230 research outputs found

    The C-terminus of PufX plays a key role in dimerisation and assembly of the reaction center light-harvesting 1 complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides.

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    In bacterial photosynthesis reaction center-light-harvesting 1 (RC-LH1) complexes trap absorbed solar energy by generating a charge separated state. Subsequent electron and proton transfers form a quinol, destined to diffuse to the cytochrome bc1 complex. In bacteria such as Rhodobacter (Rba.) sphaeroides and Rba. capsulatus the PufX polypeptide creates a channel for quinone/quinol traffic across the LH1 complex that surrounds the RC, and it is therefore essential for photosynthetic growth. PufX also plays a key role in dimerization of the RC-LH1-PufX core complex, and the structure of the Rba. sphaeroides complex shows that the PufX C-terminus, particularly the region from ×49-×53, likely mediates association of core monomers. To investigate this putative interaction we analysed mutations PufX R49L, PufX R53L, PufX R49/53L and PufX G52L by measuring photosynthetic growth, fractionation of detergent-solubilised membranes, formation of 2-D crystals and electron microscopy. We show that these mutations do not affect assembly of PufX within the core or photosynthetic growth but they do prevent dimerization, consistent with predictions from the RC-LH1-PufX structure. We obtained low resolution structures of monomeric core complexes with and without PufX, using electron microscopy of negatively stained single particles and 3D reconstruction; the monomeric complex with PufX corresponds to one half of the dimer structure whereas LH1 completely encloses the RC if the gene encoding PufX is deleted. On the basis of the insights gained from these mutagenesis and structural analyses we propose a sequence for assembly of the dimeric RC-LH1-PufX complex

    Silicon mirror suspensions for gravitational wave detectors

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    One of the most significant limits to the sensitivity of current, and future, long-baseline interferometric gravitational wave detectors is thermal displacement noise of the test masses and their suspensions. This paper reports results of analytical and experimental studies of the limits to thermal noise performance of cryogenic silicon test mass suspensions set by two constraints on suspension fibre dimensions: the minimum dimensions required to allow conductive cooling for extracting incident laser beam heat deposited in the mirrors; and the minimum dimensions of fibres (set by their tensile strength) which can support test masses of the size envisaged for use in future detectors. We report experimental studies of breaking strength of silicon ribbons, and resulting design implications for the feasibility of suspension designs for future gravitational wave detectors using silicon suspension fibres. We analyse the implication of this study for thermal noise performance of cryogenically cooled silicon suspensions

    Correlations between the mechanical loss and atomic structure of amorphous TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings

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    <p>Highly reflective dielectric mirror coatings are critical components in a range of precision optics applications including frequency combs, optical atomic clocks, precision interferometry and ring laser gyroscopes. A key limitation to the performance in these applications is thermal noise, arising from the mechanical loss of the coatings. The origins of the mechanical loss from these coatings is not well understood.</p> <p>Recent work suggests that the mechanical loss of amorphous Ta2O5 coatings can drop by as much as 40% when it is doped with TiO2. We use a combination of electron diffraction data and atomic modelling using molecular dynamics to probe the atomic structure of these coatings, and examine the correlations between changes in the atomic structure and changes in the mechanical loss of these coatings. Our results show the first correlation between changes in the mechanical loss and experimentally measured changes in the atomic structure resulting from variations in the level of TiO2 doping in TiO2-doped Ta2O5 coatings, in that increased homogeneity at the nearest-neighbour level appears to correlate with reduced mechanical loss. It is demonstrated that subtle but measurable changes in the nearest-neighbour homogeneity in an amorphous material can correlate with significant changes in macroscopic properties.</p&gt

    Lowest observed surface and weld losses in fused silica fibres for gravitational wave detectors

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    High purity fused silica has become the cornerstone choice for use in the final monolithic stage of the mirror suspensions in the gravitational wave observatories Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) and Advanced Virgo (AdV). The ultra-low thermal noise contributed by these suspensions is one of the key improvements that permitted the Nobel prize winning first direct measurement of gravitational waves in 2015. This paper outlines the first in situ study undertaken to analyse the thermal noise of the final monolithic stage of the aLIGO Hanford detector mirror suspensions. We analysed short operational periods of this detector, when high excitation of the transverse 'violin' modes of the silica suspension fibres occurred. This allowed detailed measurements of the Q-factor of violin modes up to order 8 of individual fibres on separate masses. We demonstrate the highest silica fibre violin mode Q-factors yet measured of up to 2 × 109. From finite element modelling, the dominant surface and weld losses have been calculated to be a factor of 3 to 4 better than previously accepted, and as a result, we demonstrate that the level of noise in the aLIGO final stage silica suspensions is around 30%–40% better than previously estimated between frequencies of 10–500 Hz. This leads to an increase in the estimated event rate by a factor of 2 for aLIGO, if suspension thermal noise became the main limitation to the sensitivity of the detector

