7 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Primer RAPD Dan ISSR Dalam Identifikasi Hubungan Kekerabatan Genetik Jeruk Siam (Citrus Suhuniensis L. Tan) Indonesia

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    . Agisimanto, D., C. Martasari, and A. Supriyanto. 2007. Differentiation Between RAPD and ISSR Primer on Genetic Diversity Identification of Siam (Citrus suhuniensis L. Tan) from Indonesia. siam was widely cultivated in several citrus growing areas with some local names. Their high adaptability to difference areas, create difficulties in deciding their original varieties. The objective of the research was to compare RAPD and ISSR primer on the genetics similarities identification among siam cultivars. DNA samples from 19 varieties were isolated and amplified by 5 RAPD and ISSR primers. Amplification products of RAPD were separated in agarose gel, while ISSR in PAGE. The DNA fragments from both primers were scored and dendogram were built based on UPGMA of NTSYS-PC version 2.10. About 2605 DNA fragments and 240 loci were scored from ISSR primers, while RAPD were 515 and 38 respectively. A total number of polymorphism loci of ISSRs were 90.08% higher than RAPDs. About 16 specific loci were identified from siam Banyuwangi 1, siam Purworejo 1, siam Madu, and siam Banjar 2 by ISSR primers, and 6 specific loci from siam Lumajang 1 and siam Banjar 3 by RAPD primers. Two dendogram were established from the primers. Coeficient similarity of siam cultivars revealed by ISSR was lower, ranging from 74 to 92%, than RAPD (84-100%). Future activities should be focused on diversity studies of siam by using primer based on microsatellite sequences which are link to specific characters

    Variasi Genetik Jeruk Keprok SoE (Citrus Reticulata Blanco) Hasil Radiasi Sinar Gamma Menggunakan Penanda ISSR

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    Genetic Variation of Keprok SoE Mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) Resulted from Gamma Iradiation Based on ISSR Markers. SoE mandarin is one of the best mandarin from Indonesia which has been chosen as one of mandarin for import substitution. The citrus quality could be improved through breeding program, one of this program was mutation breeding using gamma rays irradiation. The research was aimed to obtain information of SoE mandarin genetic variation derived from gamma rays irradiation using ISSR marker. The research was conducted at Breeding and Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Research Institute (ICISFRI) from May to September 2008. Five ISSR primers were used to amplify DNA samples. Matrix data was counted and dendrogram of samples was established using UPGMA and SAHN methods. The resulst showed that 3 of the primers indicated polymorphism. About 22 locus were amplified from 3 primers, 9 (40.9%) locus showed polymorphism. The genetic similarity of SoE mandarin derived from gamma rays irradiation were 73-100%

    Effects of Sugar Type and Concentration on Batu 55 Mandarin (Citrus Reticulata Blanco.) Somatic Embryo Maturation

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    When obtaining plantlets, embryo maturation and simultaneous germination are important steps in plant micropropagation via somatic embryogenesis. Several studies have shown that the use of carbohydrates as a carbon source plays a significant role in inducing somatic embryo development in certain plant species. This study aimed to establish a somatic embryo maturation protocol for Batu 55 Mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco.) by examining the effect of various types of sugar and concentrations. The results showed that the type and concentration of sugar added to the medium affect the somatic embryo maturation of Batu 55 Mandarin. Galactose and maltose enhance somatic embryo maturation more effectively than does sorbitol. The combination of galactose or maltose with sorbitol was able to improve somatic embryo maturation more effectively than galactose or maltose alone. The combination of galactose and sorbitol enhanced the maturation of somatic embryos more effectively than did change the concentrations of maltose or sorbitol. It can be concluded that sugar type and concentration had effects on citrus somatic embryo development. The combination of sorbitol (36.5 mM) with galactose 73 mM was able to augment citrus somatic embryo maturation more effectively than the other concentrations applied

    Pengaruh Sukrosa dan Fotoperiode terhadap Embriogenesis Somatik Jeruk Keprok Batu 55 (Citrus reticulata Blanco.)

