361 research outputs found

    La experiencia internacional en los planes hidrológicos nacionales

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    Hydrologic Planning has become a nned either b water quality ir quantity problems in many countries. Nonetheless, this planing responds to different schemes that meet different social, institutional, economic and environmental realities of resource related countries. This article analyzes five national or state water plans belonging to Spain, Portugal, Mexico, California and South Australia. In general, the state plab is understood as the greatest exponent of the hydrologic planning, which integrally involves all aspects related to the management of water resources. Its importance and significance are evident. By the time of releasing this article, the Spanish Hydrologic National Plan has been abolished and replaced by a new one, although its aprroval as a law is still pending.water planning economic

    The earliest evidence of true lambdoid craniosynostosis: the case of “Benjamina”, a Homo heidelbergensis child

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    Background The authors report the morphological and neuroimaging findings of an immature human fossil (Cranium 14) diagnosed with left lambdoid synostosis. Discussion The skull was recovered at the Sima de los Huesos site in Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). Since the human fossil remains from this site have been dated to a minimum age of 530,000 years, this skull represents the earliest evidence of craniosynostosis occurring in a hominid. A brief historical review of craniosynostosis and cranial deformation is provided

    Alteration of Ventricular Fibrillation by Flecainide, Verapamil, and Sotalol

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    Background—The purpose of this study was to determine whether the myocardial electrophysiological properties are useful for predicting changes in the ventricular fibrillatory pattern. Methods and Results—Thirty-two Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts were used to record ventricular fibrillatory activity with an epicardial multiple electrode. Under control conditions and after flecainide, verapamil, or d,l-sotalol, the dominant frequency (FrD), type of activation maps, conduction velocity, functional refractory period, and wavelength (WL) of excitation were determined during ventricular fibrillation (VF). Flecainide (1.9±0.3 versus 2.4±0.6 cm, P<0.05) and sotalol (2.1±0.3 versus 2.5±0.5 cm, P<0.05) prolonged WL and diminished FrD during VF, whereas verapamil (2.0±0.2 versus 1.7±0.2 cm, P<0.001) shortened WL and increased FrD. Simple linear regression revealed an inverse relation between FrD and the functional refractory period (r=0.66, P<0.0001), a direct relation with respect to conduction velocity (r=0.33, P<0.01), and an inverse relation with respect to WL estimated during VF (r=0.49, P<0.0001). By stepwise multiple regression, the functional refractory periods were the only predictors of FrD. Flecainide and sotalol increased the circuit size of the reentrant activations, whereas verapamil decreased it. The 3 drugs significantly reduced the percentages of more complex activation maps during VF. Conclusions—The activation frequency is inversely related to WL during VF, although a closer relation is observed with the functional refractory period. Despite the diverging effects of verapamil versus flecainide and sotalol on the activation frequency, WL, and size of the reentrant circuits, all 3 drugs reduce activation pattern complexity during VF.Chorro Gasco, Francisco Javier, [email protected] ; Guerrero Martinez, Juan Francisco, [email protected] ; Sanchis Fores, Juan, [email protected] ; Such Belenguer, Luis, [email protected]

    Estado del Bienestar, ecología y desarrollo sostenible : 40 años de Economía ambiental = Welfare State, ecology and sustainable development : 40 yearsof Environmental Economics

