521 research outputs found

    Intranasal treatment with a novel immunomodulator mediates innate immune protection against lethal Pneumonia Virus of Mice.

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the major causative agent of acute lower respiratory tract infections in infants and young children. Unfortunately, there are no licensed RSV vaccines available, and the few treatment options for high-risk individuals are either extremely costly or cause severe side effects and toxicity. Thus, the development of effective vaccines and therapeutic interventions against RSV is a preeminent public health priority. Pneumonia virus of mice (PVM) causes similar clinical symptoms and disease in mice to those observed in RSV-infected patients, and therefore is used as a model for pathogenesis studies. Lethal PVM infection (i.e. 3000 pfu) in Balb/c mice is characterized by 20% weight loss in total body weight, rough coats, abnormal posture, nasal discharge, and difficulty breathing due to neutrophilia, edema and alveolitis in the lower airways. Also, these mice will succumb to the infection between days 6 and 7 p.i. Immunomodulation mediated by a novel formulation composed of the toll-like receptor 3 agonist poly I:C, an innate defense regulator peptide and a polyphosphazene (i.e. P-I-P) was first assessed in healthy adult Balb/c mice. Subsequently, the protective potential of P-I-P was further investigated in the context of a lethal PVM infection. P-I-P induced highest mRNA and protein expression of chemokines and cytokines in the lung milieu between 6 and 24 hr post-treatment. In addition, a single dose of P-I-P protected adult mice against PVM when given 24 hr prior to challenge. These animals displayed minimal body weight changes, no clinical disease, 100% survival, as well as reduced lung virus titers and pathology. P-I-P pre-treatment induced early mRNA and protein expression of key chemokine and cytokines, and decreased neutrophil and eosinophil numbers in the lungs, resulting in an overall modulation of the delayed exacerbated nature of PVM disease without short-term side effects. It was determined that the protective effects of P-I-P prophylaxis were maintained if administered up to 3 days prior to lethal PVM infection. On day 14 post-infection, P-I-P-treated survivor mice were confirmed to be PVM-free. These results demonstrate the capacity of this formulation to prevent PVM and possibly other viral respiratory infections

    The Effects of Dynamic Culturing Environments on Cell Populations Relevant to Heart Valve Tissue Engineering

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    The design of a tissue engineered pulmonary valve (TEPV) involves cells source(s), scaffold, in vitro conditioning system and the functional stability of the TEPV in vivo. Vascular cells (pulmonary artery smooth muscle (SMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs)) and periodontal ligament derived stem cells (PDLSCs) are relevant sources for the designing of TEPVs. In this study, labeling of these cell populations with super paramagnetic iron oxide microparticles along with concomitant usage of transfection agents was followed by visualization using magnetic resonance, while Intracellular iron oxide was confirmed by prussian blue staining and fluorescence microscopy. Also, the potential of PDLSC as a feasible source for TEPVs was investigated, expressing differentiative capacity to both SMC and EC phenotypes by a combination of biochemical and mechanical stimulation. Flow conditioning in a u-shaped bioreactor augmented collagen production in SMC-EC (99.5% for n=3) and PDLSC (93.3% for n=3) seeded scaffolds after a 3-week culturing period (P\u3c0.05)

    Tougher immigration measures increase fears of deportation, but do not change future migration plans

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    Continuing with his second term agenda in spite of the shutdown, President Obama recently called for Congress to pass an immigration reform bill by the end of the year. Looking back at the failed attempts in 2006 and 2007, it is clear that any bill will be accompanied by extensive debates over border security and enforcement. But how effective are these policies? Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Thitima Puttitanun, and Ana Martinez-Donate examine the impact strict state measures to curb illegal immigration; their findings cast doubt on the effectiveness of tougher immigration policies at curbing the desire of those who have been deported to re-enter the United States

    Identificación de parasitismo intestinal por microscopia directa en materia fecal de los habitantes de Quilloac de cinco a once años, Cañar 2014

