4,308 research outputs found

    Findings for the Cleveland Achieve Model: Implementation and Early Impacts of an Employer-Based Approach to Encourage Employment Retention Among Low-Wage Workers

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    An on-site retention program at long-term nursing care facilities had little effect overall on retention of low-wage employees, aside from a small increase in retention in the short term and among subgroups with particularly high turnover rates

    The experience of adults with multimorbidity: a qualitative study

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    Background: Findings from several countries indicate that the prevalence of multimorbidity is very high among clients of primary healthcare. A deeper understanding of patients’ experiences from their own perspective can greatly enrich any intervention to help them live as well as possible with multimorbidity. Objective: To describe the fundamental structure of adults’ experience with multimorbidity. Design: A phenomenological study was undertaken to describe the experiences of 11 adults with multimorbidity. These adults participated in two semi-structured interviews, the content of which was rigorously analyzed. Results: At the core of the study participants’ multimorbidity experience are the impression of aging prematurely, difficulties with self-care management, and issues with access to the healthcare system, which contribute to the problem’s complexity. Despite these issues, participants with multimorbidity report attempting to take control of their situation and adjusting to daily living. Conclusions: The description of this experience, through the systemic vision of participants, provides a better understanding of the realities experienced by people with multimorbidity.Journal of Comorbidity 2014;4(1):11–2

    Tea Dance

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    I LOOKED at myself in the mirror. Today, Susie, you are going to be beautiful/\u27 It was really a rather doubtful hope. A round, baby-fat face stared back. Silver clippies held curls away from my face, and when I smiled I could blind somebody if the sun hit my braces right. But I had decided. Today I was going to be beautiful..

    The Bodwell Granite Company Store and the Community of Vinalhaven, Maine, 1859-1919

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    From the late 1850s to the late 1910s, Bodwelll Granite Company on Vinalhaven Island operated a Company Store from which employees could purchase a wide variety of consumer goods. In the early decades of its existence, the Company Store was generally popular with the company’s employees and the island community. Because of certain competitive advantages, and because the company was guaranteed a proïŹt through federal contracts, the company store often had lower prices than its competitors. But by the late nineteenth century, the store’s prices were often higher than its competitors and the store became part of the growing rift between granite workers and the Bodwell Granite Company. The Company Store’s sixty-one-year history has been well preserved thanks to the Candage Collection, housed at the Vinalhaven Historical Society. This collection is a signiïŹcant group of corporate documents associated with the Company Store for one of New England’s largest granite mining companies. It includes ledgers and account books, inventory and order books, correspondence, shipping documents, bills of lading, and thousands of redeemed trade tickets. The author is a Professor of Business Administration at New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire. A 2008 exhibit at the Vinalhaven Historical Society was based on her research on the Bodwell Granite Company Store and was made possible with ïŹnancial support from the Maine Humanities Council, the Vinalhaven Historical Society, and the Gilmore Fund

    Gender Differences in Career Satisfaction Among Postsecondary Faculty in STEM Disciplines

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    While years of effort to attract more women into higher education careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (collectively known as STEM disciplines) has shown some success, retaining women faculty once they are hired has been much less successful. Their retention is essential in order to maintain diversity among faculty. Understanding the complex factors affecting faculty career satisfaction and, ultimately, their retention at a particular institution and in higher education is needed to guide policies and practices as academic instituions strive to retain highly qualified professors and maintain diversity at all ranks. This study explored salient factors related to faculty career satisfaction in STEM disciplines.Data from 2000 STEM faculty at research and doctoral-granting universities were analyzed using path analysis. The results indicated that the factors with the greatest effects on career satisfaction were salary satisfaction (not actual salary) and workload satisfaction. Overall satisfaction with various aspects on one\u27s nature of work and job equity led to greater overall career satisfaction. Women were less likely than men to be satisfied with the workload or to agree that women are treated fairly, and parents were less likely than non-parents to be satisfied with their workload or with their salary. Additionally, faculty who took more flexible career paths (i.e., allowing for later entry into academe or interruptions for family caretaking) were indirectly more satisfied with their careers than faculty who followed a tradiational career trajectory. The implications from these results support the notion that for women, especially women with children, who struggle to balance work and family, the ability to pursue a flexible career path leads to greater career satisfaction, and ultimately greater retention of women faculty in higher ranks

    Le pouvoir des mots

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, la scĂšne hip-hop du QuĂ©bec s’affirme et prend son envol. Un des jeunes rappeurs marquants de ce nouveau courant est Samuel Tremblay, mieux connu sous son nom d’artiste Samian, soit son prĂ©nom en langue algonquine. Samian est originaire de Pikogan, une petite communautĂ© autochtone de l’Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue. Pour son deuxiĂšme disque intitulĂ© Face Ă  la musique, le rappeur a remportĂ© le FĂ©lix du meilleur album hip-hop de l’annĂ©e 2011. De cet album, nous retenons la piĂšce Les mots, une oeuvre dans laquelle Samian met en relief l’importance de la libertĂ© d’expression et pour laquelle un vidĂ©oclip, en noir et blanc, ajoute une autre dimension Ă  la puissance de l’écriture comme outil de survie personnelle

    The Moral Warrior: Ethics and Service in the U.S. Military

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