Adolescents’ hope and optimism in relation to parental child-rearing styles


Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati postoje li razlike u izraženosti nade i optimizma kod adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 401 učenik prvog do četvrtog razreda srednjih škola. Primijenjeni su instrumenti koji mjere dječju nadu, optimizam i percipirani odgojni stil oba roditelja. Rezultati pokazuju kako nema značajnih razlika u izraženosti nade i optimizma među učenicima različite dobi i spola. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u izraženosti optimizma, ali ne i nade, adolescenata s obzirom na odgojni stil oba roditelja. Adolescenti autoritativnih majki optimističniji su u odnosu na adolescente koji svoje majke procjenjuju autoritarnima. U odnosu na vršnjake koji svoje očeve procjenjuju autoritarnima, adolescenti permisivnih i autoritativnih očeva imaju više pozitivnih očekivanja od osobne budućnosti.The aim of the study was to examine the differences in adolescents’ level of hope and optimism according to their parents’ child-rearing style. The sample included 401 secondary school students from the first to fourth grade. The scales that measure students’ hope, optimism and perception of parental child-rearing styles were used. The results showed that gender and age differences in students’ hope and optimism were not significant. Significant differences in the level of adolescents’ optimism according to perceived maternal and paternal parenting styles were found, while the differences in the levels of hope were not significant. The adolescents of authoritative mothers were more optimistic than the adolescents who perceived their mothers to be authoritarian. The adolescents of permissive or authoritative fathers had more positive expectations for their personal future than their peers who perceived their fathers to be authoritarian

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