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    Since 1970 when “The limits to Growth” were published by Roma Club a tran-disciplinary field of academic research has been gestating, being its goal to give answers to one of the first objectives that are on the table of all institutions around the world, –the sustainable development–. Today it’s impossible to increase or even to reach a certain level of welfare without including sustainable concept and environment factor as a main element in any grow process. Environment, from the point of view of economics, has experimented a great development particularly from the field called Environmental Economics. Nowadays the subjects in which this sub discipline is based are basically focused on three elements, Asses and to give a value to the environment, to propose a new National Accountability System that to take into account the effects on the environment that the economic activity has and to look for ways for economies to growth sustainably. This article analyzes from the beginning the relationships had existed between the Economy and the environment and shows the challenges and the main environmental problems from an economic perspective.Desde la publicación del informe “Los límites al crecimiento” en 1970 por el Club de Roma se ha ido gestando todo un desarrollo multidisciplinar que intenta dar respuesta a uno de los principales objetivos que están sobre la mesa de todos los gobiernos e instituciones del mundo, el crecimiento sostenible. Hoy, es impensable perseguir aumentar o –en su caso–, alcanzar, ciertos niveles de bienestar, sin incluir el concepto de sostenibilidad y el factor ambiental como uno de los ejes fundamentales en cualquier proceso de crecimiento. El desarrollo que se ha producido en el ambientalismo y en los modelos económicos que estudian el bienestar, ha cristalizado en una serie de ideas que han servido de base al desarrollo de la Economía ambiental en sentido amplio. Hoy los temas sobre los que se estructura esta subdisciplina de la Economía se centran básicamente en la idea de medir y dar un valor al medio ambiente, en proponer sistemas de contabilidad nacional alternativos que tengan presente el factor ambiental y el efecto que tiene la actividad económica sobre le medio ambiente y en buscar caminos que permitan a las economías prosperar en términos de sostenibilidad. El presente artículo recoge precisamente desde sus orígenes, la relación que ha existido entre la economía y el medio ambiente y pone sobre la mesa cuáles son los retos y los principales problemas en materia ambiental desde una perspectiva económica y sobre los que todavía hay mucho que decir

    La experiencia internacional en los planes hidrológicos nacionales

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      En muchos países ha surgido la necesidad de la planificación hidrológica tanto por problemas de cantidad como por los de calidad del agua. No obstante, esta planificación responde a distintos esquemas que se ajustan a las diferentes realidades sociales, institucionales, económicas y ambientales de los países en relación al recurso. El artículo analiza cinco planes hídricos nacionales o estatales. Son los de España, Portugal, México, California y Australia del Sur. En general, se entiende el plan estatal como el máximo exponente de la planificación hidrológica y éste abarca de forma integral todos los aspectos relacionados con la gestión de los recursos hídricos. Su importancia y trascendencia es evidente. En el momento de la publicación de este artículo el Plan Hidrológico Nacional español ha sufrido una derogación y ha sido sustituido por uno nuevo, aunque está pendiente su aprobación como ley

    Genetic structure in the paternal lineages of South East Spain revealed by the analysis of 17 Y-STRs

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    Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-41580-9.The content of this article is part of the Ph.D. thesis of María Saiz which was conducted at the University of Granada under the doctoral programme “Biomedicine”. The authors thank all of the participants who donated buccal swabs and all those who helped in the sample collection—namely, María Luisa Aceituno Villalva, Leticia Olga Rubio Lamia, and Verónica Delgado López. In addition, the authors want to thank Xiomara Gálvez for the technical assistance in the laboratory.The genetic data of 17 Y chromosome short tandem repeats in 146 unrelated donor residents in the provinces of Granada, Málaga, and Almería (GMA) were analyzed to determine the genetic legacy of the male inhabitants of the former Kingdom of Granada. A total of 139 unique haplotypes were identified. Observed allele frequencies and haplogroup frequencies were also analyzed. By AMOVA and STRUCTURE analysis, the populations of the 3 provinces could be treated genetically as a single population. The most frequent haplogroup was R1b1b2 (58.22%). By network analysis of all individuals, we observed a distribution according to haplogroup assignment. To improve the characterization of GMA population, it was compared with those of North Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, and southern Europe. In our analysis of allele frequencies and genetic distances, the GMA population lay within the Spanish population group. Further, in the STRUCTURE analysis, there was no African component in the GMA population, confirming that, based on our genetic markers, the GMA population does not reflect any male genetic influence of the North African people. The presence of African haplogroups in the GMA population is irrelevant when their frequency is compared with those in other European populations

    Remote monitoring and automatic analysis of phonocardiographic signals in climbing of high mountains

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    The climbing of high mountains, like the Himalayas, comes accompanied, as result of the deficit of oxygen, of certain changes of the hemodynamics, that can derive sometimes in High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE). With the objective to analyze the cardiological effects of that hemodynamics changes, a satellite monitoring of phonocardiographic (PCG) signals and pulseoxymetric data of a mountain climber was made during the development of the climbing to the Broad Peak, of 8,047 meters, located in the mountain range of the Karakorum, in Pakistan. Using an electronic estethoscope, signals were registered and sent to the hospital medical staff in Murcia by means of satellite phone, to be compared with basal registers. Different techniques for analysis in frequency and time domains were developed, mainly to detect and measure the first and second heart sounds and to observe possible modifications in the phonocardiographic patterns related to the altitude and pulseoxymetric data.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain, under grant TIC2003- 09400-C04-02

    Studing audition in fossil hominins: a new approach to the evolution of language?