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    Antecedentes.- La Organización Mundial de la Salud calcula que el 80% de todas las enfermedades entre ellas las parasitarias de los países en vías de desarrollo, como el Ecuador, se dan por falta de agua limpia y saneamiento adecuado, siendo los niños el grupo más vulnerable. (1) Objetivo.- Este estudio pretende Identificar parásitos intestinales por microscopia directa en materia fecal de los habitantes de Quilloac de cinco a once años de edad, Cañar 2014. Metodología.- El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal porque nos permitió determinar la presencia de parasitismo intestinal de la comunidad de Quilloac, en un tiempo y espacio determinado. Previo a la recolección de la muestra, los habitantes seleccionados con sus representantes legales firmaron el consentimiento informado, en donde se les proporcionó la información necesaria acerca del proceso de investigación a la vez se aplicó una encuesta y como instrumento un formulario elaborado por las autoras, en donde constaron datos de filiación e información relacionada con las variables de estudio como: la edad, sexo, hábitos de higiene, eliminación de excretas, uso de agua potable o entubada, eliminación de basura, convivencia con animales y parásito. Se trabajó con un universo finito de 307 niños; para la recolección de la muestra, se proporcionó envases apropiados, las muestras fueron procesadas en el laboratorio de la Escuela de Tecnología Médica y como técnica se utilizó un examen coproparasitario, cumpliendo normas de bioseguridad y control de calidad. La información obtenida fue procesada en el programa SPSS versión 22 y las gráficas en Excel en forma de tablas para su análisis por medio de estadística descriptiva. Resultados.- proporcionan datos importantes a la comunidad de Quilloac, aportan al mejoramiento de la salud de la población, ya que el 60,6% de los niños esta parasitado, de esto, el 19,9% tiene monoparasitismo y el 80,1% poliparasitismo; además se encontró: Ameba Coli 16,1%, Ameba Histolytica en 48,8%, Giardia Lamblia 18,3%, Enteromona Hominis 7,0%, Iodoameba B. y Hymenolepis Nana 3,8% y Áscaris Lumbricoides el 2,2%. Conclusiones.- Concluyendo que la falta de salubridad, higiene personal y familiar; las condiciones económicas de los pobladores, agua entubada, deficientes programas de control parasitario, tratamientos inadecuados, son causas primordiales para que la parasitosis no se pueda erradicar.Background. - The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of all parasitic diseases including those of developing countries, such as Ecuador,to used drinking water, are given for lack of clean water and adequate sanitation,the most suffer they"re children being the group more vulnerable. (1) Objective.- This study aims to identify intestinal parasites by direct microscopy in feces of people in Quilloac five to eleven years old, Cañar 2014. Methodology. - The study was descriptive cross-sectional because it allowed us to determine the presence of intestinal parasites Quilloac community in a given time and space. Prior to sample collection, the people selected their legal representatives signed informed consent, where they were provided with the necessary information about the research process both a survey instrument was applied as a form developed by the authors, where they consisted affiliation data and information related to the study variables such as age, sex, hygiene, excreta, or use piped water, garbage disposal, living with animals and parasite. We worked with a finite universe of 307 children; for sample collection, appropriate packaging is provided,in this case: the samples were processed in the laboratory of the School of Medical Technology as one coproparasitario examination technique was used, fulfilling biosafety standards and quality control. The information obtained was processed in SPSS version 22 and graphs in Excel in tabular form for analysis using descriptive statistics. Results.- provide important data Quilloac community,we have ti give thank to contribute to improving the health of the population, since 60.6% of children this parasitized, this, has Monoparasitism 19.9% and 80.1% polyparasitism; also found: Amoeba coli 16.1%, 48.8% Ameba histolytica, Giardia lamblia 18.3%, 7.0% Enteromona Hominis, Iodoameba Butschlii and Hymenolepis Nana 3.8% and Ascaris lumbricoides 2.2%. Conclusion.- Concluding that the lack of sanitation, personal and family hygiene is very important; economic conditions of the people, piped water, poor parasite control programs, inadequate treatments are primary causes for the parasite can not be eradicated. We need to over look any of those matters to help and improve all those topics mentioned.Licenciado en Laboratorio ClínicoCuenc

    The effect of adaptive performance support system on learning achievements of students

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    The study compares the effectiveness of two performance support systems, adaptive and non-adaptive, on learning achievements of engineering students. In addition, the research design controls for a possible effect of learning style. The analysis reveals that students working with an adaptive performance support system score significantly higher than students using a non-adaptive performance system on a performance test across different learning styles. The only variation in the two experimental conditions, manipulated in the study, is embedded adaptive arrangement based on learning style. Embedded adaptation mode accommodates learning preferences of students through the structure of learning content as an association between types of learning content and different learning styles is assumed. Learning style does not produce a significant difference in the performance achievements of students and there is no indication for an interaction effect between performance support system as a method of instruction and learning style. These results are explained by two theoretical positions introduced in the background of the study, namely coping behaviour and the distinction between level and style type of cognitive constructs

    Diagnóstico y Optimización del Sistema de Potabilización del Municipio de Jenesano-Boyacá.

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    El municipio de Jenesano carece de un documento base sobre el estado actual de su sistema de tratamiento de agua potable, cuando se desconoce lo que se tiene es difícil tomar decisiones adecuadas a la hora de invertir los recursos de manera coherente y articulada con las necesidades del sistema. El diagnóstico del sistema de potabilización de agua del municipio de Jenesano busca identificar sus componentes, su funcionamiento y operatividad con el objetivo de establecer las deficiencias operativas que me permitan formular alternativas de optimización del sistema, de tal manera que se mejore la calidad y continuidad en la prestación de los servicios públicos del municipio. Se llevó a cabo una primera etapa de diagnóstico de cada uno de los componentes del sistema de tratamiento de agua mediante entrevistas con las personas encargadas de la operación y mantenimiento permitiendo una visualización del funcionamiento y estado actual de las estructuras, se evaluó técnicamente y se plantearon las medidas de optimización.The Jenesano municipality doesn´t have a base document about water purification, for that reason it is difficult to make decisions about how to spend resources properly. The Diagnostic objective of the water purification system of Jenesano Boyacá is to identify components, functionality and operability in order to establish operative deficiencies that allow me to formulate optimization alternatives of the system, to improve the quality and continuity in the provision of public services of the Municipality. The first diagnostic stage was through interviews with people in charge of the operation and maintenance who allowed me to visualize the state and functioning of the structures in order to evaluate the optimization measures. The principal objective of this project is to prepare the technical and operational diagnostic of the Potabilization System of the Municipality of Jenesano-Boyacá

    Estrategias didácticas de incorporación curricular TIC para fomentar la transdiciplinariedad del programa de indagación del colegio English School

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    170 Páginas.Incorporar las TIC en el currículo es un proceso que debe integrar la correlación que existe entre la función pedagógica, tecnológica y administrativa de una institución escolar y su éxito dependerá de las percepciones, creencias y acciones que se generen en la comunidad académica. Este proyecto pretendió analizar los factores que intervienen en el diseño e implementación de un ambiente de aprendizaje conformado por docentes de primaria, que trabajaron en el diseño de estrategias didácticas de incorporación TIC para el fomento de la transdisciplinariedad en el marco curricular. De esta manera, se propendió desarrollar un objetivo estratégico del ámbito pedagógico del plan estratégico de tecnología existente en la institución . La población participante estuvo compuesta por seis docentes de la sección primaria del colegio The English School, en la cuidad de Bogotá.