2,378 research outputs found

    Continuous-wave Raman laser pumped within a semiconductor disk laser cavity

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    A KGd(WO4)(2) Raman laser was pumped within the cavity of a cw diode-pumped InGaAs semiconductor disk laser (SDL). The Raman laser threshold was reached for 5: 6W of absorbed diode pump power, and output power up to 0.8W at 1143nm, with optical conversion efficiency of 7.5% with respect to the absorbed diode pump power, was demonstrated. Tuning the SDL resulted in tuning of the Raman laser output between 1133 and 1157nm

    1.6 W continuous-wave Raman laser using low-loss synthetic diamond

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    Low-birefringence (Δn<2x10−6), low-loss (absorption coefficient <0.006cm−1 at 1064nm), single-crystal, synthetic diamond has been exploited in a CW Raman laser. The diamond Raman laser was intracavity pumped within a Nd:YVO4 laser. At the Raman laser wavelength of 1240nm, CW output powers of 1.6W and a slope efficiency with respect to the absorbed diode-laser pump power (at 808nm) of ~18% were measured. In quasi-CW operation, maximum on-time output powers of 2.8W (slope efficiency ~24%) were observed, resulting in an absorbed diode-laser pump power to the Raman laser output power conversion efficiency of 13%

    Human Cortical Activity Evoked by the Assignment of Authenticity when Viewing Works of Art

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    The expertise of others is a major social influence on our everyday decisions and actions. Many viewers of art, whether expert or naïve, are convinced that the full esthetic appreciation of an artwork depends upon the assurance that the work is genuine rather than fake. Rembrandt portraits provide an interesting image set for testing this idea, as there is a large number of them and recent scholarship has determined that quite a few fakes and copies exist. Use of this image set allowed us to separate the brain’s response to images of genuine and fake pictures from the brain’s response to external advice about the authenticity of the paintings. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, viewing of artworks assigned as “copy,” rather than “authentic,” evoked stronger responses in frontopolar cortex (FPC), and right precuneus, regardless of whether the portrait was actually genuine. Advice about authenticity had no direct effect on the cortical visual areas responsive to the paintings, but there was a significant psycho-physiological interaction between the FPC and the lateral occipital area, which suggests that these visual areas may be modulated by FPC. We propose that the activation of brain networks rather than a single cortical area in this paradigm supports the art scholars’ view that esthetic judgments are multi-faceted and multi-dimensional in nature

    Inter-identity amnesia for neutral episodic self-referential and autobiographical memory in Dissociative Identity Disorder:An assessment of recall and recognition

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    Amnesia is a core diagnostic criterion for Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), however previous research has indicated memory transfer. As DID has been conceptualised as being a disorder of distinct identities, in this experiment, behavioral tasks were used to assess the nature of amnesia for episodic 1) self-referential and 2) autobiographical memories across identities. Nineteen DID participants, 16 DID simulators, 21 partial information, and 20 full information comparison participants from the general population were recruited. In the first study, participants were presented with two vignettes (DID and simulator participants received one in each of two identities) and asked to imagine themselves in the situations outlined. The second study used a similar methodology but with tasks assessing autobiographical experience. Subjectively, all DID participants reported amnesia for events that occurred in the other identity. On free recall and recognition tasks they presented a memory profile of amnesia similar to simulators instructed to feign amnesia and partial information comparisons. Yet, on tests of recognition, DID participants recognized significantly more of the event that occurred in another identity than simulator and partial information comparisons. As such, results indicate that the DID performance profile was not accounted for by true or feigned amnesia, lending support to the idea that reported amnesia may be more of a perceived than actual memory impairment

    Wavelength and polarisation dependence of pump-induced loss in Ti:sapphire

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    We use pump beam wavelength and polarisation to demonstrate that the phenomenon of pump-induced loss in Ti:sapphire is linked to simultaneous excitation of two separate absorption bands: the Ti3+ pump band and the parasitic 400 nm residual absorption. We find that the degree of pump-induced loss is linked to the relative absorption strengths of the residual absorption band and the Ti3+ pump band at the wavelength(s) of excitation

    A low-cost approach to diode-pumped Ti:sapphire lasers with Watt-level output

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    We report a continuous-wave Ti:sapphire laser with an output power of 1.03 W, achieved with two low-cost single-emitter diode pumps, both of blue wavelength (448 and 468 nm). Using a novel strategy of combining blue-wavelength pumping with a long, low-doping Ti:sapphire crystal, we maximise the available pump power while minimising deleterious effects associated with blue pump wavelengths, demonstrating Watt-level output powers

    Wavelength and polarisation dependence of dynamic pump-induced loss in titanium:sapphire

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    We use the wavelength and polarisation-dependent power response of Ti:Sapphire resonators to demonstrate that the phenomenon of pump-induced loss in Ti:Sapphire is the product of two separate electronic excitations that interact

    Red Galaxy Growth and the Halo Occupation Distribution

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    We have traced the past 7 Gyr of red galaxy stellar mass growth within dark matter halos. We have determined the halo occupation distribution, which describes how galaxies reside within dark matter halos, using the observed luminosity function and clustering of 40,696 0.2<z<1.0 red galaxies in Bootes. Half of 10^{11.9} Msun/h halos host a red central galaxy, and this fraction increases with increasing halo mass. We do not observe any evolution of the relationship between red galaxy stellar mass and host halo mass, although we expect both galaxy stellar masses and halo masses to evolve over cosmic time. We find that the stellar mass contained within the red population has doubled since z=1, with the stellar mass within red satellite galaxies tripling over this redshift range. In cluster mass halos most of the stellar mass resides within satellite galaxies and the intra-cluster light, with a minority of the stellar mass residing within central galaxies. The stellar masses of the most luminous red central galaxies are proportional to halo mass to the power of a third. We thus conclude that halo mergers do not always lead to rapid growth of central galaxies. While very massive halos often double in mass over the past 7 Gyr, the stellar masses of their central galaxies typically grow by only 30%.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 34 pages, 22 Figures, 5 Table

    miR-1-5p targets TGF-βR1 and is suppressed in the hypertrophying hearts of rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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    The microRNA miR-1 is an important regulator of muscle phenotype including cardiac muscle. Down-regulation of miR-1 has been shown to occur in left ventricular hypertrophy but its contribution to right ventricular hypertrophy in pulmonary arterial hypertension are not known. Previous studies have suggested that miR-1 may suppress transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) signalling, an important pro-hypertrophic pathway but only indirect mechanisms of regulation have been identified. We identified the TGF-β type 1 receptor (TGF-βR1) as a putative miR-1 target. We therefore hypothesized that miR-1 and TGF-βR1 expression would be inversely correlated in hypertrophying right ventricle of rats with pulmonary arterial hypertension and that miR-1 would inhibit TGF-β signalling by targeting TGF-βR1 expression. Quantification of miR-1 and TGF-βR1 in rats treated with monocrotaline to induce pulmonary arterial hypertension showed appropriate changes in miR-1 and TGF-βR1 expression in the hypertrophying right ventricle. A miR-1-mimic reduced enhanced green fluorescent protein expression from a reporter vector containing the TGF-βR1 3'- untranslated region and knocked down endogenous TGF-βR1. Lastly, miR-1 reduced TGF-β activation of a (mothers against decapentaplegic homolog) SMAD2/3-dependent reporter. Taken together, these data suggest that miR-1 targets TGF-βR1 and reduces TGF-β signalling, so a reduction in miR-1 expression may increase TGF-β signalling and contribute to cardiac hypertrophy