12 research outputs found

    Eating habits of young people as the basis for new product development

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    Market-oriented companies that operate in a highly competitive environment pay particular attention to adjusting their offer to the needs and wants of the selected market segment. At the same time, these needs, wants, and expectations of the targeted segment change along with the changes in living conditions, life styles, and gained experiences. For these reasons, in order to survive, maintain and/or improve their market position in relation to competitors, companies continually strive to introduce to the market new, innovative, or at least modified products. Companies in the food industry are devoting more and more time and attention to studying the needs and desires of existing and potential consumers and involving them in the process of new product development. For the purposes of this paper eating habits of young people were explored. The study was conducted on a sample in the age group from 15 to 30 years. A quantitative survey on a sample of 200 participants aged from 15 to 26 was done by a questionnaire. Qualitative research was conducted in three focus groups with respondents aged between the ages of 18 and 30. Research results have indicated the existing habits of young people when using food products as well as their experience in the preparation and consumption of food. As a result of this research, new ideas and suggestions for development of food products were collected; this was also one of the goals of this study

    Adolescentsā€™ hope and optimism in relation to parental child-rearing styles

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u izraženosti nade i optimizma kod adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 401 učenik prvog do četvrtog razreda srednjih Å”kola. Primijenjeni su instrumenti koji mjere dječju nadu, optimizam i percipirani odgojni stil oba roditelja. Rezultati pokazuju kako nema značajnih razlika u izraženosti nade i optimizma među učenicima različite dobi i spola. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u izraženosti optimizma, ali ne i nade, adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil oba roditelja. Adolescenti autoritativnih majki optimističniji su u odnosu na adolescente koji svoje majke procjenjuju autoritarnima. U odnosu na vrÅ”njake koji svoje očeve procjenjuju autoritarnima, adolescenti permisivnih i autoritativnih očeva imaju viÅ”e pozitivnih očekivanja od osobne budućnosti.The aim of the study was to examine the differences in adolescentsā€™ level of hope and optimism according to their parentsā€™ child-rearing style. The sample included 401 secondary school students from the first to fourth grade. The scales that measure studentsā€™ hope, optimism and perception of parental child-rearing styles were used. The results showed that gender and age differences in studentsā€™ hope and optimism were not significant. Significant differences in the level of adolescentsā€™ optimism according to perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles were found, while the differences in the levels of hope were not significant. The adolescents of authoritative mothers were more optimistic than the adolescents who perceived their mothers to be authoritarian. The adolescents of permissive or authoritative fathers had more positive expectations for their personal future than their peers who perceived their fathers to be authoritarian

    Utjecaj oksidacijskog stresa na plodnost muŔkih rasplodnjaka

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    Jedan od glavnih čimbenika loÅ”e kvalitete sjemena, a time i reproduktivne funkcije muÅ”kih životinja, upravo je oksidacijski stres. To se stanje razvija bilo da se radi o povećanom stvaranju kisikovih i duÅ”ikovih reaktivnih spojeva (ROS/RNS) bilo smanjenoj mogućnosti antioksidacijske obrane zbog smanjene sinteze ili unosa antioksidacijskih spojeva kao Å”to su vitamin E, A, C, karotenoidi i selen. Membrana spermija sisavaca bogata je viÅ”estruko nezasićenim masnim kiselinama koje su osjetljive na peroksidaciju uzrokovanu reaktivnim kisikovim spojevima. ZaÅ”tita spermija od oksidacijskog stresa od najveće je važnosti. Spermiji i sjemena plazma sadržavaju enzime superoksid-dismutazu, glutaton-peroksidazu, katalazu, paraoksonazu 1, glutation, albumine i vitamine E i C. Sjemena plazma ima veću koncentraciju antioksidansa od drugih bioloÅ”kih tekućina te nadoknađuje manju razinu ovih molekula prisutnih u spermijima. Glavni izvor reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva jesu nezreli i mrtvi spermiji kao i leukociti koji kontaminiraju sjeme

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodiÅ”njoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonoloÅ”kim/morfoloÅ”kim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodiÅ”njoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonoloÅ”kim/morfoloÅ”kim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Report on mutation in exon 15 of the APC gene in a case of brain metastasis

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    The study analyzes exon 15 of the adenomatous polyposis coli gene (APC) in a 49-year-old male patient with brain metastasis. The primary site was lung carcinoma. PCR method and direct DNA sequencing of the metastasis and autologous lymphocyte samples identified the presence of a somatic mutation. The substitution was at position 5883 G-A in the metastasis tissue. The mutation was confirmed by RFLP analysis using Msp I endonuclease, since the mutation strikes the Msp I restriction site. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the lack of protein expression of this tumor suppressor gene. The main molecular activator of the wnt pathway, beta-catenin, was expressed, and located in the nucleus. The mutation is a silent mutation that might have consequences in the creation of a new splice site. Different single-base substitutions in APC exons need not only be evaluated by the predicted change in amino acid sequence, but rather at the nucleotide level itself. In our opinion, such silent mutations should also be incorporated in mutation detection rate and validation

    The Croatian web dictionary Mrežnik (A-F) 1.0

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    Croatian Web Dictionary ā€“ Mrežnik is a free, corpus-based, born-digital, monolingual, easily searchable, hypertext, normative online dictionary of the Croatian standard language. It consists of three modules: for adult native speakers of Croatian, schoolchildren, and non-native speakers of Croatian. It is the central meeting point of the existing language resources of the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, but also of the language resources created within the project. From 1st March 2017 to 31st August 2021 the work on Mrežnik has been financed by the Croatian Science Foundation