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    ABSTRACTThis  study  aimed  at  determining  the  effect  of  sucrose  and  photoperiod treatment  on  the  growth  and development of  somatic embryos   in citrus Keprok Batu 55.  Citrus somatic embryos were induced from  nusell us explants cultured on  MT  (Murashige and Tucker)  medium +  146 mM  sucrose  +  500 mg  L- 1malt extract. After 3 times subcultures, somatic embryos were cultured on medium with several concentrations of sucrose (146, 171, 196,  and  246 mM) or treated with different  photoperiod  (8, 12,   and 16 hours). Treated somatic embryos  were regenerated  into plantlets.  The research  results showed  that   the addition of sucrose on medium   did not affect on fresh weight  of  somatic  embryo  at  2  weeks  of  culture  but  decreased  the fresh weight  of  somatic  embryos  at 4 weeks of culture. The higher the sucrose added to the medium, the more  embryo somatic fresh weight decrease.Induction  and  growth  of  s omatic  embryo  was  also  influenced by culture  conditions.   Fresh  weight  of  somatic embryos  was  cultured with photoperiod  12  hours  day- 1for  2  and  4  weeks  higher  than  the fotoperiode 8  hours  day- 1.  However,  the  fresh  weight  of  somatic embryos  decreased  if  photoperiod  was  increased  to 16 hours day- 1. Induced somat ic embryos on medium containing high sucrose ( 246 mM) produced more plantlets with higher size than those with low sucrose.  Somatic embryos cultured with photoperiod 12 hours day-1produced more plantlets than those of   photoperiod  8 and 16 hours day-1. Nevertheless, the somatic embryos were cultured with  photoperiod  16  hours  day-1produced  plantlets with  higher  sizes  than  photoperiod  8  and 12 hours day- 1.Keywords: medium, Murashige and Tucker, nuselus, plantletABSTRAKPenelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  pengaruh  perlakuan  sukrosa  dan fotoperiode  terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan embrio somatik jeruk Keprok Batu 55.  Embrio somatik diinduksi dari eksplan nuselus yang dikultur pada medium MT (Murashige dan Tucker) + sukrosa 146 mM  + ekstrak malt 500 mg  L-1. Setelah  3  kali  subkultur,  embrio  somatik  dikultur  pada media  MT  dengan  penambahan  beberapa  konsentrasi sukrosa  (146,  171, 196,  dan  246  mM)  atau  diperlakukan  dengan  fotoperiode  yang  berbeda (8,  12,  dan 16  jam  hari- 1).  Embrio  somatik  hasil  perlakuan  selanjutnya diregenerasikan  menjadi  planlet.  Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan penambahan sukrosa pada medium tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot basah embrio somatik pada umur  kultur 2  minggu  tetapi  menurunkan bobot basah  embrio somatik pada  umur  kultur  4  minggu.  Semakin tinggi  sukrosa  yang  ditambahkan dalam  medium ,   penurunan  bobot  basah  embrio  somatik  juga semakin meningkat. Induksi dan pertumbuhan embrio somatik juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi kultur. Bobot basah embrio somatik yang dikulturkan selama 2  dan 4 minggu dengan fotoperiode 12 jam  hari- 1lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan fotoperiode 8 jam  hari-1. Namun demikian apabila fotoperio de ditingkatkan menjadi 16 jam  hari- 1, bobot basah embrio somatik mengalami penurunan. Embrio somatik yang diinduksi pada medium yang mengandung sukrosa  tinggi (246  mM)  mampu  beregenerasi  menjadi  planlet  lebih  banyak  dan berukuran  lebih  tinggi dibandingkan  dengan  sukrosa  rendah.  Embrio somatik  yang  dikultur  dibawah  fotoperiode  12  jam  hari- 1menghasilkan planlet  lebih  bany ak  dibandingkan  fotoperiode  8  dan  12  jam  hari-1. Namun  demikian,  embrio somatik yang dikultur dengan fotoperiode 16 jam hari- 1mampu menghasilkan planlet yang berukuran lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan fotoperiode 8 dan 12 jam hari-1.Kata kunci: medium, Murashige dan Tucker, nuselus,   planle

    Pendekatan Fenetik Taksonomi dalam Identifikasi Kekerabatan Spesies Anthurium

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    . Identifikasi kekerabatan Anthurium koleksi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropikadilakukan menggunakan pendekatan fenetik. Hasil identifikasi kekerabatan ini akan sangat bermanfaat dalam kegiatanpemuliaan Anthurium untuk menghasilkan varietas baru. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah parameter morfologi,organ vegetatif, organ reproduksi, dan polen. Penentuan hubungan kekerabatan Anthurium dilakukan mengikutipetunjuk Sokal dan Michener (1958). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pemuliaan Balai Penelitian TanamanJeruk dan Buah Subtropika, Tlekung Batu dan Laboratorium Biologi Universitas Negeri Malang dari bulan Juni2005 hingga Januari 2006. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh ciri-ciri umum dan khusus dari masing-masing spesiesAnthurium yang selanjutnya ciri-ciri tersebut dianalisis dan disusun dalam bentuk matriks jumlah pasangan satuantaxonomi operasional (STO). Fenogram dibentuk dari perhitungan koefisien asosiasi matriks. Berdasarkan fenogramdiperoleh 5 kelompok kekerabatan berturut-turut dari yang terdekat sampai yang terjauh. Spesies yang tergabungdalam kelompok pertama (A. ferriense dan A.macrolobim) dan kedua (A. amnicola Dressler. dan A. andraeanumLinden) termasuk berkerabat dekat di mana indeks kesamaannya masing-masing 65 dan 57,1%. Kelompok 3 (A.halmoreii Croat. dan A. jenmanii Engl.), dan kelompok 4 (A. crystallinum Linden & Andre dan A. andicola Liebm.)merupakan pasangan-pasangan yang berkerabat jauh, yaitu dengan indeks kesamaan 53,7 dan 47,8%. Kelompokkelima (A. superbum Madison dan A. correa Croat) merupakan pasangan yang berkerabat paling jauh dengan indekskesamaan 32,8%. Indeks kesamaan antara kelompok 1 dan kelompok 2 sebesar 29%, kelompok 3 dan kelompok 4sebesar 26%, dan indeks kesamaan kelompok 5 terhadap keempat lainnya adalah sebesar 25,3%