Ψϕπ+πJ/\Psi \to \phi \pi^+ \pi^-, J/ΨγωϕJ/\Psi\to \gamma \omega \phi, which seem to indicate existence of two new resonances with the same quantum numbers (Jπc=0++,I=0J^{\pi c}=0^{++}, I = 0) and very similar mass (~1800 MeV) but with very different decay properties. However, our studies show that the peak structure found in the ωϕ\omega \phi invariant mass, in J/ΨγωϕJ/\Psi \to \gamma \omega \phi, is a manifestation of the well known f0(1710)f_0(1710) while the cross section enhancement found in J/Ψϕπ+πJ/\Psi \to \phi \pi^+ \pi^- is indeed a new f0f_0 resonance with mass near 1800 MeV. We present an explanation for the different decay properties of these two scalar resonances.Comment: Proceedings for the nuclear physics meeting ("XXXVI Reuni\~ao de trabalho sobre f\'isica nuclear no Brasil") held in Maresias during Sept. 1-5. To be published as AIP proceeding