    Genetic susceptibility loci for cardiovascular disease and their impact on atherosclerotic plaques

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    Background: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in part caused by lipid uptake in the vascular wall, but the exact underlying mechanisms leading to acute myocardial infarction and stroke remain poorly understood. Large consortia identified genetic susceptibility loci that associate with large artery ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease. However, deciphering their underlying mechanisms are challenging. Histological studies identified destabilizing characteristics in human atherosclerotic plaques that associate with clinical outcome. To what extent established susceptibility loci for large artery ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease relate to plaque characteristics is thus far unknown but may point to novel mechanisms. Methods: We studied the associations of 61 established cardiovascular risk loci with 7 histological plaque characteristics assessed in 1443 carotid plaque specimens from the Athero-Express Biobank Study. We also assessed if the genotyped cardiovascular risk loci impact the tissue-specific gene expression in 2 independent biobanks, Biobank of Karolinska Endarterectomy and Stockholm Atherosclerosis Gene Expression. Results: A total of 21 established risk variants (out of 61) nominally associated to a plaque characteristic. One variant (rs12539895, risk allele A) at 7q22 associated to a reduction of intraplaque fat, P=5.09×10−6 after correction for multiple testing. We further characterized this 7q22 Locus and show tissue-specific effects of rs12539895 on HBP1 expression in plaques and COG5 expression in whole blood and provide data from public resources showing an association with decreased LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein) in the blood. Conclusions: Our study supports the view that cardiovascular susceptibility loci may exert their effect by influencing the atherosclerotic plaque characteristics

    Non-stoichiometric silicon nitride for future gravitational wave detectors

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    Silicon nitride thin films were deposited at room temperature employing a custom ion beam deposition (IBD) system. The stoichiometry of these films was tuned by controlling the nitrogen gas flow through the ion source and a process gas ring. A correlation is established between the process parameters, such as ion beam voltage and ion current, and the optical and mechanical properties of the films based on post-deposition heat treatment. The results show that with increasing heat treatment temperature, the mechanical loss of these materials as well as their optical absorption decreases producing films with an extinction coefficient as low as k = 6.2(±0.5) × 10−7 at 1064 nm for samples annealed at 900°C. This presents the lowest value for IBD SiNx within the context of gravitational wave detector applications. The mechanical loss of the films was measured to be Φ = 2.1(±0.6) × 10−4 once annealed post deposition to 900°C

    Non-stoichiometric silicon nitride for future gravitational wave detectors

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    Silicon nitride thin films were deposited at room temperature employing a custom ion beam deposition (IBD) system. The stoichiometry of these films was tuned by controlling the nitrogen gas flow through the ion source and a process gas ring. A correlation is established between the process parameters, such as ion beam voltage and ion current, and the optical and mechanical properties of the films based on post-deposition heat treatment. The results show that with increasing heat treatment temperature, the mechanical loss of these materials as well as their optical absorption decreases producing films with an extinction coefficient as low as k=6.2(±0.5)×10−7 at 1064 nm for samples annealed at 900 ∘C. This presents the lowest value for IBD SiN x within the context of gravitational wave detector applications. The mechanical loss of the films was measured to be ϕ=2.1(±0.6)×10−4 once annealed post deposition to 900 ∘C

    Effect of elevated substrate temperature deposition on the mechanical losses in tantala thin film coatings

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    Brownian thermal noise in dielectric multilayer coatings limits the sensitivity of current and future interferometric gravitational wave detectors. In this work we explore the possibility of improving the mechanical losses of tantala, often used as the high refractive index material, by depositing it on a substrate held at elevated temperature. Promising results have been previously obtained with this technique when applied to amorphous silicon. We show that depositing tantala on a hot substrate reduced the mechanical losses of the as-deposited coating, but subsequent thermal treatments had a larger impact, as they reduced the losses to levels previously reported in the literature. We also show that the reduction in mechanical loss correlates with increased medium range order in the atomic structure of the coatings using x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Finally, a discussion is included on our results, which shows that the elevated temperature deposition of pure tantala coatings does not appear to reduce mechanical loss in a similar way to that reported in the literature for amorphous silicon; and we suggest possible future research directions
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