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    The evolution of human language is one of the oldest questions inpaleoanthropology. Nevertheless, many previous attempts to approachthis question have not yielded informative results since they are oftenbased on anatomical features whose role in speech production in modernhumans is unclear or whose functional implications in fossil specimensare difficult to assess. We take a new approach to this question bystudying the evolution of audition. Human hearing differs from that ofchimpanzees and other primate taxa in maintaining a widened bandwidthof heightened sensitivity between 1-8 kHz, a region that contains relevantacoustic information in spoken language. Comparative analysis ofprimate audiograms suggests that this represents a unique derived featurein modern humans. Knowledge of the auditory capacities in our fossilhuman ancestors could greatly enhance the understanding of when thishuman pattern emerged during the course of our evolutionary history.Here we present a comprehensive approach to this question, onlyrarely addressed in human evolutionary studies. We have analyzed theauditory capacities in five fossil human specimens from the MiddlePleistocene site of the Sima de los Huesos (SH) in the Sierra deAtapuerca of Spain. The results demonstrate that the Atapuerca (SH)hominins resemble modern humans in showing a widened bandwidth ofheightened sensitivity between 1-5 kHz, a frequency range whichoverlaps the range of frequencies emitted during spoken language. At thesame time, both modern humans and the Atapuerca (SH) hominins differfrom chimpanzees in showing a heightened sensitivity to the highconsonant area (approximately 3-5 kHz) of the so-called "speechbanana", a frequency range associated with consonant production inhuman spoken language.The presence of a modern human auditory pattern in the Atapuercahominins suggests that these Middle Pleistocene humans alreadypossessed the anatomical features of the outer and middle ear that supportthe perception of human spoken language. Given the intuitive, butdifficult to quantify, link between sound perception and vocal productionin animals, the study of auditory capacities may have implications for theemergence of language in our fossil human ancestors. Although the studyof audition is an indirect approach to the question of speech capacity infossil specimens, the results of the present study are consistent with otherrecent suggestions for the presence of some form of spoken language inthe genus Homo prior to the appearance of our own species, Homosapiens

    Epidemiological and Clinical Complexity of Amoxicillin-Clavulanate- Resistant Escherichia coli

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    Two hundred twelve patients with colonization/infection due to amoxicillin-clavulanate (AMC)-resistant Escherichia coli were studied. OXA-1- and inhibitor-resistant TEM (IRT)-producing strains were associated with urinary tract infections, while OXA-1 producers and chromosomal AmpC hyperproducers were associated with bacteremic infections. AMC resistance in E. coli is a complex phenomenon with heterogeneous clinical implications

    Human remains from Valdegoba Cave (Huérmeces, Burgos, Spain)

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    Systematic excavations, begun in 1987, at the Valdegoba cave site in northern Spain have yielded the remains of five individuals associated with a Middle Paleolithic stone tool technology and Pleistocene fauna. A fragmentary mandible of an adolescent (VB1), preserving nearly a full set of teeth, exhibits a symphyseal tubercle and slight incurvatio mandibulae anterior on the external symphysis. Both the superior and inferior transverse tori are present on the internal aspect. A second individual (VB2) is represented by a set of ten deciduous teeth consistent with an age at death of 6–9 months. A proximal manual phalanx (VB3) displays a relatively broad head, a characteristic which is found in both Neandertals, as well as European Middle Pleistocene hominids. VB4 is a fourth metatarsal that lacks the distal epiphysis, indicating it comes from an adolescent individual, and has a relatively high robusticity index. Finally, VB5 is a fifth metatarsal of an adult. The VB1 mandible shows a combination of archaic characteristics as well as more specific Neandertal morphological traits. The VB2 deciduous teeth are very small, and both the metrics and morphology seem more consistent with a modern human classification. The postcranial elements are undiagnostic, U-Th dating has provided an age of >350 ka for the base of the sequence and a date of <73·2 ± �5 ka for level 7, near the top. Faunal analysis and radiometric dates from other nearby Mousterian sites suggests that the Valdegoba site is correlative with oxygen isotope stages 3–6 on the Iberian peninsula, and an Upper Pleistocene age for the Valdegoba hominids seems most reasonable